The last cultivator

Chapter 492 bitter sea

Chapter 492 bitter sea
After a heated discussion, everyone finally agreed.

At the beginning, people disagreed, because since a person is already dead, he may have to suffer a second death when he resurrects the other party.

Let me ask, who would want to die twice by one person? The pain is not something ordinary people can bear.

If they hadn't asked the public for their opinions in the end, and everyone agreed that they didn't care, they might not have agreed to the resurrection of Tianhunzi.

Three days later, Bai Lengye personally went to find Tianhunzi, who was still researching something in his Antarctic. When he came over, he saw an unknown girl lying in the hotel.

Bai Lengye didn't ask who it was, anyway, it was Tianhunzi's business.

"Agreed?" Tianhunzi laughed.

"I agree. If there are people who die in the future, we will send over the bodies intact."

"Yes, yes, but I still have conditions that I haven't put forward."

"Conditions?" Bai Lengye was stunned for a moment.

"There is no free lunch in the world, don't you know?" Tianhunzi said coldly.

Bai Lengye asked: "Then what do you want?"

Tianhunzi narrowed his eyes, and let out a weird laugh, which made Bai Lengye shudder.

"I heard that you already have the strength of Jindan late stage?"

"Forget it, what's the matter, you want to pay attention to my body, tell you, I won't let you do research!"

Bai Lengye said vigilantly.

Tianhunzi laughed, walked around the ice coffin, pointed to the woman inside and said, "Do you know who is lying there?"

Bai Lengye cast a glance, then shook his head.

"She is a character from a thousand years ago. She has been dead for a long time, but her body is well preserved, so I want to summon her soul and bring her back to life."

Bai Lengye shuddered, and asked, "You really have a bad taste, you actually want someone who has been dead for 1000 years..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tian Hunzi stared and said, "I brought her back to life not for myself, but for..."

Tianhunzi stopped abruptly again.

"For what?" Bai Lengye asked hastily.

"It's okay." Tianhunzi shook his head and said: "She can feel that her soul is no longer here, and it is likely to be in the reincarnation of the six realms."

Bai Lengye was surprised: "You won't let me go there, it's the headquarters of cultivators, you let me go there to die?"

After the words fell, Tianhunzi immediately said coldly: "Don't think that I don't know your ability, with your disguise technique, it's not a problem to get past those people at all."

"Hold this soul-gathering bottle, you enter the sea of ​​bitterness, open the bottle, and her soul will naturally be sucked in."

Bai Lengye took the small bottle, pondered for a while, and then asked, "Who is she? Even if you waste so much effort, you will save her."

Tianhunzi sighed and said, "It's an old friend. Since I already have this ability, it's nothing to let the other party be reborn again."

"Go ahead, your time is only three days, after three days, it will be useless."

Bai Lengye hummed, took the bottle and left, glanced at the figure in the cold wind out of the corner of his eye, and left immediately.

"Master, can he do it?" Zhang Xiu walked into the cave and asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Others are unreliable. I can still trust this kid."

"Why, are you worried about him?"

"No." Zhang Xiu shook her head.

"I'm telling you, don't care about such ruthless people. There are many good men in the world. Those men are not qualified enough to match you. This kid... Huh!"


After Bai Hanye left Antarctica, he flew over the Pacific Ocean. It took him nearly an hour to completely change himself.

Not only his appearance changed, but also his voice and breath, even his eyes changed. If his daughter or wife hadn't come over, maybe even the old man wouldn't be able to recognize him.

After clearing his throat, Bai Lengye thought over the fake beard, and after confirming that there was no problem, he flew to the island.

Not long after, the face of Xiaodao appeared in front of his eyes. Bai Lengye looked calm and majestic, and he fell from the sky. The cultivators guarding all around were very polite, thinking that he was the Nascent Soul Elder of some sect, and let him go without interrogation. went in.

After successfully entering the island, Bai Lengye walked to the entrance with small steps, but the guards stretched out their hands to stop him.

"What are you doing?" Bai Lengye showed a bit of majesty on his face, and inadvertently let out a breath, and the expressions of the two guards immediately changed.

"Sorry, we don't know... Seniors, please come in."


Bai Lengye snorted coldly, flung his sleeves and walked into the cave.

"Huh." The two exhaled, and one of them said: "Whose elder is that, he has such a murderous aura on him, my heart almost stopped just now."

The other person shook his head in fear, sweating profusely from fright.

Bai Lengye didn't expect that he would come in so smoothly, but after he came in, he found that the place seemed to have been slightly changed, and the small worlds became more powerful.

But with his current strength, these things couldn't stop him at all, and he came to the bridge not long after.

There is a rotating black hole in the bridge at this moment, Bai Lengye knew that if he stepped into it now, he might be able to go to the realm of self-cultivation.

That is the place that many practitioners yearn for, but Bai Lengye can't go now, because his wife and daughter are all here, and there are many people waiting for him to protect, if he goes, what will happen to those people.

"The sea of ​​bitterness...the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and you will be right when you turn back."

Bai Hanye walked beside a yellow river, and an old stone tablet stood on the ground, engraved with simple and vigorous characters.

"Hehe, how many people can really see through the world of mortals? Now that they're gone, it's impossible to turn back."

Bai Lengye smiled, and immediately stepped in without hesitation. The edge of the sea of ​​bitterness was very shallow, but as he walked further and further, it was already tens of meters deep.

Bai Hanye walked on the water, he had to be at the deepest point, holding the small bottle tightly in his palm.

After walking for not long, suddenly, a lot of bones emerged from the water surface. After soaking in the water for an unknown number of years, holes appeared in the bones.

Bai Lengye stayed in place for a while, and after a while, he ignored the bones and continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, there was a thick fog ahead, and a small boat appeared vaguely. On the small boat, a fisherman was fishing.

Bai Lengye's eyes widened, and he stopped, staring fixedly at the small boat on the water.

The sea of ​​bitterness and the sea of ​​death, but now, a small boat unexpectedly appeared, Bai Lengye was sure that he saw it right, it was not his illusion.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore."

The vicissitudes of life sounded in his ears, Bai Lengye's heart trembled, and his legs involuntarily walked towards the small boat.

Gradually, Bai Lengye deviated from his original direction, and walked towards the small boat step by step. Seeing that he was about to step into the vortex under his feet, a deep dragon's voice resounded.

A bead flew out of the bosom, and a miniature dragon inside continued to spin, and the last golden dragon flew out, rushing towards the small boat in front of it.


After a loud noise, the water surface of ten thousand feet rolled up, and Bai Lengye was also awakened at this moment. He lowered his head to look, and was scared to death, and saw countless ghosts catching him, so scared that he quickly backed away .

The dragon ball slowly landed on the palm of his hand, the light of that dragon ball dimmed, Bai Lengye was stunned, he knew it was the dragon ball that saved him at a critical moment.

Looking up, the small boat and the fisherman had long since disappeared, and there were many bones floating in front of them, clearly a dangerous place.

"It's so dangerous, I almost got lost in the sea of ​​bitterness, and it really turned around."

Bai Lengye sighed, and was about to turn his head, when he turned half sideways, he suddenly froze.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a person exactly like him floating in the sea of ​​suffering, but the only difference between the two was that he was what he looked like when he was young.

"What's going on, did I see something I shouldn't have seen again?"

Bai Lengye hummed coldly on his forehead, he felt that this sea of ​​bitterness was full of danger everywhere.

That young man was like a soul, drifting aimlessly along the river, his eyes dull and lifeless.

"The sea of ​​bitterness... there is no turning back, where are you going?"

When the ethereal voice came, Bai Lengye turned around directly, and at a distance from him, stood a broken soul body, which was a woman.

"It's you." Bai Lengye's eyes narrowed, and he recognized that the woman was the one he was looking for.

"Bitter sea, there is no turning back, where are you going?"

The woman was whispering to herself, but seemed to be asking him again.

"I'm here to take you out of here and give you a new life." Bai Lengye said.

"There is no turning back in the sea of ​​bitterness, which one do you choose?"

This time, the woman's eyes looked at him, and Bai Lengye was stunned, because he saw a picture appeared in the woman's eyes. It was an era of troubled times and hegemony. The sky fell into the ocean...

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Lengye suddenly woke up, and the dragon ball in his hand was glowing again.

"What did you see?" came the woman's ethereal voice.

"Look... I saw an era, full of blood and dead people." Bai Lengye said in a low voice.

"What else did you see?" the woman asked again.

"I also saw it..." Bai Lengye showed a struggling and painful look, deep in his heart he was very unwilling to answer the other party's question, but there was always a voice in his ear urging him to speak out.

"What else did you see?" This time, the woman's voice became more serious.

"It's gone, I didn't see anything, except the corpse is blood!"

Bai Lengye squatted down with her head in her arms, the veins on her forehead were bulging, and her expression was very painful.

"No, you still saw something, what did you see, what did you see!"

The woman started asking questions, and walked over step by step on the waves, and the last explosion knocked Bai Lengye into a daze.

"The last thing you saw... what?" The woman's eyes were full of yellow springs, and hundreds of millions of corpses emerged from her back.

"Humanity, greed, desire, and... ignorance!"

Bai Lengye opened his mouth and said, even he himself didn't know what to say.

"Ha ha!"

The woman suddenly laughed wildly, she suddenly turned into a devil, and rushed into the sea of ​​endless suffering.

"Have you seen it, Great Emperor Kuhai, someone finally saw it, you can't detain me!"

Endless power turned the entire sea of ​​bitterness upside down, Bai Lengye was protected by the dragon balls, standing in place as firmly as Mount Tai, those seas of bitterness were automatically dispelled by the power of the dragon balls.

Slowly, the sea of ​​bitterness in front parted, and a book of scriptures flew out with endless brilliance. There were many Buddhist texts wrapped around the scriptures, which seemed extremely mysterious and powerful.

"Rebirth Jinglun?" Bai Lengye was stunned, and subconsciously reached out to take it.

When the Jinglun fell into the hand, the mysterious power disappeared. This book looks very old, even if it has been underwater for countless years, the appearance is not damaged at all.

Bai Lengye tried to open it, but couldn't open it, as if some force had sealed the book.

"If you can't open it, it can't be opened by anyone who is not the heir of the Great Sea of ​​​​Bitterness."

A faint voice sounded, startling Bai Lengye. When he raised his head, he saw that it was the woman he had seen before, but she looked no different from a real person, except that her body was transparent.


"My name is Kuqing. I came here thousands of years ago, and was later sealed by Emperor Kuhai with the reincarnation scriptures, and I was lost here forever."

"I saved you?" Bai Lengye subconsciously asked.

"Well, if it wasn't for you in the end, I wouldn't see through the world of mortals..."

After finishing speaking, Kuqing looked back and said with a chuckle: "I only found out when I looked back. I have already stepped beyond the world of mortals. It turns out that the result I have been pursuing is this..."

Bai Lengye was very confused, but he probably knew something, that is, this suffering was sealed here by the Emperor Kuhai, and later he came here to save me by accident.

"Your dragon ball is very good, like the one from back then, but let me remind you, it's best not to let people from the dragon clan see this thing, otherwise you will be killed."

"You mean it?" Bai Lengye looked at the dragon ball that Ruolin gave him in his hand. This thing was passed down from generation to generation in the Ma family, and its origin is very mysterious. Now hearing what the other party said, it seems that the dragon really used it before of.

"I will take you out of here, otherwise you will be lost in the sea of ​​suffering forever just like me."

Bitterness grabbed Bai Lengye, and disappeared here in a flash. When Bai Lengye opened his eyes again, he had already appeared above the sea.

"We have left the sea of ​​bitterness, and I can also feel my body, it's Tianhunzi who..."

"En." Bai Lengye nodded, telling the other party that Tianhunzi asked him to come and save the other party.

"I'm leaving, you can take care of yourself." After finishing speaking, the bitterness disappeared from his eyes out of thin air.

Bai Lengye smiled helplessly, touched the Jinglun in his bosom, he was sure that this thing must not be simple, so he brought it back to the old man to study it.

(End of this chapter)

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