Chapter 458

Bai Lengye was very helpless, he felt that he was about to become a vase here, and the women with heavy makeup around him, whenever they knew that he came here with Wanwan, they would look surprised and say something so handsome.

As for him, he could only smile and not speak, for fear that he would slip up, which would be different from Wanwan's words, and that would be a waste of time.

He has done a lot of pretending to be a boyfriend, but this time is the most awkward one, he can't speak at all.

And Wanwan's classmates can also pretend to be very good, wearing a famous brand, but the socks are unparalleled for ten yuan.

Or it's wearing a famous brand bag, but wearing a headdress of a few dollars on the hair, which doesn't match at all.

When the reception officially started, all kinds of pretense began, talking about how much I travel abroad from time to time, how much money I get every month, and what kind of girlfriend I have.

And the woman said, what kind of company does her husband work for, what kind of leader is her godfather, or how much is the bag in her hand, and how hypocritical it is.

At the end, Bai Lengye couldn't stay any longer, he walked out of the hall, and started chatting with the waiter outside.

Sometimes, people are not as good as a waiter, at least the waiter will not be as foolish as those people, what the other party has to say, how to eat every day, and where to go to play after a break.

Bai Lengye chatted with two or three people, and found that most of them had one characteristic, that is, they basically graduated from high school or dropped out of college, and their girlfriends also worked part-time.

During the break, those who have girlfriends accompany them to play, and those who don't, go to Internet cafes alone, and go clubbing at night.

Bai Lengye could only sigh, it seemed that he was like that back then, maybe this kind of life was bad, but it was much better than those hypocritical guys in the house.

At this time, the door was pushed open, Wanwan came out, looked at Bai Lengye and asked, "Why are you standing outside and not going in?"

"Too hypocritical, too lazy to deal with those people." Bai Lengye shrugged.

Wanwan smiled lightly, and said: "It's good to get used to it. Who knows that they have become like this in just a few years. When they were in school, they all had the ideal of revenge and worked hard."

Bai Lengye smiled and said: "Life is like this, you can't change it, you have to get used to it."

"No!" Wanwan shook her head, her voice became firm: "Even if I can't change it, I can't adapt to it, because this rule doesn't suit me at all."

Bai Lengye was taken aback, then nodded thoughtfully, he knew what Wanwan meant.

After the two entered, many people looked over, and several girls gathered around, chattering and asking Bai Lengye what he did, what job he did, and how much his annual salary was.

According to the past, Bai Lengye would not tell the truth, and this time it is the same, but he will not say that his salary is only two thousand, otherwise he will be ridiculed immediately.

"I work in a transportation company as a small supervisor, and my monthly salary is around [-] a month. I don't have a house in the city, but if I marry Wanwan in the future, I plan to pay a down payment."

Bai Lengye's words sounded as if they were true, even Wanwan herself believed them, but then she could only sigh when she thought of the huge group behind the other party.

And when Bai Lengye said this, the people around didn't have much reaction, although they are wearing famous brands now, but in fact they know it best in their hearts, their salary is just like this, after getting married, That's just a down payment.

"Hehe, you work for a logistics company?" a man wearing glasses asked.

Bai Lengye nodded.

"That's not bad. My elder brother works as the general manager of a logistics company, and the monthly bonus is more than 3 yuan."


There was a sound of exclamation all around.

The man immediately smiled proudly: "If you have anything to do in the future, maybe my elder brother can help you."

"Thanks, I don't need it anymore. It is said that opening an online store is very popular recently, so I plan to give it a try."

Bai Lengye said casually.

"Open an online store? Don't be ridiculous, you also believe in the Internet, Wanwan, your boyfriend's head is so funny."

A man opened his mouth and said, and this man was Mr. Chen who came in last, he drove a Lamborghini, and his girlfriend was also a popular star. At this moment, he was sitting noblely at the side playing with his mobile phone, ignoring them at all.

"Mr. Chen, you are just kidding. Of course we are not as good as you in opening an online store. You can open a Lamborghini. Our salary for several years can't afford a door handle."

A tall and thin man got up and said.

Mr. Chen smiled slightly, raised his chin, looked a little defiant, and said, "That's right, I'm also the boss of a listed company, with an annual salary of tens of millions, and even my girlfriend is a famous star, you can't compare in your life. "

"All the bills today are paid by me, and I can still afford tens of thousands of dollars."

"Okay, Mr. Chen is really refreshing, we like this kind of people who have a wide range of shots."

"Come on, everyone is drinking, don't talk about work, anyway, you are not as tall as me, and speaking out is also a blow to you."

Hearing this, some people around looked uncomfortable, and one or two people left secretly.

Bai Lengye looked at Wanwan, who also showed an innocent look.

After the reception was over, they went out one after another and came to the door. It happened to be raining outside, and the waiter was holding an umbrella.

Mr. Chen took out the key, the Lamborghini rang, and the waiter's umbrella was accidentally tilted, and the rain splashed on the other party. Mr. Chen immediately scolded the waiter, and finally drove away with the woman.

"What are you dragging, don't you just have two bad money, I will earn more than you in the future."

Said a man jealously.

"Light can talk big." A girl snorted disdainfully, got into a Volkswagen cc and left.

"Let's go too." Bai Hanye drove the Audi over, and the girls also showed jealousy. They knew that Bai Lanye must be cheating them. How can a job with a monthly salary of [-] afford to drive an Audi? ah.

Bai Lengye originally wanted to take Wanwan back, but the other party said that he was a little annoyed and wanted to take a walk outside.

The car window fell, and the cold rain blew in and slapped on the face, making people sober up immediately. Bai Lengye took a deep breath, put his left hand on the door frame, and looked at Wanwan through the rearview mirror. I don't know what I'm thinking.

After a while, met Hong and others in front, and slowly stepped on the brakes to stop, Bai Lengye asked, "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Wanwan turned her head and closed the car window.

"It is said that whenever it rains, some people will always feel a little sad. These people account for one fifth of the people, and you are one of the five people."

"Well, is there such a saying, why don't I know."

Bai Lengye said with a smile: "I just remembered it, because I used to feel very sad when it rained, but after I got a wife, it was different."

"Then you mean, should I find a boyfriend?"

"That's almost what it means. When you find the man you love and put all your heart and soul into him, you won't feel sad in the rain anymore."

After finishing speaking, Wanwan suddenly opened the car door and got out of the car, Bai Lengye shouted: "What are you doing, hurry back, it's raining outside!"

But Wanwan ignored his words and walked forward alone. There was no other way, Bai Lengye had no choice but to turn around, and after finishing the car, she also got out of the car and chased after her.

"What are you doing?" Bai Lengye grabbed the opponent's arm.

"Ha ha."

Wanwan raised her head, the cold rain slapped her face, she said with a bitter smile: "I heard that being in the rain will make people wake up a lot, I just want to try how it feels."

At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and accompanied by the strong wind, it made people shiver. Bai Lengye wanted to drag her back into the car, but who would have thought that Wanwan would stand still and refuse to move.

"What's wrong with you, did I make you angry?" Bai Lengye shouted.

Lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, accompanied by bursts of thunder, Wanwan suddenly laughed out loud, the rain ran down her cheeks, and she looked at Bai Lengye with complicated eyes.

The two looked at each other for nearly a minute, and then Wanwan suddenly hugged him with both arms.

"Don't move, let me hug you, it will be fine in a while..."

"This..." Bai Lengye's body stiffened together, the rain drenched his whole body, even if it was cold rain, it couldn't cut off the heat from the two of them, Bai Lengye noticed that Wanwan's breathing was a little short and her heart was beating fast .

"Thank you, really thank you."

Wan Wan inexplicably said such a sentence, then let go of his arms, turned and returned to the car.

Bai Lengye sighed, returned to the car, wiped his face with a towel, stepped on the accelerator and left.

Not long after, the two returned home and sent Wanwan back to the house. Bai Lengye noticed that the other's face was a little rosy, and she had a fever.

"I'll take you to the doctor."

"No, I'll be fine after a night of sleep..." Wanwan looked a little tired, and she returned to the bed and lay down in a daze.

Bai Lengye came to the door, looked at him, and was about to turn around to leave, when Wanwan let him in.

"Look at me, you're leaving when I fall asleep, okay?"

"it is good."

Bai Lengye nodded, sat on the chair, watched Wanwan sleep with her eyes closed.

The room fell silent, Wanwan's breathing became steady, and Bai Lengye sat quietly without making a sound.

After a while, after the other party fell asleep, Bai Lengye walked up to the other party, grabbed the other party's hand, and channeled a trace of true energy into it.

After the other party's fever subsided, Bai Lengye closed the door and left. When she went downstairs, she saw Wanwan's mother just returning, and both of them froze for a moment.

"That... Wanwan is already asleep." Bai Lengye smiled awkwardly.

"It's so late, why don't you just sleep here."

"No, no, I came by car, it's okay."

After finishing speaking, Bai Hanye opened the door and left.

(End of this chapter)

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