girl line

Chapter 98 Stargate

Chapter 98 Stargate
[PS: All the sci-fi technologies in this chapter are the author's unscientific brains. Don't tell the author me any scientific truth. Even if you tell me, I will pretend that I don't see it. 】

Although faced with the threat of alien beasts from the stars, mankind did lose a large number of planets in the early days of the space age, but with the appearance of the starship girl, the pace of human expansion began to move forward without stopping.

For example, the Zhiyuan star where Liu Nianfeng is located at this time, 3000 years ago, the Zhiyuan star was a marginal planet more than 1000 light-years away from the earth, and it was the outermost boundary of the human cosmic empire.

But with the passage of 3000 years, the Zhiyuan star has changed from the border of mankind to one of the core areas of mankind.To give a vivid example, the Zhiyuan star 3000 years ago was like the Himalayas on the border of the motherland, but now the Himalayas have become the third ring of Yanjing City.

At this time, the real border of the human empire is already 1.2 light-years away from Reach Star. This is only a border area that can be completely controlled. Already more than 6 light-years, almost half of the Milky Way is included in it.

In such a huge cosmic empire, two super-large inhabited planets like Zhiyuan Star with a population of more than 10 billion are separated by tens or even hundreds of light-years. It may take hundreds of years to travel through conventional methods. The time is also unable to reach the planet closest to Reach.

Of course, it is impossible for human beings to move between every planet in this way. Thousands of years ago, human beings have mastered the method of traveling in hyperspace through wormholes, but wormholes are very unstable. The exit will constantly change. The exit of the wormhole was still in the magic city one second ago, and it may be in London in the next second.

What's more frightening is that the wormhole is very easy to collapse... Once the collapse occurs, the battleship sailing in the wormhole will be lost in the subspace forever, and can never come out again. This is simply more cruel than death torture.

Fortunately, with the continuous development of science and technology, humans now have the technology of wormhole transformation, which can stabilize the structure of wormholes through quantum equipment, and stabilize the entrance and exit of wormholes at a certain position in the universe through transformation , will not change easily, this is the stargate technology of human beings.

With the passage of time, Stargate technology has evolved from the initial role of only stabilizing wormholes to the point where it can expand or shrink or even close wormholes. It can be said that wormholes have become the safest travel channels for human beings. According to authority According to statistics, the chance of being killed in an accident in a wormhole is even lower than the chance of choking to death while eating.

Generally speaking, the channel of the wormhole is stable at a size that can accommodate two space carriers to move freely at the same time, and the size of such a channel is also the size with the smallest energy consumption and the most cost-effective size, and it is also enough for civilian and military warships under normal circumstances. .

But today, this stargate, which has been stable at a normal size, suddenly began to expand violently. In just 10 minutes, a drastic change occurred, as if it had changed from a tunnel the size of a ping-pong ball to a tunnel the size of a basketball. , can accommodate ten space carriers to pass through at the same time, which is also the maximum level that Stargate can maintain.

The drastic changes caused by the expansion of the Stargate also directly caused all quantum-related equipment on the Reach Star to be in an unstable state. At the same time, even the nearby light was absorbed by the wormhole, so that the world appeared in darkness. status.

Humans have to temporarily shut down their quantum devices to avoid great danger, which is why Liu Nianfeng was forcibly driven out of the virtual cabin.

As for why the Stargate started to expand, although Liu Nianfeng didn't know the exact news, he could guess nine out of ten that it was that the admirals guarding other planets were getting together to pass through the Stargate and rush to this place. Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy.

Although the admirals who graduated from the academy were assigned to various planets on the border to guard the borders of mankind, they seemed to have broken away from the academy, but these admirals were at the forefront of the battle, and various incidents occurred almost every month. In such a battle, it is inevitable that there will be a tragedy of the death of his starship girl.

Even if the starship girls are fine, the bee count of the admirals is also increasing, and more positions can be added to accommodate more starship girls... There is no doubt that you want to get excellent starship girls on the border It is a very difficult thing, so for these star admirals, there are generally two ways to increase their starship girls.

The fastest way is to go to the public fleet and select starship girls from those starship girls who don't have an admiral.

This seems to be the best way, because the starship girls in the public fleet have often experienced very cruel battles and have rich combat experience. As long as they join the tutelary palace, they can quickly adapt to the battle. It is the best source of soldiers for the admirals.

But in fact, the star admirals don't like to go to the public fleet to pick starship girls. There are many reasons, but there are only two main reasons.

One is because the starship girls in the public fleet are all starship girls with poor talent, otherwise they would not be assigned to the public fleet. Even though such starship girls have enough combat experience, the upper limit of their growth lies in the There, it is not a good choice for the star admiral who pursues the strongest strength.

The second is because the starship girls who joined the public fleet will become more eccentric in character, and because of the cruel death rate of the public fleet, most starship girls will have a strong specificity in daily guilds, and Such starship girls who joined the tutelary mansion halfway were often unable to truly communicate with their admirals, they were more like mercenaries who needed to be paid by the admiral, and would not give their sincerity to the admiral.

In actual battles, there have been countless cases where the entire girl route collapsed due to reckless breakthroughs by starship girls from the public fleet, or fear of fleeing, so that the entire tutelary fortress followed suit.

So unless it is absolutely necessary, Star Admirals seldom go to the public fleet to select starship girls. They prefer to go directly to Starfleet Academy to select those who are still on campus. Starship girls who can communicate with the admiral in life.

Such a starship girl may have a lot of trouble when she first joins the tutelary mansion, but as long as the admiral carefully teaches her, she can easily become the backbone of the tutelary mansion. Living a lily life together has also become a matter of course.

Just like the admirals in the academy had to wait until the grade entrance examination to be able to select starship girls, those foreign admirals could only get such a precious opportunity during the grade entrance examination.

However, the foreign admirals are not like the admirals of the academy. They have the opportunity to choose in the first two midterm exams and final exams. The foreign admirals only have the opportunity to choose starship girls in the two final exams each year.

The twice-a-year limit is undoubtedly very precious and difficult for the star admiral, so whenever the final exam is halfway through... when the star admiral's exam is over, and the starship girl's exam has not yet started, These foreign admirals will swarm with their own fleets, crowding the starports of various planets.

There is no doubt that these stargate expansions are to facilitate the influx of these admirals into the Starship Girls Academy.

 Thanks to the readers: Abandon V Emperor, eV/c?, I would rather be an idler, Mu Qinghe, Hei Luo Bai Yin Hui Yun, Hao Wa, Yu Xin is kind, laisaiyai, group ridicule AA, Yan Ye is God, Dugu Yueyin, Ming Xiaoming, the cold glow hidden in the dark, Xingyue Lingmeng, the tip of the shadowless needle
(End of this chapter)

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