The last cultivator

Chapter 124 The Pains of Parents

Chapter 124 The Pains of Parents

Winter is coming and spring is coming, and a year has passed in a hurry. The senior graduates successfully, the juniors go to the top, and the sophomores naturally go to the juniors.

In the past year, many things happened, some jumped off the building because of poor college entrance examination, some dropped out of school because of family difficulties, and some died in accidents.

But no matter what, these things are just for people to pass the time and watch the news when they are bored.

Bai Lengye made a slap-summary summary of the previous year's events, nothing else, but earned a lot of money, and everything in the company was on the right track, but he, the boss, was still in college and entrusted all responsibilities to those managements.

With the new year and new weather, after the start of the university, Bai Lengye has become a senior in people's mouth, and there are many more juniors in the school.

In the past few months, Fang Xiaoyu's progress has also been very fast. Now he is around the fifth level of the martial artist, while the opponent has reached the seventh level of the martial artist.

The reason why he advanced so quickly was because he took the three-leaf safflower, which changed his physique and his aptitude became better.

On this day, the weather is relatively sunny, but the temperature is a bit dry and cold. Although it has been the New Year, the temperature has not picked up yet.

In the classroom, looking at the strange faces around him, Bai Lengye sighed. In his junior year, he found that he was very close to graduation. In another year, he will graduate, and he has gone through a small journey in life. , The wonderful world behind will be waiting for him.

Because of class division, Li Fafang left, and Fang Xiaoyu moved to another teaching building, but he didn't know anyone in this classroom.

After the new teacher came in, he gave a general introduction, and then started class. Just like before, Bai Lengye was lying on the table to dawdle, secretly texting Fang Xiaoyu with his mobile phone.

One class passed so boringly, Bai Lengye got up and went out, came to wait under Fang Xiaoyu's teaching building, after a while, saw the other party coming out with a group of girls behind.

When the two saw each other, they immediately showed discouraged smiles. Just when the other party was about to walk over, they saw a large group of men suddenly surrounding Fang Xiaoyu, holding flowers in their hands.

"Xiaoyu, I like you, please be my girlfriend." The four-eyed man knelt down on his knees.

"I have a boyfriend." Fang Xiaoyu dodged away, but those people quickly surrounded him, and the four-eyed man continued, "Who is your boyfriend? Tell him to come and see me!"

"I'm here, what do you want from me?" Bai Lengye walked over and grabbed his waist, and the eyes of the men around him immediately burst into flames.

"So it's the senior." The four-eyed man pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, squinted his eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "Senior, I like Xiaoyu very much. Seeing how you look like a slack, let me do it."

Bai Lengye snorted and smiled, didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of junior, turned around and left, but the other party surrounded him and threatened: "I'm asking you something, you fucking don't answer my elder brother's question!"

Bai Lengye laughed, the freshmen who just arrived are so arrogant, I really don't know what to say, if they hit them, it would be bullying the younger, but if they don't, it would be too arrogant.

"Hey! How do you talk to seniors? Don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?" The four-eyed man came over and knocked on the other party, then looked Bai Lengye up and down, glanced at Fang Xiaoyu, smiled and said: "Xiaoyu, my name is Huang Hongfei, remember my name, because in a few days, this name will be heard all over the school!" After speaking, the other party left with a smile.

Bai Lengye pouted, not remembering the name at all, and took Fang Xiaoyu away to the cafeteria.

"Brother Bai, I finally saw you." Li Fafa rushed over excitedly, and said with great joy, "I succeeded, and I finally made 30 yuan!"

Bai Lengye congratulated: "That's good, keep working hard, you've already made your first pot of gold."

Li Fafang was so excited, his face was bloodshot, he held Bai Lengye's arm tightly and said, "Brother Bai, you don't know, the boss refused to agree at first, but after I used the beauty trap, he obediently agreed, Ha ha!"


"Sister-in-law, that's not what I meant." Li Fafa felt that there was something wrong with Fang Xiaoyu's gaze, so he said timidly immediately.

"Okay, let's eat. You can use this as an inspirational story. You can propose to the principal to give a lecture or something."

"Okay! That's a good proposal!" Li Fafa clenched his fists tightly and said, "I, Li Fafa, will definitely become an entrepreneur in the future, and I want to share all the difficulties I have experienced."

Bai Lengye shook his head. Compared with the other party, his experience is called difficult. I don't know how many lives and deaths he has experienced during the period. Of course, this kind of thing must not be told to others.

After eating, he sent Fang Xiaoyu back, and when Bai Lengye was about to rest, the phone rang, and it was a call from a very unexpected person.

When I went downstairs, I saw the other party, wearing a not-so-thick coat, a pair of black boots, almost as tall as him, with his back to his body, long black hair shawl, just by looking at the back, you can guess the other party's figure The appearance is not much different.

When Bai Lengye came to him, the other party turned around, showing that familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar face, the two of them met each other's eyes, and neither of them spoke first.

"I haven't been here for such a long time, why do I suddenly think of me?" Bai Lengye said firstly, Mumu in front of him has not seen for more than a year, and there is no trace on his face, but he looks younger, which belongs to reverse growth .

After the last time, the two rarely saw each other, but only occasionally sent text messages, and the other party seemed to have become a nurse in the hospital. After leaving here, the two rarely contacted each other.

Mumu's lips moved slightly, and she smiled slightly: "I want to trouble you with something."

"What's the matter?" Bai Lengye asked casually.

"Come with me, we'll know when we get there." Mumu stretched out his hand, Bai Lengye smiled awkwardly: "I already have a girlfriend, so..."

Mumu laughed loudly, retracted his arms, and said, "I'm afraid I'll eat you, are you a thief, and I'm afraid your girlfriend will see it."

Bai Lengye shrugged and didn't say anything, followed the other party out and got into the taxi. After a while, Bai Lengye couldn't help asking: "What are you going to do, you won't really sell me."

"No, you're worthless if you sell it." Mumu smiled, then took out a notebook and handed it over, Bai Lengye asked, "What is this?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Bai Lengye opened it curiously. On it was a family portrait photo, and there were some brief introductions below. After reading it, Bai Lengye said in surprise: "You won't tell me, you want me to go."

"By the way, that's what it means. I can't find anyone else, so I can only ask you to challenge me." Mumu smiled and said, "Why, is there a problem? It's just a formality."

Bai Lengye was speechless, and took him to the top, now that they are all in the car, why should he get out of the car halfway.

A few minutes later, they stopped in a residential area, which was built in the 90s. The two got out of the car and went in. Mumu pointed to an elderly woman in front of her and said, "That person is my mother, I will take you there..."

"Deng Deng." Bai Lengye pulled the other party to find a place to hide, rolled his eyes, and asked, "You just want to pass the test?"

"Yes, what's the matter." Mumu asked in doubt.

"I have a better way." Bai Lengye smiled mysteriously, then glanced around, walked towards a man leaning against a telephone pole, patted the man on the shoulder, took out a few banknotes, and whispered in his ear Two sentences.

After finishing speaking, the man took the money and walked into the community, Mu Mu looked puzzled, not knowing what he was doing.

After a while, there was a sound of quarreling inside, Mu Mu turned his head to look, his eyes widened suddenly, because the man had quarreled with his mother just now.

Just when she was about to pass by, Bai Lengye grabbed him, then strode over to the man, grabbed him by the collar, and said viciously: "What are you doing, don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?" , quickly apologize to me!"

The man's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly apologized, then turned around and ran away in despair.

"Aunt, how are you?" Bai Lengye helped the other party pick up the vegetable basket. The aunt was still furious, but after seeing Bai Lengye, she said, "Thank you, young man, that person bumped into me just now, so angry in broad daylight." I'm dead."

"Mom, what are you doing here?" When Mumu came over, she was surprised when she saw Bai Lengye, then she took her arms and introduced: "Mom, this is my boyfriend, White cold leaves."

After finishing speaking, the aunt was stunned, but when she thought of helping things just now, she felt good about it, and she quickly smiled and said: "It turns out that we are all a family. Oh, look at me, go upstairs and sit down, what a young man."

"Mumu, let me tell you, someone bullied mom just now, it was this...your boyfriend helped me, otherwise I would be so angry!" As the other party walked towards the building, Mumu held back his smile, Stretched out a thumb in admiration.

When they went upstairs, the other party was politely serving tea and water, Bai Liangye was a little uncomfortable, after all, they were fake, and it would be troublesome if they revealed their secrets in a while.

After meeting and chatting for a few words, the other party asked: "When did you and Mumu meet? Do you have a job? How much does it cost per month? Do you have a house? Are your parents still alive?"

The series of postings made Bai Lengye dizzy, he didn't know how to answer, he could only glance at Mu Mu, who coughed dryly, and said: "Mom, Leng Ye is still in school, where is there any job or house. "

After she finished speaking, the woman's expression changed immediately, and she forced a smile, she pulled Mu Mu into the room, and the voice of the conversation came.

"Mumu, why are you like this? Mom told you a long time ago that with your conditions, you can definitely find someone with money and a house."

"The one my mother introduced to you last time is so good. He works in a public institution and is a manager. He earns more than 1 yuan a month, and the annual salary is more than 20 yuan. He holds a lot of retirement salary every month."

"Look, you don't want such good conditions, but you are looking for a college student. Don't you know that these people can't even find a job after graduation?"

Mumu said: "Mom, it's not as exaggerated as you said, college students will definitely find a good job after graduation."

The woman said: "That's enough, daughter, don't be fooled. Look at the daughter of the old Wang's family next door. They lost a wealthy son-in-law. He spends three to five million yuan a year. Recently, he bought a house and a BMW."

"That Bai Lengye, you have to start from scratch after graduation, are you willing to go out with him to rent a house and suffer?"

Mumu smiled wryly: "Mom, it's really fine, as long as we two..."

"Okay, Mom won't agree to whatever you say, you two should separate quickly, what's the use of being handsome, when you get married, you won't even have a place to live."

Afterwards, the conversation ended, and he whispered a few more words. In the living room, Bai Lengye heard a word in his ears, and he could say nothing but helplessness in his heart.

Saying that he is realistic can only prove that you don't have that strength, but saying that he looks down on him is actually true. After graduation, he can't find a job a lot, and the other party is also thinking about his daughter.

After a while, the two came out, Mumu was downcast, the woman first chuckled, and then asked: "That cold leaf, look at my family, Mumu is not small anymore, after a few more years the day lily will be cold." gone."

"I'll go back and discuss with the old man. The son of a friend of mine works as a manager in a big company, and the monthly cost is tens of thousands. He is going to buy a house recently. Mumu will be happy if he follows him."

"Mom, why are you..." Mumu was very angry, but she didn't know what to say. Although Bai Lengye was found by her temporarily, she couldn't say that. Doesn't it tell you that you are poor?

"The old man and I don't agree with supporting Mu Mu. You see, we are both over 50 years old and retired soon. Mu Mu married a good man, and we can rest well. Otherwise, we have no money and no house, and we have children. I want us two old people to bring it."

"Mom, stop talking, Leng Ye, let's go." Mu Mu got up and was about to leave, but the other party grabbed him and scolded him: "Mu Mu, can't you just listen to Mom once? Not suitable."

"Why is it inappropriate?" Mumu asked back, her eyes turned red, and she almost cried.

"Mom just said it straight, I just hate him for not having money." This time, the woman simply told the truth without beating around the bush.

"Money, you all know money, you can earn money if you don't have money."

"Whatever you earn, you have no power or power. Can you compare to the manager of a big company? Mom can tell you that if you marry him, your parents will never agree to it."

She cried angrily, even though Bai Lengye was a fake boyfriend, she was very angry and annoyed at this moment, she pulled Bai Lengye to get up and left.

"Stop for me, where are you going!"

"I'm not coming back, wait until you think it through."

The door was closed heavily, and after the two went downstairs, Mumu threw herself into Bai Lengye's arms and began to cry.

Bai Lengye comforted: "Your mother is also doing it for your own good, and wants you to marry a good family."

"I don't want it. I just need to find someone who loves me and who I love. If I don't have money, I can work hard together. I don't want my mother to be so snobbish!"

(End of this chapter)

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