The last cultivator

Chapter 136 The Man in the Golden Coffin

Chapter 136 The Man in the Golden Coffin
The air was filled with a rancid smell, and it was a bit depressing. In the secret room, after the change in the gold hall, the seven corpses returned at the same time, stood side by side, and then slightly bowed their heads, as if they were going to greet some important person.

The old man's face was shocked, his arms were trembling. Although Bai Lengye was nervous, he didn't know who was inside, so he was not as scared as the other party.

dong dong!

There was another loud noise from the golden coffin, and the contents inside were hitting the coffin lid violently, but it seemed that it was not easy, and it did not break open after several attempts.

Bai Lengye took a deep breath, and couldn't help but ask, "What's inside, can't it come out?"

The old man tremblingly said: "It's better not to come out, otherwise we will be out of luck..."

"Hey, it seems that we can go out?" Bai Lengye turned around and looked, the fog at the exit was slowly dissipating, but the old man shook his head: "You can't leave now, this secret room has not been opened for at least a thousand years." But, be careful of the Yin soldiers making excuses!"

Bai Lengye was about to ask questions, when the golden coffin suddenly fell from the stone platform with a bang, and then stood upright, creaking, and the coffin lid seemed to be pushed open little by little.

Bai Lengye immediately held his breath, his pupils dilated, and his heart suddenly stopped for a second. As the coffin lid creaked upwards, a gloomy atmosphere permeated the entire secret room.


Finally, the lid of the coffin flew out, and with the faint light, a five-faced man in chain mail and holding a horse-killing sword appeared in front of the two of them.

This faceless man was nearly 1.9 meters tall, tall and burly, his silver-gray chain mail had rotted, and the saber in his hand was covered with moss. The most important thing was that he had no face.

The face is very flat, without facial features, not even ears, and the head is oval, like a football.

"This... what the hell is this?" Bai Lengye couldn't help but gasped, subconsciously took a step back, and pressed his back against the wall.

The old man beside him had a bitter face and did not speak. He took out an arrow from the bag and held it tightly in his hand with a determined expression.

Bang!The golden coffin behind him fell to the ground, shaking the ground. At the same time, the seven corpses also lined up and stood behind him. With a murderous aura.

"Be careful, this is the legendary Faceless Man, we are going to die today."

"What is it, is it a human or a ghost."

"It's neither a human nor a ghost. At least it was a human before it was alive, but now it's dead, but it can't be called a ghost, it can only be between a human and a ghost."

Just when the old man's words fell, the saber in the faceless man's hand had already slashed across, and in an instant, an invisible murderous intent was used, and the hairs of the two of them sprang up, and the gloomy breath rushed into the body, limbs and limbs. Become cold and stiff.

"Be careful, don't let Yin Qi enter your body, or you will become like them."

Bai Lengye looked dignified, and hurriedly mobilized the strength in his body to dissolve the Yin Qi, and then used a spell. Under the trembling ground, a stream of sand turned into spikes and flew away.

The spike pierced the faceless man's chest, and the chain mail on his body was completely shattered, but there was nothing wrong with his body, the extremely pale skin was extremely hard.

Hula, the saber smashed the sand, and the seven corpses behind him turned into afterimages and rushed towards him. Bai Lengye lazy donkey rolled over, and when he raised his head, his pupils shrank violently.

The saber fell, with the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves, and even his expression froze. At the critical moment, the old man rushed over and kicked him, and the saber fell into the air, piercing deeply into the ground.

Bai Lengye suddenly came back to his senses, his back felt cold, and he secretly thought that it was dangerous, if the old man hadn't kicked him just now, he would probably have been killed by the faceless man.

Taking out the Yunxiao Sword, there was a buzzing sound, and the powerful sword intent began to gather. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he used his whole body's strength to strike.

The faceless man lightly raised his arm, and the saber crossed his head, colliding with the Yunxiao sword. The powerful force caused the ground to sink, but the opponent kicked it out. Bai Lengye turned pale and flew out vomiting blood.

"You idiot, you actually fought against the Faceless Man, don't you know it's immortal!"

The old man's exasperated voice sounded, and then the arrow flew out of his hand, directly piercing the faceless man's head easily, but the other man was fine, and walked towards the old man with his saber.

The old man was surrounded by seven corpses, and the faceless man also came to him. He had no face, but he was so terrifying. It seemed that there was a roar coming from the other party.

"Heavenly Fiends gather, return to your place!"

The old man shouted loudly, bit his finger, swiped a few times quickly, and then slapped the faceless man's head. In an instant, a gust of wind blew up at the exit, and a terrifying yin qi swept over, blowing The Faceless Man's body was unstable.

"Let's go, still lying down and waiting to die!"

The old man yelled, ignored Bai Lengye, turned around and ran out, Bai Lengye gave a wry smile, then ran out, cast a glance, the faceless man stood there without moving.

After running out, he saw that the burning incense candle on the ground had just been extinguished, but the black dog blood on the ground had become like ink, gurgling and boiling.

"Fortunately, I caught up, or I would die."

Without staying too long, the old man walked out with his tools. After the two went out together, they suddenly took a few breaths.

"There will be a period later." The old man ran away nimbly and quickly disappeared into the night.

Bai Lengye's eyes flickered, this old man is very mysterious, he doesn't look like a tomb robber, Taoist priests are not professional, and he doesn't know his identity.

But fortunately, he has gained a lot this time. Before leaving, he brought out some things, which were of great value.

After returning home, I took a shower and went to bed, lay in bed and meditated for a long time, and then fell into a deep sleep.

I read the news the next day, and it was introduced that there was a tomb robbery incident at night, and the bones of several dead people disappeared, and the golden coffin had been protected.

Seeing this, Bai Lengye's hairs were counted down, those horrible guys had disappeared, where did they go, could it be that he escaped by himself.

He has already experienced those guys who are not human, and they are definitely extremely powerful guys. If a few of them escape, it will probably cause quite a commotion.

After eating, Bai Leng Ye Ling went out with the bag, then came to the bar, called Wang Rui Gaowang over, took out the bag and put it on the table.

"It's so heavy, what is it?" Gao Wang curiously opened it, and after seeing the pile of gold, silver and jewels inside, he took a deep breath.

"Brother Bai, you robbed and brought so much gold."

"It's not robbery, it's grave robbery."

"Brother Bai, did you do what happened last night?" Gao Wang and Wang Rui were shocked.

Bai Lengye pursed her lips and said something briefly. After hearing about the seven corpses and the Faceless Man, she was so frightened that she turned pale and couldn't speak.

They are atheists, but hearing this kind of thing is too inconceivable. If they didn't know that Bai Lengye is a cultivator, they would have slapped him.

"Brother Bai, what should I do with these things? Have you changed them?"

"Of course I have to change it, why don't you keep it as an offering?" Bai Lengye said, "This thing is a cultural relic, so it's troublesome, but it's not that there are no channels. Those antique markets have bought a lot of these things."

"That's good." Wang Rui rubbed his palms together and said, "I'll go and get rid of these things. The price of tens of millions is probably not a problem."

"Well, be careful on the road, and be careful not to let others find out, otherwise it will be very troublesome to investigate."

"Don't worry, I'm still very careful in doing things." Wang Rui nodded, took the bag, packed it in a garbage bag, and walked out Linglingly.

After the two chatted for a while, Bai Lengye left the bar, and after returning home, he was thinking about what he should do next.

After those things are sold, they can go to the company's account, and nothing will be found out, but what he is worried about now is where those inhuman guys have gone.

Had a fight with that old man at night, and then the other party left, and he lived here again, and was afraid that the other party would come to look for him.

Unable to figure it out, Bai Lengye went out, walked on the street, and glanced around. This small county town hasn't changed much in the past few years, because not many people are willing to come and invest.

Although he wants to invest, he doesn't know what to invest in. Real estate is a bit unrealistic. It's all a scam of ordinary people's money.

"Hey, can you do me a favor." Bai Lengye was walking, when he heard someone calling him, he turned his head immediately, and saw a girl with big sunglasses looking at him, with a lot of luggage beside her.

Bai Lengye walked over to help bring things over, the girl smiled and said: "Thank you, I just came back from abroad, the driver sent me here, but there is no home."

"Where are you, I'll help you carry it." Bai Lengye said kindly.

"Thank you, my house is not far ahead." Bai Lengye hummed, carrying a heavy luggage, glanced at it, just in time to see the girl take off her sunglasses, at this moment, he was stunned.

The girl is very good-looking, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he knew each other, probably when he knew each other when he was young.

Scenes of vague memories came to my mind. When he was in elementary school, he was relatively introverted and timid. Whenever someone bullied him, she would stand up and stand in front of him. Later, he went to junior high school, and the other party went to university. City, and he can only nest in that small place.

At that time, although he was very young, he had an inexplicable emotion in his heart, as if he liked the other party. After so many years, that feeling has never disappeared.

It's not that he likes the other party, it's just that this feeling is weird, it seems to have the sweetness of first love, but it seems a little sad.

"You, are you Tang Chen?"

"Are you Leng Ye?"

The girl was a little puzzled, Bai Lengye immediately smiled and said: "Forget, I am Bai Lengye, you always protected me when I was young."

"It's you." The girl was also a little surprised, and then smiled slightly: "For so many years, you have grown taller than me, and you followed behind my ass back then."

Bai Lengye sighed and was talking when a Toyota car stopped aside and a young man got off, Tang Chen immediately walked over with a smile.

"Xiaochen, why did you come back by yourself by car? I would have picked you up if I knew about it."

"It's okay, I'm home now."

Seeing the closeness of the two, Bai Lengye didn't speak, but shook his head and sighed. After such a long time, the other party also has a boyfriend, the past is the past after all.

"Xiaochen, who is this?"

"Oh, that man is my elementary school classmate, I asked him to help me carry my luggage just now."

"Thank you brother, I have time to have a meal later." The man came over and took the things in his hands, put them in the trunk, and then pulled him away.

Seeing the two getting into the car, Bai Lengye felt a little complicated, but then he figured it out, when he was a child, now he is an adult, he has a Xiaoyu who loves him, and he still thinks about what others are doing.

At this time, the phone rang, and Wang Rui's voice came: "Brother Bai, the things have been sold, a total of 980 million..."

Bai Lengye was not surprised, and immediately smiled and said: "You can take the change, and you can directly transfer the money to the company's account, and then you can say hello to the manager, and he will naturally know what to do." Leng Ye walked forward with her pockets in her pocket. When she passed the intersection, she saw an old man knocked to the ground by a BMW.

"Damn old man, are you looking for death!" The BMW driver yelled, the old man was lying on the ground, his knees were broken, and blood flowed all over the floor.

People around watched, the BMW driver was very arrogant, saying that I was someone, and the traffic police didn't dare to do anything to him.

Bai Lengye stood aside and watched. After a while, the police and the ambulance arrived at the same time. In this case, it was important to send the old man to the hospital first, but the ambulance waited for the police to fix the scene before pulling the man into the car. .

The onlookers got angry and accused them one after another, but the leading doctor was also tyrannical, but he didn't save people. The BMW driver looked at everyone with a disdainful face, holding a Chinese cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing this, Bai Lengye deeply felt helpless. The last time I read the news, a bridge was almost closed to pass, and the ambulance was forced to wait. It was the same with this one. The old man was clearly injured, but the ambulance just didn’t move. I have to wait for the police to fix the scene, but those policemen are dawdling, and the old man will probably die when it is done.

Unable to see it any longer, Bai Lengye was about to go over to help, but saw a girl walking up to the BMW man and kicking him in the stomach, several policemen were stunned.

"Why are you beating someone?" A policeman stretched out his hand, but when the girl looked at him with an indifferent expression, she was immediately frightened.

The girl said in a cold voice: "People like you should be taken to the crematorium to be burned!" After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at the doctors, who were so frightened that they hurriedly dragged the old man away.

Outside, Bai Lengye showed a bit of interest, he could feel that the other party was just an ordinary person, but the dead air in his body was not light, as if he was dealing with dead people.

Looking at the cold face of the other party and what he said just now, if Bai Lengye guessed correctly, it is estimated that this pretty girl works in the crematorium.

(End of this chapter)

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