girl line

Chapter 992 Two million star beasts

Chapter 992 Two million star beasts

"Father, I feel it, that door is here!" After Wukong flew in space for more than three hours, Leng Dongguan, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly said to Liu Nianfeng.

The reason why Liu Nianfeng had to keep Officer Leng Dong by his side was naturally not because of Officer Leng Dong's high combat effectiveness, but because the door to the treasure house could only be opened by those with royal blood.

Well, the so-called acting has to be a complete set, Liu Nianfeng believes that only the blood of the Leng family can find this door.Liu Nianfeng originally planned to ask Leng Qiuzhi to open the door himself, but it was a pity that Officer Leng Dong jumped out suddenly and disrupted the whole plan.In desperation, Liu Nianfeng could only hand over the key to Leng Dongguan. Anyway, as Leng Qiuzhi's direct bloodline, Leng Dongguan also has the ability to open the door of the treasure house.

Sure enough, after three hours of hard work by Officer Leng Dong, he finally found the location of the door, and at the same time threw the key in his hand into the vast universe.

In the next second, the key glowed with light, and a light gate the size of three or four earths suddenly bloomed from the void. Through this light gate, Liu Nianfeng seemed to be able to see the light of countless gold and silver treasures.

"Father, the door has been opened. Is it really the old lair of the Jiugan clan?" Seeing that the door has been opened, Officer Leng Dong asked hesitantly, "My child thinks about it carefully, but I think it's a bit strange. It is impossible for the Gan clan to use their own lair as a trap, it should be just a cage, it cannot be the lair of the Jiugan clan!"

"No! This is the nest of the Jiugan Clan!" Liu Nianfeng patted his son on the head, "Because these Jiugan Clans know that apart from gathering the strength of their entire clan, there is no existence in the whole universe that can stop and kill them." Your father is dead!"

Liu Nianfeng said this with confidence, but Leng Dong was dumbfounded.Leng Dongguan admits that his father is indeed very strong, but he is not so strong as the number one in the universe. His father seems to be less than 50 years old!

"Stupid child, think about it, why would the Jiugan Clan abandon the entire universe and curl up in the narrow 3.5-dimensional space and dare not move?" Liu Nianfeng asked with a smile.

"Of course it's because of the star beast! The Nine Senses were afraid that they would be destroyed by the star beast like all previous civilizations, so they hid all their aura and threw this pot to We human beings are just afraid of being found by star beasts, didn't you tell us this, father?" Leng Dong said suspiciously.

"That's right, the Jiugan clan was forced into the 3.5-dimensional space by the star beasts, so the strength of the star beasts is far stronger than them. The beast is a nightmare that these Nine Senses cannot resist!"

"Then here comes the problem. One of the star beasts as powerful as the demon emperor died in the hands of my father. Then these star beasts forced into the 3.5-dimensional space by the star beasts may be my father's opponents." Is it?" Liu Nianfeng said these words very easily, but a strong sense of self-confidence made Leng Dongguan almost fall to his knees on the ground.

Could it be that his father has become the most powerful person in the entire universe without knowing it?
Leng Dongguan has never thought about this, because in Leng Dongguan's consciousness, whether it is the Nine Senses or the Star Alien Beast, they are all terrifying opponents who can destroy human beings several times. He never thought that his father He will unknowingly take the position of the strongest in the entire universe.

But at this moment, Leng Dongguan finally realized that he finally found that he had become the strongest rich second generation in the universe without knowing it!

"Then father, are we going to go in now and completely wipe out all the Nine Senses?" Officer Leng Dong tightened his fists and asked.

"We really want to do it, but not now!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help looking at the starry sky farther away, "Of course someone will come and do it for us first!"

"Someone will take action for us! Who is it!" Officer Leng Dong was stunned for a moment.

"Silly boy, don't forget that we humans are actually just unlucky scapegoats. That sharp arrow that has tortured us humans for thousands of years should now be shot at his real opponent!" Liu Nianfeng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time He raised the beast king's scepter in his hand high.

In the next second, a wormhole opened tens of millions of kilometers away from the entrance of the Jiugan Clan's lair.

And almost in an instant, the size of this wormhole surpassed the size of the entrance of the Jiugan Clan's lair, and this wormhole continued to grow, and finally made all the humans who saw this scene open their mouths.

Because the size of this wormhole has already surpassed the limit of wormholes in human cognition, or it should far exceed this limit.Generally speaking, if a wormhole can have the diameter of five or six planets, it is already a very huge wormhole.

But at this time, the wormhole opened by Liu Nianfeng has reached the size of thousands of stars. The entire wormhole seems to be able to swallow the entire universe.

"Father!" Official Leng Dong couldn't support his body anymore, he knelt down on the ground in a daze, looking at this wormhole that surpassed everyone's understanding!
"Well, it's been a long time since I used all the psionic and psionic energy in my body to open a wormhole. How about it, the size of this wormhole is barely okay!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, while Leng Dongguan said This kind of urge to faint, my father's definition of the word "reluctantly" is really reluctant.

Just when Officer Leng Dong didn't know how to complain, there was a sudden exclamation from inside the battleship, and at the same time, some staff members shouted, "Ready to fight, prepare to fight!"

At this moment, the entire battleship spontaneously entered a high-intensity alert state.

Because at this moment, in the huge wormhole opened by Liu Nianfeng, there are thousands of extremely huge star beasts, protruding their bodies from this wormhole, passing through the wormhole Here we come!
In just ten seconds, tens of thousands of star beasts passed through this wormhole.

It's no wonder that the staff of the entire battleship have spontaneously announced that they are going to enter the battle state. The fear of the star beasts has penetrated into the bones of every human being, and it is very natural for them to react like this.

"Don't do anything, pass my order, the entire fleet remains silent, and you are not allowed to attack any star beasts, just stay where you are!" But what everyone didn't expect was that their admiral Liu Nian Feng actually issued such an order.

Although they were puzzled by this order, and even wondered if Liu Nianfeng had been controlled by someone, but in the face of their own order, in the end all the starship girls chose to carry out it, and put all their weapons back together. After taking it back, I looked at these enemies of life and death who came through the wormhole with horror.

"Everyone, I know what you are worried about. Some people even wonder if I have been controlled by the star beast. Here, I want to tell you that at least at this moment, the star beast is no longer our enemy. Because the real enemy is there!"

With the sound of Liu Nianfeng's words, a star beast rushed in the front, and the whole person rushed into the nominal royal treasure house opened by Leng Dongguan just now with lightning speed. among.

Immediately, all the star beasts flocked towards that gate. They almost squeezed each other's bodies to enter the gate of the royal treasure house that could only accommodate more than ten star beasts at the same time!
"What the hell happened!!" Seeing the miraculous and unimaginable scene in front of him, seeing these star beasts who usually fight to death with him, the first time he sees his fleet on weekdays, he will be desperate The star beasts rushing over, actually ignored him at this moment, but the star beasts frantically poured into a gate, these starship girls were really fooled.

"What the hell happened!!" This is the common question in the hearts of all the starship girls who were ordered to come here!
"Look, that's a demon-level stellar beast!"

"There! The star monsters of the demon saint level also appeared!"

"It's Candle Dragon, that's Candle Dragon. It was this demon saint-level star beast that killed my parents and ruined my mother back then!"

"Oh my god, they're all here, whether it's at the level of demon soldiers, demon generals, demon commanders or demon saints, all star beasts of all levels are here! The ones at the demon emperor level... "

"You needn't say it, the demon emperor-level star beast has arrived, Donghuang Taiyi has appeared!" With all the players exclaiming, one of the strongest star beasts, the demon emperor-level star beast Dong Huang Taiyi finally appeared in front of everyone.

And at this moment, the God General Mecha Wukong piloted by the great leader of mankind, Liu Nianfeng, flew directly towards Donghuang Taiyi, and then Liu Nianfeng's body flew out of Wukong directly, in front of all Under the gaze of the starship girl and humans, she actually stood directly on Donghuang Taiyi's nose, and Donghuang Taiyi didn't seem to care about it, and her expression was even somewhat respectful.

"Master Fleeting Maple!" A majestic voice resounded in the entire universe, and all human beings could hear this voice. This voice obviously did not belong to any human beings, but belonged to the huge monster in front of him, representing the existence of the Xeon of Stars and Alien Beasts. The emperor-level star beast, Donghuang Taiyi!

Donghuang Taiyi actually spoke!This is the first time in history!
More importantly, Donghuang Taiyi actually called Liu Nianfeng an adult.

What does this represent?
All human beings thumped in their hearts, and they suddenly discovered that today's human beings may usher in a major turning point in history, and it is an unprecedentedly huge turning point, just like when human beings met the first star beast.

(End of this chapter)

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