The last cultivator

Chapter 433 Confronting the Old Man

Chapter 433 Confronting the Old Man
The originally calm lake suddenly became rippling, and gradually, an old man slowly appeared.

The old man's cold eyes slowly scanned the surroundings, looking for the shadow of Bai Lengye, but the other party seemed to have disappeared, and there was no movement around.

"Could it be that you will hide?" the old man said coldly.


Under the surface of the water, a water arrow suddenly rushed up. The old man's eyes were cold, and he shot it with his palm in the air. The water arrow was blown up before he got close.


There were seven or eight water arrows bursting from all around, the old man let out a cold shout, and stepped on the lake with his feet. Suddenly, a high wall of water condensed around his body, blocking those attacking water arrows.

And just as the water wall fell, Bai Lengye's ghostly figure appeared behind the old man, and his palm pierced the other's back silently.

"Afterimage?" Bai Lengye's eyes froze.

A water dragon hit him, Bai Lengye had no choice but to dodge, the water dragon hit the rockery hard and made a huge explosion sound.

The old man floated up from the water, fixed his cold eyes on Bai Lengye, and said sharply: "Bai Lengye, you are not far from death."

"I've heard this many times, but I'm still alive and well."

Bai Lengye laughed.

"Tornado world!"

Suddenly, the old man cast a spell, and the water surface of the lake rolled upside down. After rushing up to the sky, a huge water dragon finally formed, and a dragon roared from its mouth.

"Good guy, the imitation is very good, but it's a pity that it is fake."

Bai Lengye sneered, raised his arms, the sky fire on his palms was burning and beating rapidly, and finally his whole body was burning with flames.

"Gather together with fire, knot!"

After the sealing was completed, the sky fire on Bai Lengye's body shot up into the sky, turning the night into day in an instant, and those terrible sky fires were burning on the sky, as if they were going to collapse the sky. It was so far away that it made the skin feel hot.

Gradually, those boiling flames turned into miniature dragons, and more and more small dragons began to take shape, and finally the sea of ​​flames turned into miniature dragons.

"If you use the big one, then I'll use the small one to see which of us is better."

Bai Lengye laughed softly, and countless fire dragons began to entangle above his head, exuding powerful fiery power.

The old man's expression was cold, he spread his palms and pointed at Bai Lengye's position.

Same thing, Bai Lengye pointed his palm at the old man.

"Water dragon, kill!"

"Fire Dragon, burn the opponent!"

The two launched an attack at the same time. For a while, the water dragon and the fire dragon fought together. The remaining flames or water sources were poured down from the sky from time to time. The water dragon and the fire dragon fought hard.

But Bai Lengye's Skyfire was slightly better. In just two to three minutes, more than half of the water dragon was evaporated, and its body became smaller and smaller. And those countless miniature fire dragons exploded on the opponent's body from time to time. The water dragon can only get smaller and smaller, and the water on its body is getting less and less.

"Brahma destroys the earth!"

Bai Lengye suddenly yelled, and he shook the water dragon firmly with his palm. Suddenly, countless miniature fire dragons gathered together and turned into a huge mouth, swallowing the water dragon in one bite.

Chi Chi!

After the water dragon was devoured, the old man was finally severely injured, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

The entire lake was completely evaporated under the attack of the two, and Bai Lengye fell down, staring at the old man with cold eyes.

"Cough... the old man underestimated you, I didn't expect you to have such a level of sky fire on your body."

"Nonsense, your grandfather and I still have a lot of things you don't know. What you see now is just a little bit of it."

Bai Lengye said coldly.

The old man dodged and started to retreat, spinning the fishing rod in front of him, and said coldly: "I will fight you in the future, so I will let you go today..."

"I'm not afraid of laughing my ass off when I say it out, obviously you can't beat me." Bai Lengye said mockingly.

The old man's face was full of murderous intent, but he didn't say anything, and his body disappeared under the night.

Bai Lengye stood there without moving. After a while, after confirming that the other party had really left, his body shook slightly, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Ahem...the old guy is so powerful, he actually hurt me."

Bai Lengye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. When the two collided earlier, he accidentally got water vapor into his body. On the surface, he won, but he just kept talking to the other party.

In fact, when the two fought, he lost to the other party.

After leaving the park, Bai Lengye didn't go home in a hurry, but chose a place to heal his injuries. When he opened his eyes again, he found that the sky outside had already brightened.

After going out, Bai Lengye stretched his waist, stretched his body, and walked forward leisurely.

Not long after he left, he came across a shop selling breakfast. After Bai Hanye ate some, he returned home.

Nothing big happened at home as before, and Bai Lengye didn't tell Xiaoyu what happened last night, otherwise the other party would be anxious.

It's nothing, Bai Lengye was going to visit the kingdom of heaven, but then he thought of Huang Ying and Xiruo, after hesitating, he decided to go to see them first.

After a while, Bai Lengye came to Lin Ling's villa. Coincidentally, they were all there. When he came, they were going shopping.

It's better to come early than coincidentally, Bai Lengye followed them to go shopping, and after playing happily for a long time, Bai Lengye finally arrived at Yunxiao Palace.

The entrance outside Yunxiao Palace is no longer an iron chain, but a bridge that is completely suspended. As for the quality, there is no need to worry about it, even if it is a truck with dozens of tons passing it.

Now he is the lord of Yunxiao Palace, and if the previous lord Ruo is not around, he has the final say on everything, and Xiruo completely listens to him.

After Bai Lengye came over, he just went through a brief cutscene and hurriedly saw Xiruo, who was lying down and resting in the boudoir.

Bai Lengye entered the room and locked the door, and after a hey smile, Xi Ruo also woke up, blushing, she naturally knew what bad things the other party was going to do.

"Xi Ruo, how is your strength now?" Bai Lengye asked concernedly while sitting on the bedside, but his hands moved back and forth dishonestly.

Xi Ruo blushed and said, "I've reached Valkyrie now, and the breakthrough is not far away."

"Not bad, you've cultivated so fast, you can catch up with me in no time."

As he was speaking, Bai Lengye's hand had already been stretched in, and with a flick of his fingers, Xi Ruo let out an oops, blushing from his face to the bottom of his neck, and his breathing became rapid.

"Lady, let's come..."


After waking up the next day, she found that he was alone on the bed, Bai Lengye smiled wryly, and the air was still filled with the scent of roses.

After getting up and getting out of bed, I saw Xi Ruo in the square giving advice to those people, and the female disciples were also listening attentively.

"The Palace Master is here..."

"Everyone stand up."

Bai Lengye walked over with a smile, those female disciples lined up solemnly and waited for him, Xiruo also stood aside with a smile.

"Cough... I'm here to make soy sauce, why do you continue to do it, just pretend that I don't exist."

Bai Lengyehe took advantage of the situation to hug Xiruo, and said to those disciples.

"Let go, there are so many people watching." Xi Ruo said embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter what it looks like, everyone doesn't know the relationship between you and me." Bai Lengye said cheekily.

Some female disciples couldn't help but couldn't hold back their laughter. This was the first time they met such a thick-skinned palace master.

Bai Lengye and Xi Ruo turned around Yunxiao Palace, holding hands, feeling the limited world of two people.

Tired from walking around, the two found a place to sit down and rest, Bai Lengye fixed the messy hair on each other's forehead, looked at each other quietly for a few seconds, and said: "You followed me, don't you regret it? "

Xi Ruo smiled and said: "I never know what regret is, because I have never regretted it, no matter before, now, or in the future, I will never regret it."

"Fool, following me may not give you the best reputation."

"It doesn't matter, let Xiaoyu be the big one, and it's fine for us to be the little ones. I don't ask for anything else, as long as I can be with you for the rest of my life."

Xi Ruo leaned on his shoulder, showing a longing look on his face.

Bai Lengye sighed in his heart, maybe this is the reason why he also likes a few people.

"Do you want to leave here and go to my heaven?"

"Is there any interesting talk there, I'll stay here and give advice to my disciples, so that when troubled times come, I'll have a little bit of self-protection power."

Bai Lengye nodded and said: "With the arrival of random death, practitioners will not be able to escape, even many ordinary people will suffer from indiscriminate disasters."

"Why don't you bring your friends to Yunxiao Palace when the troubled times come soon?"

Bai Lengye said with a smile: "Maybe it's not necessary. My Heavenly Kingdom has established a defense base, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

While talking, a female disciple hurried over and said, "Palace Master, there are people from the inner sect asking to see...they say there is something very important."

"Let's go take a look."

Bai Lengye went there with Xi Ruo, and when they came to the main hall, they saw a man covered in blood sitting on a chair panting.

"What's wrong?" Bai Lengye asked.

"Help, help, something serious happened to the inner sect!" The man ran over, plopped and knelt in front of Bai Lengye, crying, "An accident happened to the inner sect, they are all dead, they are all dead..."

Bai Lengye's complexion changed slightly, and he was about to speak when suddenly, a knife appeared in the hand of the man kneeling on the ground, and it stabbed fiercely into Xi Ruo's stomach next to him.

"Go to hell!" the man yelled with a ferocious face.

"Son of a bitch!"

No one had reacted before, until after Xi Ruo was stabbed, Bai Lengye's eyes were bloodshot, and he slapped the opponent's head with his palm, killing him on the spot.

Xi Ruo vomited blood from his mouth, and his body was also stained red with blood.

"Hiro, how are you, Hiro!"

(End of this chapter)

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