The last cultivator

Chapter 174 Mr. Lei

Chapter 174 Mr. Lei
His opponent was an eighth-level samurai with a scimitar in his hand, and the opponent was also fierce in his attacks. At least two of them had their legs broken by the opponent just now.

Bai Lengye was not nervous. When the opponent attacked, he easily dodged it, and at the same time punched the opponent's back with his backhand. The person flew several meters and almost fell off the stage.


The man seemed to be mad, he used both knives together, and slashed at his head, curling up the cold blade light, Bai Lengye didn't dare to be careless, the sole of his foot lightly stepped on the ground, and landed on the edge of the table.

"Go to hell!"

The scimitar in both hands flew over directly, spinning and attacking his neck and legs. There were so many white cold leaves, even if he jumped up to dodge, he would probably be hit by the scimitar.

At the critical moment, Bai Lengye hit the rock with his fist, and a layer of stone slabs flew up, blocking the two scimitars, making a clanging sound.

And at this moment, Bai Lengye rushed over, appeared in front of the person like lightning, and hit the chest with a fist, the person spit out a mouthful of blood, turned around and flew off the stage.

"NO.30 Bethlehem Ye Sheng!" The referee immediately raised his wife.

Bai Lengye turned around and walked down, but the man suddenly roared, took out a dagger, and stabbed him in the back of the heart, when everyone was screaming, Bai Lengye kicked backhand, viciously Kicking the opponent's chin, the whole head was crooked, and the whole chin was broken. He fell to the ground and twitched twice, but there was no movement.

Everyone recovered from the shock, and then heaved a sigh of relief. The sneak attack was unsuccessful, but they were seriously injured, and they deserved it.

In such a situation, no one would agree with the other party, and even though they had lost, they would sneak up on the other party. This kind of shameless behavior, to be honest, death would be for nothing.

Bai Lengye sat silently on his seat, and when he was about to take a sip of water, his arms froze for a moment, the corners of his eyes glanced around, the corners of his mouth lightly lifted, and he still took a sip.

"Lei Shao, Lei Shao, that idiot drank the water." One of them ran over happily, but Lei Shao smiled disdainfully: "An idiot is an idiot, he has been poisoned by me, let's see how I will abuse you on stage later." kill him."

"That's right, our Young Master Lei is number one in the world, all scumbags are to die, the beauty belongs to our Young Master Lei."

There was a group of people flattering around him, Shao Lei felt very comfortable, his whole body was floating, and when he sat down, some people beat their shoulders and others pinched their legs.

The game continued. What happened just now, the referee once again warned that no matter who the person is or what their identity is, the loser is the loser. If there is a sneak attack, they will definitely be punished.

Although the referee said so, some really powerful people didn't take it seriously, let alone a sneak attack, even if they killed someone, they didn't dare to do anything to their people.

But after the start of the match again, those people obviously stopped. They didn't dare to beat people directly to cripples, but they were beaten until they vomited blood, and they were blinded and had an arm broken.

An hour later, the competition took a break, and Bai Lengye went to the toilet. When he came out, he saw some people from the medical family.

The other party pretended not to see him, and walked past him directly, and that young master Lei also came in from outside with a large group of people.

"Boy, I tell you not to court death, Xiaoya is mine, no one can make a decision, or you will be unable to leave Hong Kong!"

Facing Lei Shao's threat, Bai Lengye didn't want to say anything other than feeling that the other party was an idiot. This kind of person will only be convinced if you beat him to the ground.

Back on his seat, Young Master Lei kept looking at him with warning eyes, and when it happened to be him and the opponent in the first match, Young Master Lei immediately laughed out loud.

When the two came to the stage, Shao Lei took out a nunchaku, danced it around beautifully, and howled like Bruce Lee.

Bai Lengye was still empty-handed. To be honest, facing an idiot like Lei Shao, he really couldn't use a weapon.

"Take out your weapon, I will defeat you openly!" Lei Shao said viciously.

Bai Lengye shook his head: "We don't need a weapon. To deal with someone like you, my arm is enough."

"You're looking for death!" Lei Shao was in a hurry, he felt that Bai Lengye was insulting him, so he shouted loudly and hit him with a nunchaku.

Bai Lengye continued to avoid sideways, and had to lament that the other party's nunchucks were good, and coupled with Wu Zong's strength at a young age, he was probably a genius, but unfortunately, his mind was full of women, so he was useless.

Taking advantage of the spare time, Bai Lengye punched the opponent's shoulder with his fist, and Shao Lei let out a cry of pain, and stepped back a few steps.

Lei Shao gasped for breath, and immediately cursed: "Who says you are a warrior, I will kill him immediately!"

Bai Lengye sneered and said, "When did I say that I have the strength of a samurai? Is it your own idea?"

"You!" Lei Shaoqi's body trembled, but then he gripped the nunchaku tightly, and with a whistling sound, he appeared directly above Bai Lengye's head.

"Thousands of double sticks!"

A series of afterimages appeared in front of Bai Lengye's eyes, coming with a penetrating aura, making people unable to tell which was real and which was full of power.

Bai Lengye was a little surprised, it seems that this young master Lei is not too stupid, but unfortunately, the other party met him.

With a light fist, he directly broke the opponent's attack, and even the whole person flew out backwards without letting the fist hit, and hit the audience, his face turned pale, and he almost vomited blood.

Fortunately, Bai Lengye kept his hand, otherwise, this fist would directly kill the other party half of his life, and he would not even be able to stand up.

"Young Master Lei, you are fine, Young Master Lei." A few sycophants went over and suggested, "Young Master Lei, if you find someone to do him, he would dare to hurt you!"

Hearing this, Lei Shaoqi's nose turned crooked, and he slapped the other party on the spot. If he said this in front of thousands of people, if something happened to Bai Lengye, he would definitely be pointed at him.

"It's fine to talk about this kind of thing in private, but an idiot dares to say it in front of so many people!" Lei Shao angrily kicked the opponent again, glared at Bai Lengye viciously, turned around, clutched his chest and left.

Bai Lengye couldn't help laughing, after the referee pronounced the verdict, he sat back down, and the person in the next match was actually the girl from the medical family, but the opponent was a surprise to Bai Lengye.

It was a man, not tall, with dark skin, a pair of eyes like a wolf, exuding a ferocious look, the muscles in his arms were full of explosive power, and his body was full of blood.

Bai Lengye felt that this person must be a murderer, at least many people died at the hands of the other party, otherwise there would be no such fierce eyes and bloody feeling.

At the beginning of the match, the woman took out a slender sword, her imposing manner was high, and she looked very delicate, which was in stark contrast to the man.

The man walked over with bare hands and steady steps. The woman gave a soft shout, tapped the floor with her toes, and stabbed the opponent's shoulder with a long sword.

The next moment, the man stopped and didn't even dodge. He just reached out and grabbed the long sword. No matter how hard the woman tried, she remained motionless.

The man's arm has magic power, and the long sword is directly rolled. The woman subconsciously let go of her hand, and the opponent twisted the long sword into a ball of scrap iron in two or three times, and threw it on the ground at will.

"This person has such a strong body." Bai Lengye at the bottom was a little surprised. This person's strength may not be high, but his body seems to be made of steel and iron, and he easily crushed the long sword into scrap iron.

Without the weapon, the girl was a little nervous, so she could only fight the opponent empty-handed, but others also knew that this woman would definitely not be the man's opponent.

"watch out!"

The woman flicked over, waving her slender arms, and went straight to the other's chest, but the man didn't avoid looking at her with a blank expression, and was just slapped by him.

In the dead silence of the audience, the girl's expression changed, but the man easily grabbed her wrist, and the girl's complexion turned pale instantly.

The man kicked the girl, and his complexion turned pale immediately, but the man grabbed her wrist and couldn't escape at all.


The man mercilessly smashed on the other's chest again, and the girl spurted blood with a mouthful, and everyone exclaimed.

"It's abhorrent to hit a pretty girl hard!"

"Surrender quickly, he will kill you if you don't surrender!"

"Damn it, let me go, I'm going to kill him!"

Lei Shao's eyes were red, seeing the girl he liked being beaten like this, his murderous intent burst out, but he was not allowed to go up because of others.


"I will not surrender!"

The girl stared at the opponent with stubborn eyes, and at the same time hit the opponent's heart with two consecutive palms, and the man let go of his hands.

During this period, the man didn't say a word, his face was expressionless, like an indifferent robot, with only killing and cruelty in his eyes.


The girl quickly took out the elixir and swallowed it, her pale complexion looked better, and immediately put on a fighting posture, her eyes swept over the man's body back and forth.

Everyone has weaknesses, and he doesn't believe that the other party has no weaknesses. Even if she uses dirty methods in the end, she will still win the game.

With a loud shout, his body slid over lightly, his feet slid to the man's back, and he tapped on the man's acupuncture points several times in a row, while taking a few steps back.

Seeing the man standing motionless, the woman thought her acupressure method had taken effect, and just about to laugh, her face froze suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, the man appeared in front of her as a ghost. At the same time, he hit her abdomen with a heavy fist, and blood spit out from his mouth.

The sound of cold wind rang in my ears, half-opened my eyes, and saw the other party's three fingers grabbing her throat, obviously wanting her life, felt the death coming, and subconsciously closed my eyes.

"It's such a heavy hand for a girl." A faint voice suddenly rang in her ears, and the girl's delicate body trembled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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