girl line

Chapter 991 End

Chapter 991 End
"Dongguan, are you okay!" Liu Nianfeng asked with concern while touching Leng Dongguan's small head with some distress.

"My boy is fine, I didn't expect my mother to be so bitter in my heart, my boy feels that I have let my mother down!" said Leng Dongguan with a face of shame.

"Then do you regret it?" Liu Nianfeng looked at Leng Dongguan, "If you don't say anything today, then your mother's plan will succeed, and I will be buried in the treasure house, and you will be able to become the real emperor of the world." , all the power will eventually be concentrated in your hands alone, and your brothers and sisters will no longer be your opponents, don't you want such a happy ending?"

"Father, stop tempting your child with such words. When your child decides to speak out, he has already figured it out!"

"Father, regardless of the relationship between you and my father and son, no matter whether it is a dynasty of great power or a dynasty of fleeting years, all dynasties are temporary and will blow away with the rain and wind of the years. Only the continuation of human beings, That's the most important thing, as long as my humanity can continue, then everything is worthless!"

"Father, you are the only hope for mankind now. Only when you live can mankind reunify the lost land, and only if you live can you completely suppress the unruly hearts of the Jiugan clan. You are the Marshal Xiaoyao 3000 years ago, the savior of mankind!"

"And more importantly, you are my father, Dongguan's biological father. No one can change this. How could the child watch your father go to die!" Leng Dongguan cried.

"Then you are not afraid that if you say this, your mother will be gone?" Liu Nianfeng looked at Leng Dongguan, and then at Leng Qiuzhi who was still baring his teeth and claws.

"No, father, you will never kill mother!" Officer Leng Dong lowered his head and said.

"This woman wants to kill me, she wants to kill all the starship girls under my command, you actually think I won't kill her!" Liu Nianfeng laughed angrily.

"Yes, father, you will not kill your mother. My son never doubts this!" Official Leng Dong said firmly, "In fact, my son knows that father is a gentle person in his bones, and you actually love your mother. He will never kill his own woman."

"But the child also knows that this is also the mother's big mistake, but please look at the child's face, see the fact that the mother has not really made a big mistake, spare the mother's life, and give the mother a quiet life. Let's chat for the rest of your life!" Official Leng Dong knelt down in front of Liu Nian Feng and said.

"Let's talk about this later..." Liu Nianfeng didn't directly return to Leng Dong's question, or he didn't know how to deal with Leng Qiuzhi, so he could only turn his eyes to the silent space in front of him, "Winter Officer, get ready, take your mother's key, and come with me to find the entrance to that treasure house!"

"What!" Officer Leng Dong was stunned, "Father, don't you already know that the treasure house is a trap? There are no treasures in it except for the Nine Senses who are staring at you. Why are you looking for that treasure house?" Entrance!"

"Hmph, I have cooperated with your mother to perform the trick to this point, so I can't leave if I turn around!" Liu Nianfeng sneered, and at this time the communication in the cockpit suddenly sounded prompt after burst.

"Report to the Governor, the largest fleet in the Yangzhou Star Region has arrived at the battle location!"

"Report to the Governor, the second largest fleet in the Yangzhou Star Region has arrived at the battle location!"

"Report to the governor, the second largest fleet in the Jiangzhou star area has arrived at the battle location!"


Communication reports like this sounded more than a dozen times, which also means that at least a dozen large fleets have all come to the vicinity of Reach Star. Judging from the scale of a large fleet with 54 warships, this time it was fully mobilized More than 600 million star warships all came near Zhiyuan star.

This is equivalent to one-third of the fleet under Liu Nianfeng's command, and these large fleets are all the most elite fleets of the empire, and the other 2/3 are basically second- and third-line combat forces such as garrison fleets. In terms of combat power, this is equivalent to 2/3 of the entire empire's combat power.

It can be said that Fleeting Maple brought the entire empire to the vicinity of Zhiyuan Star.

Seeing this scene, Leng Dongguan and Leng Qiuzhi were all stunned. As the emperor and overlord of the empire, it is impossible for Leng Qiuzhi and Leng Dongguan not to know about such a large-scale mobilization of troops.

But in fact, they didn't know anything about it. Until this moment, the specific coordinates of these large fleets appeared in the communication and radar. Only then did Leng Dongguan and Leng Qiuzhi know that these main forces had been following Liu Nianfeng and others. Came to the far star.

"Woooooo!" Suddenly, Leng Qiuzhi, who was trapped on the chair, began to shake crazily like a caterpillar, and at the same time kept making whining sounds.

"Just say what you want!" Liu Nianfeng snapped his fingers, and Leng Qiuzhi's mouth was freed.

"Liu Nianfeng, so you've known about this all along, you've been teasing me from the beginning to the end!" Leng Qiuzhi immediately roared in a female high-pitched voice, almost tearing Liu Nianfeng's eardrums away. Shattered.

It wasn't until this time that Leng Qiuzhi realized that he was a fool from beginning to end. Liu Nianfeng knew his plan a long time ago, and he watched his performance like a clown.

"That's right, your brother thought I wasn't interested in him, so he definitely wasn't interested in watching him 20 times. Unfortunately, I still liked him. I accidentally watched him a few more times. It's really hard for him to come up with such a If I hadn't been lucky, I'm afraid I would have been completely kept in the dark by you!

"This idiot..." After Leng Qiuzhi screamed, she completely withered, lying motionless on the chair, even if Liu Nianfeng didn't seal her mouth, she was unwilling to speak again.

"Father, so you have always..." Leng Dongguan also looked at this father in disbelief.

"Yes, I know from the beginning to the end, and I know a lot more than you think. But child, according to my information, you should have been kept in the dark from the beginning to the end. Your mother is afraid that you will Leaked the secret to me, so although she did everything for you, she didn't reveal a word to you, how did you know this secret?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"It was my mother who told me!" Officer Leng Dong said with his head down.

"Nonsense! I never told you!" Leng Qiuzhi struggled and said.

"No, mother, you really told the child yourself!" Leng Dongguan sighed, "Mother, you just reminded the child not to talk in sleep, not to have nightmares. But don't you know it in your heart, when you sleep, everything is in your heart Nightmares? Are you immersed in nightmares when you sleep?"

"I..." Leng Qiuzhi was stunned.

"Mom, in the past few months, you haven't held your baby to sleep like you used to. You also said that the baby has grown up and can no longer be held by your mother. But you are probably just because you know that you have nightmares." I have the habit of talking in my sleep, so I dare not sleep with my baby, for fear of telling these things in my dream!"

"But yesterday you were probably too nervous and too scared, or maybe you didn't think that the last day would happen to tell you the dream talk, so you fell asleep with the child again, but in the end you told everything, and let the child know everything. Hear it clearly!"

"I..." Hearing this, Leng Qiuzhi couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh deeply. She never thought that she had calculated thousands of times, but she still couldn't count against the sky!

"No, God saved me!" Leng Qiuzhi was overjoyed suddenly, "Liu Nian Feng actually knew the truth a long time ago, he has been playing himself all the time. If the operation continues normally, not only will he be finished , Dong Guan will definitely fall out of favor, and the throne will not be kept at that time!"

Now Officer Leng Dong told Liu Nian Feng secretly in advance, not only that Officer Leng Dong would not have to worry about the throne issue, but even Li Nian Feng would love this child even more, and Officer Dong was a blessing in disguise!
"Good! Good! That's great!" Leng Qiuzhi laughed in her heart, shouting good words frantically, but she never dared to show a smile on her face, fearing that Liu Nianfeng would notice her emotions because of this.

Hey, the so-called mother is such a great one.

"Father, since you already knew all this, but you still cooperated with your mother to come here, and at the same time mobilized all the main forces of the twelve large fleets. I'm afraid your plan is not that simple. Do you want to..." Officer Leng Dong Thinking of something, he couldn't help exclaiming.

"Yes, this is the most important battle for us humans. If we win this battle, then we humans will be able to wipe out the Nine Senses, the bastards who hide behind us humans and manipulate us humans like puppets. From then on, human beings will lose all restraints and truly become the masters of their own destiny!"

"This is here, the headquarters of the Nine Senses Clan. As long as this headquarters is eliminated and the 3.5-dimensional space inside is cleared, the Nine Senses Clan will basically be exterminated. Nothing to worry about, isn't this the greatest opportunity for our humanity!"

"So I would also like to thank your mother. If it weren't for your mother, we humans would never have such a wonderful opportunity!" Liu Nianfeng laughed.

"But father, will this be too dangerous? If this is really the headquarters of the Jiugan Clan, it must be full of institutions and filled with all kinds of technology far superior to human beings. If we lose the battle, wouldn't human beings... ..."

"No need to say any more, I have a feeling that if we don't fight today, we humans will forever lose the chance to destroy this mastermind behind the scenes!" Liu Nianfeng said firmly, and then directly opened the vacuum door of the battleship, and Wukong The number was released.

"Good boy, would you like to follow the father and wipe out this last mastermind for mankind together!" Liu Nianfeng stretched out a hand to Officer Leng Dong.

"My son is willing!" Leng Dongguan firmly held his father's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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