The last cultivator

Chapter 459 Bai Hanye's Wrath

Chapter 459 Bai Hanye's Wrath

in the forest.

With a loud noise, a big tree fell to the ground, and then a figure descended from the sky and stood aside.

"Oh, I still don't have enough control."

Bai Lengye sighed helplessly.

This is already the 300th time he has practiced. What he has to do is to let the tree quietly turn into fly ash when it does not fall to the ground.

But every time he can't control his power well, hundreds of times, he will always be damaged by the big tree.

Bai Lengye walked up to the tree, touched it lightly with her hand, and the contents inside had already turned into powder, but it couldn't be seen from the outside.

Now, his strength has been stuck at a zero point, as long as he can break through, his strength will reach the realm of detachment, which is not far from the realm of immortality.

Troubled times are coming, he has to increase his strength quickly, otherwise what strength will he use to protect his wife and daughter.

Just when Bai Lengye was about to go to practice again, his cell phone rang, and it was the old man calling. After he connected, the other party asked him to go over.

Bai Lengye left the forest, and not long after, he came to the old man's new home, in a mountain forest, surrounded by mountains, it can be regarded as desolate.

"What do you want me to do?" Bai Lengye sat down and asked.

The old man chuckled, and flashed behind him, the tea that Bai Lengye had just drank was sprayed out in one gulp, and he stood up, shouting, "Why is it here!"

The small golden coffin glistened under the sunlight, it was placed quietly on the ground, but Bai Lengye felt that his hairs were counting down.

"I have no choice. It came by itself. I can only call you here."

The old man said with an innocent expression.

Bai Lengye showed resentment, this old man was cheating him, it's nothing to provoke this golden coffin, isn't this just looking for death.

Then he still doesn't know the origin of the golden coffin, and even when he asked about it, the other party had a look of fear on his face and refused to answer his question.

"I'm leaving, you can keep it at home to sleep."

Bai Lengye turned and left, but there was a bang behind him, he stopped immediately, looked back, and saw the golden coffin erected by itself.

"Gudu." Bai Lengye's throat rolled, and his body stiffened in place, not daring to move.

"Look, it's not that I won't let you go, it's that it won't let you go. What can I do?"

The old man sat down, lit his pipe and smoked.

"I...I still don't believe it."

Bai Lengye took a step back, the golden coffin immediately jumped up, he stepped back ten steps, the golden coffin also followed closely behind, keeping a distance of ten meters from him.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Bai Lengye flew up to the sky, who would have thought that the golden coffin rushed up after him, this time it directly blocked him.

"Go away, I don't have time to play with you."

Bai Lengye punched up with his fist, and the golden light wiped out a heavy muffled sound. The strength of this punch directly sent the opponent flying tens of thousands of meters away.

Bai Lengye heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to leave, but who would have thought that the golden coffin would appear in front of him in an instant, preventing him from leaving here with all his might.

Bai Lengye burst into flames, and kicked over, the golden coffin was sent flying again, but before he moved, the golden coffin quickly rushed over and blocked him sideways.

"I still don't believe I can't solve you."

"Severing Sky Finger!"

The terrifying fingers flew out of the air and hit the golden coffin fiercely, but this time, a terrifying ball of light erupted from the golden coffin, directly shaking his broken sky finger away.

"I rely on."

Bai Lengye was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that the golden coffin would resist, and his powerful blow was canceled out like that.

Now, Bai Lengye didn't know what to do. He was sure that he couldn't destroy the golden coffin, but he couldn't leave here unless he solved the other party.

Bai Lengye turned back, the golden coffin really did not stop him, but when he was flying towards another direction, the golden coffin did block him.

"Okay, are you tired? Sit down and rest." The old man said leisurely, drinking tea.

"No, I have to leave here. I can't stay here forever. Who knows how long I will stay here."

"Then you just wait, there must be a reason for the golden coffin to do this."

Bai Lengye shrugged helplessly, so she had no choice but to get down and come to the old man, drinking tea together.

"When did it find you?"

"It didn't take long. I was sleeping at that time, and this guy fell directly from the sky into my yard. Then I couldn't leave, and I couldn't do anything. Finally, I remembered you."

"I didn't expect it to work. This golden coffin is looking for you, but it seems that it just wants you to come to my place and ask you to wait."

Bai Lengye said: "Then I can't stay here forever, I have other things to do."

"Wait, if you can't do it in two days, you are trying to find a way to leave, at least you can't go now."

"Okay, then I'll wait a day or two to see. By the way, you have something to eat here, so you won't let me go hungry?"

The old man rolled his eyes directly.

That night, Bai Lengye walked to the yard and saw that the golden coffin was gone, thought it was a chance to escape, so he flew away.

Who would have thought that not long after he flew out, a black shadow descended from the sky, and then slapped him heavily.

"Damn it, it hurts to death!"

Bai Lengye let out a loud cry, and he looked up, the golden coffin was floating in the sky, blocking the moonlight, as if warning him.

"Okay, I'm not leaving, I want to see what you want to do."

Bai Lengye gritted her teeth, turned around and went back to sleep obediently.

Bai Lengye woke up the next day, sitting bored in the yard, there was no shadow of the golden coffin around him, but he was not sure if he would be smashed by the golden coffin when he walked out of this yard.

"Come on, help me old man."


"Growing vegetables, now is a good season, and you can eat fresh vegetables in autumn. The vegetables outside are poisonous and cannot be eaten."

Bai Lengye was speechless, this old man is quite particular, and he also knows that the vegetables outside are poisonous.

Bai Lengye went over to help, and when he was busy until noon, the old man fried some vegetables for him to eat, and the bird droppings faded out.

But he eats fish and meat every day, and he hasn't eaten like this for a long time, and it's not bad to eat once in a while.

One day passed like this, and the next day, he still didn't see the golden coffin, Bai Lengye tried to walk more than 1000 meters, the golden coffin fell out of thin air and hit him less than one meter away, Bai Lengye Just know, he don't want to leave here.

After three or five days passed, Bai Lengye couldn't sit still anymore, he had to go back every day, there were still a lot of things waiting for him, it was not an option to be stuck here all the time.

After thinking of this, Bai Lengye walked out resolutely, and the golden coffin appeared, floating in mid-air.

"I want to leave here, whether you understand it or not, I want to leave here, no one can stop me!"

This time, Bai Lengye's tone was very firm, he walked over step by step, and the golden coffin floated over, under unavoidable circumstances, Bai Lengye had no choice but to make a move.

Last time he had scruples, but this time he didn't have scruples. He directly exerted all his strength. The hills he hit trembled, countless gravels fell down, and the roar of tigers in the forest continued.

After several heavy blows, Bai Lengye was thrown into the air and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Even if he exhausted all his strength, he couldn't do any harm to the golden coffin. The hardness of the coffin was beyond his imagination.

"Don't do it, you can't beat it."

said the old man with a sigh.

"How could I concede defeat to a dead man? I've been dead for so many years and I'm still not happy to live. I still want to restrict my life freedom. Who does it think it is!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye got up and rushed away, but this time, he directly used the Hongming Knife and slashed hard on the coffin board.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, and the powerful rebounding force, the number you and the sword, passed into his arms, Bai Lengye's face turned pale, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the Hongming Saber made a trembling sound, flew out of his hand, and pierced into the ground.

The golden coffin was bursting with strong light, and with a whistling sound, it came crashing into it. As a last resort, Bai Lengye used the unicorn arm to block it.

With a fist blow, a powerful wave of air rippling away from him, many trees around him rose up, destroying a large area of ​​land and forest.

"How could it be like this... Cough cough, even the Hongming Saber can't do anything to it. Could it be that I've been practicing for so long, and I can't even compare to a dead person?"

Bai Lengye said unwillingly, then he got up and continued to rush over, but within a few moves, he was sent flying again by the golden coffin.


Bai Lengye was furious, and Jiuxiao Shenlei summoned out. This time, the golden coffin seemed a little afraid, but Shenlei couldn't hit the opponent no matter what, and finally hit Bai Lengye to vomit blood.

"Stop hitting, stop now, or you will die!"

The old man rushed over to stop Bai Lengye in a hurry.

"Why, why with my current strength, I can't even handle a dead man's coffin. Am I too weak?"

Bai Lengye's eyes were bloodshot, his voice became trembling, his fists were clenched tightly, and the veins on his arms were bulging.

"Who told you it's human inside?"

An abrupt voice sounded, Bai Lengye looked up, and saw a person looking at him with a smile.

"It's you, God!" The old man said in surprise.

"Yes, it's me, old man, I thought you were dead, it's so hard to find you."

Tian Hehe laughed and fell down. Strange to say, right after he arrived, the golden coffin flew up into the sky and disappeared.

"What's going on here." Bai Lengye was puzzled.

Tian smiled and said: "You can't ask me about this, but I admire you very much. You dared to attack that golden coffin. If it were someone else, you would have died hundreds of times."

"Hmph, it's just a dead coffin. The people inside don't know how many years they have been dead, yet they still want to restrict my actions."

Bai Lengye opened his mouth and said.

"That's why you are very bold. Even I am afraid of the golden coffin. I never thought you would dare to do it directly."

"You are the first person I admire, really." Tian stretched out his thumb.

"Tell me, what are you looking for this time?" The old man asked slowly.

The sky's face froze and became dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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