The last cultivator

Chapter 491 Rebirth

Chapter 491 Rebirth
Bai Lengye had guessed that the scholar was not dead, but after seeing him with his own eyes, he still couldn't restrain the anger in his heart.

"Why haven't you died yet? Do you still have the nerve to live in this world with your ghostly appearance?" Bai Lengye said coldly.

Half of the scholar's body is no longer human, like the other half of a wolf, and his limbs have also turned into animal claws. Except for the remaining half of the head, the rest is the body of a beast.

"Are you envious of my great masterpiece?"

"Now I am stronger after combining them, and I feel my power is exploding!"

"Explode, you can't beat me even if you explode, if you can't, come and try."

Bai Lengye said sarcastically.

"Do you think I can't!" The scholar suddenly disappeared from the big screen, and then appeared next to Bai Liangye, but it was in the form of a holographic projection.

"Why, don't you dare to see me in person, only in this way?"

"Jie Jie, I just let you see my masterpiece. Before you came in, you should have seen it. There are millions of zombies in the city. Are you excited, scared, excited?"

Bai Lengye clenched his fists and said coldly, "If you were in front of me now, I would definitely kill you!"

The scholar laughed loudly, the projection disappeared, and immediately after, the lights in this area were as bright as daytime.

There were countless roars, and many doors opened from all around. At least hundreds of the big men that Bai Hanye had seen before rushed out.

Bai Lengye held the Hongming Saber tightly, using his strength, tapped the ground lightly with his toes, and swept away with his arms.

This knife killed at least dozens of big men, and the remaining big men were also dealt with one by one by Bai Lengye.

The applause sounded, and the scholar appeared again, laughing loudly: "This is just an appetizer, there will be more exciting things later."

"What are you going to do, do you really want to destroy the whole world?"

"No, I just want your life, but I know you won't be killed simply, so I can only use the lives of all human beings in the world to let you be buried with me!"

"My life turns out to be so valuable that I need to exchange it with the lives of all human beings all over the world."

Bai Lengye chuckled, loosened his clenched fists, and didn't know what to say about this scholar who had lost his mind.

"Next, appreciate your dim sum."

The lights turned on again, and the next moment, many monsters rushed out of the gate, like Shrek mutated, so fast that even Bai Lengye could hardly see clearly.

A careless mistake caused Bai Lengye to be hit on the back, and almost got eaten by the monster when he staggered. Fortunately, he stabilized his body in time.

"Mom, you actually sneaked up on me, all of you are going to die."

Bai Lengye slashed at him, no matter how fast those monsters ran, they were still cut in half by him.

A few minutes later, corpses and blood were all over the ground, and his body was also stained red by blood.

"Snacks are over, so I'll let you really have a taste of the main meal."

"Millions of zombies!"

As soon as the voice fell, the outside door opened, and in an instant, countless running losers rushed in, desperately rushing towards Bai Lengye like crazy.

Bai Lengye frowned, and flew directly over their heads, until he flew out of this secret base, came to the sky above the square, and found that it was surrounded by tens of thousands of people.

Bai Lengye took a deep breath, even if he didn't believe it, seeing the loss of tens of thousands in front of him, he knew that this place had already been occupied.

But strangely, he didn't see the police or anything, only groups of civilians.

Being in the air, the loss naturally couldn't do anything to him, but Bai Lengye was very angry that the scholar actually used a city with millions of people as an experiment.

"I'd better go back and talk about it later. I don't know what's going on in the country."

After having this idea, Bai Hanye rushed straight into the sky, wanting to fly back directly.

But when he flew into the air less than 2000 meters, the front suddenly became dark, and a sudden brake stopped, almost hitting his head.

"what happened."

Bai Lengye touched it behind him, and it was a piece of cold material, which was actually in the sky above his head.

For a moment, Bai Lengye thought of something, and the sky fire burst into flames, illuminating the surrounding scene.


Bai Lengye took a deep breath, he was completely shocked.

"So that's it, that's it, it's actually a simulated world, not the real world."

"It's a big deal. It really is a big deal. Is this Heaven Company already so powerful?"

"You finally found out..." came the scholar's cold voice.

Bai Lengye snorted coldly: "I was almost deceived by you. It turns out that this is only a simulated world, not the real world."

"Bai Leng Ye, I just want you to see that if I invest in this virus, the real world will become like this."

"And you, as long as you cut off your own head, I won't do it!"

"Delusion!" Bai Lengye said coldly.

"Hmph, then you just wait for the real world to become like this..." The voice gradually became quieter, and finally all the lights in this world were turned off and plunged into darkness.

Bai Lengye let out a soft drink, and raised the Hongming Saber high above his head, then he accelerated his speed and pierced through the ground directly above his head.

100 meters... 200 meters... It wasn't until 2000 meters that Bai Hanye broke out of the ground. After he came out, he found that there was an endless desert all around.

"It turned out to be in the desert."

Bai Lengye said softly.

Glancing at the hole he broke open, it has been buried by sand. Presumably those who lost it would be impossible to escape, unless they can fly to an altitude of several thousand meters and then fly out.

After the mobile phone got a signal, Bai Lengye called them and told them not to be nervous, and rushed there immediately.

An hour later, Bai Hanye returned to the Middle East and told everyone what happened to him.

After he finished speaking, countless people gasped, and their minds went blank for a long time before they came back to their senses.

"Don't think I'm joking, I'm not in the mood to joke with you now."

Bai Lengye said in a deep voice.

"But... this is too sci-fi. Could it be that the Paradise Company already has such great strength to build a huge underground base in the endless desert, and if they don't want it, they don't want it."

Bai Lengye said: "Who knows, he may have a lot of money. After all, in the past few years, the other party has earned trillions. It's a trivial matter to be rich."

One person said: "Then do you want to tell them about this?"

"Not for now." Bai Lengye thought for a while and said, "If you tell others, it may cause unnecessary panic, so it's better not to say it for now."

"But what if the monster actually did that?"

After pondering for a while, Bai Lengye said, "Probably not, at least not for now, unless the scholar really lost his mind."

"Now that he is cooperating with Paradise Company, he must be helping the other party make money. Since he wants to make money, it is impossible for the last incident to happen, unless Paradise Company is really not afraid of military strikes from any country in the world."

After the conversation was over, Bai Hanye didn't stay too long, and hurried back to the country, gathered a group of high-level personnel, and briefly talked about the affairs in the Middle East.

He only told the old man and the others about the base, but didn't tell the others, so as not to leak the news and cause panic.

The old man pondered: "I'm afraid we need to discuss this matter with the high-level government officials. That scholar is already inhumane and cannot be judged by common sense."

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you, I'm too lazy to go there."

Bai Lengye shrugged and smiled.

The old man just rolled his eyes.

After Bai Lengye returned home, he had dinner with his wives before taking Mu Yanran out.

Now that the two have established a relationship, there is no need to hide what they do. Even though the other party has quit the entertainment industry now, many people still ask for autographs and group photos when walking on the street.

Bai Lengye naturally enjoyed the feeling of being chased wherever he went. To be honest, he felt good at first, but he got tired of it after a long time.

In the evening, the two of them had dinner, went out to make out, and went home to sleep in the middle of the night.

A week later, someone sent him another message saying that Paradise Company was planning to invest 1000 billion yuan in a research on longevity.

Bai Hanye watched the other party's video, saying that Paradise Company has been delaying the anti-aging medicine, and it will only take a while to put it into production.

People who like Paradise Company are boiling again, or people all over the world are boiling again.

Bai Lengye dismissed it very much, the other party must be playing some kind of trick, they may have made some kind of poison, let people all over the world eat it, and they will die as soon as they die.

Just thinking about that picture made him excited...

half a month later.

The cultivators launched a small-scale attack again, and an inner sect stronghold was destroyed, killing and injuring many disciples.

When Chi Xuetian rushed over with his people, he only saw the ruins, and the cultivators ran away long ago, leaving nothing left.

Afterwards, Bai Hanye held a meeting with the top management and prepared to take the initiative.

On the first day, Bai Lengye personally led the team to a temporary camp of cultivators and set fire to it.

The next day, the old man led people to poison the food eaten by those cultivators. Although not a few people were poisoned to death, many people had diarrhea after eating it.

The counterattack on the third day was more serious. Hundreds of masters attacked the practitioners in the middle of the night. Although it was a sneak attack, they only killed a dozen practitioners. On their side, 300 people passed by, and only 100 came back. Many people, the mortality rate is as high as 50.00%.

Although Bai Lengye also wants the practitioners to improve their strength as soon as possible, but the resources and qualifications are limited, even if they have good qualifications, with a lot of resources accumulated, they can only train a few masters, which is not enough for others. Master killed.

In the next half a month, both sides calmed down, and no one would sneak attack on the other, because doing so would actually be of no benefit to everyone.

After entering the winter, Bai Hanye's investigation found that many practitioners seemed to be unable to stand the loneliness and cold every day, and there were different voices in the large team.

Now, practitioners are still living in tents in the mountains, because they want to integrate into the city, practitioners and the police will not do it.

Bai Lengye wanted to be happy at first, but who would have thought that those cultivators would suddenly cooperate with Paradise Company, and would be taken away by the staff of Paradise Company, and stayed in a luxury hotel abroad.

At this time, the entire Dharma practice circle was angry, and some high-level officials in the country were also very angry, and they criticized Tiantang Company.

But Paradise Company is no longer what it used to be, and it doesn't care about one or two voices at all.

"This is troublesome. The cultivator cooperates with Tiantang Company, and with the scholar, we will be passive again."

Bai Lengye kept sighing and said.

"Maybe, things are not as bad as we thought." The old man said slowly.

"How do you say it?" Bai Lengye looked at the other party.

The old man chuckled, and said, "Think about it, those cultivators who are not high-spirited and domineering, how could they be under the command of Tiantang Company."

"Since they are not under the command of the other party, then the decisions made by the two of them disagree, and if they disagree, it is naturally impossible to unite together. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Bai Lengye's eyes lit up, but he forgot about it. He was so worried these days, but he didn't realize that those cultivators are a bunch of arrogant guys, so naturally they won't easily listen to Tiantian Company's command.

"Sect Master, someone is looking for you outside." A Blood Sword Sect disciple walked in.


"I don't know, it's a woman."

"Female?" Bai Lengye raised his eyebrows, and immediately walked out, seeing a figure from behind at the door.

"It's you..." Bai Lengye frowned.

Zhang Xi turned his head and said softly: "My master asked me to tell you that if there is a dead person on your side who doesn't need it, you can give it to him."

"What do you mean?"

"Rebirth." Zhang Xiu said indifferently.

Bai Lengye frowned, and just about to speak, the old man stepped forward and said: "Isn't he afraid of being punished by the gods, so that the dead can be brought back to life?"

"If not, can you defeat the cultivators?" Zhang Xiu asked back.

"Uh..." The old man was speechless, took a step back and handed it to Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye pondered, maybe the other party had good intentions, many people would die on their side every time, but if the dead people could be reborn, then they would have double the number of people, when they duel with those cultivators There is also a big hole card.

"However, Master can only revive a trace of the dead, and those whose corpses are well preserved, those who died twice and their corpses were broken, can't do anything." After finishing speaking, the other party left without looking back.

Bai Lengye sighed, feeling a headache, he really couldn't decide to pay attention.

"This idea is very good. You can live a second time after dying once. I am also very interested in the old man."

The old man laughed.

"Why, you think it's good too?" Bai Lengye asked back.

The old man nodded slightly.

"Then call everyone together and make a decision together. If possible, I will go find the soul son of that day."

(End of this chapter)

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