girl line

Chapter 994 Leng Qiumin is Dead

Chapter 994 Leng Qiumin is Dead

"Can the battle between you and me be postponed?" Liu Nianfeng took a deep breath, then pointed to the door in front of him and said, "This is the nest of the Nine Senses, and the Nine Senses are our greatest enemy. The main fleet of our humans , Now we are fighting for the future of all human beings. This battle is related to the safety of our human race in the future for thousands of years, even tens of millions of years, and the survival of our human race. If you want to fight with me, why not wait until this time? Let's talk about it after the battle is over!"

"Zhuangtian, don't listen to this man's nonsense, have you forgotten how this man deceived you in the first place, and how he embarrassed you in public?" Leng Qiumin who was on the side heard it, and immediately rushed to say.

"Zhuangtian, it's not the base of the Jiugan Clan at all, but the treasure house accumulated by our royal family for thousands of years. Liu Nianfeng's fleet is frantically searching for all the treasures and resources inside. When his fleet comes out, That means we will die without a place to die, we are not his opponents, only now that he is on the order, we have a chance!" Leng Qiumin shouted immediately.

"Nonsense, if there is really some treasure in here, then why didn't I rush in, then why didn't I call out my fleet!" Liu Nianfeng said angrily.

"Of course you can't call out, because the royal family's treasury is isolated from all communications, and the fear is that the location of the treasury will be leaked, so you can't contact your fleet at all now!" Leng Qiumin laughed loudly, but This is true. After entering the treasure house, Liu Nianfeng will no longer be able to contact the human fleet in the treasure house. After all, the 3.5-dimensional space and the [-]-dimensional space are different, and they cannot be contacted.

Leng Qiumin just took advantage of this point and told a lie that was false or true, which made it impossible to refute.

"Zhuangtian, don't hesitate any longer. If you kill Liu Nianfeng, you will kill your past humiliation. Our husband and wife can also truly unify the empire. When the time comes, the future emperor of the empire will be the child in your belly and your blood. We From then on, the two families of Leng and Liu become one with each other, and it will last forever!" Leng Qiumin said excitedly.

"Get ready!" Liu Zhuangtian nodded indifferently, and at the same time raised her right hand, and the fleet under her command quickly spread across the entire universe.

If it is possible, Liu Nianfeng can actually get into the treasure house immediately, so that he doesn't have to worry about outside affairs anymore, and he doesn't have to worry about being besieged by Liu Zhuangtian.

But Liu Nianfeng can't get in, because the entrance of this gate is fragile, and Leng Qiumin must have the method of closing the gate taught him by the Nine Senses. Once all fleets of Liu Nianfeng enter the gate, Wan Wan If Leng Qiumin completely closes the entire gate, then Liu Nianfeng and all the fleets under his command will be trapped in the 3.5-dimensional space, which is absolutely unacceptable to Liu Nianfeng.

"Liu Zhuantian!" Seeing that the two sides are about to start a war, Liu Nianfeng finally couldn't help but roared, "Liu Zhuantian, you think I will be afraid of you, don't think that you will win if you have 400 million warships, if I go all out with you In your first battle, Emperor Jun died in my hands, can 400 million warships win me for sure?"

"Liu Zhuangtian, don't you understand? I don't want us humans to have a civil war. I don't want us humans to put all our efforts in a ridiculous situation at this last critical moment, when it is related to the future of mankind. During the civil war, please don't do this kind of thing, where loved ones hurt enemies!"

"Liu Zhuangtian, I know you hate me, no matter what, I swear to God here, after this battle is over, I will personally apologize to you, if you don't want to, you can even cut off my head, and I will never Nothing else!"

"Don't believe him, this is just Liu Nianfeng's plan to delay the attack..." When Leng Qiumin was about to refute Liu Nianfeng loudly, Liu Zhuangtian on the side pressed Leng Qiumin's shoulder and signaled Leng Qiumin not to speak yet , and then looked at Liu Nianfeng, and said coldly and sadly, "Liu Nianfeng, I love you so much in vain, but you don't understand me at all. Do you think I care about these? Do you think I care about you? head?"

"Then what do you care about?" Liu Nianfeng asked subconsciously.

"I care about you!" Liu Zhuantian said in a very calm tone in front of the entire fleet, "I only care about you alone, I will ask you again now, are you willing to marry me as a husband?"

"..." Saying such words in front of the entire fleet and tens of billions of human beings, Liu Zhuangtian didn't care, and instead fulfilled her name as a lover.It's just that Leng Qiumin's complexion suddenly became as ugly as killing a pig. Legally, Liu Zhuangtian is already the wife he is marrying, but now his wife is taking the initiative in front of everyone and wants to have sex with another man. After getting married, Leng Qiumin instantly felt that his emperor's face was completely trampled under his feet by Liu Zhuangtian.

"Calm down! Leng Qiumin, you have endured humiliation for such a long time, you must not give up all your previous efforts because of such a small matter, you must hold back, whether it is Liu Zhuangtian or Liu Nianfeng, they are all your pawns , They will all be killed by you!" Leng Qiumin restrained the mad anger in his chest after admonishing himself countless times in his heart.

"Aren't you married to His Majesty the Emperor? Why do you still want me?" Liu Nianfeng snorted coldly.

"Throughout the ages, one wife and two husbands have been the principle of human relations. Why not marry two husbands? If you marry me, I promise you will not be wronged!" Liu Zhuangtian said sincerely.

"Sorry, my answer is the same as it was half a year ago. This is absolutely impossible!" Lian Nianfeng naturally couldn't agree, so the only answer he gave was this one.

"Liu Nianfeng, let me ask you again, are you really so ruthless?" Liu Zhuangtian couldn't help scolding, "You are not for me, are you also for the child in my belly?"

"What! The child in the belly!" All the humans present were stunned, but the most bewildered one was not Liu Nianfeng, but Leng Qiumin.

There were countless beads of sweat on the forehead of His Majesty the Emperor, and he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He jumped up and looked at Liu Zhuantian and shouted angrily, "Liu Zhuantian, what are you talking about, you already have a child in your belly, Whose is this! Whose is it!!!"

Many viewers were surprised. Since Leng Qiumin was married to Liu Zhuantian, the child in Liu Zhuantian's stomach should be Leng Qiumin's.

But Leng Qiumin knew very well in his heart that although he was married to Liu Zhuantian, Liu Zhuantian never touched him. What the two had was a marriage in name only, so Liu Zhuantian's stomach It is impossible for the child to be his own, but another man's.

In fact, Leng Qiumin guessed with his butt that this child must be Liu Nianfeng's. If there is a man Liu Zhuangtian is willing to have a child for, then this man must be Liu Nianfeng.

Thinking of this, the anger in Leng Qiumin's heart could burn the entire universe.

But even so, Leng Qiumin still swallowed it in the end. For the sake of the big plan in his heart, Leng Qiumin continued to choose to endure, but in his heart he had seen Liu Zhuangtian's execution countless times.

On the other side, after hearing the shocking news, Liu Nianfeng was silent for a while and said, "Since it is my child, I will treat everyone equally. After you give birth to the child, you can give it to me to take care of it. I will let him live the happiest life in the world!"

"Liu Nianfeng, you are so ruthless to the extreme, Zhuang Tian has paid so much for you, yet you are still so indifferent, you are simply the most bastard pig and dog scum in the world! If you don't kill you, it's hard to solve the world. Hate!" Leng Qiumin rushed to scold again, and directly gave Liu Nianfeng such a title.

"Leng Qiumin, since you say I'm ruthless!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly scolded, "Leng Qiumin, let me ask you, where is my old classmate Xindengbao? She has paid so much for you, and you have done so much in two months. The previous pledge, now that you and Zhuangtian are married, what about Hindenburg? Are you worthy of her infatuation with you?"

"Hindenburg..." Hearing this name, Leng Qiumin suddenly felt as if someone had hit his chest hard, and couldn't help taking a few steps back, his color turned pale.

But this pallor soon turned into a full of sorrow, and a few tears quickly came out of Leng Qiumin's eyes and said, "Yes, I'm sorry for Hindenburg, I issued a wrong military order, let She died on the front line, and I was the one who felt sorry for her. But she also said before she died that she hoped that I could marry the person I really love forever, and I am fulfilling her last wish!"

"What! Hindenburg died at the front line!" Liu Nianfeng's face turned pale. He never thought that his old classmate would end up with such an ending. He actually died in battle. It's on the front lines.

Wait... there's a problem here!
Liu Nianfeng immediately realized that Hindenburg's position is the Commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and he is in charge of the Imperial Forest Army Fleet in the Imperial Palace. This fleet has only one mission, which is to protect His Majesty the Emperor, unless the fleet of the entire empire is in charge. Only if they are dead, the Yulin Army fleet can go to the front line.

But at this time, Fleeting Feng had clearly killed Di Jun, and under the rule of Donghuang Taiyi, the remaining star beasts all began to gather in one place. Except for a few sporadic star beasts, the star beasts were almost gone. The attack on humans has been completely cut off. At this time, there is no front line that needs von Hindenburg, the commander of the Royal Forest Army, to go out in person.

Moreover, von Hindenburg was so unlucky that he went out just once and died on the battlefield. In the end, he left a last word for Leng Qiumin and Liu Zhuangtian to marry.

I believe that any fool can understand at this time that von Hindenburg did not die normally at all, it was Leng Qiumin who deliberately killed him in order to be able to marry Liu Zhuangtian.

This Leng Qiumin was so insane to the extreme that he killed the woman who loved him the most for his own rights. Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng wished he could punch Leng Qiumin's head.

Liu Nianfeng also regretted for the first time, why didn't he just kill Leng Qiumin at the beginning, so as to save so many tragedies now.

(End of this chapter)

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