Chapter 432
When Bai Lengye saw Fang Xiaoyu going out, he thought that the other party was going out to check out, but who would have thought that the hotel manager would come in first after a while.

Seeing that the manager has come, several people also shut up, staring at each other, and then saw the other party walking in front of Bai Lengye.

"Mr. Bai, you are so polite, this meal is my invitation..."

The manager nodded and said, "The new waiter doesn't understand, Mr. Bai, don't be angry."

Now, several people in the room were dumbfounded, and they still haven't figured out what's going on.

Bai Lengye was also happy, he looked at the sign on the other party, and then suddenly remembered that the owner of this hotel seemed to have met him once.

In a certain meeting last time, the other party was sitting in the back row and he was sitting in the front row. They just smiled and nodded and exchanged business cards.

"Meals are not free, as much as you want." Said, Bai Lengye took out his card.

"Don't, don't, Mr. Bai, don't do this. Today's meal is free. Don't let Mr. Bai pay for it."

The manager was very nervous, and even a little panicked. His boss had already issued an order. If Bai Lengye was not happy or the bill was settled, then his yearly job of more than 20 yuan could be said goodbye.

For the sake of my position, I have to admit it even if I pretend to be my grandson this time.

In the end, Bai Lengye had no choice, he didn't make things difficult for the manager anymore, and the bill was not settled. Now, everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

"Brother Bai is amazing. In just one sentence, the bill can be waived. Do you know the boss?"

a male student asked.

Bai Lengye smiled: "It's considered acquaintance, only met once."

He was telling the truth, but the others didn't believe it. They were not fools. How could someone who had only met him once give you a bill of nearly [-] yuan.

And the thin-faced man who had been yelling at Bai Lengye to pay the bill before had turned into a liver-colored face, unable to utter a word, and went out with a cold snort.

"I'm gone, I've almost eaten and drank, it's time to go home."

Everyone dispersed in a rush, and went downstairs one after another. Seeing Tang Haochen and his girlfriend getting into the Mercedes-Benz, the girls looked envious.

"Do you want to relax with you?" Tang Haochen looked at several people.

"No, we can just take a taxi." A girl said hesitantly, but in fact she still wanted to take this kind of high-end car.

At this moment, there was a bang, and a red Maserati whizzed away from them, and quickly drove away.

"Damn, what are you dragging, rich people are amazing!"

The thin-faced man cursed angrily, glanced around, and saw Bai Lengye and the two, cursing: "He runs faster than anyone else, doesn't even say hello, a guy with no money and no quality."

At this time, a faint voice sounded: "The two of them seemed to be sitting in the car just now..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on everyone's faces froze instantly, and the thin-faced man even plopped down on the ground with a dull expression on his face.

"Heh...hehe..." Tang Haochen laughed a few times, not daring to pretend to be deep anymore, stepped on the accelerator and left.

"How about it, my wife, this car is better than Audi."

In the car, Bai Lengye drove with one hand, and put the other hand on the car window, grinning.

"Nonsense, this is a million-dollar car, and it's not in the same class as Audi."

Fang Xiaoyu said angrily.

Bai Lengye chuckled, then turned the car towards a remote suburb, Fang Xiaoyu asked, "What are you going for?"

"Honey, we haven't had that for a long time. It's dark and windy at night, and we still drive such a nice car. Of course we have to try a different feeling in the car."

After saying this, Bai Lengye felt that she had a thick skin, and Fang Xiaoyu beside her was already blushing. Although they were both old couples, it was really a shame to be outside at such a late hour, especially in the car. first.


The car stopped, the lights were turned off, and the surroundings fell into a brief silence and darkness.

Inside the car, there was a sound of panting, and after the eyes gradually adjusted to the surrounding darkness, there was constant laughter.

"Kick off."

Fang Xiaoyu pressed Bai Lengye's hand, and whispered in his ear: "Look outside, there seems to be someone..."

"Leave him alone, let's continue."

"No, look, there seem to be three or five people..."

Bai Lengye sighed, had no choice but to fix the belt, sat up straight, and looked back.


In his line of sight, there were four men digging pits with shovels, and there seemed to be a person lying under their feet.

"Go out and have a look." Bai Lengye opened the car door and slammed it shut with a bang, which spread far, far away under the darkness of night.

"who is it!"

The men were shocked, and took photos with flashlights, but the lens was immediately shattered by the flying stones.

"What are you doing?" Bai Hanye asked in a low voice.

"Don't mind your own business, get out if you don't want to die!" A man showed a fierce expression, and took out a switchblade.

Bai Lengye pursed his lips, and there was a shock from the air, the man was lying on the ground, and the three companions around him were all fucking stunned.

"That man is dead." Fang Xiaoyu said, pointing at the people under their feet.

"Murder and bury the corpse?" Bai Lengye said playfully.


Several people turned around and ran away, Bai Lengye already knew that they would do this, the stones flew out of his hands, knocking them down to the ground.

Bai Lengye took a few steps forward, looked down, and indeed saw a dead woman with scars all over her body, disheveled clothes, and a large piece of dried blood on her chest.

Seeing this, Bai Lengye's face remained unchanged, but his eyes became extremely cold.

Fang Xiaoyu beside her couldn't bear to look, no matter how stupid she was, she knew what happened to the dead woman.

"Damn you guys." Bai Lengye said in a cold tone.

"Forgive me, hero, forgive me, we really didn't do this, we just used money to do things for others."

"Tell me, who do you work for?" Bai Lengye stepped forward and asked.

"I don't know. The man covered his face and left after giving us the body and money. We don't know where he is from..."

"It's not good to lie. I hate liars the most."

Bai Lengye smiled coldly, and with a sudden force with his palm, one person's arm was directly broken, and the bloated arm began to bleed out.

The other party whimpered in pain, and Bai Lengye stepped on the other party's feet and asked, "I'm asking you again whether to tell me or not."

"I don't know, we really don't know..."

There was a cold light in Bai Lengye's eyes, and he was about to kill him when Fang Xiaoyu suddenly stopped him.

"Forget it, just send them to the police station." Fang Xiaoyu shook his head.

"Fortunately for you, call the police yourself."

Bai Lengye watched a few of them call the police, then he clicked their acupoints, took Fang Xiaoyu into the car and left.

In the car, Bai Lengye was silent and did not speak, Fang Xiaoyu sighed: "Don't worry too much, it's just that we met..."

"She reminds me of Zhang Xiu." Bai Lengye said.

Fang Xiaoyu was taken aback, then lowered his head and said nothing.

She knew about Zhang Xiu's death, and it was clear why Bai Lengye hated those people.

After the car came to the middle of the road, Bai Lengye was silent for a while, and said: "I want to be a good person once."

"If you want to do it, just do it, it's no big deal." Fang Xiaoyu smiled.

"Thank you wife for understanding." Bai Lengye smiled slightly, and immediately started the accelerator to change direction.

More than an hour later, Bai Lengye came out of the police station, and then came to an uninhabited park according to the address he got the information from.

Half of this park is being renovated, and there are not many people in the middle of the night. On the deserted streets, only Bai Lengye is walking alone.

After a while, under a street lamp, an old man in a straw hat was fishing by the lake, with a serious look, which made people really don't want to disturb him.

Bai Lengye stopped slowly, and after observing carefully for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Grandpa, why are you still fishing so late?"

"Although it's getting late, the fish haven't slept yet. At this time, it's time to come out to look for food."

"Then have they eaten?" Bai Lengye asked.

The old man turned his head slowly, showing a dry face, with a smile on his face: "Of course I found it. Look, I've caught quite a few."

"What a big fish..." Bai Lengye deliberately elongated the fish's voice.

"Fish is big, but it's not as good as lobster."

The old man laughed.

Bai Lengye also laughed, took a few steps forward, and said, "Old man, I think you are very strong, you should be fine if you jump off?"

The old man's smile froze, and then his eyes suddenly became indifferent, and he said coldly: "Bai Lengye, are you guilty?"

"There is indeed a problem."

Bai Lengye stopped in his tracks, and said coldly, "Who the hell are you? You fish here in the middle of the night while sneaking around!"

"Sit down, the old man, and fish the old man, and take your Bai Lengye's life today."

"It's the Eternal Emperor again, and there is an endless forest." Bai Lengye said angrily, and then slapped him with a strong airflow from the air.


The surface of the lake was blown up, and the old man had long since disappeared.

There was a whistling sound in his ears, Bai Lengye reached out and grabbed the wire, and pulled the old man out of the darkness with all his strength.


A powerful murderous aura erupted from the old man, sweeping across the entire park in an instant, and in an instant, countless sword shadows fell from the sky.

Faced with these sword-like attacks, Bai Lengye let go of the wire in his hand, kicked his feet back a few steps, and grabbed the stone lions on both sides with both hands.

With a loud shout, the stone lion weighing hundreds of kilograms was lifted up, and finally it was thrown up with a wave of hands.


The two huge stone lions were split to pieces, and countless pieces of gravel fell into the lake.

At this moment, Bai Hanye's figure disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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