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Chapter 94 Unprecedented Combat State

Chapter 94 Unprecedented Combat State

"Sorry, the day before yesterday's recklessness caused you to be scolded so badly on the Internet!" Chen Shihan apologized to Liu Nianfeng with some shame.

"It's unnecessary! You are also kind to me, I should thank you!" Liu Nianfeng smiled and waved his hand, "And thanks to your help the day before yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't be qualified to stand here today !"

"It's your own ability to join the top eight! What does it have to do with me?" Chen Shihan scratched her head and said in a puzzled way.

"I'll tell you after the game!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Okay then! Since you have already stood in the top eight, then I will not be merciful anymore, this time I will definitely show my full strength!"

"Well! This is what I hope too!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and the battle between the two friends officially began.


Just like Liu Nianfeng's previous battles, Liu Nianfeng gained a huge advantage in the hunting and lurking battle at the beginning of the battle.Although Chen Shihan also tried very hard to find the trace of Liunianfeng, but Liunianfeng was as slippery as a monkey. When Chen Shihan's radar found Liunianfeng, Liunianfeng had rushed out from an unexpected angle of Chen Shihan. Completely took the upper hand of the whole situation.

"It's amazing! Who would have thought that this guy three months ago was still a novice!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng who came out, Chen Shihan sincerely praised.

Indeed, in the grade entrance examination three months ago, Chen Shihan witnessed Liu Nianfeng's crappy first battle... The performance of the enemy's battle was like a black tractor on the ice field, which made it obvious at a glance. in vain.

As for lurking warfare... Sorry, if Chen Shihan hadn't taught him at that time, Liu Nianfeng didn't even know what lurking warfare was.

And now three months later, Liu Nianfeng's enemy hunting and lurking battles have been so terrifying that Chen Shihan can't even touch the corners. This is really an extremely terrifying talent!

"Fortunately, his combat talent is really terrible! Although his training in the game has improved a lot, it's still not enough for me!" Chen Shihan thought with great confidence.

In the entire school, although there are not many people who know that Liu Nianfeng relies on game battles to train, there are still a few. Chen Shihan is the first non-Liu Nianfeng dormitory member who knows this.Liu Nianfeng didn't hide anything from his only friend. Within a few days after starting the training, Liu Nianfeng told Chen Shihan about it, and even such a precious thing as "Marshal Elizabeth's Notes" directly let Chen Shihan After reading it, I understand.

However, after Chen Shihan finished reading "Marshal Elizabeth's Notes", the training method described in this note is not of any interest, because this set of methods is designed for those star admirals with extremely poor combat talents. After the cruel AI level, it has the fighting instinct comparable to the top marshal, but an admiral with poor fighting talent may not be able to do this even if he trains for a lifetime.

From Chen Shihan's point of view, this note is just some imagination of Marshal Elizabeth in her later years. It may be helpful to those who have poor fighting talent, but for her, Chen Shihan's fighting talent can also be ranked among the top ten in the whole school. For geniuses, it is worthless.

But when Chen Shihan really started fighting with Liu Nianfeng, she suddenly felt that she might be wrong. The "Marshal Elizabeth's Notes" might really be a very powerful training method, otherwise, after being caught in the shelling battle, Liu Nianfeng's Why can the strength be almost the same as his own?

Just like the battle with Xu Yang yesterday, the shelling battle between Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan fell into a bitter battle, and the damage of the two sides began to increase in a spiral manner, biting very tightly.

But Chen Shihan's fighting instinct is better than Xu Yang's after all, while Xu Yang's actual fighting instinct is comparable to Liu Nianfeng.So as time goes by, when the battle lasts to No. 30 minutes, Chen Shihan has basically established her own victory. At this time, her battle loss is 60%, while Liu Nianfeng's battle loss has risen to . 70%.

Don't underestimate the gap of only 10%, which is a fatal enough gap.

At this moment, Liu Nianfeng, who was separated from the fighting instinct and watched the battle in a state of pure consciousness, also realized that the only way to continue like this is failure, and began to think about how to break the situation.

Since yesterday's battle, Liu Nianfeng found that once he entered the state of ghost resonance, he would fall into this strange state where the fighting instinct and self-awareness were completely separated... The fighting instinct independently controlled the battleship to carry out the entire battle, while the self-consciousness simultaneously You can also conduct strategic thinking independently, and then control your combat instincts to make strategic adjustments.

This is a magical state that has never appeared before. Although Liu Nianfeng paid attention to letting go of himself in the past, the fighting instinct and self-awareness are still integrated. They are completely separated like this, as if fighting from a third-party perspective. This happened for the first time ever.

In fact, not only did Liu Nianfeng never appear in such a fighting state before, even among the star admirals in the entire universe, none of them had ever appeared in such a fighting least according to the official records.

Because this happened after using the skill "Understanding the Original Heart", Liu Nianfeng can guess without any doubt that his strange fighting state is a side effect of the skill "Understanding the Original Heart".

Liu Nianfeng also deliberately searched for this situation when looking up the information later, but did not find such a strange case of fighting state before that, either the officials deliberately hid this part of the information, or Liu Nianfeng himself was The one who stands alone.

Although I don't know the truth of the facts, but Liu Nianfeng probably thinks that this is his unique fighting state...Because before this, no admiral who has comprehended the skill of "Understanding the Original Heart" would do it in the game. Such a high-intensity battle with a cruel AI, perhaps this is the reason why I was able to trigger such a strange separation of fighting instinct and self-awareness!
No matter what the reason for the formation of this fighting state is, but Liu Nianfeng can be sure of one thing, that is, this state is the most suitable fighting state for him.

Because in this state, Liu Nianfeng can completely put aside the matter of fighting, and use all his consciousness to think about strategic and tactical issues, which is undoubtedly the best for an admiral who is in a state of fierce fighting thing!
For example, now, Liu Nianfeng thought of a plan that could change the situation of the battle.

 Well, Liu Nianfeng's second biggest cheat has appeared, and in the future you will understand how powerful this cheat is.

  In addition, asking for recommendations, asking for rewards, asking for Baiyinmeng, all kinds of asking

(End of this chapter)

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