The last cultivator

Chapter 176 Bad News and Good News

Chapter 176 Bad News and Good News

After everything calmed down, Du Bian in front of him had disappeared, leaving only one arm in place, and Bai Lengye swayed, almost unable to stand still due to excessive consumption.

The whole hall was deadly silent, everyone got up and was terrified, the playing field was destroyed badly, except for Bai Lengye, Du Bian was gone, to be precise, he was dead.

The person who suppressed Bai Lengye just now died just like that, burned to death by a fire dragon, leaving only one arm in place, it's unbelievable!
"This person is dead, the referee, and the sentence has not yet been pronounced."

Bai Lengye turned his head to look at the referee, who suddenly came back to his senses, his arms trembling, then took a deep breath and said, "No. 30, Bai Leng Ye Sheng!"

After the announcement, the sky-shattering cheers rang out, this time stronger than ever. The sky-shaking sound hit his eardrums, and he couldn't take it anymore, so he stepped down.

After going back, Bai Lengye sat down to rest, and Lei Shao and the others looked at him. At this moment, no one was looking for him.

Two hours later, the competition was over, and he successfully won the first place, which is still the kind where no one is dissatisfied, unless that person wants to challenge him and try the power of the fire dragon combo again.

After returning home, Bai Lengye told his father the news, of course the other party was very happy, and he went back to his room to rest.

Through this competition, Bai Lengye discovered many shortcomings of himself. At least he didn't have a strong attack except relying on Tianhuo and Yunxiaojian. Maybe he should find someone to practice.

The next day, the results of the match were also announced, and Wang Fengmin approached him, and after a few words of politeness, he mentioned the matter of the match.

Although this No.1 didn't have any rewards, the benefits it brought to the family were huge. In the next few days, the company increased a lot of shares and earned at least 5000 million.

On the fifth day, Bai Lengye was about to go back, and he had nothing to do here, so he might as well go back to the mainland and practice early.

The Bugatti and Rolls-Royce had already been transported back, and his father bought him a Ferrari. Of course, he didn't want it at first, but he had no choice but to accept it in the end.

Arriving at the international airport, Bai Lengye sat in the waiting room and waited quietly. He was thinking about whether he should speed up his cultivation after returning home. He had been stuck at the ninth level of Wu Zong for a long time.

The announcement sounded, and he boarded the plane with his luggage. Not long after he sat down, he found that there was no one in the first-class cabin. Close your eyes and take a nap.

When he woke up dazedly, the plane was already at a high altitude. Bai Lengye glanced around and found that his first class cabin was empty and there was no one there.

With some doubts in his heart, Bai Lengye got up and went to a bathroom, but he didn't see a flight attendant along the way. When he walked curiously to the economy class, he was shocked.

In the economy class, there was no one, it was empty, and it looked very dead. At this time, the plane shook violently, and it felt like it was going down.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the window, and found that the plane was out of control and was falling rapidly. His expression changed drastically, and he rushed to the cabin door without caring much.

He knew that someone must have tried to harm him, directly at Feifei Mountain, and the reason why he slept so dead must be bewitched by drugs.

With a loud shout, Bai Lengye kicked open the cabin door, and the instant hurricane force directly sucked him out, exposing his whole body to the altitude of [-] meters.


A scream came from his mouth, and his body was rubbed by the tail of the plane again. One thigh was immediately boned, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he began to fall towards the forest on the ground.

Originally, he could use the Yunxiao sword to stabilize his body, but his thigh was injured, and his body was seriously injured, so he didn't have the strength to take out the sword.

There was a whistling wind in his ears, and the feeling of weightlessness filled his brain. He gritted his teeth tightly, and reluctantly took out the Cloud Sword, mobilizing the power to control the sword, so that the force of the fall began to slow down.

Although the speed was getting slower and slower, but at the end, he accidentally bumped into a towering tree, and was immediately wounded, and his head was also hit, his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.


When the brain became conscious, there was severe pain all over the body. When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw a thatched roof, and a smell of traditional Chinese medicine entered his nostrils.

"This is where?"

The first question came to his mind, Bai Lengye wanted to sit up, but found that his whole body was weak, and there was still severe pain in his thigh, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Don't move, you're seriously hurt."

The old man's voice came from next to his ear, Bai Lengye turned his head to look, and saw the grave-robbing old man walking in with a medicine jar, and skillfully poured the medicine into the bowl.

"It's you." Bai Lengye rubbed his head and asked, "Why am I here, you saved me?"

"Hmph, you're too embarrassed to say it."

"I was sleeping, old man, when I suddenly saw a huge plane coming down, which almost smashed my old man's house."

Wu Zhen came over with the medicine, asked Bai Lengye to sit up, and after feeding two mouthfuls, he continued: "I found you later, it's a blessing for you, if it wasn't for me, you would have been eaten by wild wolves a long time ago." .”

Bai Lengye thanked him, and after drinking the medicine, he looked around, then the old man said: "I have some bad news for you, do you want to listen to it?"

"What do you want to say?" Bai Lengye looked at the other party.

Wu Zhen sat down, stared at him for a few seconds, and said in a deep voice, "That Huang... what is Huang, he is getting married."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye was startled for a moment, and then asked: "Then does she agree, or..."

"You're dreaming. How could the little girl agree? Her father didn't force her to do so." The old man laughed and rolled his eyes, not knowing what he was paying attention to.

Bai Lengye was silent, he was angry in his heart, but so what, the coffin was gone, even if there was, it was because he had an arm cut off last time, now he is just a useless person, there is nothing he can do.

Seeing Bai Lengye's silence, the old man laughed loudly, got up and said, "I have some good news for you, do you want to hear it?"

Bai Lengye sighed and said, "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it together, just talk about it."

"Your arm was found."


"I found that unicorn arm for you, but it's still bad news..."

Bai Lengye excitedly said: "I found the unicorn arm, where is it?"

"That's what I'm going to tell you. Although the unicorn arm is fine, you have to know what will happen if you connect it."

"What do you mean?"

The old man looked at him solemnly, and after being stunned for three seconds, he sighed and said, "Kirin arm, Mo Qilin was a man against the sky back then. It is said that this arm was stained with the blood of a real unicorn, so it became The invincible unicorn arm."

"However, after Mo Qilin died, this arm has changed owners many times, and the previous owner was..."

"What happened to the previous master?" Bai Lengye asked.

The old man said in a concentrated voice: "I brought this unicorn arm out of a devil's lair, and although its owner is dead, the entire unicorn arm is filled with fierce aura."

"That is to say, if you connect it, you will be affected by the evil spirit, and then you may go crazy and become a murderous maniac."

"I believe I should be able to suppress that evil spirit." Bai Lengye said in a deep voice.

"There is one more." The old man paused for a moment, and then said: "This unicorn arm will affect your heart. If you connect it, your life will change. You cannot have a lover."

"What... mean?" Bai Lengye asked subconsciously.

"With it, you can no longer like people. That is to say, if you see your lover and become emotional, this unicorn arm connects your heart, and it may make you miserable, and even your heart will burst into a ball of mud!"

Hearing this, Bai Lengye immediately shook his head and said, "Then I won't answer it."

"But that girl from the Huang family will be forced to marry. If you don't accept her, she will be ruined for the rest of her life."


On the top of the mountain, outside a large room, there are already lights and festoons, red sails are hung, and big happy characters are pasted all over the wall.

In the room, there were also sweets and food on the table, which were carefully arranged by four or five maids.

"Get out, get out for me!"

Huang Ying was furious, and drove all these maids out. There was still a woman in red in the room who was very similar to her. This person was her sister, Huang Ying.

"Sister, you are going to marry Mr. Yangshan."

"I won't marry, sister, I don't like him, I won't marry even if I die!"

Huang Ying pouted aggrievedly.

Huang Ying got up and walked to the side, looked at the beautifully dressed younger sister, and said softly: "Sister, you don't know who your father is. Mr. Yangshan is talented and intelligent, and his family background is good. His future achievements will be limitless."

"And that white one, what does he have, can it give you happiness?"

"Yes! I believe him." Huang Ying nodded hastily.

"Silly sister, you..."

"Sister, you have to trust me, I believe he will come back to pick me up..."

"Hmph! Do you really believe that kid will come to pick you up? Last time he came here, he had an arm cut off. He couldn't even walk away with a single move from his father. How can he take you away?"

Huang Ying lowered her head aggrievedly, and Huang Yingyu said earnestly, "Sister, even if he can come here, how can he take you away? I'm afraid he won't be able to get away if he comes here."

"Sister, you have been the best to my sister since you were a child. You have to trust her once. What Yangshan is that? He is not good at all. I won't marry him anyway."

"Forget it, my sister can't tell you, you can figure it out, but if he comes here and gets killed, don't blame my sister for not reminding you, that Mr. Yangshan is a narrow-minded man."

After finishing speaking, the other party got up and went out. Huang Ying sat alone in the room, quietly looking at herself in the mirror, with a smirk on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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