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Chapter 996 The Finale

Chapter 996 The Finale
"The teacher has asked everyone to go home and preview the entire content of "History of Human Empire Stars Chapter Dagan Dynasty History Volume 156". Can anyone tell the teacher about the last volume of the history of the Dagan Dynasty? , What exactly did you say? What happened to the battle between His Majesty Yuhuang and the Jiugan Clan?" In an antique-style classroom, the teacher asked the three students sitting in front of him.

In order to ensure the highest quality of education, and because there are too many human beings who have received higher education, the design of ultra-small classes is generally implemented now, and seven or eight different courses are taught by teachers around 3 to 5 students at the same time. However, talents with advanced teacher qualification certificates who cannot find jobs every year are still all over the universe.

"I've finished reading, the teacher asked me to talk!" A student stood up excitedly, and said first, "During that battle, the prime minister, Admiral Liu Zhuangtian, and Yuhuang Liunianfeng rushed into the battle with the last elite of mankind. In the old lair of the Nine Senses Clan, after 81 days of bitter fighting between human beings and star alien beasts, they finally wiped out the old Nine Senses Clan. The shady scene has laid the most solid foundation for us humans to further become the highest civilization in the entire universe!"

"However, we humans have also paid a heavy price for this. A total of more than 1000 million star warships, a full 1000 billion elite human troops, in the end, less than 1 warships withdrew from the battlefield, and all the elite human beings were almost destroyed. It took a full 100 years to fully recover."

"As for the Star Beast side, it is said that the entire army was wiped out, and the last Donghuang Taiyi also died in this battle, but for some reason, the Star Beast revived again. If they all died in the Jiugan Clan's lair Just light!"

"That's very good, it seems that Xiaoying is very serious in previewing..." The teacher was about to praise Xiaoying who answered the question, but another student stood up and raised his hand and asked curiously, "Teacher, All of us know the result of that battle, and we also know that without this period, there will be no era known as the golden age for all of us in the next 300 million years!"

"But teacher, why in volume 156 did you simply introduce the battle at the Jiugan Clan's lair in a few words? Since that battle lasted for 81 days, after all, many epic battles took place , went through hardships and obstacles before finally winning, but the 156th volume only uses "human will and soul finally defeated the opponent" to describe it? What is the process of this battle like?" The student's words were instant When the teacher stopped asking, the teacher also had a confused expression on his face, as if he didn't know how to answer his student's question at all.

"And teacher, I have consulted many other books, but apart from the battle process guessed by later generations, any official document has never recorded the specific situation of this battle! Teacher, why is this? Woolen cloth?"

"Later, I checked some of the memoirs left by the soldiers and starship girls who participated in the war, but it turned out that among the 100 million survivors at that time, 90 remained silent for life, and did not write even a single word of their memoirs."

"Among the remaining fighters who left relevant information, 99.99% deliberately ignored the most important part of the battle without mentioning it. Only a small number of fighters wrote about this battle. You can just use "We are in the fleeting maple Under the leadership of His Majesty, a difficult victory has been achieved" This sentence is just a summary"

"Well, although the writers are different and the words are different, the meaning is almost the same! There is only one soldier who is different, and what he left behind is this sentence: "In the boundless and lonely darkness, I became It turns out that this is the truth of the universe! ""

"Later, I still..." The student's second and third questioning completely confused the teacher, and the whole classroom was suddenly plunged into an embarrassing atmosphere.

"Let's discuss the first wedding in the universe called the universe ceremony between His Majesty Yuhuang and his 32 wives!" The teacher finally ran away and changed the subject.


"Look at you, this is the teacher who has been saddened by you so many times. It has been 300 million years. Are you still planning to make the process of that battle public?" What the teacher and students didn't know was that in their class At that time, in the outer orbit of their planet, there was a small golden battleship passing by quietly.

The size of this warship is very small, and it is not at the same level as the largest human warship at this time, which is so huge that it can almost rival the stars. If there are earth humans here, they will definitely exclaim that this is the No. xx aircraft carrier .

And on this battleship, there are two humans lying leisurely on the deck of the battleship, looking at the distant planet and the monitoring images transmitted in real time.

These two humans are Fleeting Maple and Alice.

"Come on, it's been 300 million years, and it's really embarrassing these teachers!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and smiled slightly, "Alice, I don't know how many times you have asked this question. Is it interesting?"

"It's not that I don't want to talk about this last battle, but I can't say it. If we say it, we won't have these 300 million years! But it's almost here now, it seems that the origin of the universe has clearly known that I played a sloppy eye with him , Didn't you realize that all the cosmic civilizations and star beasts are now terrifyingly quiet? Our border has been completely quiet for more than 100 years!" Liu Nianfeng sighed slightly.

"Really, is the origin of the universe finally gathering all its power to attack us humans?" Alice sighed.

"That's right, the origin of the universe has already reacted, but in the end he was a little slow to comprehend. I'm almost done preparing. I think within these 1 years, I will be able to launch the final battle!"

"What!" Alice's body trembled suddenly, "Did you break through?"

"That's right!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, then hugged Alice's body in his arms and said, "Actually, this is very strange. I have been caught in a misunderstanding for two million years. If I hadn't been lucky a while ago I went back to my hometown, met my grandfather, and saw his final battle with the universe with my own eyes. I don’t think I’ll be able to comprehend this mystery in another million years!"

"Speaking of which, my grandfather is really a pervert. In less than 40 years of his life, he understood everything and pacified the entire universe. However, it took me 300 million years to finally understand with his help! "

"As for whether we can finally pacify our universe, this is still unknown. After all, my grandfather and I are not in the same world! I can't copy his path. Grandpa almost pacified the entire universe by himself, but But I can't, this time I'm afraid I have to borrow the consciousness and soul of all human beings like in the last battle, otherwise I really don't have the confidence to defeat that Dao... that is what we call the origin of the universe!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly road.

"However, unlike Grandpa's dilapidated cosmic origin, our cosmic origin is too powerful. Even if grandpa comes here in person, he may not be able to defeat the cosmic origin of our universe! So in this battle, I can only borrow the strength of all human beings. consciousness and soul."

"Borrow it, if this battle can be won, then everything lost can be reborn, if lost, all human beings are just dead birds in a cage!" Alice nodded.

"That's right, this can be regarded as helping the Jiugan Clan to fulfill their last wish!" Liu Nianfeng finally said lightly, and Alice's body became extremely stiff at this moment.

"You know everything?" Alice raised her head in disbelief and looked at Liu Nianfeng.

"Of course I know. I have always felt that although my life seems to be full of ups and downs, it is actually too smooth. Although many times the Nine Senses are my opponents, but when I think about it carefully, the Nine Senses It seems that they are all helping me!"

"Actually, the reason why I was able to travel to this era is not all because of something called the Nine Dragons Organ? There is also a nine character in its name!"

"..." After a violent tremor, Alice's body suddenly returned to calm, and she finally muttered to herself, "Actually, there were endless debates in the clan back then. Many people thought that we could defeat him with our own strength. There is no need to borrow human hands! But I understand that everything has failed since the time when our Jiugan family hid in the 3.5-dimensional space. This is a road that can only advance and not retreat. We have never challenged the origin of the universe We can only do this with the help of the protagonist of the next era!"

"No, you're wrong. In fact, you Jiugan clan didn't fail when you hid in the 3.5-dimensional space at all, but you were doomed to fail at the beginning of your origin, because the foundation of your civilization is not your step by step. It was developed, but it was obtained by directly plundering everything in the Shangri-La civilization!"

"It's like a pear tree grafted on an apple tree. Although the pears produced may taste better, you don't want to have your own future. You are just a graft in the end!"

"Really..." Alice raised her head, glared at Liu Nianfeng, and then raised her lips slightly, "Actually, after calculation, it's almost time now. Admiral, do you know why I deliberately brought you to this planet?"

"Eh... Isn't this my pre-planned travel itinerary?" Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment.

"No, the planet you set on your travel itinerary map is actually the next-door planet, but I secretly tampered with a piece of data, so now I am on this planet. In addition, I will tell you that there is actually a Di Jiang's planet inside this planet. Cub, this Dijiang is about to break through the gestation of the celestial womb, and become a real demon saint-level star beast!" Alice said.

"What!" Liu Nianfeng stared at him, and immediately activated the Star Secret Technique. After scanning the planet, he immediately understood that what Alice said was true, and there was indeed a Di Jiang who was about to mature hidden in this planet.

Even Liu Nianfeng also understood that he had no chance to save this planet anymore.Following Liu Nianfeng's glance, that Di Jiang seemed to have sensed the existence of Liu Nianfeng, and immediately broke the ball out, directly blasting a big hole on the surface of the entire planet, and countless people were talking too much at this moment.

"Give me a reason!" Looking at the tragedy in front of him, Liu Nianfeng's expression was calm, but his words could not restrain his anger. "There are 1 million human beings alive on this planet, you need to give me a reason!"

"Because I'm here!" Alice clicked on the broken planet, and said calmly, "Admiral, have you seen that at the position of 25 degrees east longitude and 86 degrees west longitude of the planet, there is a small Hospital. There is a pregnant woman who is about to give birth in the hospital. The man next to her is her husband, and her unborn child is conceived in her belly.”

"In addition, there are 12 patients, 21 doctors and nurses, and 36 relatives in this hospital. In the end, there are 9 melon-eating people who accidentally entered the hospital, a total of 81 people!"

"Why are you telling me this now?" Liu Nianfeng asked puzzled.

"Because the pregnant woman is my mother, the husband accompanying her is my father, and I am the child in that womb, and these 81 human beings are the original Jiugan clan! Nine nine 81!" Alice finally said with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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