The last cultivator

Chapter 135 is a man or a ghost

Chapter 135 is a man or a ghost
Bai Lengye was watching TV at home, when he turned the channel, he suddenly saw the news, and it was from them.

"The Emperor's Tomb."

Seeing the above introduction, Li Yu was shocked, how could there be an emperor's tomb here, and what shocked him even more was that the host said that there was a small coffin here, but it disappeared.

The small coffin, isn't that the one in his room, but I didn't expect it to be unearthed from the emperor's tomb, no wonder it's so mysterious, but how this coffin would automatically run into his room made Bai Lengye very puzzled.

"No, I have to go and see tonight, maybe I can solve the mystery of this coffin." Bai Lengye turned off the TV, went into the room and turned on the computer, and looked at the local forum, the news about the emperor's tomb had already come out .

Some people say that it was caused by killing God Bai Qi, others say that it is a general from the Three Kingdoms period, and others say that it may be the tomb of the Yellow Emperor Chi You.

Turning off the computer, Bai Lengye put on short sleeves, the temperature outside was already very hot, and wearing short sleeves would be too hot.

After going downstairs, I walked leisurely. After a few 10 minutes, I came to a wheat field. The wheat here was as high as my knees. However, because the cemetery was discovered, most of it was cleared. Of course, losing money is certain. .

There are many people here at the moment, some curious onlookers, some reporters reporting, as well as the police and archaeologists, cleaning up some unearthed cultural relics bit by bit.

Bai Lengye turned around and found that the cemetery was really not small, about 50 square meters, a tunnel was the only exit, and after checking the terrain, he left.

When I came to the grocery store, I bought some tools for committing crimes... No, they were tools for night investigation. After I got home and tinkered with it, I was going to have a look at it at night.

He hid the coffin in a cupboard and locked it, just because he was afraid that his mother would suspect something if she saw it.

After the whole day passed, in the dead of night, Bai Lengye went downstairs with his tools and bag.

After walking to the cemetery, I found that there were still people guarding it, but the policeman was drowsy and was not afraid of being discovered.

Coming to the back position, there is a tent with dirty clothes that have been taken off inside. Bai Lengye squatted down, took out a flashlight and a hammer, carried a bag, and jumped down the pit cautiously, bending over towards Go inside the tunnel.

As soon as he turned on the light, Bai Lengye was so frightened that he almost screamed.

In front of his eyes, an old man suddenly appeared, wearing black clothes and a black hat, holding a hammer in his hand like him. When he shone his flashlight on the other person, he was doing a dead look, which almost made him scream.

"Boy, I knew you would come, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Bai Lengye was startled, took a deep breath and said, "Old man, why are you here? Did you come to rob the tomb again?"

"Go, this is not called tomb robbery, just come here and study it." The old man put on the spotlight, turned around and walked towards the inside, Bai Lengye curled his lips, he was very surprised to meet the other party here.

There were puddles on the ground, and the air was hot and stuffy. Bai Lengye followed behind him, watching the old man skillfully use tools, he was really not as good as a layman.

"Do you know whose tomb this is?" Bai Lengye asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I'll find out after checking." The old man took two steps, then squatted down, Bai Lengye wondered what the other party was doing, but saw the other party pull out a detector from the puddle.

"This thing will call the police if it's touched."

Bai Lengye was secretly afraid that if he came by himself, the alarm would probably be set off, and if he was found, he would be charged with a grave robbery.

Soon, the two came to a secret room, where there was a rotten smell on the ground, there was still some mud and sand on the ground, but the dim light above the head was still on.

"Tsk tsk, it really is the tomb of a great man, and it's actually a grave of great evil." The old man smacked his lips, then took out a bag of red blood from his backpack, and sprinkled it in front of him.

Bai Lengye couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

"Black dog blood, to get rid of evil spirits, otherwise if you go in like this, you will get seriously ill within a few days, and then die within a few days."

Bai Lengye was startled, and asked, "Doesn't that mean that those people are going to die?"

"No, this thing will only work on the cultivation world." After finishing speaking, the other party's black dog blood had been poured out, and then he took out some incense candles, lit them and inserted them on them.

"We must come out when this joss stick burns out, otherwise we will never be able to come out."

Bai Lengye's eyelids twitched wildly. At this moment, he felt that the other party looked like a Taoist priest, not an ordinary tomb robber at all.

"Don't look at me like that, who dares to enter such a place without any means."

The old man stabbed an iron pin into the ground, then took out the ink fountain, stained it with a little white thread, wound it around the iron pin several times, and laid it across the hole.

He took out a few bells and hung them up. Before Bai Lengye could speak, the other party explained: "Let's go in. If the bell rings, we have to come out quickly."

Bai Lengye asked in surprise: "Isn't this just a secret room, where are you going?"

The old man didn't say that much, and told him with practical actions. Facing an empty wall, he smashed it with a hammer. After a sound, that wall collapsed.

"There's more inside!" Bai Lengye was a little shocked, while the old man stepped in.

Bai Lengye followed him in, and a pungent smell came, and some poisonous reptiles also got into the gap immediately, and looked for it with a flashlight. This secret room is bigger, about several hundred square meters, but the most important thing is the middle. There are seven coffins placed in a row, all of which are hung by ropes, and behind the seven coffins, there is a golden coffin supported by wooden pillars, which looks extremely gloomy.


"Don't ask so much, we are here to find good things, not to deal with the dead..."

The old man said with a serious face, then bit the flashlight in his mouth, took out the Buddhist beads in his hand, and after chanting, crushed them into powder, and then scattered them around.

Bai Lengye was very puzzled, but the other party's face was solemn, and he couldn't speak, so he could only scan around with the flashlight.

The old man walked forward a few steps, and there were a few small boxes on the stone platform, all of which were bitten out by insects, and when they were opened, the dusty gold, silver and jewels were revealed.

"Tsk tsk, good stuff, I've made a fortune this time." The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and poured everything into the bag.

Bai Lengye was not polite either, and looted all the things he found. These things are very precious. Some pearls or some unknown treasures can definitely be sold for a high price.

At this moment, Bai Lengye felt that it seemed that the tomb robbers were the ones who got the fastest money, and that any item would cost over a million dollars.

Just when the two of them were enjoying the looting, the bell outside suddenly rang, the old man's face was startled, and Bai Lengye also stopped his movements.


The bell rang more violently, the old man's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: "Get out of here quickly, they are back!" After speaking, he turned around and rushed out regardless of what was left.

Bai Lengye was a second slower than the other party, and then ran away. When the two came to the exit, they were about to step out with one foot, when suddenly they heard ghosts crying and wolves howling, the old man pushed him away. At the same time, the tyrannical wind blew in from the outside, and the ground cracked several holes.

Bai Lengye got up and gasped, because the old man was injured, blood was dripping down his shoulder.

"Oops, I can't get out." The old man said with a sullen face, and then took out the medicine he carried with him to stop the bleeding.

"What can't get out, why?"

Bai Lengye walked to the entrance of the cave, the outside was so gray that he couldn't see clearly with a flashlight, it seemed like it was leading to hell, it was eerie and scary.

"The ghost guards the gate, the ringing of those bells means that they have returned, and now the exit is sealed, and the rest..."

When he said this, he suddenly heard a bang bang bang bang, turned his head suddenly, and saw that the seven coffins were shaking unexpectedly, and the ropes on them were split, and they were about to fall down at any time.

"Come over and catch it, don't let the coffin fall!" The old man screamed in shock, Bai Lengye rushed over without the slightest hesitation, grabbing the coffin with both hands.

The old man was also lying on the ground, with his legs supporting the two coffins. When he calmed down, Bai Lengye was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he heard something coming from the coffin in his hand, which scared him to death. I let go of my hand.

Bang!The coffin fell to the ground, and the rope hanging above it also broke.


The old man also let go of the coffin, pulled Bai Lengye and quickly retreated to the exit.

"What happens if you turn around and run out?"

"That's the underworld, if you go in, you'll never come out." The old man said in a deep voice.

Bai Lengye's complexion changed slightly. If he had known it was so dangerous, he would not have come in with the old man. This is no grave robbery, it's just dealing with ghosts.


There was a crashing sound in the coffin, cold sweat dripped down his cheeks, Bai Lengye's body trembled a little, unknown things are always terrifying, and so was he.

"Be careful in a moment. These guys have been dead for hundreds of years, but they are very powerful. If they are accidentally invaded by toxins, they are waiting to die."

The old man exhorted, and stretched out his hand to take off the Buddhist bead on the other wrist, crushed it into powder, swallowed half of it into his mouth, and stuffed the other half into Bai Lengye's mouth.

"Ahem... what..."

"Swallow it, this thing will protect you for a while."

As soon as the words were finished, the lids of the seven coffins flew out at the same time, and there was a creaking sound, and the seven stiff corpses stood up straight. place, blood red.

"This, is this a zombie?"

"It's not a zombie, it's something more powerful than a zombie. Did you see the golden mouth? As long as the one inside doesn't wake up, these seven are just a trivial matter, otherwise..."

Gaba, the seven corpses opened their eyes at the same time, their pale pupils showed no emotion at all, and they walked out of the coffin mechanically, while the heads were shaking, the bone crackling sounded continuously.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yu showed nervousness and was not afraid of dealing with people, but he was really not sure about dealing with these things.

The old man did not know where to take out a blood-red long sword, drank a few sips of wine and spit it out, and it burst into flames.

"Watch out, they're coming!"

When the old man let out a low cry, the seven corpses attacked at the same time, at such a high speed, that ghostly ones appeared in front of them.

The Yunxiao sword was lying in front of him, and the pale claws grabbed it, but nothing happened. Bai Lengye raised his foot and kicked it, and the shock of that hard body made his ankle hurt.

The other party slapped Bai Lengye away with a single palm, and when he fell to the ground in embarrassment, three corpses surrounded him at the same time. The slender palm stabbed at Bai Lengye, and Bai Lengye bent down to avoid it, and then used the concealment technique, and the figure disappeared in place.

"Sand technique!"

"Freezing Technique!"

"Overlord Fist!"

After the three magic spells were used in succession, the three corpses were frozen and sank into the deep pit, and then Bai Lengye punched one corpse on the head, and the opponent just tilted his head, nothing happened.

Seeing this, Bai Lengye couldn't help but swear, and he was sent flying out again.

"It's okay." The old man ran over to help him up.

"It's okay, I'm going to fight him."

dong dong!

Suddenly, the golden coffin on the stage moved, and the old man's expression changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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