girl line

Chapter 91 Not a Happy Victory

Chapter 91 Not a Happy Victory
"Hey, it's strange! Why did this Fleeting Maple give up what he was best at? He started going head-to-head?" The starship girls who watched the battle in the auditorium let out bursts of exclamations at the same time.

They have become accustomed to Liu Nianfeng's tactics of relying on excellent enemy hunting and lurking to find the best position to launch a sneak attack on the enemy. It seems a bit incomprehensible!

"Hey! Is this Fleeting Maple brain-twitching? Why don't you use your own advantages?" Xi Yue'er, who had a crush on her, was talking, when a bad idea popped up, and she said meanly, "Minister, you Asking if this Liu Nianfeng likes his tablemate, I am too embarrassed to sneak up on him, so I engaged in such a head-on battle!"

"Don't think about it!" Alice gave Xi Yue'er a blank look, and then whispered to herself, "I'm afraid he just doesn't know how far his fighting instinct is now!"

The fact is just like what Alice said, the reason why Liu Nianfeng chose to launch a frontal attack on Xu Yang was not because Liu Nianfeng felt that he owed Xu Yang, so he didn't want to take advantage of Xu Yang, but because Liu Nianfeng wanted to find out who he was. What is the extent of the fighting instinct now?

Others may not be clear about Liu Nianfeng, but Xu Yang's fighting instinct is clear to Liu Nianfeng. This is definitely a powerful opponent with advanced fighting instincts. Then it proves that he does have advanced fighting instincts.

"You want to fight! I will fight!" After receiving the communication from Liu Nianfeng, Xu Yang immediately replied with a communication that did not show weakness. As the distance between the two sides continued to approach, they finally reached the range of engagement. This is how the shelling battle that started from the fighting instinct began.

This is a battle that does not require too much discussion, because the whole battle is very boring, but the two sides maintain a parallel distance of 10 kilometers, constantly releasing round after round of artillery fire, and the competition is the purest Hit and dodge.

"No desires, no desires!"

Liu Nianfeng completely emptied himself, his self-awareness was even in a state of mind-wandering, and he only relied on his fighting instinct to control the entire battleship.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng's state is like a detached bystander, he seems to be watching a very real vr movie, his body is the protagonist of this vr movie, and he is just a spectator.

He can see all his operations, he can give instructions to his fighting instinct, and he can execute it if he has a fighting instinct, but he can't control his body.

It was just a way of fighting that made Liu Nianfeng feel a little surprised and never happened before.

The gunfire from the battleships on both sides continued to fall around the battleships, and both battleships tried to hit their opponents more accurately while trying to avoid them.

At the beginning, the two sides seemed to be in a parallel state. Liu Nianfeng was destroyed by Xu Yang for three cabins, but soon Liu Nianfeng returned the past four, and the battle damage of the two sides increased each other in a spiral ladder, and soon The two sides each lost about 60% of the shipping space.

Moreover, this process proceeded extremely slowly. In the past, it took about seven or eight minutes to end the battle, but now nearly 8 minutes have passed, and the battle situation is still extremely anxious.

Just when all the audience thought that the two would fight to the end in such a stalemate, and finally won with a slight advantage of one side, the battle damage suddenly began to change.

Xu Yang, who was able to maintain a balance with Liu Nianfeng, began to become full of loopholes, and the actions of the battleship were often lagging behind, and her reaction always felt a bit slow. The artillery hit.

On the contrary, Liu Nianfeng still maintains the original state without any change, and can still make precise dodge and shelling as before.

"How could this happen?" Seeing the sudden change, the audience in the auditorium all exclaimed in unison, especially Xiyue'er who was beside Alice, whose shouts almost overwhelmed all the starship girls in this area. sounds together.

"Keep your voice down!" A shameful expression appeared on Alice's face, she pressed Xiyue'er's mouth, and quickly explained, "It seems that Xu Yang's spirit can't support the mode of ghost resonance!"

"What?" Xi Yue'er, whose mouth was covered, blinked her eyes, indicating that she didn't hear what Alice was saying.

"Don't think that it's very easy to fight head-on without any fancy fights. On the contrary, because there are no fancy fights and the competition is completely based on the fighting instincts of both sides, this kind of battle will deplete the spirit of the admirals on both sides even more. force."

"Obviously, Liu Nianfeng and this Xu Yang have pushed their fighting instincts to the extreme, fighting in the most perfect state. And maintaining such a perfect state requires a lot of mental energy for every second. This Xu Yang can persist for 20 minutes is already a great thing, and the average admiral can persist for about 15 minutes at most."

"Now this Xu Yang's spirit has obviously been exhausted to the extreme, and he can no longer maintain his perfect fighting instinct. But Liu Nianfeng is still able to maintain this instinct... There is nothing to look forward to, and the result of the battle has come out!"

"It's really strange...Liu Nianfeng is a man, and his spirit and will are not as good as our women's. His spirit should have been exhausted long ago!" Alice said to herself quietly at last.

The fact is just like what Alice said, under the ebb and flow, Xu Yang can no longer maintain the battle damage with Liu Nianfeng's spiral ladder, her warship began to be shot continuously, and finally the cockpit was directly hit by Liu Nianfeng, the whole A battleship completely lost its commander and was declared a failure by the system.

At this time, Xu Yang's battleship has 15% of the space left, and Fleeting Maple still has 38% of the slots. Even if Fleeing Maple doesn't hit the cockpit, Xu Yang will be killed by Fleeing Maple.

"I lost!" Back in the battle preparation room, Xu Yang could no longer support himself, lying on the ground weakly, still crying wantonly.

She really couldn't accept that she was defeated by Liu Nianfeng, and she lost to Liu Nianfeng in such a completely irrefutable way... Xu Yang couldn't even find a suitable excuse for herself.

Thinking of what he said to Liu Nianfeng at the beginning of the battle, thinking of his victories against Liu Nianfeng, and remembering that he completely gave up fighting Liu Nianfeng because he despised Liu Nianfeng's lack of progress, Xu Yang felt I am a complete idiot, a fool, and I will never show my face in front of Liu Nianfeng again.

"Xu Yang! Are you okay!" Liu Nianfeng saw how sad he was crying to his pretty good tablemate in the past, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but stepped forward to comfort him.

"Go away... I'm not crying... I'm just tired... We ladies don't cry!" Xu Yang hurriedly stood up from the ground, trying hard to wipe away the tears in his eyes.

But no matter how hard Xu Yang tried, the tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"Hey! She's a girl after all! Even after 5000 years into the era of female authority, the nature of crying is still unchangeable!" Seeing this scene, Liu Nianfeng sighed in his heart.

In the end, Liu Nianfeng still failed to comfort Xu Yang, and the other party quickly exited the virtual space, not knowing where he fled.

(End of this chapter)

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