Chapter 194
After Bai Lengye walked out of the hospital, he came to the car with a gloomy face, hesitated for a moment, let out a cold snort, and bent over to get into the car.

His father was injured by the cultivator because of the company's affairs. If he hadn't left the magic weapon behind, he might have died.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of a villa. Bai Lengye got out of the car and was stopped by the bodyguards inside.

A large number of bodyguards rushed out from inside, Bai Lengye raised his arms flat, and pushed out his palms violently, a hurricane began to form, and finally under the raging wind, all the bodyguards were blown to the ground, and the yard was destroyed in a mess.

"Who wants to die!"

"It's me looking for death." Bai Lengye said coldly, and punched the next door with his fist. At the same time, a figure appeared there. Facing Bai Lengye's punch, his expression changed drastically. Go up a lot, turn around and run.

The place where he was standing just now was punched into a deep hole, and the smoke filled the air. The man wiped off his cold sweat with lingering fear, and was about to leave when a strong wind came from his back.

There was a huge force coming from his back, and this force invaded his body all the time, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and his body fell limply to the ground.

Bai Lengye withdrew his arms, glanced at the bodyguards indifferently, and didn't dare to rush over again, but when he turned around and continued to walk forward, two practitioners stopped him.

"The skills are good, but I will die today!"

"Say your last words, and the two of us will send you on your way."

Looking at the two pretentious practitioners in front of him, Bai Lengye was very speechless, he didn't talk nonsense to them, and immediately punched them with his fist. As expected, the expressions of the two men changed drastically, and they resisted at the same time, but they were also blocked by Bai Lengye. The fist flew out.

"Okay! Very good, the two of us must kill you today!"

The two got up and said viciously. After speaking, they took out their weapons and rushed over violently.

"You're going to die if you don't pretend." Bai Lengye shook his head, stepped away from the spot, kicked one person's shoulder with the sole of his foot, and then kicked another person's wrist with the tip of his toe, and immediately screamed out. .

After knocking down the two, there was a dead silence around, Bai Lengye continued to move forward, the gunshot rang out suddenly, and he also disappeared in place, and when he came out, he was already holding a gunman in his hand.

"Where is your master?" Bai Lengye asked coldly.

The gunman was already dumbfounded. He hid far away just now, so it was unscientific to catch him in a blink of an eye.

Bai Lengye then threw him out, and the surrounding bodyguards avoided them. They also knew that they would lie on the ground if they rushed up, so they might as well not go.

"It seems that your master is not at home, so I will wait for it."

Bai Lengye chuckled, walked into the villa, found a place to sit down, crossed her legs, just like her own home, drinking what she deserved.

About an hour later, a stretched Lincoln drove in, and a few men got out of the car, but after seeing the messy yard, the expression of a middle-aged man in a suit suddenly became ugly.

A bodyguard ran over, wiped off his cold sweat, and said in a trembling voice: "Wang, Patriarch Wang, someone is here to make trouble."

"Hmph!" Patriarch Wang said coldly, "Who is so bold to come here to make trouble? What do you people eat?"

The bodyguard said in a terrified tone: "That man is so powerful that even our squad leader was injured."

Hearing this, Patriarch Wang's complexion changed slightly. Their captains are two practitioners. If they can't beat them like this, it proves that the idea is very difficult.

"Where are people!"

"In, in the villa..."

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Wang led a large group of people and walked towards the inside. When he saw Bai Lengye who was sleeping soundly, he immediately became angry and slammed the table.

"Bold! Come to my Wang family to make trouble. Your family didn't teach you well. Is there anyone you shouldn't mess with?"

Bai Lengye opened his eyes, glanced at the other party calmly, and finally settled on an old man behind him. This man was ordinary in appearance, but he definitely had the strength of Wu Zong.

"You are responsible for my father's affairs?" Bai Lengye said quietly.

The Wang family was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud, and said fiercely: "So you are from Bai Lingyu, that is to say, you should be the illegitimate child?"

"I'm asking you, did you send someone to do it!" Bai Lengye's tone gradually became serious, and the head of the Wang family sneered indifferently: "What are you, you dare to talk to me like that, even if your father You have to call me senior when you come, uneducated mainlander, your mother didn't teach you!"

When he finished speaking, Bai Lengye suddenly disappeared from the sofa. The next moment, Wu Zong behind him suddenly shot, but he couldn't stop Bai Lengye's blow, and he was shocked back many steps. At the same time, a The slap has already flashed on the face of the Wang Patriarch.

The sound of crisp applause spread throughout the villa, and the room was deadly silent. Countless eyes stayed on the two of them, all of them were silent, and the air was terribly dull.

"You, you hit me..." Patriarch Wang cried out in shock.

Bai Lengye slapped the opponent again, that Wu Zong rushed over again, but was still sent flying by his fist.

"My dad, you dare to move, you don't know how to live or die."

Bai Lengye pressed the opponent to the ground, used her feet continuously, and served food on the head to vent her anger, and after just a few strokes, her head was bleeding, and she wailed and screamed.

The bodyguards looked at Bai Lengye like a child fighting, exchanged glances, and rushed over brandishing the electric baton, but after Bai Lengye grabbed a table and swept across it, the bodyguards also fell to the ground in response, and the table also fell to the ground. In the hand it becomes two halves.

Click click!
The glass cracked first, and then shattered. Bai Lengye grabbed a shard of glass and aimed it at Patriarch Wang's ear.

"No, let me go, I was instructed to do this by others!"

"Who ordered you to do it, tell me quickly, or you will cut off one of your ears."

"Yes... I can't say it. If I say it, I'm going to die."

"Then you're going to die..."


The glass cut off the opponent's ear, Patriarch Wang let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, the floor was stained red with blood, his body was twitching, and his cheeks were deeply twisted together.

"Say it or not, I'm giving you a chance." Bai Lengye aimed at the other ear, but Patriarch Wang looked at him with vicious eyes, and bit his lips to bleed, but he refused to admit it.

There is no way, Bai Lengye can only cut off one ear of the other party, this time, he used glass to cut off his hands and feet, and when he was finally unable to scream, his face was ashes, and he lay down like a dead person. He remained motionless on the ground.

Although this is the case, he still refuses to say it. Bai Lengye thought of his own spells, and finally stayed on the mind-controlling spell.

In this case, his nerves are already very fragile, so after using mind control, he immediately knows who is behind the scenes.

After leaving Wang's house, Bai Lengye rushed back to the hospital, and his father woke up again, but he didn't mention the previous things, and took care of him silently.

In the evening, he returned to the villa, sat alone in a daze for a while, and when the phone rang, he got up and went out.

He drove a Ferrari and came to a high-end private club. There was no invitation card, so he used his invisibility technique to sneak in. When he arrived at the door of a box on the third floor, he saw the president.

This person had come together with Bai Lin to frame him back then, but now that Bai Lin was gone, this person actually attacked his father, completely ignoring him.

Looking at the people in the box through the glass, he went to the bathroom, knocked out a waiter, changed into the other's clothes, and walked into the box with the cart.

After entering the box, he pretended to change drinks, lowered his head, but scanned the people around him with his eyes. There were local wealthy people and mainland executives, all of whom were hugging the lady, and their faces were flushed after drinking. , didn't notice him at all.

After observing, Bai Hanye left, took off his pair, and waited quietly in front of the bathroom door.

The people who come in and out here are all successful people, not to mention their attire, there are also some women, who are dressed in fashion, wearing perfume, and under the gaze of Bai Lengye, they directly enter the men's restroom.

Seeing such a bold approach, Bai Lengye was a little speechless. Compared with them, he and Fang Xiaoyu were just like children.

After a while, the person he was looking for came out drunk with his arms around the lady. He pretended to step aside, while the president went into the men's room and the woman into the women's room.

After thinking that the time was almost up, Bai Lengye also followed into the men's room, saw President Zhang, and sat on the toilet in a daze.

At the same time, seeing Bai Lengye, the president was taken aback for a moment, and when he was about to call out, he remembered that no one could hear him calling out here.

"What are you doing, I tell you, don't mess around, I have someone behind me!"

The president Zhang said threateningly, but Bai Lengye was obviously not threatened by the other party, this person hurt his father, how could he let the other party go.

After breaking off the opponent's wrist, President Zhang immediately cried out sadly. For a while, the whole box was dead silent, only the faint music was still playing.

In the face of President Zhang, there is no need to worry at all, but you have to know that with the power of the Pill Association in Hong Kong, if he kills the other party, he probably won't let him go.

Thinking of this, Bai Lengye was not in a hurry to kill the other party, he had to ask clearly what happened before and after, and he couldn't let the other party die like this for nothing.

After removing his shoulders and legs, President Zhang screamed in misery, and looked at others for help, but no one came to help him, and everyone hid away.

After a while, the manager came in with a large number of security guards. Bai Lengye punched them out, and everyone was kicked out of the room.

"Say, why did you do this, what purpose do you have, otherwise I'll kill you, I'm not threatening you!"

Under Bai Lengye's coercion and lure, the other party finally spoke, but it also made Bai Lengye a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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