The last cultivator

Chapter 193 Super Accident

Chapter 193 Super Accident
Bai Lengye looked at them coldly. This Director Liu probably relied on his brother-in-law to be so arrogant and lawless, and his brother-in-law was at the manager level.

Sure enough, the brother-in-law looked at him coldly, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what your status or who you are, if you come here to make trouble, you will be punished by the law. How about this? I'll say hello to the court and sentence you to ten years of imprisonment." question."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye's heart was furious. This man sentenced him to ten years for opening his mouth. After he got out like that, he would become a useless person. This man wanted to kill him by doing this.

It's amazing that this kind of person can become a manager. If he didn't come here by accident today, he might not know about it.

At this time, that Yan Qing hurried over, and after hearing the cause and effect, his complexion changed, and he explained in a trembling voice: "Manager in charge, this person is my friend, I will take him to apologize to you..."

"You killed me." Yan Qing walked over and whispered anxiously in his ear.

Bai Lengye was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the other party would speak for him who hadn't met a few times, he was really a little surprised.


"Which department do you belong to? Don't need to say anything. You go to the finance department to get your salary and leave." The supervisor said with a cold snort.

Hearing this, Yan Qing's face turned pale. This company pays very well, and no one wants to leave. If he is fired like this, where will she go to work?

"Director, give me a chance." Yan Qing was on the verge of crying, and the tears were spinning. Although the people around were sympathetic, no one came to say anything good.

Director Liu laughed and said, "If you want to blame it, blame you for finding a friend who is both cheating and idiot."

Yan Qing was extremely disappointed, she swayed and almost fell to the ground. At this moment, she felt a little regretful. If she had known this earlier, she would not have spoken for the other party.

"I'm really sorry that you got fired because of this." Bai Lengye smiled indifferently.

"You can still laugh at this time, I was hurt by you." Yan Qing said aggrieved.

Bai Lengye chuckled, looked at the manager and supervisor, and looked at their ugly faces, feeling extremely disgusted in his heart.

Coincidentally, the Mercedes-Benz stopped outside, and the general manager of the company walked in. Seeing so many people surrounding him, he frowned and looked a little unhappy.

"It's the general manager who's here, get out of the way." Director Liu immediately shouted, calling the security guards to clean up the people around him, and the general manager walked over with strides, looking back and forth at several people.

"General manager, it's just a trivial matter. The bumpkin who wants to come down here is not sensible. He has a conflict with the security brothers here. We..."

When Director Liu was fawning over his words, he saw cold sweat breaking out from their general manager's forehead, and immediately strode up to Bai Lengye and said, "Chairman Young, why are you here, and you didn't notify me in advance?" ..."

In an instant, there was a dead silence around, Yan Qing was the first to react, and suddenly opened his mouth wide, with an incredulous expression on his face.

God!What did she hear just now, Chairman Shao?

Bai Lengye had a vague impression of this general manager, as if he met him once during the meeting in Hong Kong last time.

He didn't speak, but turned around and went in. The general manager personally led the team to press the elevator and asked him to go up.

Sitting in the general manager's office, crossing his legs, all the high-level executives of the company came over, all of them were in their 40s and [-]s, well-dressed, but maybe they weren't what they looked like on the surface.

In the room, after a few seconds of dullness, Bai Lengye said slowly: "If the company wants to do well, it cannot do without the team. Similarly, it cannot spoil a pot of soup because of individuals."

Director Liu had cold sweat on his forehead, and his brother-in-law was similar, very nervous, afraid that the other party would be irritable and say something wrong.

The general manager said in a deep voice: "Chairman Shao is right, the chairman tells us this every year in meetings, and I..."

"Don't talk yet, I have a question for you, Director Liu, and his brother-in-law."

Bai Lengye looked at the two of them, their expressions were very unnatural, their heads were lowered, and they did not dare to meet his gaze.

"Putting the party to take over the faction is not allowed in the company. I don't ask about the results before and after. There is a problem with dismissing the two."

"No, less chairman, give me a chance, besides, I have served the company for more than ten years, and I belong to the oldest group of employees."

Manager Liu's brother-in-law hurriedly argued, looking at the general manager for help, but the other party remained silent.

The fingers tapped the table lightly, the sound connected to their hearts, and then they started beating rapidly, their heads were congested with blood, as if they were about to burst at any moment.

"There is no first time. If you kill someone, can you still reform yourself?"

Hearing Bai Lengye's words, the two of them were ashamed, but the man still didn't give up and said: "There are many people in this company, if I fire me, it will cause a lot of losses to the company..."

"I'm sorry, if the company leaves, anyone can transfer. It's their business to leave." Bai Lengye said with a smile and didn't care.

"Okay, you're ruthless, I'll see how you, the young chairman, play!"

The man also broke the can, and left Director Liu angrily. The executives in the office looked at each other and were silent.

"The company has never owed you anything. If you feel that what I did is wrong, you can bring it up. But you know, our company has regulations, and the eyes are drawn to the party..."

Bai Lengye's calm eyes swept over them, no one spoke, it was a tacit agreement.

Let them leave and talk to the general manager. After having nothing to say, the other party also left. After a while, Yan Qing knocked on the door and entered the room.

The other party sat down cautiously. When he came in, the general manager told him that he knew who Bai Lengye was and what his identity was. It was ridiculous that she had minded that the other party forcibly used her car...

"Thank you for what you said for me. As a reward, do you think you are qualified for the job of supervisor?" Bai Lengye put his hands on his hands and looked at him with a smile.

"I..." Happiness came so suddenly, Yan Qing stuttered and couldn't speak, she didn't know how to express her thoughts.

Now she is considered a white-collar worker, earning 10,000+ a year. If she becomes a supervisor, it will be above 20, which is completely incomparable to her now.

She couldn't refuse this temptation, but she believed that she should be qualified for this job.

"By the way, if you're on a blind date, remember to practice your tongue flexibility, so that there will definitely be more people pursuing you."

Bai Leng Ye Manhan said deeply.

Yan Qing went out with a blushing face, she knew what it meant when she was stupid.

The other party left, Bai Lengye got up and stood by the window, this is the [-]th floor, very high, half of the city can be seen at a glance, but here, he can't find a sense of belonging, everything here is very strange, not his , nor where he lives...

At noon, when he came to the cafeteria and ate with those employees, basically everyone knew his identity, some were envious and jealous, and some were others.

Young and handsome, he is still a standard rich second generation. He likes many people. Some girls who just graduated even gave him a sneak peek.

Bai Lengye completely ignored them, he only had Fang Xiaoyu in his heart, if he was adding another, Huang Ying would also be considered, because he was sorry for her.

The food in the cafeteria was good, at least because of the meat, he sat down and chatted with some college students who had just graduated, without the slightest airs, unlike those managers, who had a meal and a place to share.

After eating, Bai Hanye came to the exercise room. This is a special place for the employees to exercise. Basically, there are treadmills and weightlifting.

When he came to weightlifting, he touched [-] kilograms with one hand, which is basically above average, and very few can be lifted.

"Would you like to try it?" Bai Lengye said to the several supervisors behind him.

"It's so heavy that we can't lift it even if we are killed." Several supervisors laughed.

Bai Lengye chuckled and said: "If the money is almost earned, then the rest is to maintain a good body." After finishing speaking, he grabbed the [-]kg dumbbell with one hand, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, , just picked it up with one hand.

Fifty kilograms felt very light in the hand, and then Bai Hanye changed to another 85 to [-] kilograms, which is basically the limit of most people, but in his hands, it is just average That's all.

And those supervisors have long been so scared that they can't tell the difference between east, west and north. They have heard of lifting [-] kilograms with both hands, but they have never heard of lifting [-] kilograms with one hand.

In their minds, Bai Hanye was a freak, they had never heard of lifting something that weighed more than 200 kilograms with one hand, and with such a weak body, how could there be such a strong force in his body.

After leaving the exercise room, he went to another place to inspect, and he also called the boss in Hong Kong, asking him to do less work and pay more attention to rest. After greeting him, he hesitated again and again, and sent a message to his mother. Text message, let the other party not worry.

Now he is sure that his evil spirit will not cause any harm to ordinary people, that is to say, it is time for him to go back to see Xiaoyu.

On the second day, Bai Lengye had just booked a plane ticket and was about to go back when a phone call made him feel like a thunderbolt, and he was no longer human.

He didn't ask so many questions on the phone. He hurried on the plane. After a few hours, he arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport. When he got off the plane, a private car immediately came to pick him up and rushed to the hospital.

In the hospital, I saw my father in the intensive care unit, with tubes inserted all over his body, bandages wrapped around him, and his injuries were serious.

Regardless of the doctor's blocking him, he rushed in forcefully, his eyes turned red, then carefully took off the oxygen mask, took out a pill, and swallowed it for the other party.

At the end of about 5 minutes, Bai Lingyu slowly opened his eyes. After seeing Bai Lengye, his lips twitched, but he couldn't say a word.

"Dad, what are you going to tell me..." Bai Lengye moved his ears closer.

"Land... map..." After saying these three words, the other party fell into a short coma again.

(End of this chapter)

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