girl line

Chapter 96

Chapter 96
[PS: Sorry, the beginning of this book was the author's impulse, and I started writing this book with a rough prototype in my head, so there must be many mistakes, omissions and deficiencies in the setting, which also led to The settings of Star Admiral and Starship Girl are not perfect.

This chapter may seem boring to you, but it is actually a detailed setting of the relationship between Admiral Star and Starship Girl. I hope you can take a closer look. After this chapter, the setting will not There have been drastic changes, all settings are based on the settings in this chapter, thank you readers for your support! 】

This is also a special situation that Liu Nianfeng discovered in the battle with Xu Yang yesterday. In that battle at that time, Xu Yang was also exhausted by Liu Nianfeng and finally failed. Also crucial.

The combination of Star Admiral and Starship Girl has two different combat states in actual combat.

One is that the admiral is only responsible for tactical and strategic command, and the actual battle is completed by the starship girls' own fighting instincts, and the battle does not enter the state of ghost resonance. This is called the "girl route", which means that the starship girls We say we control the battle route.

Under the "Girl Route", the work of the admirals is no different from those of the admirals in the earth era. They only need to be responsible for the direction of the entire strategy and tactics. The real battle is the starship girl herself, and the starship girl herself controls her own Battleships, rely on their own fighting instincts to fight.

To put it simply, it is a state of fighting on their own under the overall planning of the admiral.

If there is only the fighting state of "Girl's Route", then the role of the admiral doesn't really matter. You don't need any talents in psionic energy and psionic energy, and you don't need to train your fighting instinct as hard as Xiang Liunianfeng. Ordinary people with sufficient strategic and tactical awareness can be competent for such tasks, and the number of admirals will not be so tight that many starship girls will be helplessly assigned to the public fleet.

In fact, the so-called public fleet means that there is no admiral, and it can only fight under the command of the combat staff, relying on the state of "girl route", and cannot enter the second combat state, which is "ghost resonance"

As the name suggests, "ghost resonance" means that in the state of ghost resonance, the star admiral completely controls all battles, and this is the fundamental reason why the star admiral appears and is irreplaceable.

In the state of "ghost resonance", all starship girls belonging to the same star admiral can form an organic whole in terms of combat effectiveness.

Their psychic and psionic energy can be used as a bridge to build a complete circuit... In the operation of such a circuit, each starship girl is called a resonance node, and Each resonance node will allocate 10% of psionic energy and psionic energy into the entire circuit.

But the 10% psionic energy and phantom energy are not the psionic energy and phantom energy lost out of thin air, on the contrary, it is the psionic energy and phantom energy that can be supplied to each resonance node in the resonance circuit for simultaneous use.

To give a simple example, in a resonance circuit with ten starship girls, assuming each starship girl has 10 psionic and phantom points, then 10% of them, that is, 1 psionic and psionic points The energy will flow into the resonance circuit, and the starship girl herself only has 9 points of psionic energy and psionic energy left.

At this time, there are 10 points of psionic energy and psionic energy in the resonance circuit, and these 10 points of psionic energy and psionic energy will be added to each starship girl as a resonance node at the same time, so that each starship The girl can get 10 points of psionic and psionic energy from the resonance circuit, which is equivalent to 19 points of psionic and psionic energy for every starship girl.

The higher the strength of the psionic and psionic energy of the starship girls, the more powerful the psionic cannons, psionic cannons, and ghost torpedoes they fire. 10 points of psionic and psionic energy can cause 10 points of damage, then 19 points of psionic and psionic energy can cause 19 points of damage.

In this way, Starship Girl's strength is equivalent to about doubled.But in reality, an ordinary starship admiral who is in the prime of life usually has around 30 starship girls. The strength of such a starship admiral under the resonance circuit of the starship admiral is equivalent to tripled... Those talents are amazing The admiral can even have hundreds or even hundreds of starship girls. At that time, his strength has more than doubled by more than ten times.

The importance of a powerful star admiral can be imagined.

Having said that, it seems that a star admiral only needs a strong bee value increase to accommodate more starship girls, and the combat instinct and virtual battle exams become meaningless, and the exam only needs to test the peak value increase It is enough, there is absolutely no need to train the admiral's fighting instinct, the 1.6 bee value added value of Liu Nianfeng is an absolute genius who commands the world and can do anything.

But in fact this is not the case, because once they enter the state of ghostly resonance, the self-awareness and instincts of the starship girls will be deprived of control over themselves, and all warships are under the control of the star admiral, who Own fighting instinct to control the battle of all Starship Girls.

At this time, the admiral of the stars is like a competitive player in an ancient real-time strategy game. He must be in charge of dozens or hundreds of units. What is needed for the battle at this time is the admiral's own fighting instinct.

Because "ghost resonance" is the strongest fighting state of the admiral and the starship girls, but in the ghost resonance state, you can only rely on the fighting instinct of Admiral Xingchen alone, so it is no wonder that the academy will cultivate the fighting instinct of admiral Xingchen It is especially important to watch, after all, this means the final fate of dozens of hundreds of starship girls who have become resonance nodes!

The last point is the issue of mental strength mentioned at the beginning.

The state of "ghost resonance" is not a state that can be entered without limit. Every second of "ghost resonance" needs to consume a certain amount of mental power of the admiral, and every time a resonance node is added, the consumption of mental power will increase. .

So far, apart from discovering some magical special items that can increase the spiritual power of the admiral, human scientists have only found a way to increase the spiritual power by making a contract with a starship girl... Every contract with a starship girl , then the upper limit of the admiral's mental power can be increased by a part, so that the more starship girls, the shorter the "ghost resonance" state, and the lower the actual combat power.

It stands to reason that both Chen Shihan and Liu Nianfeng have two starship girls, and their mental power should be on the same level, and the one who is running away consumes more mental power than the one who is chasing. Chen Shihan can't figure it out anyway, why it is her own His spiritual power was exhausted first, and he was forced to withdraw from the state of ghost resonance, and then he was beaten into fireworks in the universe by Liu Nianfeng.

Hearing his friend's question, Liu Nianfeng didn't hide anything, and told Chen Shihan about his special fighting instinct and self-awareness. He also said that in this state, he consumes very little mental power and can maintain a more stable state. The long ghost resonance state dragged down his friend abruptly.

"You are such a monster...but your thighs are so comfortable...a man's thighs...really full of muscle strength..." After listening to Liu Nianfeng's explanation, Chen Shihan had become exhausted, and finally directly kissed Liu Nianfeng. She fell asleep on her lap... It's a pity that this was in the virtual lounge, and Chen Shihan was soon forcibly taken out of the virtual cabin by the staff, and returned to the infirmary to rest and recuperate.


In the next quarter-final match, the admiral of class two faced an old classmate from class six. As a result, the admiral of class two narrowly won and became Liu Nianfeng's opponent in the next quarter-final match.

Not surprisingly, von Hindenburg and Liu Zhuangtian defeated their respective opponents and entered the top four.

Liu Nianfeng continued to use the method of pursuit to defeat the admiral of the second squad. Although von Hindenburg tried his best to resist, the gap with Liu Zhuangtian was still too large, and finally he was defeated by Liu Zhuang within 30 minutes. God beat it.

But this is already the longest battle Liu Zhuangtian has spent, and von Hindenburg's strength can be imagined.

Ever since, a situation appeared that none of the starship girls expected before the start of the game.

The final of the sophomore entrance exam was actually between Liu Nianfeng and Liu Zhuangtian!
(End of this chapter)

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