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Chapter 90 Fight!Deskmate!

Chapter 90 Fight!Deskmate!

"I won! I defeated an admiral with advanced fighting instinct?" Sitting in the lounge, Liu Nianfeng looked at his hands in disbelief and said.

In the battle just now, Liu Nianfeng seemed to be in a state of complete emptiness as when he was training with the brutal AI, completely letting his instincts control him to fight.

As a result, when the virtual system announced the end of the battle, Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that his battleship was still floating in the virtual universe, while the opponent had turned into a ball of fireworks.

"Could it be that the opponent, like me, is a lucky opponent who got into the top 64 by relying on medium combat instincts?" With such thoughts in mind, Liu Nianfeng began to check yesterday's battle records through his personal terminal.

It turned out that my opponent just now had defeated a star admiral named Ye Linjing yesterday, and this star admiral ended the four-game winning streak of Liu Nianfeng in yesterday's battle. The star admiral with advanced fighting instincts.

That is to say, his opponent is definitely an admiral of the stars who also possesses advanced fighting instincts, and he just defeated an admiral of the stars with advanced fighting instincts by 60% of the cabin, this discovery surprised Liu Nianfeng. Not on the mouth.

"Could it be that! The improvement I got in the state of understanding the original heart skills still exists in my fighting instinct after the end of the understanding of the original heart?" Soon Liu Nianfeng guessed it himself, and the problem came out. On the skill of "Understanding the Original Mind" last night.

Until the start of the game, Liu Nianfeng thought that he was able to defeat the brutal AI because he was in the skill state of "understanding the original heart".

And once he leaves this skill state, he will return to his original fighting instinct.Liu Nianfeng never imagined that the improvement obtained in the state of "understanding the original heart" could actually be preserved in his own fighting instinct, even if the skill state of "understanding the original heart" disappeared, the fighting instinct brought It still exists.

"If all this is true! Then wouldn't I be able to truly defeat the brutal AI when I return to the game!" Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng became extremely excited.He desperately wants to go back to the game for experimentation, but it's a pity that for this exam, Liu Nianfeng is destined to stay obediently in the exam room.

"Candidate Liu Nianfeng please prepare, you are about to enter the battle preparation room!" Liu Nianfeng heard the system prompt in his ear, and the next second the scene in front of him changed, and he entered the battle preparation room.

"It's you?" When Liu Nianfeng saw his opponent clearly, he involuntarily let out an exclamation.

"Liu Nianfeng!" Liu Nianfeng's opponent was no less amazed than Liu Nianfeng, because she never thought that Liu Nianfeng could appear in front of her.

"Why are you here? Did your last opponent let go again?" After being surprised, Liu Nianfeng's opponent asked openly.

"We've been at the same table for so long can you treat me like this?" Liu Nianfeng showed a helpless wry smile.

"Alright! Instead of letting you lose to someone else, let me, my deskmate, beat you!" Xu Yang's expression was very confident, but there was a bit of resentment in his confidence. But there is still some mercy.

"Hey...Xu Yang...why can't you trust me?" For Xu Yang, Liu Nianfeng felt somewhat guilty.Facing Xu Yang's words, Liu Nianfeng had nothing to say except sighing.

"Old rules, let's use the Xingchen light cruiser to compete!" Xu Yang suggested.

"Okay!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, this is the battleship that Xu Yang used to accompany him in training when his relationship with Xu Yang was good, and now it's finally time for the two of them to have a real battle!


"Here we come! The second round has begun!" In the auditorium, all the audience cheered happily. Everyone was looking forward to seeing the second round, that is, 32 into 16. fighting.

"I said this time it won't be Liu Zhuangtian's battle! To be honest, although her battle is very powerful, it's not very interesting to watch! I still want to watch Liu Nianfeng's battle!" Some starship girls There was a lot of discussion.

But this time, the school seemed to hear the students' aspirations. When the second round of battle images appeared on the central projection, the audience could clearly see the battle. The names of Liu Nianfeng and Xu Yang were written on both sides.

"Great!" The audience cheered in unison.

"Xu Yang, isn't this the Admiral's deskmate?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's opponent, Ning Hai and Ping Hai who were sitting in the stands exclaimed at the same time.

Ninghai and Pinghai were not the only ones who discovered this, Xi Yueer also discovered this immediately.

"Isn't this Xu Yang at the same table as Liu Nianfeng? The two of them actually got together when 32 entered 16, what a coincidence!" Xi Yueer exclaimed.

"Also, this Xu Yang and Liu Nianfeng formed a learning support team. Liu Nianfeng often had simulated battles with her in class, and the result of the battle was a total defeat! This Liu Nianfeng has never won a game!" Xi Xi Yue'er's voice was even more surprised.

"Yue'er, how do you know this news?" Alice asked inexplicably.Although this information is not considered confidential, it is rarely circulated within the class. How did Xieryue know this?
"I bought this from Christina, and it cost me a hundred star coins!" Xi Yue'er said with some heartache.

"Oh!" Alice didn't have any doubts when she heard that the information was bought from Christina.As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy almost any information from Christina.

"Tsk tsk! It seems that Liu Nianfeng will definitely lose this time!" After reading the description in the information, Xi Yue'er came to a rather pessimistic conclusion.

"Not necessarily!" Alice shook her head and said, "Liu Nian Feng seems to have changed completely, he is no longer the same Liu Nian Feng from yesterday, it is still unknown who will win this battle!"


"I found her...well...Although I have become more careful than before, there are still too many flaws!" Seven minutes after the start of the battle, Liu Nianfeng had successfully found Xu Yang's position, and then went straight Move closer to Xu Yang's position!

"What! The location of Liunianfeng appeared in the radar for the first time!" At the same time, Xu Yang also discovered the location of Liunianfeng through the quantum radar, which surprised Xu Yang.

You must know that in the previous training battles, Xu Yang has already fully experienced how talented Liu Nianfeng is in strategy. In the latent battle, he had never won against Liu Nianfeng by a single ounce.

So this time, Xu Yang was already prepared to be unable to actively discover Liu Nianfeng's whereabouts throughout the whole process, and then be prepared to be attacked by the opponent from a favorable position.

It's just that what Xu Yang expected was that Liu Nianfeng didn't enter the latent state after finding him this time, but directly approached him without any cover.

"Let's have an aboveboard artillery battle!" Within a few seconds, Xu Yang received a communication message from Liu Nianfeng.

"Is this guy crazy? Is he looking for death?" Seeing the news, Xu Yang murmured to himself in disbelief.

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(End of this chapter)

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