The last cultivator

Chapter 195 Give 1 Surprise

Chapter 195 Give a Surprise

Bai Lengye had guessed that the president Zhang's action against his father might be because of the company's affairs, or even because of that Bai Lin, but what he never expected was that the other party's assassination was actually because of the mysterious drawing!

Last time his mother showed him that thing, and later his father also explained that this thing was in the Bai family many years ago. It is said that there is a big secret hidden in it, but no one has discovered it for so many years. What the hell is something.

Maybe it's a treasure map, maybe it's a useless object, no one knows anyway.

After President Zhang said that it was because of the treasure map, Bai Lengye was a little unhappy, because of that crap, it almost killed his father, and there was not only murderous intent in his eyes.

The president Zhang seemed to feel the killing intent, and hurriedly explained: "It's not my fault, it was all ordered by our vice president of the association, and I have no choice but to do it!"

"Is that the old man from last time?" Bai Lengye asked condensedly.

"Yes, yes." President Zhang Xiaojipeimi nodded, but the next moment he was punched by Bai Lengye and passed out.

In the private room, countless eyes stared at him in horror. They were shocked that this president had been beaten into a pig's head by him.

Who is President Zhang, no one present does not know, in their eyes, no one dares to offend the other party, but today...

"What are you looking at, I'm looking at poking out your dog's eyes!" Bai Lengye said threateningly, those people really didn't dare to look at him anymore, and he also walked away swaggeringly.

After walking out of the clubhouse, Bai Lengye took a deep breath. He found that the matter was digging deeper and deeper, and now he had reached the point where he was the vice president of the Pill Association. big shot.

When I drove to the hospital, my father was reading the newspaper. He put down the bought meal and fed him some.

Originally, it would take some time for this kind of injury to recover, but with the recovery of his elixir, it took almost a day.

Of course, he wouldn't tell himself about the door-to-door visit, or the other party would definitely be in a hurry.

"By the way, how much do you know about the vice president of the Medicinal Medicine Association?"

Bai Lengye asked his father, and the other party pondered for a while, put down the phone, and said slowly: "Speaking of which, he is considered to be a figure of the older generation, and he was already famous before he returned back then."

"Later, when the Basic Law was drafted, the other party also participated in it. They were equal to the Governor of Hong Kong, and their prestige was very high. No one can compare to it."

Bai Lengye clicked his tongue secretly, it seems that the old man is quite powerful, he has participated in so many important events, and the basic law was drafted by the other party, it is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"By the way, since the vice president is so powerful, what about the president?" Bai Lengye asked again.

Bai Lingyu shook his head: "The president is very mysterious. Besides, the Pill Association is not a Hong Kong one. It is famous all over the world. Basically, as long as they are practitioners, they respect the Pill Association."

"In the entire Medicinal Medicine Association, there is only one president, and the rest are the vice presidents of each region, but from what I know, that president has never appeared for so many years, and no one knows who it is. Whether it is a man or a woman, no one knows how old it is, and no one knows who the mysterious president is."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye took a deep breath. If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that the mysterious president is definitely a person against the sky, and he is in charge of so many pill associations in the world by himself, and there is no usurpation of the position yet. Presumably the method is also incomparable iron and blood.

"Son, your father is very optimistic about you. I believe that in the future, your name will be on top of the World Series!"

Bai Lingyu smiled gratifiedly.

Bai Lengye scratched his head and asked, "What is the World Series?"

"Let's talk about it later, the World Series is still three years away, and your mother doesn't know about your father's injury, but the company can't be without a king for a day, so..."

"Don't tell me." Bai Lengye said with a wry smile, "How can I manage the company's affairs, I'm a big bastard, besides, I haven't managed the company in mainland China for several months."

"Because of some things, I haven't been back for a long time, so I plan to go back this time."

"Okay, just to make a joke for you, such a big company really lets you do it, and you are not allowed to retire early."

"By the way, when will you let me hold the grandson with your mother?"

Speaking of this, Bai Lengye felt a little embarrassed, and said with a chuckle: "Hurry up, after graduation, I will propose marriage, and after getting married in the next two years, I will let your second elder have a grandson immediately."

"You guy..."

Bai Lingyu laughed out loud. At this moment, he felt that there was still a lot of hope in life, at least he still had a wife and children.


Three days later, Bai Lengye returned to the mainland by plane, and after getting off the plane, he drove straight to Gaocheng.

Now that he can live a normal life with ordinary people, he is extremely excited. After seeing Xiaoyu and his mother, he doesn't know how to speak.

More than an hour later, when he got out of the car, he took out his cell phone to make a call, but found that the cell phone was out of battery, so he had no choice but to go home first.

Standing at the door of the house, my heart was pounding, and then I took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in, just in time to see my mother's busy figure.

"Mom..." With a slight cry, Bai Ailing's body trembled, and she turned around slowly. When she saw Bai Lengye, her eyes turned red and she almost burst into tears.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." With a sob in his mouth, he came over and hugged Bai Lengye, and after discovering the unicorn arm, he said in surprise, "Did you change to a fake one?"

"It's not fake, it's real." Bai Lengye shook her arm, Bai Ailing was not only a little surprised, but it was the first time she saw that after a severed arm, she could still pretend to be a real one.

Afterwards, the mother and son talked for more than an hour, roughly telling what happened during this period, while Bai Lengye's own experience was vaguely explained, and the explanation was not so clear.

"Mom, where's Xiaoyu, is she still in school?" Bai Lengye got up and asked.

"No, Xiaoyu has gone on a trip, she seems to have gone to Xishuangbanna..."

Bai Lengye nodded and went back to his room. It was cleaned very cleanly just like when he left. He turned on the computer, logged in to Baidu, and after searching, he finally found out where Xishuangbanna is.

Originally, he wanted to make a phone call to the other party, but after thinking about it for a while, shouldn't he give the other party a surprise at this time when he treated the other party like this before?
After thinking of this, he directly booked the plane ticket and left tonight. He wanted to go over and give the other party a surprise.

Erdanzi should follow the other party, so don't worry about the danger for the time being, but Mu Yanran, after thinking about it, still called.

After two beeps, he couldn't get through temporarily. He made a few more calls, but still couldn't get through.

"It should be fine, otherwise Gao Wang and the others should have given me news."

Shaking his head, Bai Lengye got up and left, and came to the bar. Looking at the familiar decoration inside, there was still no change from before, the only thing that changed was that there were more people.

He had heard from others that generally those who smoke in public are the bureau-level bosses, while the heavyweight bosses generally don't put their cigarettes on the table, and they don't smoke in crowded places. Those who show off how many packs of cigarettes they have smoked every day, that is, the little people of a gangster level.

The same goes for drinking. The heavyweight big brother always drinks a little symbolically, while those younger brothers drink desperately, wanting to attract people's attention and satisfy their inner vanity.

And Bai Lengye found such a group of people, sitting not far from him, seven or eight people, some men and some women, who looked like they had just graduated, while the other one or two were talkative, with wrist watches. It was revealed that there were six apples on the table, and next to it was a Liqun cigarette. Those who didn't know the product thought it was more than ten yuan a box, but those who knew the product knew that the cigarette cost nearly 2000 yuan a pack.

What they were talking about, Bai Lengye couldn't hear clearly, but looking at their dancing and dancing, and the envious looks of the girls, plus the jealous looks of the men, there was only one thing he cared about... showing off their wealth!
Shaking his head and looking away, Bai Lengye drank a glass of wine and was about to leave when a burst of fragrance suddenly wafted over, and then a beautiful woman with big eyes and long hair stood in front of him.

"Handsome guy, it's your first time coming here."

The voice is very sweet, the dress is very sexy, and she wears light makeup. It seems that she is only in her early twenties, and she looks very mature. At first glance, there is an inexplicable impulse.

Bai Lengye took a breath in his heart, this woman is really attractive, but it's a pity that she is not his kind.

"Handsome guy, I got angry with my family today, and I didn't bring any money when I came out, can you buy me a drink?"

The woman exhaled lightly, and a scent of fragrance spread into her nostrils, making people's evil fire rise. For some reason, Bai Lengye agreed.

The other party ordered a glass of the strongest whiskey, opened his mouth and drank a big gulp, his mouth felt a little parched from the Bethlehem leaf, this woman drank a lot.

Originally, he thought that this woman came to strike up a conversation with her on purpose, but after the other party drank, he stopped talking, as if he really came to drink.

Not thinking so much in his mind, Bai Lengye smiled, knowing that he was thinking too much, and was about to get up when the woman suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Handsome guy, I have no place to go tonight, how about going to your house?"

"Depend on!"

Hearing this, Bai Lengye wanted to turn his head and leave, but looking at the drowsy woman, fearing that she might be in danger, she sighed, "Then I'll take you to the hotel."

"Thank you..." the woman said, got up, swayed her body, and fell directly into his arms, and finally, under the envious and jealous eyes of the surrounding people, she thought that the two of them had gone to the room.

When he came to a nice local hotel, the woman couldn't help but vomit right after entering the door, so he helped her into the bathroom.

After throwing up, he helped the other person to go to the bed and lay down. That fiery figure with black silk made Bai Lengye a little angry. He hadn't lived for so many days, so he was a little hungry and thirsty.

Looking at the beauty on the bed, he hurriedly washed his face, and when he was refreshed, he came out of the bathroom, and saw the woman holding the wine, and started drinking again.

This hotel is equipped with some red wine, but each bottle is about four to five hundred. The woman may feel that it is water, and she drank it without pouring the glass.

Bai Lengye stepped forward to stop him, the woman spat out the wine, covered him all over, and said drunkenly: "Handsome guy, I invite you to drink, if you don't drink, you will lose face."

Bai Lengye wanted to refuse, but the woman seemed to be angry and cried aloud. Bai Lengye had no choice but to drink a few sips with this nervous woman.


The woman opened another bottle, clinked glasses with Bai Lengye, raised her head and drank, after drinking most of the bottle, she felt a little dizzy.

When he was dizzy, he was pressed on the bed by the woman, and then he began to take off his clothes. The rapid breathing came from the mouths of the two of them. The other party grabbed his hand and felt a soft mass. Bai Lengye's brain instantly went blank. What did he do? I don't know, it's just based on feeling.

At the critical moment, Bai Lengye stretched out his hand to look for the sixth sense, and when he touched it, it didn't exist. He woke up a little in an instant.

"How can we do without that thing, what if there is danger."

Thinking about it, Bai Lengye didn't know where the strength came from, so he pushed the other party away, put on his own pants, panted and said, "You wait, I'll go out and buy one." After speaking, he wobbled left.

The woman also fell on the bed, and left in a daze.

After leaving the hotel, Bai Hanye blew a few cool breezes, and immediately felt his head cleared up. He found a 24-hour pharmacy and bought a sixth sense, but when he came out, he was dumbfounded.

"I... Which hotel was I just now?"

Patting his head, he couldn't remember, he actually forgot which hotel he came out from.

"My God!" Bai Lengye wanted to die, it was so hard to meet such a good thing, and such a shameful thing happened.

Throwing the sixth sense into the trash can, Bai Hanye could only go home.

Back home, took a nap, woke up at night, ate some dinner, said goodbye to my mother, and got on the car to the plane.

More than an hour later, the plane arrived at the airport, entered the security check and boarded the plane, and rushed to Xishuangbanna in Yunnan.

Because he wanted to give the other party a surprise, he would call the other party after passing by. At that time, Fang Xiaoyu must have been very excited to see him.

It took about three hours to fly there. During these three hours, Bai Hanye played with his mobile phone boredly. He didn't get off the plane from Kunming until four o'clock in the morning.

After getting off the plane, he ate some breakfast in a hurry, and it took more than five hours by car to arrive at the southernmost border, Xishuangbanna!
After arriving here, it was almost noon, Bai Lengye happily took out his mobile phone to call, but it was prompted to turn off the phone.

After calling several times in a row, it was still the same. Bai Lengye became a little anxious. If he couldn't get through the phone, it proved that he couldn't find the other party. If he couldn't find the other party, it proved that there must be danger.

Then he called Er Danzi, and the reminder was the same, and both of their phones were turned off.

"Something must have happened!" Bai Leng's heart gradually sank.

(End of this chapter)

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