girl line

Chapter 97 Intelligence Transaction

Chapter 97 Intelligence Transaction
Under the attention of all the starship girls, the final between Liu Nianfeng and Liu Zhuangtian finally started.

It's just different from the previous battles. In order to reflect the absolute fairness of the decisive battle, the decisive battle is not a battle that determines the outcome of one round, but a battle that lasts for three rounds.

To put it simply, it means two wins in three rounds. Whoever can win two rounds first will be the final winner of the second-grade joint exam.

In the battle preparation room, Liu Zhuangtian and Liu Nianfeng stood face to face again.

"Start to randomly determine the type of star warship...The type of star warship has been determined...Star heavy cruiser!" Because there will be three battles, this exam does not require candidates to determine the type of warship used by both parties, but three Types of battles all used at once.

"Too bad! It's actually a star heavy cruiser!" Seeing the random choices given by the system, Liu Nianfeng thought helplessly.Because the star heavy cruiser is a star battleship that Liu Nianfeng rarely uses, Liu Nianfeng is not even familiar with it.

"Candidates please prepare, the battle will start in ten seconds!" The system reminded again.

Seeing that the battle was about to start in ten seconds, Liu Zhuantian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly had his eyes lit up, and asked Liu Nianfeng, "Liu Nianfeng, do you still remember Xiao Tiantian?"

"British Sweet? Britney Spears?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback by Liu Zhuantian's question. What the hell kind of question is this?

"..." Seeing Liu Nianfeng's reaction, Liu Zhuantian didn't speak anymore, but the expression on his face instantly became extremely ugly.Liu Nianfeng couldn't help being startled, as if he had made an extremely wrong answer!

It's just who the hell is this fucking Britney?


Regardless of the meaning of Liu Zhuangtian's last words, the highly anticipated first round of the final has finally begun.

And the battle has entered an extremely fierce state from the very beginning...Liu Nianfeng, who had never met an opponent in a hunting battle, finally met an enemy who could fight him.

The two sides constantly shuttle and move quickly throughout the battlefield, and at the same time make all kinds of unimaginable curves, hoping to be the first to discover the traces of the opponent's warship.

In the end, the two people who worked so hard found each other at the same time... This also means that the subsequent latent battle becomes meaningless. With the abilities of Liu Zhuangtian and Liu Nianfeng, it is impossible for the other party to seize the advantage of the battlefield terrain.

Ever since, a face-to-face, head-to-head shelling battle began.

During the battle with Liu Zhuangtian, Liu Nianfeng once again experienced the shadow of his first battle with a brutal AI.

In the battle with Chen Shihan just now, Liu Nianfeng was able to dodge about 70% of the opponent's shells by virtue of his fighting instinct.

But in the face of Liu Zhuantian, the chance dropped to a pitiful 10%, which meant that nine out of ten shells would be swallowed by Liu Nianfeng abruptly, and there was no possibility of rejection at all.

And Liu Zhuantian's dodge of Liu Nianfeng's shells was as high as 100%... Liu Nianfeng unexpectedly didn't have a single shell that landed on Liu Zhuantian's battleship, and Liu Zhuantian dodged them all like walking in the courtyard.

In the end, Liu Zhuangtian bombarded Liu Nianfeng's battleship into a cloud of fireworks in the universe without suffering the slightest damage. It was so gorgeous and so sad.

"What! I thought this Fleeting Maple could create some kind of miracle, and that's what feelings are like. They didn't even destroy one of Liu Zhuangtian's cabins!"

"That's right! This Liunianfeng is really good, I think he still has such a chance!"

"Hey! It seems that it is inevitable that Liu Zhuantian dominates the second grade this time. I think even if Liu Zhuantian is promoted to the third grade, that Miyamoto Musashino is by no means Liu Zhuantian's opponent , she still wants to continue to dominate the third grade!"

The starship girls in the stands were extremely disappointed and commented that after seeing Liu Nianfeng being tortured and killed like this, they lost even 0.001% hope of Liu Nianfeng's victory... The result is obvious, the winner must be Liu Zhuangtian undoubtedly!
In fact, even Liu Zhuangtian's opponent Liu Nianfeng thought so. After returning to the waiting room, the disastrously defeated Liu Nianfeng didn't have any resentment or pain, because his failure had been expected, unless he used the star secret Otherwise, I would never be able to compete with this pervert Liu Zhuangtian!

But what if the star secret technique is used?Without Alice's love letter, it is impossible for Alice to become her own starship girl, all of this is meaningless, it is better to accept her failure happily, this is the behavior of a wise man!

According to the rules of the game, rest in the lounge for about 10 minutes, and then proceed to the next battle.

But what Liu Nianfeng didn't expect was that when he was resting halfway, there were bursts of alarm sounds from the virtual cabin.

"Alert! Alert! The Quantum Network of Reach Star has generated a large amount of quantum signal impact. The delay of the Quantum Network exceeds [-]. It is recommended to stop the game immediately, leave the virtual cabin, and start again after the network is stable!" Hearing such an alarm, Liu Nianfeng felt in his heart. I wondered for a while.

This quantum network is the most advanced network so far. Even if all human beings surf the Internet at the same time, it is impossible to cause a network delay of more than [-]. Why is there a delay suddenly and inexplicably?
"Liu Nianfeng, don't stay in the virtual cabin anymore, come out to me immediately!" A few seconds later, Lian Nianfeng's voice rang from Lexington.

With Lexington's order, Liu Nianfeng really didn't dare to stay in the virtual cabin any longer, and immediately got out of the virtual cabin. It turned out that there was a problem with the quantum network of the virtual cabin, and even the entire sky was black. Down, like the end of the world!
"Hmm! Could it be that the star beast came to attack the Zhiyuan star?" Liu Nianfeng remembered what he had read about the star beast in the book. The book said that the star beast was digging a wormhole through its own body. , there will be a phenomenon that the entire planet loses its light in an instant.

"You're thinking too much! This is the most heavily guarded area for human beings. If the star beasts could come here without making a sound, human beings would have perished long ago!" A somewhat familiar voice sounded in Liu Nianfeng's ear.

"This is just a side effect when the Stargate of Reach's Stargate maximizes its transition power. When that guy opens the door to welcome guests, let alone Reach, the entire galaxy is completely dark!"

"Christina?" When the other party was talking, Liu Nianfeng finally remembered the memory of this voice. It was actually the voice of Christina who sold the second-hand game cabin to herself. How could she appear in the backstage dedicated to the players?

"Since you have recognized my voice, then I won't waste time with you. I have a piece of information that you need very much in my hand, and you only need to pay a small price to get my piece of information." Information!" Christina said seductively like a succubus.

"I don't need any information! Please leave!" Liu Nianfeng refused decisively.

"Don't! If you reject my information, I promise you will regret it for the rest of your life... This is the information about Alice!"

"..." Hearing Alice's name, Liu Nianfeng hesitated for a moment, and could only change his words helplessly, "Then tell me first, what kind of price do you want me to pay!"

"It's very simple. There is a beautiful girl who wants to be your starship girl. If you reply to her love letter after the exam, this information will be yours!"

Now Fleeting Maple is at least No.2, with the qualification to reply three love letters, it is not unacceptable to use one qualification.

"Okay! I promise you! But if the information you give me is not of much use to me, I will reject this love letter!" Liu Nianfeng nodded. For so many days, Liu Nianfeng's love for Christina All kinds of rumors are also quite clear, knowing that Christina is a businessman who values ​​her reputation more than her life.

Once such a person swears with his own credibility, it is still relatively safe.

"Well, this is the information you want!" Christina put a piece of paper in Liu Nianfeng's hand and left. There was only one simple sentence written on the note.

"Alice delivered her love letter to you on day one!"

 I started going to Sanjiang today, so excited... Please recommend... Please reward... All kinds of requests
(End of this chapter)

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