girl line

Chapter 89 Victory!

Chapter 89 Victory!

"Why did you come? I thought you were too scared to come because of the public opinion on the forum?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng finally appearing in the examination room, Chen Shihan said with a sigh of relief.

"Has it started yet?" Asked the panting Liu Nianfeng who was running.

"There are still 3 minutes! Change your clothes quickly!" Chen Shihan urged.


"Okay! Dear students, the knockout round of the top 64 of our year's entrance examination has finally begun!" As the clock rang, Lexington stood up from the rostrum and said, "Today we will witness 56 games. The extremely exciting battle will also witness the birth of the top eight in this year's entrance examination."

"I don't know which new star will shine and enter our list of the top eight this time! But no matter what the result is, I hope that each of you students will give warm applause to the participants of this exam!"

Lexington finished his short speech, and all he said were clichés without any new ideas at all. Lexington has also made such speeches in the past.

But such clichés caused dissatisfaction among the starship girls around. They couldn't figure out why the academy's officials had always ignored Liu Nianfeng's cheating. They didn't even have a single word or explanation. Could it be that the academy's officials just covered it up like this? Fleeting Maple?

Although they were very dissatisfied in their hearts, no one dared to criticize the academy openly. After all, the authority of the academy was absolute and they could not provoke it.

However, these starship girls have already made up their minds, they must seriously appreciate Liu Nianfeng's battle, and see how Liu Nianfeng was beaten up by the admirals who really have the strength of the top 64.

Thinking of a handsome and cute boy being violently beaten by a girl, some girls with strange sexual fetishes began to get excited all over their bodies.

It's a pity that although all the starship girls wanted to watch Liu Nianfeng's battle, but when the central projection screen changed, it was Liu Zhuangtian's battle that appeared.

"Damn it..." Most of the starship girls have an urge to vomit blood in their hearts. Obviously, everyone wants to watch the battle of Liu Nianfeng, but what does it mean that Liu Zhuangtian's battle appears?
Some people wanted to jump up and accuse the college of deliberately covering up, but then they thought about it, when the college used to broadcast the grade-level joint exams, it would first broadcast the battles of the candidates who had won ten consecutive victories, unless it was in the second half and the seven consecutive victories Candidates are not eligible to show their faces at all.

Thinking of this, these starship girls can't find an excuse to complain.

Liu Zhuantian's fight wasn't exciting at all, it didn't mean that Liu Zhuantian fought badly, or that Liu Zhuantian fought really well.After the whole battle, the opponent didn't even destroy 0% of Liu Zhuantian's cabin, so he was directly killed by Liu Zhuantian.

The whole process was never sloppy, the battle took no more than 1 minute, before everyone could concentrate, Liu Zhuangtian had already won.

"Liu Zhuangtian's battle is over... It's time to play Liu Nianfeng's battle this time..." Many starship girls thought in their hearts, but the truth is cruel. Immediately after Liu Zhuangtian's battle is Feng The Battle of Hindenburg.

When the battle of von Hindenburg is over, the battle played in the third place is still not the battle of Fleeing Maple!

"It's been three games. The battle of Liu Nianfeng should be over!" Lexington, the behind-the-scenes manipulator who controls the broadcasting rights, asked the secretary beside him calmly.

"Report to the dean! The battle of Liu Nianfeng is over!" After being reprimanded repeatedly by Lexington, the secretary did not dare to talk about Liu Nianfeng, and when he had to talk about Liu Nianfeng, he kept a serious face Demeanor, never show superfluous expressions.

"Okay, he's gone, and I can finally broadcast it normally!" Lexington said with a long sigh. It seems that in Lexington's heart, this battle of Liu Nianfeng will definitely be defeated.

"The dean... I'm afraid your wish will not come true..." Hearing what Lexington said, the secretary immediately showed a embarrassed expression.

"What's wrong? Could it be that Fleeting Maple still won?" Lexington asked subconsciously.

"He... did win..." The secretary's words almost made Lexington bite his tongue.


"Here we come! The replay is about to start! I don't know which admiral's battles will be replayed! Anyway, it is impossible to see the battle of Liu Nianfeng!" According to experience, after each round of the knockout round of the top 64, there will be replays Battle of other admirals.

It's just because the gap time is not long, so there are not many battles that can be played back, often only one or two battles, so the majority of starship girls don't expect the academy to be able to play back the battle of Liu Nianfeng.

But in the next second, everyone was slapped in the face.

Who could one of the fighting parties appearing on the central projection screen be if it wasn't Liu Nian Feng!
"Wow! I blamed the academy by mistake, the academy is really great!" Seeing the replay of Liunianfeng's battle, the starship girls all praised, and those who were scolding the academy for protecting Liunianfeng also consciously closed their eyes. own mouth.

At the same time, these starship girls also quickly found out that Liu Nianfeng's opponent is a player who has won eight victories in the qualifiers. This is undoubtedly a formidable opponent for Liu Nianfeng, and he can definitely give Liu Nianfeng The original shape of the fight was revealed.

Because of the replay, the early-stage hunting and lurking battles were all fast-forwarded, and the original ten-minute early-stage battle was played in just ten seconds.

But even though it's fast forwarding, the audience can clearly see Liu Nianfeng's early battle.

Just like yesterday's qualifiers, the whole battle process of hunting for enemies and lurking battles is still picturesque, even if the opponent is a strong man with eight victories, Liu Nianfeng has unknowingly seized the favorable position by Liu Nianfeng, and then Launched a deadly sneak attack!

"Hmph! No matter how big the strategic advantage in the early stage is? The fighting instinct is so useless, it will be quickly blown away by the masters!" Some starship girls who thought that Liu Nianfeng was cheating loudly shouted.

But the next development of the plot was not at all what these starship girls could have expected.

I saw that Liunianfeng's star warship was walking in the garden under the opponent's fierce artillery fire. Most of the shells passed by the corners of Liunianfeng's battleship, and only a small part could hit Liunianfeng's warship.

On the contrary, Liu Nianfeng's battleship was able to hit the opponent extremely accurately. It seemed that Liu Nianfeng had guessed all the opponent's actions, and the shells landed on the opponent's dodge position in advance.

In the end, with 60% of Fleeting Maple's cabins still intact, he successfully used the psionic cannon to turn the opponent's battleship into a cloud of fireworks in the universe, and won the battle cleanly!
"Win?" The most ruthless starship girls who were clamoring just now looked at each other in disbelief, and asked each other with confused faces.

 Asking for a reward... Asking for a recommendation... Asking for Bai Yinmeng... All kinds of requests
(End of this chapter)

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