girl line

Chapter 93 Full

Chapter 93 Full
"Let us now introduce the contestants who entered the quarter-finals of this second-year entrance exam for Admiral Stars!" It turned out that before the final battle of the quarter-finals, there will be a special introduction session for candidates.

"First of all, we will introduce Chen Shihan, who was promoted to the second grade of Admiral of the Stars last quarter, and successfully entered the quarterfinals!" The host first introduced Chen Shihan.

Yes, like Liu Nianfeng, Chen Shihan also made it to the quarterfinals with his own strength, standing on the same platform as Liu Nianfeng.

"Student Chen Shihan has an A-level star admiral talent, and his personal limit growth value has reached 0.21025 bee, ranking as high as 67th. Of course, student Chen Shihan is still slightly insufficient in the theoretical knowledge test, but this is not a big problem. I believe that student Chen Shihan We will definitely be able to explode more strength in actual combat!"

"It's the last time to deliver the love letters. Students who haven't delivered all three of their love letters, don't miss this last opportunity! Hurry up and vote for your favorite star admiral!"

The host spoke enthusiastically to the starship girls who were watching on the stage, and while the host was introducing, the lenses of the central projector were all focused on Chen Shihan.

Using a close-up method, close-ups from Chen Shihan's face all the way to her chest, crotch, legs... Finally, it went around to the back, even Chen Shihan's buttocks and back were not spared.

All in all, all the parts of Chen Shihan's body wrapped in the combat rhythm suit were taken close-up by the camera.

When the host's voice fell, Chen Shihan's head popped out the love letters she had obtained so far.

After three days of growth, Chen Shihan has received more than 2000 love letters compared to the more than 4600 love letters when he took the bee value test.

And with the host's final encouragement, those starship girls who threw their love letters in their hands and didn't deliver them also generously voted their love letters to Chen Shihan. In the end, the total number of Chen Shihan's love letters reached more than 9700. Breaking ten thousand is only one step away.

Next is the introduction to the other admirals, and the host also helped them to win a wave of votes. Among the eight admirals, except for Liu Nianfeng and an admiral from the second class, the other six admirals are all Fleeting Feng's classmate in Class Six.

In the end, most of the admirals in the top eight received more than 6000 love letters, and von Hindenburg even got a total of 132607 love letters.

As for Liu Zhuangtian, she received less than 2000 love letters, the least number among the eight people present, but the quality must be the highest. She is not a starship girl who has absolute confidence in her own strength, and even voted her love letters to Liu Zhuangtian didn't even have the courage.

The last one to introduce is our classmate Liunianfeng. The host began to introduce the information of Liunianfeng according to the usual practice, but when the close-up shot of the camera was shot on Liunianfeng, it showed that Liunianfeng was outlined by the close-fitting combat rhythm suit. When the 12-pack abs came out, there were bursts of cheers, shouts, and whistles from both sides of the auditorium.

These voices completely suppressed the host's voice, so that Liu Nianfeng, who was standing next to the host, couldn't hear what the host was saying.

Especially when the close-up shot was aimed at Liu Nianfeng's crotch, which was tightly wrapped in the combat rhythm suit and swelled up, as if ready to fly high at any time, the mood in the auditorium was instantly heated Extremely, except for those lily-oriented girls, all the starship girls were conquered by this lustful picture.

Among these starship girls who shouted frantically, there were many starship girls who were crazily questioning Liu Nianfeng's cheating on the forum the night before yesterday, and planned to wait to see Liu Nianfeng's jokes the next day.

The last shot randomly circled behind Liu Nianfeng before ending the close-up, returning to the distant view, and the total number of love letters received on Liu Nianfeng's head was also displayed.

After three days of growth, the love letters received by Liu Nianfeng only increased from 136 to 327.

But I don't know if it was the effect of the close-up shot just now, in the last tens of seconds, all the starship girls stared at their blood-red eyes, and began to throw the love letter in their hands on Liu Nianfeng.

TNND, don't care about the dignity of women, if you can see the admiral's big guy every day, then even being led by a man is an extremely happy thing!

So, in the last tens of seconds, Liu Nianfeng's love letters increased directly from 327 to 4200... If most of the love letters hadn't been delivered, it is estimated that Liu Nianfeng could get more than five-digit love letters .

After all the top eight players have been introduced, it will be the last link before the start of the official competition. They will determine their positions and their opponents in the knockout round by drawing lots.

The eight contestants drew eight small balls with different numbers written on them from the drawing box in turn, and our Fleeting Maple reached out the penultimate one and drew out a small ball with the word 1 written on it.

According to the rules, the candidate who gets the No. 1 ball will play a knockout match with the candidate who gets the No. 2 ball.

So who is the candidate for the No. 2 ball?
Our classmate Chen Shihan raised his hand!

After this fun-filled warm-up introduction, the eight candidates finally entered their own virtual cabins and started the final day of competition at the same time.

However, unlike the previous qualifiers and the top 64, the quarterfinals are no longer played simultaneously, and part of the matches are broadcasted.

Instead, the entire quarter-finals will take place in succession. After one quarter-finals match ends, the next quarter-finals will start, and the projector in the center will also broadcast live all the matches of the quarter-finals.

Our classmate Liu Nianfeng was very lucky to be the opener of the quarter-finals, and his opponent was none other than his good friend Chen Shihan!

"Liu Nian Feng! Do you think this is fate? We were the first opponents in the last middle exam. Unexpectedly, when the quarterfinals start now, the two of us will meet again!" In the battle preparation room, seeing Fleeting Nian Feng appeared opposite her, Chen Shihan said with emotion and excitement, in Chen Shihan's view, this is a great fate!

"Yes!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and also said with great emotion, "It's a pity that von Hindenburg has drawn the No. 8 ball. Unless she can beat Liu Zhuangtian who has the No. 6 ball, it is impossible for us to fight with her." Fight!"

 There are many revisions in this chapter

(End of this chapter)

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