girl line

Chapter 95 God Watches

Chapter 95 God Watches
On the fierce battlefield, Chen Shihan suddenly discovered a strange thing, that is, Liu Nianfeng actually started to escape.

On the real battlefield, it is a matter of course and a very normal thing to flee if you can't fight.But on the virtual battlefield of this exam, whether it is good or not is an incredible thing.

Because unless the speed of your own warship is faster than that of the enemy warship, and you can escape the pursuit of the enemy warship through high speed, fleeing is just a slow death.The chasing enemy can completely entangle the fugitive from the rear, and turn the battle into a pursuit battle... and once in the pursuit battle, it means that the fleeing party will expose its back to the opponent's front .

The fugitive must run away with all his strength, but the pursuer can attack without restraint.

Although the pursuit battle can delay the time of death, it also completely gives up the possibility of victory, and what you get in the end is just a slow death.

In the real battlefield, there are reinforcements and wormholes. As long as the delay is long enough, a chance of life can be found, so it is very normal to flee in reality.But above this examination room, where can you get reinforcements and wormholes, fleeing is a dead end.

In the examination room, even if the candidates desperately wanted to perish together, they would not play any escape battles. This is an unreasonable thing.

So when Chen Shihan and the audience outside the venue saw that Liu Nianfeng actually started to flee, there was a lot of discussion in an instant. No one knew what Liu Nianfeng wanted to do, and they didn't know what Liu Nianfeng's intentions were.

"I understand! Boys are boys after all, it's human nature to run away if you can't beat them!" A starship girl suddenly realized that she immediately attracted people around her to echo her.

"Minister? What does this Fleeting Maple want to do?" In the stands, Xi Yue'er asked Alice beside her in great confusion.

"Could it be that...he wants to repeat yesterday's battle?" Alice seemed to see something, and said to herself cautiously, "But it doesn't make sense, the pursuit battle consumes more mental power!"

Looking back at the battlefield, although Chen Shihan couldn't figure out why Liu Nianfeng wanted to escape, this did not stop Chen Shihan from chasing excitedly.Like a Japanese devil who saw the flower girl, she excitedly chased after Liu Nianfeng, took out the psionic cannon on her body, and continuously fired her own shells, trying to leave some traces on Liu Nianfeng's body.

On the other hand, Liu Nianfeng, who was on the run, simply gave up using the psionic naval cannon on his back to fight back, and used all his fighting instincts to escape, trying to avoid Chen Shihan's shells as much as possible, although Chen Shihan's hit rate was greatly reduced. It has decreased, but there are still shells falling on Liu Nianfeng from time to time. Although the rate of increase in Liu Nianfeng's battle damage is much lower than that of the previous shelling battle, it is still rising... If this pursuit continues, Liu Nian will Feng has only one dead end.

To be honest, it was quite interesting to see Liu Nianfeng being chased by Chen Shihan at first.But as time went on, it became very boring, and by the time the 10 minutes had passed, the audience in the auditorium began to complain.

I feel that Liu Nianfeng is delaying time unnecessarily, like a father-in-law like a man, at least he has to show a bit of woman's courage, turn around and fight to the death with his opponent!

As the saying goes, "If you don't win in the fireworks, you will die in the fireworks."

It's a pity that Liu Nianfeng didn't have such awareness at all, and this boring battle is still going on.

The chase lasted for a full 40 minutes, and the entire battle took an unprecedented 70 minutes... Fortunately, the finals did not have the 50-minute limit during the preliminaries, otherwise the two guys would have been judged to be a draw at the same time.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng's battle damage had reached 90%, while Chen Shihan's battle damage was still at 60%. This made the drowsy audience on both sides of the auditorium reluctantly start to get a little excited, because they thought this damn The battle was finally coming to an end, but he didn't know that Liu Nianfeng finally had the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time.

Chen Shihan, who was chasing after him, fired another volley at Liu Nianfeng, and the shells landed around Liu Nianfeng's battleship as usual, but Liu Nianfeng found that one of the shells landed a full distance from his own battleship. 30 kilometers away.

This seems to be a very normal thing, even if the landing point differs by a hundred kilometers, it is also a normal thing, it is not a big deal, but Liu Nianfeng keenly found a signal on this cannonball: Chen Shihan's mental power is about to Exhausted!

You must know that before, Chen Shihan's shells landed farthest by about 5 kilometers, and the gap of 30 kilometers was unbelievable to Chen Shihan. It was even worse last time, and the spread of shells became unrestrained.

"I'm sorry Shihan! This is for victory!" Liu Nianfeng thought lightly, and then the fleeing warship suddenly drew a magical curve in the universe, turned its direction 180 degrees, and instead of fleeing, killed Chen Shihan. past.

"Counterattack! Counterattack! Liu Nianfeng is finally a bit bloody! If you want to die, you should die!" This action of Liu Nianfeng instantly detonated the entire boring venue, and the extremely boring audience finally became excited again. It's just that they didn't know that this was Liu Nianfeng's chance to win, but they thought it was Liu Nianfeng who gave up resistance and wanted to fight to the death for the final battle.

However, the ensuing battle situation was completely beyond the expectations of all the audience. Chen Shihan, who had shown vigor and vitality in the pursuit battle before, faced Liu Nianfeng, who came to him on his own initiative. Even his movements became extremely slow, like a blind and crippled man.

In the end, it only took 2 minutes. Liu Nianfeng, who had suffered 90% of the battle damage, turned Chen Shihan, who had suffered 60% of the battle damage, into a firework in the universe, and finally won the game. They all expressed their bewildered ending.


"Your spiritual strength...why..." Coming out of the battlefield and returning to the waiting room, Chen Shihan, who was a little exhausted, asked Liu Nianfeng unwillingly, but it was a pity that Chen Shihan even answered a question in full The spirit of completeness is gone.

"I said that my fighting state is special, and it hardly consumes mental power, do you believe it or not?" Liu Nianfeng put Chen Shihan's head on his lap, and said quietly.

"I gave this state a nice name, God's attention"

 There are a lot of new settings added in the recent chapters, I hope everyone will take a look patiently, there will be plots that everyone likes to see later

(End of this chapter)

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