Chapter 200

In a certain hotel, a man quietly looked at the scenery outside the window, his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, a person came in from the outside and said in a deep voice: "Brother Bai, we have already found out. There are more than 300 people who follow Shouhou, and the remaining 200 people are completely unaware."

Bai Lengye nodded slightly, looked back at Wang Rui, and asked, "What about the remaining bosses, what do they think?"

Wang Rui told the whole story, and after listening, Bai Lengye laughed and said, "This method is actually used. If the Bai Gang really falls into the hands of Shouhou, it will be finished within three months."

Wang Rui showed a fierce look on his face, and said in a cold voice: "That skinny monkey wanted to die, and sent someone over to assassinate him at night. Fortunately, Brother Bai is smart, otherwise he would have really fallen for that kid."

"If you stand tall, you won't be tempted by power, especially Shouhou is the kind of narrow-minded person who likes to be flattered by younger brothers."

Wang Rui nodded: "Brother Bai, what are we going to do with the rest?"

Bai Lengye pondered for a while, and after pondering for a while, he said slowly: "Everything is almost arranged, just waiting for him to take the bait."

"Call Shelly and ask him to release the news that Slim Monkey will come here."

Wang Rui nodded and then left. Not long after, Fang Xiaoyu walked in, and Bai Lengye smiled: "My mother is asleep."

"Mom is asleep." Fang Xiaoyu came over and took his arm, and said softly, "It's so annoying to hide here for so many days."

"Wait, it will be fine in two days, and it's time for the thin monkey to die, but now, we should do something that humans should do."

Fang Xiaoyu blushed. Recently, she has been promoted to the eighth level of the warrior, and she will be promoted to the ninth level soon, so she can be regarded as a master.

The next day, Skinny Monkey got the news that Xie Li actually wanted to invite him over to talk about transferring the venue, and his younger brother joined him.

Hearing this news, he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night. You must know that if he even gets the property in Shijiazhuang, his power will definitely increase to several levels. At that time, he will be the real boss of the Bai gang. Become the boss who calls the wind and shakes the rain, and stands tall wherever he goes.

Of course, he is not stupid. In order to be afraid that the other party is a trap, he has brought enough troops this time, not only with guns, but also some heavy weapons. If the other party dares to do anything at the banquet, his men will surely Will not hesitate to roll the opponent into dice.

More than an hour later, he came to the place where the event was held, but when he came over, he found that not only him, but also some local bosses were also there.

At first he was a little confused, but after seeing that none of those people brought his younger brother over, he was full of confidence when he thought about his brother's heavy weapon, so he straightened up and walked forward.

"Haha, isn't this Brother Monkey, disrespect and disrespect."

As soon as he passed by, Xie Li led some people to greet him with smiles. Thin Monkey enjoyed the gazes around him very much. He used to be a grandson behind Bai Lengye, but this time he finally became a grandfather.

"Today I'm here to take over the site, and I'll bring all the real estate information. You follow me, and I will guarantee that you will be popular in the future."

The thin monkey pretended to pat Xie Li on the shoulder, but he thought in his heart that when he got everything, the first thing to do was to kill him, and this kind of person could not be kept.

Xie Li's face remained unchanged, and he said something vaguely, saying that he was still waiting for others to come, so he took the thin monkey to the best position and sat down.

The beautiful waiter came over to pour tea, and the thin monkey's eyes lit up, and he squeezed her with one hand, which made the waiter turn pale with fright, but the thin monkey laughed wickedly.

"Beauty, how much is it for a night's sleep? I'll give you [-]. I'll sleep with me tonight." The thin monkey touched her dishonestly, causing the waiter to keep backing away in fright, and finally bumped into the pillar.

"What the hell, dare to hide from me, know who I am, and let you die without a place to bury you!" The thin monkey was furious. In front of so many people, he was rejected, feeling ashamed Yes, just a slap in the face, and the waiter immediately burst into tears.

The manager hurried over to make an apology, but the thin monkey finally lost his anger, cursed a few times, and asked the manager to pour him tea to apologize.

After a while, there were more than a dozen bosses sitting on the scene. These people came alone, only Shouhou brought four or five bodyguards, and the guy with his bulging waist.

"Everyone!" Shelly clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention. He glanced at everyone present, and when he saw the thin monkey with its nostrils upturned, the corners of his mouth lightly lifted.

"Today is a small banquet held by our Bai Gang. Thank you for coming to attend. I also know that the bosses are very busy, so I won't talk nonsense."

Clapping hands, several younger brothers came up with a machine. Before everyone could figure out what was going on, the canvas opened and saw that it was a video camera.

"Shelley, what do you mean? If you don't hand over the things quickly, what tricks are you playing!"

The thin monkey slapped the table and yelled loudly, and the younger brother behind him also yelled, all looking like I was very angry.

"Don't worry, today's trial meeting has just begun."

Xie Lipi said with a nonchalant smile. After hearing that, the skinny monkey immediately turned pale and stood up, with fierce eyes, and said viciously: "Xie Li, do you know what you just said? Believe it or not!" I shot you in the head!"

"Of course I'm afraid you'll blow my head off, but you'd better read on."

After Xie Li finished speaking, the camera started to play. At first, it was in the hospital, and then saw a doctor get out of the line and fired several shots at the bed... Afterwards, the doctor was subdued and came to a secret room.

"Who sent you here?"

"Slim... Brother Monkey..."

"How much did he pay you?"

"Ten, 10 yuan, let me kill Bai Lengye."

"Impossible, you framed me, Cao you!" In desperation, the thin monkey drew out his gun and pointed it at the other party, and a group of people rushed out from around Xie Li, pointing their guns at them as well.

"Xie Li, I killed you and dared to frame me!" The thin monkey's cheeks twisted together, with an undisguised killing intent on his face.

"Whether it's framed or not, you'll know if you keep reading." Shelly chuckled at the doctor, completely ignoring his gun, and continued to let the camera play.

It was a big bed, and the two people on the big bed were doing human sports, and it ended after 1 minute. The people present laughed, and the skinny monkey's face was as red as a pig's liver. He stared at Shelly.

The voice came, and the voice of the thin monkey was clearly heard, talking about how to implement the plan, how to snatch the position of the white gang, and how to deal with those who opposed it.

Seeing this, there is no need to say anything later, all the bosses know that Shouhou assassinated Bai Lengye and secretly snatched the position!
"Bastard, die to me!" Turning into a rage, Skinny Monkey didn't care much, ordered his men to block the door, and fired several shots at the ceiling.

"No one can leave today, you all have to die!"

"Shouhou, don't move out, you're going to kill us. If you do this, I promise you will never get out of this gate today!"

"It's useless to threaten me. I've already broken the pot and killed you. Naturally, no one will know about me. At that time, I will blame others for your death!"

"I'm afraid your plan will not succeed." Shelly said indifferently.

"Just say one more thing, my people are waiting outside. One sentence will blow you up. What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me here!"

The thin monkey punched the opponent, and Xie Li couldn't straighten up, coughing violently in his mouth.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the things, or you will often feel tortured!"

Xie Li didn't care about the other party's threat at all, but looked at him with a sneer, while the bosses below were mostly fearful, but most of them seemed unusually indifferent.

At this moment, the thin monkey felt that something was wrong. It stands to reason that these people were afraid of death, but now they are not afraid of being robbed.

But it's not right, his men are all ambush outside, all equipped with heavy weapons, come and kill as many people as possible, do these people have more powerful cards.

But Skinny Monkey knew that they must be putting on airs, he was going to make a deal today, and no one could stop him.

"Skinny Monkey, turn your back and stick to the shore, put down your weapon now, Brother Bai will let you go..."

"Fuck it, if he dares to come over, I will kill him first!" The skinny monkey roared, and at that moment, the gate was kicked open heavily.

With the sound of bang, countless eyes all forgot to look at it. There were several people standing at the gate, and the leader was Bai Lengye who had been missing for a few days.

"You, you are here!" Seeing Bai Lengye, the thin monkey was both anxious and delighted. He was anxious that the other party would come, there must be a large number of people, but he was delighted that as long as he whistled, the younger brother who was ambushing outside The door can rush in and kill them all in an instant.

"Skinny Monkey, I'm not mean to you, but you..."

"Fuck you, Bai Lengye, I've been upset with you for a long time, today either you die or I die!"

"Ah." Bai Lengye sighed, and gently closed his eyes, at the same time, Erdanzi behind him took a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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