The last cultivator

Chapter 199 The Thin Monkey's Betrayal

Chapter 199 The Thin Monkey's Betrayal

The sky is sunny and sunny. Although it is already autumn, the temperature is still a bit hot, but some people with poor physique naturally wear long sleeves.

At a cross street, Bai Lengye took Fang Xiaoyu for a walk together, went to eat something, and then walked out.

"Xiaoyu, let's go ice skating."

"Okay, you lost to me last time." Fang Xiaoyu giggled, and the two walked forward hand in hand, and the car stopped there.

At this time, four or five men on bicycles rushed out from both sides, and the two of them didn't pay attention. When they stopped and waited quietly for them to pass by, something happened.

Those people suddenly stopped, took out their guns from their pockets, and slammed Bai Lengye's chest a few times, blood was flying, and he fell to the ground.

Fang Xiaoyu screamed, the convoy immediately dodged and ran away, the passers-by ran away in panic, while Bai Lengye on the ground twitched, spitting blood from his mouth.

After a while, the ambulance came, dragged them to the hospital, and entered the emergency room. Fang Xiaoyu walked back and forth with a pale face, while Gao Wang and the others rushed over with a large number of people.

"Where is Brother Bai, how is Brother Bai?"

"Still in the emergency room..."

"Bastard, who are those people? They actually attacked Brother Bai." Gao Wang angrily kicked the chair to the ground. Several nurses wanted to come over to warn them, but they all shut up and turned around looking at these vicious people. left.

After about an hour or so, the doctor came out with the cart, and the white cold leaf lying on it was wearing an oxygen mask and looked very weak, so he was taken directly to the intensive care unit.

Everyone waited outside anxiously, but it was useless to be anxious, now that Bai Lengye was unconscious, they didn't know what to do for a while.

"I heard that Brother Bai received a gunshot wound, so I came over immediately."

The thin monkey came over with a dozen people, and Gao Wang roared angrily: "You dead monkey, are you mocking Brother Bai!"

Seeing that Gao Wang was going to make a move, Shouhou's younger brother immediately stepped forward to stop him. Similarly, the people behind Gao Wang also stood in front of him.

"Why, you want to do it!"

"Damn it, you are pretending to be aggressive, I will cut off your head with one knife."

The people on both sides began to scold each other, and the thin monkey sneered endlessly. This is what he wanted. He turned his head to look at Bai Lengye in the intensive care unit of the important town, waved his hands, and the little brother behind him immediately closed his mouth.

"It looks like our brother Bai might wake up, and the Bai gang is so big, it's impossible to be without a master for a day, so we should find someone in charge to come out."

"We recommend Brother Hou to be the boss of the Bai Gang!"

"Yes! We all agree that Brother Monkey should be the boss of Brother Bai."

Feeling very excited in his heart, Shouhou immediately straightened the joystick, and said with a majestic expression: "Thank you for your kindness, brothers. I, Shouhou, are also the first batch of veterans. After such a long time, I have worked hard without credit. Brother Bai can't wake up, I think there should be no problem being the temporary boss."

"I don't agree, you skinny monkey is not worthy to be the boss at all, I agree with Brother Wang to be the boss." Gao Wang said angrily, and the younger brother followed suit, all refuting the other party.

Wang Rui shut up and didn't speak, but he turned his head to look at Fang Xiaoyu, and said lightly, "Sister-in-law belongs to Brother Bai. I think sister-in-law should be in charge if something happened to Brother Bai..."

"Bullshit!" Shouhou shouted in a high tone: "What does he know as a woman, I won't let a woman lead us, anyone who doesn't support me in the position is against me!"

Gao Wang glared angrily: "Skinny Monkey! It's against you, are you going to rebel!"

The thin monkey sneered and said, "I have more people than you, and all the brothers listen to me. Why, do you Gao Wang think you can be the boss?"


"I'll leave the words here today, and I'll invite the brothers on the road to come over tomorrow."

"Ha ha!"

After speaking, the thin monkey left with the people, leaving behind the angry Gaowang people.

As night approached, Bai Lengye hadn't woken up yet, but there was movement on the side of the thin monkey.

In a secret room, filled with smoke and filled with people, the thin monkey sat in the middle, and beside him, there were several foreigners.

"I don't know who offended Bai Lengye. He was assassinated this morning, and now he is unconscious. There is a high probability that he will die. This is an opportunity."

"Brother Monkey, I think we should take action. Among the entire Bai Gang, only you are the most loved by the brothers, and you can definitely become the leader of the Bai Gang."

The little brother flattered and said, and several people around him also echoed.

The vanity in the thin monkey's heart was greatly satisfied, he waved his hands politely, and then looked at those foreigners, and these were the contacts of the big Mexican drug lord he had been cooperating with.

"Guys, we have worked together for so long, and we probably know each other well. This time is an opportunity. As long as I become the leader of the Bai Gang, I will definitely be able to increase cooperation with the Gui Gang. What do you think?"

The few foreigners nodded in agreement, and the thin monkey was overjoyed and couldn't help laughing out loud. He had already imagined that when he sat in that position and commanded thousands of brothers, he was really proud .

"Brother Hou, why don't you take advantage of Bai Lengye's coma and find someone to do him up, and then come and frame him, so that Gao Wang and Wang Rui won't have a chance."

Shouhou's eyes lit up. He thought this proposal was good. After Gao Wang and Wang Rui were resolved, no one would rob him. At that time, Fang Xiaoyu might be able to get his hands on it.


At night, the hospital was quiet, except for those who accompanied the bed, basically everyone was asleep.

At this moment, at the door of a certain intensive care unit, two young men were smoking, and the person lying inside was naturally Bai Leng Ye.

At this time, slight footsteps sounded, and then they saw a white coat wearing a mask and walking over with his head down. The two didn't pay attention at first, but the doctor stopped at the gate.

"What are you doing, there is a doctor so late..." While talking, the doctor raised his head, with murderous intent in his eyes, a cold light flashed in his hands, and he stabbed into the throats of the two without a sound.

The two men stared at each other, vomited blood from their mouths, and then fell to the ground. The doctor threw away the dagger, took out a pistol with a silencer, opened the door and walked in, and fired several shots at the person on the bed.

After a shuttle of bullets was finished, the doctor felt that something was wrong. He walked over and lifted the quilt, only to find that there was nothing inside. The tall appearance was actually made of pillows.

Knowing that he had been duped, the doctor turned around and was about to leave, but a piercing sound rang in his ears.

"I knew you would come."

The voice fell, and another heavy kick went up, and the killer was directly knocked out.


When the thin monkey was sleeping comfortably, the phone woke him up. After learning the news that he had succeeded, he jumped up excitedly.

"Well done, in this way, there will be no obstacles for us. Immediately arrange for me to catch Gao Wang and the other two!"

After hanging up the phone, Skinny Monkey was extremely excited, walked to the window, looked at the tall buildings and buildings, at this moment, he was definitely the emperor himself, and he had the whole Gaocheng in his hands.

On the second day, some people heard the news that Bai Lengye was assassinated last night, but what made them puzzled was that Fang Xiaoyu and Baimu had disappeared, but they thought they must have been kidnapped, and they didn't think about that. many.

But the shocking thing is still to come. The thin monkey suddenly sent a message on the road, saying that there is evidence to prove that Gao Wang sent people to assassinate him that night, and that day, he sent people to arrest Gao Wang.

At that time, Gao Wang was about to run away, but was stopped by Shouhou's men, who got him into a car on the street and took him away. At the same time, Wang Rui became the other party's accomplice, but he disappeared mysteriously, and he could not be found anywhere.

Three days later, Skinny Monkey organized a funeral for Bai Lengye with great fanfare. At the same time, on the fourth day, the other party announced that they would cooperate with the Mexican Hell Angels to make a fortune and succeed together.

Although the entire Gaocheng is under the jurisdiction of the Bai Gang, some small bosses do not agree with the boss of Shouhou, but the boss who dared to oppose it openly died in the bedroom the next day, and even his wife and children were tortured. Violent hands.

All of a sudden, people in Gaocheng panicked. No matter who they were, they dared not have any objections. They had already seen Shouhou's ferocious methods, and anyone who opposed him would die!

Under the threat, they could only announce their agreement to the new boss, Shouhou, but of course they would not admit it secretly.


In the past few days, Skinny Monkey has been in high spirits. Apart from beckoning his younger brother to expand his power, he also got a sum of money into his account to buy a car, a house, and various high-end products for his lover. He lived a happy life.

But he still has some dissatisfaction, that is, in Shijiazhuang, although they are all white gangs, there are people in charge there, and even if he wants to make a move, he is afraid that if he fights back, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Someone suggested to him to use assassination to solve Xie Li and the others, but when he thought about it, if he killed them all, then others would definitely misunderstand. The crime of killing the boss will be held on his head, and it will not be cleared at that time.

In the room, the thin monkey was enjoying the service of the beautiful woman, when there was a knock on the door, he waved his hand impatiently, the beauty turned and left, and he took advantage of the opportunity to lift up his pants.

"Brother Monkey, we have made a major discovery. We discovered that Wang Rui had appeared in Shijiazhuang."

Hearing this, the impatience in Skinny Monkey's heart immediately disappeared. Now his big worry is Wang Rui. He knows that the other party is a retired special soldier, and he has also practiced the skills of a practitioner. He is extremely powerful. If If he wanted to assassinate him, he couldn't resist at all.

The thin monkey sat on the chair that belonged to the boss, rubbed his face, his cheeks became ferocious, and said sharply: "If this is the case, then don't talk nonsense, and send a group of hot men over there to deal with him for me."

"But Brother Monkey, Shijiazhuang can't..."

"Are you the boss or I am the boss!" The thin monkey slapped the table angrily, and the younger brother turned and ran out in fright.

"Hmph, a group of brats who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, now I am the boss, and I will kill you with just a word!"

The thin monkey said impatiently, and then knocked on the table a few times, the beautiful woman came in again and gave him a charming look.

"Come here, little girl, give the uncle a good oral job."

(End of this chapter)

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