Chapter 175
When she opened her eyes, she saw a man in sportswear standing in front of her. She was grateful and realized that this man was actually the one-armed man.

"You can kill a girl, it's really..." Bai Lengye smiled softly, his eyes swept across the person without leaving a trace, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart.

This person is very cold, indifferent and not like a person, his eyes are fierce like a wild wolf, even if he came up to stop the other party, it did not change the other party in the slightest.

"You violated the rules." The referee walked over and said immediately.

"Referee, this person is my friend. The person just now obviously wanted to kill me. How could my friend stand by and watch me die?" the girl explained.

The referee looked suspiciously at the two of them, but he also knew that if Bai Lengye hadn't made a move just now, he might really have died in the opponent's hands.

"Only this time, there will be no next time." After the referee finished speaking, he would go back.

The girl thanked her gratefully, and then stepped off the stage. Several girls also ran over quickly to see if there was anything wrong.

"Thank you, my name is Situ Ya, haven't asked for advice yet?"

"Bai Leng Ye."

"Thank you." Situ Ya thanked again.

"Fuck, stay away from my woman!"

That Young Master Lei ran over angrily, pushed Bai Lengye away, and glared at him angrily.

"Why are you like this? Since you like Xiaoya, why didn't you go up and stop her just now?" A girl asked loudly.

Na Lei Shao was a little ashamed, his face was flushed, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

"Hmph! You're a coward, you can't do it yourself, you still have the face to criticize others!"

"I... I'm not a coward, you guys..." Lei Shao's face turned pale, and in a fit of anger, he could only curse.

"Xiaoya, you can't make friends with this kind of person just by looking at them. They're too cowardly, and you'll know that you're jealous of me."

"That's it, I still think this handsome guy Leng Ye is the best, you didn't see the posture just now, you blocked him with one move, so handsome!"

"Handsome Leng Ye, can you give me your phone number?"

"No." Bai Lengye shook his head and said, "I still have hundreds of calling charges in my phone number. I gave it to you. What should I use?" After speaking, Bai Lengye turned around and left.

"My God..." Everyone fell to the ground speechlessly.

Walking back and sitting down, Bai Lengye scanned the remaining contestants, and there were three left, one was the one just now, and the other two were also two masters.

At this time, Young Master Lei brought someone over, he thought that the other party was looking for trouble, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry, the other party came over again and again to find something for him, everyone would be angry.

That Shao Lei stood in front of him quietly, after about five seconds, he gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, boy, but I still hope you stay away from Xiaoya, because you are not worthy of her."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye raised his eyebrows, shut his mouth and said nothing, Lei Shao snorted coldly and said: "I'm afraid you don't know, Situ Ya is the eldest lady of the Situ family from a family of medicine, her status is top-notch, you Such petty civilians are not qualified."

Bai Lengye smiled and said, "Then what do you say to qualify, for example, Lei Shao."

"Of course." Lei Shao proudly puffed up his chest and said, "I, Lei Shao, am well-known in the whole Hong Kong Island, and I will not lose my status when I am paired with Situ Ya."

"Oh, then congratulations, I hope you can marry her in the future." After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye stopped talking.

Lei Shao thought that Bai Lengye had figured it out, and was about to laugh out loud, but suddenly felt something was wrong, these words sounded like irony no matter how they sounded.

"Next, I would like to invite No. 30 Bethlehem Leaf, and No. [-] Du Bien."

Hearing the referee calling him, Bai Lengye got up directly and walked onto the stage, and the man named Du Bian also came on the stage, and the opponent was the one just now.

After the referee started, the two of them stood without moving. Bai Lengye stared at each other. He was under a lot of pressure. The pressure this person put on him was no worse than those of Wu Wang. For some reason, he felt that the other's eyes were too tight It's so fierce that most people dare not look at it at all.

"Do it, what are you doing in a daze!"

"You two are idiots, you are fucking moving!"

Immediately, there was a lot of scolding in the auditorium, but the two people on the field remained motionless. Just when the audience couldn't take it anymore, the two moved.

It was too late to say it, but I saw only two afterimages across the field, but I didn't see anything else. The floor burst directly, and the ground trembled.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of gasping for air. The venue of the competition had already been flattened, but the two of them were fine, except that Bai Lengye's other sleeve was torn.

Bai Lengye stared at the opponent closely, this Du Bian was very powerful, although he was also at the peak of Wu Zong's strength, but his iron frame was very hard, and he would not cause any harm to the opponent at all when he punched him.

"It seems that it can only use spells."

Bai Lengye thought to himself, and at this moment, Du Bian rushed over quickly.

boom!A palm slammed on the ground, making a loud noise under Du Bian's feet, and a spike suddenly appeared, but when it hit the legs, it broke immediately, and it caused some obstacles to the opponent's movement That's all.

Bai Lengye was startled, his mud and sand didn't work, this was the first time, the opponent's hard body was almost stronger than steel.

The opponent hit the ground with a fist, Bai Lengye's pupils shrank, and he flew to avoid it, and at the same time, a hole appeared in the place where he was standing just now.

There was an uproar in the auditorium. Thousands of people stood up and shouted at the same time. The sound was thunderous, as if they were about to break through the house.


After two heavy blows, the two sides separated again, and this time, Bai Lengye was injured, and the blood on the opponent's body was spit out from his mouth.

After fighting dozens of moves, Bai Lengye knew that the opponent was very powerful, some of which were beyond his expectations. It is estimated that even King Wu might not necessarily be the opponent of the opponent.

After wiping off the blood, Bai Lengye gasped for breath. Facing this kind of person, he could only use a powerful killing move, and ordinary attacks would be useless to him.

Du Bian rushed over like a cannonball, and Bai Leng subconsciously used his arms to block in front of him. The force of the impact at that moment made him fly upside down with his feet off the ground, blood gushed out of his throat, and blood spit out from the corner of his mouth.

Coughing up blood in his mouth, his face turned pale and he stood up. Before he could stand still, Du Bian rushed over again, this time kicking him in the chest, and there was a very clear sound of bones breaking.

With beast-like ferocious gazes, Bai Lengye climbed up again and looked at Du Bian who was rushing over. In desperation, he had no choice but to use spells again.

The fire dragon combo can't be used, but the ordinary flame can be used, the five-finger connection pops up, flies out, and explodes in front of Du Bian.

When the dust cleared, his figure had disappeared, and the whole venue fell into silence. Countless eyes were looking for Bai Lengye's figure.

About ten seconds later, when Du Bian looked around with cold eyes, he forgot about the top of his head. Bai Lengye suddenly appeared from the top of his head, kicked him with all his strength, and it was too late for Du Bian to react.

One kick hit Du Bian's forehead, the ground on which his feet were standing collapsed, and Bai Lengye also fell to the ground, staring fixedly at him.

Blood slowly dripped from his forehead, and Du Bian almost fell to the ground with a sway of his body. He shook his head, half of his face was stained red with blood, and he looked extremely hideous.

At this moment, Du Bian's eyes became tyrannical and bloody, full of killing intent, and the muscles all over his body swelled up, seeming to become more powerful.

Bai Lengye smiled wryly, but it was really difficult to defeat the opponent with fists, it seemed that he could only use sharper things.

Just when he was thinking about how to take out the Cloud Sword, there was a loud shout, he turned his head and looked, a weapon was thrown up, and he subconsciously caught it in his hand. It was a huge wolf weighing [-] kilograms and [-] centimeters long. Tooth stick.

Seeing the mace, Bai Lengye's lips couldn't help twitching, and Du Bian's expression changed immediately.

"Thank you." Bai Lengye smiled at Situ Ya, then turned to look at Du Bian.

I love it by waving it lightly, the force of twenty kilograms makes a whistling sound in the air, and if this thing is thrown down by him, it is estimated that an elephant can be killed in an instant, besides, there are many sharp thorns on it, which are extremely sharp , he did not believe that Du Bien could stop him.

When he rushed over, Du Bian really didn't dare to confront him head-on, and just avoided it by relying on his speed. When he hit the opponent's back with a stick, although the spike didn't go in, the The instant stabbing pain also made the other party cry out in pain.

"Good thing, I'll smash you to death!"

Bai Lengye followed closely, and smashed it down on the head without hesitation, Du Bian's eyes showed anger, he roared, and directly clamped the mace tightly with his palms, the veins on his arms were thick and thick Just like an earthworm, no matter how much Bai Hanye moves, she cannot move the slightest bit.

Du Bian growled and thrust out his palms violently, the rough mace was crushed and broke, Bai Lengye was immediately dumbfounded.

Boom!He was kicked and flew out again, and when he landed, Du Bian rushed over again, hitting his chest with several fists in succession, his sternum was sunken, and there was continuous blood in his mouth.

"Death!" A low growl came from Du Bian's mouth, and the bloody fist, blowing the cold wind, hit Bai Lengye's forehead.

At this moment, Bai Lengye felt the threat of death, his brain thought of many things, but the most thoughtful thing was how to kill the other party.

A raging anger was burning in his heart. From just now until now, he has been passively beaten, and he has been patient, but in exchange for this result.

The fist was three centimeters away from his forehead, and he took it off. If he didn't use any means, he would be dead.

"Fire Dragon Bomb!"


A raging flame was burning on his arm, and in an instant, Du Bian's face changed drastically, and his body stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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