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Chapter 995 Leng Qiumin is dead 2

Chapter 995 Leng Qiumin is dead 2
"Liu Zhuangtian!" Faced with the death of von Hindenburg, Liu Nianfeng could not restrain the endless anger in his heart. For the sake of this former old classmate, Liu Nianfeng decided to give up some of his persistence for the first time, and finally fell in love with him. Liu Zhuantian said, "Liu Zhuantian, I promise you, I can marry you, but I only have one condition, kill Leng Qiumin!"

"..." Hearing Liu Nianfeng's words, countless beads of sweat appeared on Leng Qiumin's forehead instantly. This was a scene that Leng Qiumin never expected in advance.

Leng Qiumin originally thought that with Liu Nianfeng's character, he would never give up, and he would not be willing to start a war with Liu Zhuangtian, so as to cause a civil war among humans, so Liu Nianfeng had only one choice in the end, and that was to lead the final battle. The fleet rushed into the gate and started a decisive battle with the Jiugan Clan.

And this is exactly the result that Leng Qiumin wanted. Just like what Liu Nianfeng guessed, Leng Qiumin did hold a way to close the door. As long as Liu Nianfeng himself entered the door, Leng Qiumin Immediately, Liu Zhuangtian will be bewitched to close the door, and Liu Nianfeng will be locked in the 3.5-dimensional space forever.

In this way, Leng Qiumin will be invincible. If Liunianfeng is finally defeated by the Jiugan Clan, then Leng Qiumin has reached an agreement between himself and the Jiugan Clan. If you become the master of this universe, you will never look at a territory and civilization like human beings. You and your descendants will be able to rule human beings from generation to generation.

If Liunianfeng defeats Jiugan Clan in turn, that's fine. Jiugan Clan, the behind-the-scenes manipulator who makes all human beings feel cold behind the scenes, is solved, and Liunianfeng is completely trapped in the 3.5-dimensional space. Choo Min can also dominate outside.

Even if Fleeting Maple still has a chance to escape from this 3.5-dimensional space in the future, at that time Leng Qiumin has re-ruled and occupied all the territory of the entire human empire, and Fleeing Nianfeng can never compete with himself just by relying on some defeated soldiers.

This is the most perfect plan in Leng Qiumin's mind, but Leng Qiumin did not expect that Liu Nianfeng, who thought he would stick to his principles, finally changed his mind and expressed his willingness to marry Liu Zhuangtian as his husband. This made Leng Qiumin suddenly There was fear in his heart, if Liu Zhuantian agreed to Liu Nianfeng, then with Liu Zhuantian's love for Liu Nianfeng, he might die in the hands of the adulterers within three days.

And according to Leng Qiumin's own understanding of Liu Zhuantian, Liu Zhuantian probably didn't have the courage to refuse this condition at all.

Just when Leng Qiumin was anxiously thinking about how to break the situation, Liu Zhuangtian finally spoke.

"I'll give you your answer just now!" Liu Zhuantian said indifferently, "Liu Nianfeng, I do love you, I love you to the point of madness, but what I want is not your forced love, let alone The promise inspired by the death of another woman, what I want is that you truly love me and are truly willing to live with me!"

"Liu Nianfeng, I refuse your love, your love is a greater humiliation to me, do you think I will accept your promise?"

"I'll wipe..." On the contrary, Liu Zhuangtian let out a little sweat on Liu Nianfeng's forehead, feeling extremely ashamed in his heart for a moment.And Leng Qiumin breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but lament that he had ignored Liu Zhuangtian's strong self-esteem.

Originally, with Liu Zhuangtian's self-esteem, it was absolutely impossible to accept such forced feelings!

But at this time, Liu Zhuantian continued to say lightly, "Liu Nianfeng, you have to remember that I, Liu Zhuantian, will never use despicable means to force your love, and I will never bear to make you sad, you I will guard your heart for the rest of your life, anyone who dares to make you sad and angry, I will make them disappear forever, what I want is your true love, and I will give you a chance to truly love me right now!"

"Huh? What does this sentence mean? Why can't I understand?" Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment, and the one who was a little stunned at the same time as Liu Nianfeng was Leng Qiumin beside him.

But Leng Qiumin had no chance to think about the profound meaning of this sentence, because in the next second, a huge head flew up, and under the direct gaze of all human beings, Leng Qiumin's head fell directly from him Crimson blood like a fountain spewed out from Leng Qiumin's neck crazily.

Until the moment when Leng Qiumin's head left his neck, he still showed a full expression of disbelief, and Leng Qiumin's expression will always be fixed here, because in the next second, a pair of Leng Qiumin's early morning The soldiers who were ready took out the laser guns in their hands almost at the same time, and shot Leng Qiumin's body and head into a puddle of coke, which made Leng Qiumin completely dead even with the help of future medicine. The possibility of resurrection and rebirth is lost.

In the midst of this flash, under the watchful eyes of tens of billions of human beings in the entire fleet, and under the open mouth of Fleeting Feng, Liu Zhuangtian directly sent her husband, His Majesty Leng Qiumin, the Emperor of the Daqian Dynasty, Killed so easily.

"The whole army, don't panic!" After the murder, Liu Zhuangtian still had a calm expression on his face. "After investigation by the Investigation and Statistics Section of the Military Ministry, it was discovered that His Majesty the Emperor, also my husband Leng Qiumin, was suspected of participating in the murder of the Imperial Forest Army." In the case of Commander-in-Chief von Hindenburg!"

"There is a lot of evidence to show that Leng Qiumin fabricated the crisis on the front line and asked von Hindenburg to lead the fleet to besiege and kill the demon saint-level star beast Bai Ze without knowing it, but in the end he ordered people to secretly kill von Hindenburg. Hindenburg's flagship was tampered with, so that the ghost network of the battleship was seriously blocked, so that the flagship lost its fighting ability, and was eventually destroyed by Bai Ze and died!"

"From this, it can be judged that Leng Qiumin's crimes are obvious, and he is not worthy of being the emperor of the empire. I am also ashamed of having such a cruel and shameless husband, and I apologize to all the soldiers. It just so happened that the military court of the military department just came. The trial order announces that Leng Qiumin will be sentenced to death and executed immediately."

"Considering that Leng Qiumin is my husband and also the former Emperor of the Empire, for his honor, I will personally execute the execution, which can be regarded as giving him the last face!" Liu Zhuangtian's calm voice did not have any waves. At the same time, a detailed information was sent to every warship and even every soldier through the network. These evidences are sufficient and detailed, irrefutable proof of Leng Qiumin's crime of murdering von Hindenburg .

However, judging from these evidences, Liu Zhuangtian probably knew about this as early as when he got married, but Liu Zhuantian still chose to marry Leng Qiumin, obviously in the hands of playing Leng Qiumin like a monkey.

As for the trial of this military court, it is even more ridiculous.

Whether it is the constitution of the empire or the military law of the military department, there is no provision that military courts have the right to judge the emperor of the empire, and there is no authority in the empire that is qualified to judge the emperor of the empire.

There is only one possibility to try Leng Qiumin, that is, the royal council and the cabinet jointly issue a motion to remove and impeach the emperor, only after His Majesty the emperor is impeached from the throne and the new emperor ascends the throne.

It is also possible for the new emperor to issue an edict to the Supreme Procuratorate of the Empire, allowing the Supreme Procuratorate of the Empire to initiate a lawsuit against the previous emperor, so that the Supreme Court of the Empire can accept and begin to hear the case of the former emperor.

This is the only process that can judge the emperor, but Liu Zhuangtian directly let the military court go through a formality, issued a trial letter without any legal basis, and directly killed Leng Qiumin.

This kind of lawlessness is ten times worse than rebellion. Even if it was placed 20 years ago, it would have killed Liu Zhuangtian hundreds of times.

It's a pity that today is different from the past. At this time, Liu Zhuangtian is the real master of the entire Youzhou star area. The current fleet of 400 million warships is completely organized and promoted by Liu Zhuangtian. Everyone in it can say They are all Liu Zhuantian's people, they naturally choose to turn a blind eye to Liu Zhuantian's behavior, and they have the right to acquiesce.

Besides, the behavior of Leng Qiumin has long made these soldiers feel extremely contemptuous. They are full of deep hostility towards Leng Qiumin in their hearts, and they don't have the slightest respect for His Majesty the Emperor. They also wish they could kill Leng Qiumin , who cares about whether these procedures are legal or not.

Ever since, Liu Zhuangtian Lingling killed the emperor with her own hands in front of tens of billions of people, but she couldn't even hear a voice of opposition or protest, and the entire fleet was unusually quiet.

"Zhuangtian..." The sudden change in the plot caught Liu Nianfeng by surprise. He looked at Liu Zhuantian and didn't know what to say, but Liu Zhuantian asked indifferently, "Liu Nianfeng, are you sure?" Inside this gate is the nest of the Nine Senses Clan!"

"I'm sure!" Liu Nianfeng quickly regained his composure and nodded.

"Then if you stay outside now, how sure are you of winning?" Liu Zhuangtian asked again.

"Only about [-]%!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, shaking his head.

"Then what if you lead the last fleet into the gate? How sure are you?" Liu Zhuangtian asked again.

"It can be increased to [-]%... No, at least [-]%!" Liu Nianfeng immediately said, "Zhuangtian, our grievances, we will talk about it after this station is over, you let me go in and fight side by side with my fleet , completely put an end to this scourge of mankind! And I only have one request, and that is to guard this door for me, so that our human power will not be completely wiped out in the door, even if I stay inside the door alone and cannot come out, I will Willingly!"

Liu Nianfeng's words were extremely touching, but Liu Zhuangtian didn't seem to care at all, she just shook her head lightly, and asked under Liu Nianfeng's despairing eyes, "If my fleet goes in with you, can you How sure are you?"

"What?" Liu Nianfeng was stunned again.

"I said, if the two of us fight side by side, and the 400 million warships under my command enter the gate with you, what chance will we humans have in winning!" Liu Zhuangtian repeated the question again.

"Eighty percent!" This was the last answer given by Liu Nianfeng.

"Okay then, let's fight together hand in hand for the last time in our lives!" Liu Zhuangtian finally said.

(End of this chapter)

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