girl line

Chapter 990 Outbreak

Chapter 990 Outbreak
"Silly boy!" Seeing Leng Dongguan who suddenly jumped out to say all this, and then looked at Leng Qiuzhi with a horrified expression, as if someone had stripped her clothes off, but was still trying to calm down, Liu Nianfeng touched helplessly. He touched his son's head and said.

This official Leng Dong jumped out suddenly, which disrupted Liu Nianfeng's original plan.

But if it is chaotic, it will be chaotic, anyway, Liu Nianfeng's heart can be said to be icy cold at this time.

"Except for Alice and Leng Qiuzhi, everyone get out!" Liu Nianfeng first drove away all the others in the cockpit, then touched Officer Leng Dong's head and asked, "Son, what are you talking about, Dad, listen!" I don't understand very well!"

"It's nothing, the child is having a dream or a nightmare, and what he's talking about is sleep, I'll just coax it!" Leng Qiuzhi said quickly, and was about to go forward to take Leng Dongguan away.

"Hey! Let the child finish the sentence!" Liu Nianfeng blocked Leng Qiuzhi with one hand, then pressed Leng Dongguan's shoulder and said, "Huanger, please speak carefully, but I remind you, no matter how you Say, you must think clearly, think clearly about the pros and cons, good and evil, your own position, and the future of mankind, do you understand?"

"Father, the emperor has been thinking about it all night, and the emperor has figured it out!" Officer Leng Dong raised his head, looked at his father, and finally said, "Father, this time is a trap. A trap set by Qiumin to tempt his mother. There is no royal treasure in it at all. Inside is the headquarters of the Jiugan Clan. The Jiugan Clan is already waiting for you, father. As soon as you enter the treasure house, you will be killed immediately. More bad luck than good luck!"

As soon as Officer Leng Dong opened his mouth, he completely sold his mother.

"Huanger, you must have had a nightmare. You told all the words in your dreams. Be good, Huanger. Go back with your mother. Mom loves you!" Leng Qiuzhi was in a complete mess. take away.

But Liu Nianfeng's hands were so powerful that Leng Qiuzhi was too cold to move.

"Mom, it's not the child who is really having nightmares, it's you!" Officer Leng Dong looked at his mother, and two lines of hot tears could not help but flow from his eyes, "Mother, don't make the same mistakes again and again. , Uncle Huang's wolf ambition, such a simple plan to kill with a knife, even a child can see it clearly, mother, why can't you understand?"

"Shut up!" Leng Qiuzhi shouted.

"No! The child just wants to say it!" Leng Dong official yelled, "There is no two days in the sky, and there is no two masters in the country. Since ancient times, there can only be one emperor in this world. The mother of the emperor wants it, and the emperor's uncle wants it too. How can he do that?" Maybe hand over the throne to the child?"

"Mother, Uncle Huang and you are brothers and sisters, but we have only met each other a few times. To you, your husband is to Huang Er, the emperor's father. He is the best relationship between our mother and son." Being close is also the most trustworthy family member you can rely on for a lifetime, no one in the world can surpass your father, why don't you trust your father, instead you trust that uncle who hasn't seen each other for 20 years!" Leng Dong The official said in tears.

"Shut up!" Leng Qiuzhi's expression became extremely terrifying.

"No, mother, if you don't make it clear today, the child will never shut up!" Official Leng Dong shook his head vigorously.

"You idiot!" Leng Qiuzhi was pushed into a hurry by Leng Dongguan, a brain collapse hit Leng Dongguan on the forehead, and then pushed hard on Liu Nianfeng's body, leaving Liu Nianfeng's body, pointing Followed Liu Nianfeng and said loudly, "You said this man is your father, yes, he is indeed your father, but he is not my husband!"

"Mom, what are you talking about!" Officer Leng Dong said urgently with his eyes wide open.

"Did I say something wrong? Did I hold an aboveboard wedding with this man, full of guests and friends, to announce to the world, and to record the genealogy?"

"No, none of these, he doesn't even want to fight me for a marriage certificate, he is still a standard single man legally, he is not anyone's husband, that's just a man who can be a wife as much as possible Husband!" Leng Qiuzhi scolded angrily.

"Mother, don't say any more!" Official Leng Dong said hastily.

"No, I just want to say it. I've wanted to say these words for a long time. I've been holding them in my heart for more than ten years. I can't take it anymore!" Leng Qiuzhi's emotions began to go crazy, "I'm a big boss!" The 64th emperor of the dynasty, I am the lord of the universe, I am the most noble woman in the world, it stands to reason that all the men in the world should be my harem!"

"But now it's a good thing, but I have become a man's harem. I don't see the man I love once a week, and I rarely have intercourse once a month. His body is wandering among dozens of women at the same time. Husband, is it my husband?"

"No, he is my disgrace. If he lives in this world for a day, it is the greatest humiliation to me. I will never recognize him as my husband. If he is capable, he will show me a marriage certificate! "Leng Qiuzhi's words instantly made the atmosphere in the cockpit anxious.

Official Leng Dong's face was full of bewilderment, but Alice, a woman who can be said to be in the same situation as Leng Qiuzhi, had a rather indifferent expression, as if her words did not arouse Alice's sympathy.

"So these are the thoughts and resentments in your heart!" Liu Nianfeng nodded. In fact, Leng Qiuzhi would have such thoughts. It is not surprising that Liu Nianfeng has such thoughts. In fact, this is a normal thought, even in the era of male authority. In ancient China, there were many famous jealous women who couldn't accept the fact that their men had other women, and many famous stories were made.

In fact, Liu Nianfeng also knows that this matter is done by himself as a jerk, he is indeed a scumbag through and through, if he and Leng Qiuzhi get along with each other, then Liu Nianfeng may also not be able to accept that his woman is a bus fact.

But Liu Nianfeng is a man.

hehe, man...

"Then you can reject me, or you can leave me!" Liu Nianfeng sighed and said, "Leng Qiuzhi, I remember that there was no love at all when we were married, you just simply needed me to help you get pregnant That's all, the two of us don't have any emotional foundation, and it's just a chance meeting between us two!"

"I also told you directly that you can go directly to the man you love, and I will never hold back or be jealous!"

"Liu Nianfeng! You bastard, you are still saying such bastard words to me now!" Unexpectedly, Liu Nianfeng said this, and Leng Qiuzhi became even more furious, "You treat me as Leng Qiuzhi, just like you. Do you mind, flirtatious slut?"

"..." Liu Nianfeng stopped talking for a moment. When Leng Qiuzhi said this, it seemed that all the mistakes were on Liu Nianfeng himself. Leng Qiuzhi was an innocent person who had been persecuted. Liu Nianfeng didn't even know what to do. How to answer Leng Qiuzhi's question.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for talking too much, do you really not want to find another man? You are afraid that if you find another man, it will affect the throne under Dong Guan's body!" Just when Liu Nianfeng was refuted a little While speaking, Alice, who had been watching coldly, spoke.

"Aunt Alice! What do you mean!" Officer Leng Dong was completely at a loss.

"Your Majesty, we are all women, and we are all mothers. I actually know your thoughts very well. As mothers, aren't we all for our own children in the end? No matter how close a husband is, it's not as good as our children." ah!"

"The reason why you have been guarding and not betraying the admiral is because you know Liu Nianfeng's temperament and know that he is a machismo in his bones. If you find another man and go after your true love, then Liu Nian Maybe Feng won't stop you, but Dong Guan will definitely fall out of favor."

"Similarly, you are also very clear that the foundation of the throne between you and Dong Guan is actually built entirely on the shoulders of the admiral. Without the support of the admiral, you have already become the pawns of those ambitious guys. The best result is nothing but It's like being a puppet like Leng Qiumin, if it's worse, I'm afraid his head has been used to sacrifice the flag!"

"Because Dong Guan is the admiral's son, the admiral is willing to assist Dong Guan at all costs. But the admiral will not allow the son of a woman who betrayed him to sit in that supreme position!" Alice said calmly. Said.

"Alice, you spitting blood!" Leng Qiuzhi said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense here, you think I don't know, are you doing this to pave the way for your son? Your son wants to dominate Jiangzhou and the empire , you want to kill Winter Official so that everything can be handed over to your son!"

"Enough, don't discuss this issue anymore!" Liu Nianfeng felt a little crooked, seeing Leng Dongguan who was dumbfounded after hearing these words, Liu Nianfeng felt dizzy for a while.

"No, I just want to say it!" Leng Qiuzhi said, "Liu Nian Feng, all mistakes are your fault, Dong Guan is your own flesh and blood, and he is also the direct blood of my Dagan Dynasty. The power of the universe makes the Daqian Dynasty the only empire and overlord in the universe!"

"But you are crazy. You actually want to leave the Jiangzhou star area to the son of this bitch. You want to divide my empire into two. Are you worthy of Dongguan? You are worthy of those who are trying to unify the empire. And the ancestors who threw their heads and blooded them?"

"And Dong Guan, why am I willing to part with such a stupid son like you, mother, this is all for your own good, for you to become the real master of this world, and for you to be able to concentrate all the power in the universe in your own hands God, mother wants you to be the only supreme emperor in this universe, why don't you understand?"

"Why don't you understand!!!"

"Why don't you understand!!" Leng Qiuzhi crazily grabbed Leng Dongguan, looked at her precious son's body, and cursed like crazy.

"That's enough, don't hurt Dong Guan." Liu Nianfeng pushed Leng Qiuzhi away, and then locked a psychic lock on Leng Qiuzhi's hand. Leng Qiuzhi was instantly caught by the lock and could not move. Can sit on the chair honestly, can't even say a word, can only stare at Liu Nianfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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