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Chapter 993 Empress Liu Zhuangtian

Chapter 993 Empress Liu Zhuangtian

Liu Nianfeng said a few more words to Donghuang Taiyi, but no one heard what they said, only Donghuang Taiyi said again, "Master Liu Nianfeng, please help me!"

"Okay!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and Donghuang Taiyi quickly came to the door of the light gate.

Because the light gate can only accommodate more than a dozen star beasts to enter at the same time, and the number of star beasts that came to this starry sky at the same time is as many as thousands, so it seems that there is a traffic jam. The star beast squeezed against the door of the light gate, unable to move.

The size of this light gate severely restricted the passing speed of the stars and beasts, and this was where Donghuang Taiyi needed Liu Nianfeng's help.

I saw Donghuang Taiyi raised the big bell in his hand, and a chaotic light wave quickly shone towards the gate. Under the illumination of this light wave, the light gate, which was originally only the size of a few planets, began to move rapidly. expanded.

In about ten seconds or so, the gate of light has expanded by more than ten times, reaching the level where hundreds of star beasts can pass through at the same time, which is already an extremely huge improvement.

But compared to thousands of star beasts entering this universe at the same time, this speed of entry is far from enough.

It's a pity that Donghuang Taiyi was already exhausted at this time, and the light waves emitted by the Donghuang Bell in his hand gradually became unstable. It seemed that this was already the limit that Donghuang Taiyi could do.

Also at this moment, Liu Nianfeng, who was standing on Donghuangtaiyi's nose, shook his head, then thrust his hands down, directly into Donghuangtaiyi's nose.

In the next second, the entire Donghuang Taiyi seemed to have taken the Shiquan Dabu pill. The light wave that had become a little sluggish suddenly expanded by about ten times, as if it had changed from a small water gun to a big water cannon. generally.

At the same time, under the irradiation of this light wave, the size of the light gate expanded ten times again, becoming the same size as the previous wormhole, which can accommodate thousands of star beasts to enter at the same time. Entering and leaving, finally reached a balance.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of countless human beings, within half an hour, nearly 200 million star beasts passed through the two gates, flowing in front of everyone like a torrential river. And the crowd no longer knew what kind of expression they should show.

This is a total of 200 million star beasts. In the Great Destruction War more than 20 years ago, the number of star beasts that humans faced at most was only 40. This is a full five times the number of that year. The star beast, which was enough to destroy the human beings five times at that time, came and went like a tide, which made all human beings feel extremely complicated.

However, the endless star beasts finally came to an end. When the last batch of star beasts entered the light gate, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who stayed at the end looked back at Liu Nian Feng and said, "Master Liu Nian Feng, let's go and complete our mission." The mission that should be completed has gone!"

"Come on!" Liu Nianfeng waved his arm and made a powerful gesture, and then Donghuang Taiyi also rushed into the light gate.

"I know everyone must have a lot of doubts and want to ask me!" After all the star beasts disappeared, Liu Nianfeng delivered a speech to all humans, "I believe many people already know that we humans have nine senses from beginning to end." The scapegoat of the family, now is the time for these despicable villains to bear their true destiny!"

"I have indeed reached an agreement with the star beasts. We will open the door for the star beasts to attack the Jiugan clan, and the star beasts will gather collectively in a place in the universe. When the door is opened, they will attack the Jiugan clan." When the Sensitive Clan launches an attack, the real enemy should be dealt with by his real opponent!" Liu Nianfeng laughed.

"Then Master Liunianfeng, can these star beasts destroy all the Nine Senses?" Countless humans asked excitedly.

"I don't know!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head, "But I know that if the stars and beasts can't defeat the Nine Senses, it's time for us humans to make a move. At least for now, we humans and the stars and beasts are the most staunch allies , Only by completely destroying the Jiugan Clan can we humans usher in a new rebirth!"

In this way, all the star beasts entered the nest of the Jiugan clan. It is believed that an unprecedented fierce war is going on in the nest of the Jiugan clan, and this is the fate of the star beasts.

At the same time, more than 600 million human star battleships also gathered outside the light gate. They all surrounded the entire battlefield silently, waiting for their leader's order.

Time passed by 1 minute and 1 second, and three days later, there was still no order from Liu Nianfeng. Just when the human fleet was extremely silent, Lian Nianfeng, who had not conveyed any orders, suddenly used the entire channel Say it to all fleets.

"Donghuang Taiyi just told me that their star beasts are about to be overwhelmed. They have already killed more than 150 million star beasts. If we don't support them, they will all be wiped out by the Nine Senses!"

"It seems that we still underestimated the Nine Senses Clan. They already have the strength to fight against the entire Star Beast! But even so, they are despicable, and they still plan to use us as arrows and hide behind us. , What a bunch of despicable and shameless fellows!"

He was clearly speaking in front of more than 600 million warships and nearly 600 billion human beings. He clearly said that this is a speech that determines the survival of human beings, but Liu Nianfeng still spoke so uninhibitedly.

"So fellow compatriots, we have two choices now. One is to immediately enter the light gate and fight side by side with all the star beasts, and take advantage of the fire to rob him, and take advantage of his illness to kill him and kill all the nine beasts." Feelings!"

"Either everyone turn around and leave, return to the Yangzhou star area, and prepare to welcome the real coming era of the Jiugan clan!"

"Compatriots, how do you plan to choose?"

Liu Nianfeng's question was placed in front of all human beings. All of a sudden, these 600 billion human warriors were caught in a dilemma. Such a choice was placed in front of them, and they didn't know where to go. A decision is the right decision.

Ever since, the entire channel fell into wordless silence.

"We are soldiers, so we should follow the command of the leader. Please give the order to Mr. Liu Nianfeng!" Suddenly, a human voice rang out on the entire channel.

This is not the voice of the fleet members directly under Liu Nianfeng, but the voice of an inconspicuous admiral that no one knows among the 600 million battleships.

But it was also the voice of this admiral that completely broke the entire silence. Countless admirals shouted in the entire channel at the same time, "We obey the leader's command, please give the order to Master Liu Nianfeng!"

In an instant, 600 billion people spoke in unison. This solitary achievement made Liu Nianfeng's heart almost jump out of his chest!
"Well, since everyone trusts me, Liu Nianfeng, then I will give the order!" Liu Nianfeng took a deep breath, and said the answer that he had already prepared in his heart, "I order, all attack, and completely wipe out the Jiugan Clan. Keep!!!"

"Yes!" 600 billion people said in unison.

Under the command of Liu Nianfeng, the largest combined fleet in human history began to enter the gate of light. This fleet entered the gate of light with an indomitable momentum like a giant steel dragon.

And these human fighters who entered the Light Gate all know that the chance of them coming back alive may not exceed 1/10, or even not exceed 1%, and even none of them can come back alive.

But as human beings, as warriors among human beings, for the future of human beings, they have no hesitation.

And Liu Nianfeng watched all this silently, watching these human heroes, watching his combined fleet gradually dissipate in the light gate, until there were less than 30 warships in the end.

"Report Governor Liunianfeng, there are a large number of fleets... a large number of fleets are approaching our fleet, and the outer fleets are asking for instructions from the Governor!" At this moment, the secretary asked Liunianfeng for instructions in a panic.

"400 million warships! Could it be the Youzhou star area..." Liu Nianfeng's heart moved, and he immediately issued an order to order the last fleet to speed up and enter the light gate. In order to buy time for these fleets, Liu Nianfeng went directly to meet them , Face these 400 million warships head-on with your own power!

"Liu Nianfeng, we meet again!" The communication was quickly connected, and the expressionless Liu Zhuangtian appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng. The fleet composed of 400 million warships in front of him was indeed from the Youzhou star area. fleet!

"Zhuangtian..." Liu Nianfeng was about to speak, when suddenly another man appeared on the screen, he immediately put his arms around Liu Zhuantian's arm, and said in a domineering, coercive voice, "Liu Nian Feng, who allowed you to call my queen by her name, you have to call her Majesty the queen!"

"Your Majesty the Queen!" Liu Nianfeng's eyelids twitched, pointed at Leng Qiumin on the screen, and said in an unbelievable voice, "Liu Zhuangtian, you married this guy!"

"Not bad!" Liu Zhuangtian nodded, then hugged Leng Qiumin in her arms, touched Leng Qiumin's little face, and said lightly with her iconic expression, "Let me introduce you, This is my husband, the two of us had our wedding ceremony a month ago, and I am now the Queen Regent of the Empire!"

"Are you taking revenge on me?" Liu Nianfeng clenched his fist suddenly, an unimaginable extreme suddenly filled Liu Nianfeng's body and mind, at this moment Liu Nianfeng suddenly had the urge to kill.

"Liu Zhuangtian is mine! No one can take it away, she is not allowed to marry anyone except me!!!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly shouted in his heart, even Liu Nianfeng himself could not imagine, after learning of this After the news, my emotions were so restless that all fragments of consciousness were about to jump out.

"What are you doing here!" Liu Nianfeng asked while suppressing the uncontrollable anger in his heart.

"I'll kill you and unify the empire!" Liu Zhuangtian replied quite calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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