The last cultivator

Chapter 123 The past is the past

Chapter 123 The past is the past

After Xiruo left, she walked in the direction of going back according to her memory, but after a day or two, she felt that she was still going wrong and lost.

Now he is guarding against arrogance and impetuosity, and he hasn't closed his eyes for another day and night, and he is about to fall to the ground. If it wasn't for the support of his faith, she would have fallen to the ground long ago.

But even so, she couldn't hold on any longer, and when her eyes went dark, she fell to the ground with a plop. When the scene in front of her eyes was blurred, she saw a few people walking over.

"This chick must have lost her way, she looks a bit more real..."

"How about it, do you want to have a good time and tie it back to let everyone have a good time."

Several men smiled slyly, and Xiruo on the ground also heard their conversation, but now she couldn't summon the slightest strength to resist, and even had the thought of death in her heart. It would be better to die than to be insulted by others.

Feeling her body being pulled up by them, Xi Ruo's face was ashen, and when she was about to commit suicide, there was a sound of exclamation, followed by a few puffs, as if blood was splashed on her face.

In a daze, she saw a familiar figure approaching. The man hugged her and said in a low voice, "I finally found you."

"Bai..." A word came out of his mouth, and Xi Ruo completely fell into a coma.

Looking at the unconscious Xi Ruo, Bai Lengye sighed, after several days of driving, he finally caught up with him, if it wasn't for the Yunxiao sword, maybe he really couldn't catch up.

Those people were all killed by him. After digging out some water and food from inside, he took Xiruo to a low cliff valley, healed the other party, and then took some water and food.

An hour later, the other party woke up. After Xiruo saw Bai Lengye, his face was complicated, and he said, "You are not dead, I thought."

"I'm lucky and fateful, my wife hasn't had a baby yet, how could I die." Bai Lengye smiled, threw dry food to the other party, and gnawed on a piece of compressed biscuit.

"How did you escape?" Xi Ruo asked softly.

Bai Lengye shrugged and said: "I don't know either. When I woke up, I came to a water source. By the way, the bones of your predecessors were found." the other side's bones.

Xi Ruo was stunned, but she didn't expect the other party to find it. After being dazed, she asked, "The bones have been found, so have you seen the Cloud Sword?"

"No, I didn't see it." Bai Lengye lied and said, his face was not flushed and he was not panting.

Xi Ruo was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it. The opponent's body was empty and there was no place to hide the sword. It seemed that he really didn't see the Yunxiao sword.

After resting, Bai Lengye got up, took a sip of water, and then said: "Let's go, it should be very fast to go out here, but it's not the direction we came in, and we probably have to enter a forest or a mountain when we go out."

Xi Ruo nodded and said, "Let's go out first and talk later. It's better to be in the forest than in this desert."

Bai Lengye hummed, packed his things, put his bag on his back, and walked outside. The two walked out of the cliff valley and walked straight ahead.

Half a day later, he finally walked out of Lop Nur, and there were high mountains and endless forests in front of him. Bai Lengye yelled a few times to vent his depression in the past few days.

Xi Ruo showed a smile on her face. In the past few days, she had walked through the ghost gate of the desert several times. Bai Lengye saved her twice, otherwise she might have died inside.

"Go straight, and you should be able to go out." Bai Lengye jumped off the mountain and walked along the trail along the way, followed by Xiruo. A few minutes later, a slap wooden house appeared in front of him, and an old lady was sitting there. At the gate weaving a web.

Although I can't understand the local language, I can still understand the general meaning. After eating a hot meal, the feeling is really different.

After resting for one night, the two of them continued to walk forward according to the other party's instructions the next day. Finally, three hours later, the two arrived in the town.

The first thing to do when you come to the town is to open the room, take a comfortable bath, then get a haircut and buy clothes. After everything is done, you are ready to go back.

In the past few days, Xiruo's perception of Bai Lengye has also changed a lot, and his words are not as cold as before. The other party is going back to Yunxiao Palace, and Bai Lengye is naturally going home.

But before boarding the plane, Bai Hanye brought some local specialties. Of course, for the sake of trouble, he directly threw them into the ring.

After getting on the plane, Bai Lengye's whole heart was relieved, as soon as the plane arrived, he would go home, and finally he didn't have to suffer in Lop Nur.

This plane was owned by a foreign airline company, and there were many foreigners on board. Bai Hanye bought the economy class, and beside him was a big foreign man, dressed as if he was going on a trip.

At this moment, the big foreign man next to him took off his sunglasses and left with a magazine. At first, Bai Lengye didn't pay attention, but after a while, one of them came over and sat down, but he had already changed to another person.

"Yeah." Bai Lengye looked puzzled, and the other party also turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Bai, we meet again."

Looking at the other party, he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while. At this time, the other party said, "Mr. Bai is so forgetful. I am Hank Inkerson."

"It's you." After hearing the other party's introduction, Bai Lengye suddenly remembered, isn't this guy from the FBI? He was looking for him last time, but he hadn't seen him for more than a year, so he forgot.

"You follow me?"

"No, it's just a case, and I happened to meet." Hank Inkerson smiled slightly: "It's just that I met Mr. Bai by accident, which surprised me."

Bai Lengye chuckled, he wouldn't believe the other party's nonsense, how could such a coincidence happen even on a plane.

Hank Inkerson said: "Mr. Bai, the Hell's Angels have been looking for you recently."

"No." Bai Lengye replied truthfully, since the last time, there has been no movement on the other side, he thought the other party had already forgotten.

"I didn't find it? That's really surprising, but the Hell's Angels never give up easily. They were also very angry about what happened last time."

"I don't know what you are talking about. I have no hatred against them." Bai Lengye said indifferently, he would not admit to robbing the other party, otherwise the other party would definitely bring him to court.

"Mr. Bai likes to make people laugh. We all know this." Hank Inkerson straightened his clothes, got up and said, "Mr. Bai, if you have time, you can go to America. Pollution is not serious."

"Yes." Bai Lengye turned his head away, and Hank Inkerson turned and left.

Bai Lengye narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't understand what the other party was looking for him this time, maybe he was going to tell him that the Hell Angels were going to do something.

A few hours later, the plane landed safely and walked out of the airport. Xie Li sent someone to pick him up. After getting into the car, Bai Lengye looked out the window and asked, "Can foreigners come in and out recently?"

The driver replied: "A lot of foreigners come here every day, most of them are familiar faces, and unfamiliar faces are rare."

Bai Lengye hummed, and looked at the scenes that kept flashing by outside the window, just like life, it passed in a hurry, with only a gust of wind.

When they came to the nightclub and turned around a few times without any major incidents, Bai Hanye told them to be careful recently, especially foreigners.

After leaving the nightclub, Bai Lengye came to the company, it's okay if he doesn't come, as soon as he comes, there are a lot of documents waiting for him to sign.

After signing hundreds of documents, my waist was sore. Bai Lengye asked about the company's recent affairs, and everything was going well. After the last draft, there were a few newcomers left. Because of the rise of the grassroots, the popularity is not high. But the affinity with fans is good.

Now, it is not a problem for the company to earn tens of millions a year, but it also encountered a bottleneck, because the series of rules he formulated made it difficult to develop in Southeast Asia. Bai cold leaves are not allowed, so those big bosses also have complaints, and some of them have clearly marked prices, how much a meal will cost.

Bai Lengye thought about these issues again. If he wants to hang out here, he must abide by some rules. If you accompany me to dinner, the company doesn't care, of course, the premise is that there is no agent to force it.

After the meeting, those beautiful female stars all found Bai Lengye, and asked to take a group photo for no other reason. Originally, the group photo was nothing, but what Bai Lengye didn't know was that they took the photo with the boss and posted it on Weibo Yes, some fans mistakenly thought it was a rich second generation, and they forwarded it angrily.

Under the powerful navy, Bai Lengye became a rich second generation who wanted to marry someone. No one told them that they were their boss, so they started to misunderstand.

But fortunately, this farce soon went down, because the company official Weibo came out to refute the rumors and admitted that the man was their boss.

One stone caused a lot of waves. The boss in his 20s made many people envious and jealous. Some people started human flesh searches, but when they knew that he was a person in Gaocheng who covered the sky with his hands, no one dared to post Weibo indiscriminately. .

With gangsters, especially when they were the bosses of the city, no one would dare to maliciously smear the other party unless they were courting death.

Bai Lengye doesn't play Weibo, of course he doesn't know about it, Fang Xiaoyu told him to know, but after knowing it, he just smiled, this kind of thing happens every day, just get used to it.

Time passed quickly in the blink of an eye, summer left, autumn came, half a year passed in such a hurry, during this time, Bai Lengye was quite busy.

Recently opened a restaurant in Shijiazhuang, the scale is small, but the decoration is very good, it looks very high-end, coupled with the connections, it is quite popular, as the boss, he can't keep a low profile, he started to go in and out It is the place, and the people you come into contact with every day are people from the upper class.

But the only thing that makes him happy is that during this period of time, Fang Xiaoyu has advanced rapidly. He has already reached the fourth level of warrior, and will soon be promoted to the fifth level.

Of course, it's because of the two people's frequent dual cultivation, Bai Lengye came home whenever he had time, the two of them were really drunk.

Autumn and winter are coming, and the cold winter is coming again. People put on thick cotton clothes to survive this cold winter.

It's about to be his third year, and Bai Lengye sighs when he thinks about what happened during this period, thinking that he was poor at the beginning, but now he is worth over ten million and has a wife in a garage.

And Bai Lengye is also planning that he will go to Hong Kong after the new year, and he will take Xiaoyu with his mother. Now he is definitely qualified to talk to the other party. He doesn't believe that his father's family is so powerful. Let them know that the mother's son is capable, not a poor country bumpkin.


Goose feathers and heavy snow fluttered in the sky, and Bai Lengye was walking down the street holding Fang Xiaoyu's hand. The coat on the other side was bought by him for tens of thousands. Although it was expensive, it was warm to wear.

If you have money, of course you have to raise your level. It can’t be said to be too high, but after you go out, at least you can’t let others look down on you, otherwise you will be too tired to pretend to be aggressive all day long.

The two walked into a hot pot restaurant, ordered delicious food, and then waited for Li Fafang to come over.

After the last time, Li Fafang was working hard. He didn’t forget his studies, and went out to start a business. With his help, the other party set up a decoration company. Compared with those college students who know lol all day long, it’s still small Friends made it.

Not long after, Li Fafang came in with a girl. When he saw Bai Lengye, he laughed and stretched out his arms to hug her. Just like before, Bai Lengye kicked her over. This time, Li Fafang Cleverly escaped.

"Brother Bai, I don't like you anymore." Li Fafa laughed and sat down, while the girl sat aside shyly.

"This is brother Bai, and that is sister-in-law."

"Hello Brother Bai, hello sister-in-law..." The girl was a little shy and didn't dare to look at the two of them.

"Okay, you, I found a girlfriend who is younger than you." Bai Lengye patted the other party's shoulder, Li Fafang scratched his head and said: "That's right, now that I have the ability, of course I have to find a girlfriend, otherwise every time I go back They were all scolded by relatives."

Bai Lengye chuckled and asked, "Then how is your company doing?"

Speaking of this, Li Fafa suddenly regained his energy, patted his chest proudly and said: "Although our company has not yet started, we have made a few orders and made a small profit."

"Of course I can't get the money I owe Brother Bai..."

Bai Lengye shook his head and said, "I'm not in a hurry with my money, it won't be too late when you have the ability."

Saying this, the last time the waiter came over, it happened to be Zhang Xiu. Seeing that the other party was wearing the waiter's clothes, Bai Lengye was stunned for a second, and even smiled.

In any case, the two of them have nothing to do with each other anymore, and he has already helped everything that should be done.

"You snobbish guy, at first he disliked Brother Bai for his lack of money, but now he was dumped to work here." Li Fafa sneered.

Zhang Xiu turned around and left in shame, Bai Lengye slapped the other party and said: "It's fine, it's all over, it was all in the past, the past is in the past."

"Yes, the past is in the past. That bitch dumped me last time. When I have time, I will definitely beat her to death with money!"

"wish you success!"


(End of this chapter)

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