girl line

Chapter 92 Harsh Skill Release Conditions [Thunder and Lightning Plus]

Chapter 92 Harsh Skill Release Conditions [Thunder and Lightning Plus]

[PS: The author has a complete set of thunder and lightning, and has completed the hegemony of the boats. It is so epic, so a new chapter is added, and the world celebrates. There will be two more chapters today! 】

The plot that happened on this day was something no one expected. The starship girls who were discussing on the forum came to the auditorium with the attitude and desire to watch Liu Nianfeng's joke.

But what I saw in the end was that Liu Nianfeng showed great power. Along the way, gods blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas. In the end, they won an amazing 64 consecutive victories in the top 3 and successfully entered the top eight.

Yes, after the battle with Xu Yang ended, the battle between Liu Nianfeng and the next admiral still ended in victory, and he successfully won the place of the quarterfinals, which severely hit those who are talking about on the forum. The faces of the starship girls in succession.

But after the exam was over, Liu Nianfeng didn't say a word, even ignored Chen Shihan's greeting, and rushed back to the dormitory, jumped into the game cabin, and started a battle with the brutal AI!

After a 3-minute battle, Liu Nianfeng returned to the lounge panting.

This time, Liu Nianfeng really won. He really defeated the brutal AI with his fighting instinct.

Afterwards, Liu Nianfeng fought more than ten battles with cruel AIs, and the results of these battles all ended in the victory of Liu Nianfeng, which made Liu Nianfeng completely believe that his fighting instincts had already surpassed a cruel AI. fighting instinct.

"It's terrible!" After proving this point, Liu Nianfeng quickly crawled out of the game cabin, turned on the computer, connected to the school library, and inquired about all the information about bond skills in detail. I have a thorough understanding of the skill "Understanding the Original Mind".

In fact, no one has been able to thoroughly study the skill effect of "Understanding the Original Heart" until now. All I know is that "Understanding the Original Heart" will make the star admiral and the starship girl enter a magical state of mind. His intuition is unexpectedly powerful, and he can even use his intuition to perform mathematical operations with hundreds of digits.

In history, there was a starship girl who was a part-time scientist. She conducted scientific research in a state of "understanding her original mind", and broke through more than a dozen questions that could not be answered for hundreds of years in the history of science. The greatest scientific breakthrough.

It's no wonder that Liu Nianfeng was able to directly upgrade to the combat instinct of destroying cruel AI with the blessing of the skill of "understanding the heart".

Therefore, some scientists speculate that when you "understand your original mind", the development level of your brain is instantly increased from 10% to 100%, which is why such a terrible effect can be achieved.

Of course, this is just speculation by scientists, and no one has been able to give an accurate answer so far.

The skill effect of "understanding the original mind" is so miraculous, if all scientists can use the skill of "understanding the original mind", it is estimated that human science and technology have surpassed the present by tens of thousands of years.

It's a pity that the comprehension conditions for the skill of "understanding the original mind" are very strict, and there are only 16 cases recorded so far. This is the only [-] cases in thousands of years, and the probability is terrifying.

If possible, Liu Nianfeng would like to use the skill of "Understanding the Original Mind" every night to train, so maybe it doesn't take a week for Liu Nianfeng to defeat Liu Zhuangtian head-on.

It's a pity that the skill casting of "Understanding the Original Heart" is not decided by the admiral himself, but by the admiral and his starship girl.It is said that both parties must be in the same mind, and when emotions burst out at the same time, there is a chance to passively activate the skill effect of "Understanding the Original Mind".

This sentence looks very simple, but in fact it is extremely difficult to practice.According to the information found by Liu Nianfeng, those cases in history who have comprehended the skill of "understanding the original heart".

The skill was only triggered seven or eight times in his life, and the least one was only used once when the skill was activated, and it has never been triggered again from now on.

In fact, Liu Nianfeng will continue to find Ning Hai and Ping Hai to stir up the relationship between the two parties in the future, and deliberately make Ping Hai and Ning Hai cry, and then lick their tears, trying to replicate the state of yesterday.

The results were of course useless, and Liu Nianfeng had to give up this stupid attempt later.

After figuring out the skill effect of "Understanding the Original Mind", Liu Nianfeng returned to the game.

It's just that this time, Fleeing Maple didn't challenge one cruel AI, but increased the number of cruel AIs to two, and started a new round of combat instinct training according to the training method described in "Elizabeth's Notes".

Liu Nianfeng felt that after he defeated a brutal AI, it would be much easier to deal with two cruel AIs at the same time.Even if you can't beat your opponent, you can still wear down about 50% of your HP.

Facts have proved that Liu Nianfeng was completely wrong. Sometimes 1+1 is not equal to 2. When two brutal AIs attacked at the same time, Liu Nianfeng found that his fighting instinct seemed to have returned to the initial stage, just like a baby. in a state of embarrassment.

When Fleeting Maple was finally blown away by the opponent, the combined HP of the two Cruel AIs didn't even lose 10%.

"Forget it! Take a good rest today..." The excited Liu Nianfeng never thought that he would face such a disastrous defeat. Coupled with the exhaustion and worries accumulated in the past few days, Liu Nianfeng only felt that he was in a trance .

More importantly, Liu Nianfeng felt that he was no longer with Alice, and completely lost the motivation to fight Liu Zhuangtian.

So Liu Nianfeng simply gave up continuing the training, lay down on the bed and fell asleep, and slept until the early morning of the next day, which was the last day of the grade entrance examination.


Early the next morning, Liu Nianfeng got up from the bed refreshed, took a beautiful bath, changed into clean clothes, and rushed to the auditorium holding Ning Hai and Ping Hai's little hands.

Liu Nianfeng directly entered the backstage of the examination room through the examinee channel, changed into the combat rhythm suit, and was about to enter the virtual warehouse to fight as usual, but was stopped by the teacher.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and follow me to the middle of the auditorium!" Under the command of the teacher, Liu Nianfeng, who was a little confused, was taken directly to the center of the auditorium, and there were already seven candidates in the center. Attention of Starship Girls!

What Liu Nianfeng didn't expect was that the station he was assigned was actually beside Liu Zhuangtian.

"Your performance yesterday impressed me!" Liu Zhuangtian said in a low voice, "But it is not enough to defeat me. I will definitely let you understand, I will let you understand how powerful I am to protect you !"

"As you wish..." Liu Nianfeng didn't show any expression on his face, but he felt a little relaxed in his heart.It is impossible for Alice to be hers anymore, as long as she plays at a sufficient level, Liu Nianfeng no longer has a strong desire to win!

(End of this chapter)

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