Chapter 548

Bai Hanye got those prisoners out of the dungeon, and after seeing the sun again, these people had a feeling of rebirth.

They have been locked in the dungeon without seeing the sun for several months. Although they have not been tortured or anything, those days almost killed them.

The reason why Bai Lengye released them today is because the time for exchange is up, and those people want to redeem them with something.

The disciples of Ghost King Sect were all around, waiting for those people to arrive.

Not long after, those people arrived one after another, and each sect sent four or five representatives.

"Have you brought anything?" Bai Lengye asked with a smile.

These people's faces are very ugly, because they all see that their own people are hungry and emaciated, so it's no wonder they feel good.

"Hurry up and let him go, or one day sooner or later, my faction will definitely destroy your Ghost King Sect!"

A man yelled angrily.

Bai Lengye smiled, he couldn't figure out why such an idiot would appear at this time, didn't he know that letting such an idiot come over would just send him to death in vain?
Bai Lengye smashed the opponent with a single palm, a little blood was spilled, many people were stunned, and they didn't recover for a while.

"What are you doing!" An old man was furious, and rushed over to attack Bai Lengye, many disciples of the Ghost King Sect immediately stepped forward and surrounded him.

"Second Elder, calm down. This is their territory. We are small, so we can't be impulsive."

The second elder's eyes flickered, and in the end he had no choice but to retreat. Even if he was angry now, no matter how his territory was, he couldn't do anything about it.

"Hurry up and exchange things, don't waste everyone's time, who will come first?"

After Bai Lengye swept through the crowd, one of the short men came out and threw a weapon over.

"I don't want weapons, I only want useful things, such as pills or top-level medicinal materials."

The man hesitated, Bai Lengye frowned, grabbed the hostage casually, and said in a cold voice: "If you don't want to, I'll just strangle you to death, I don't need to waste any food left over from you. "

"No, I'm willing to exchange Yijin Wan."

After finishing speaking, the short man hurriedly took out a bottle of pills and threw them over. Bai Lengye took a look in his hand and saw that there were only three pills.

"I want ten of them, and I can't do without one. Don't say you don't have any, I'll give you three seconds to think about it."


"I'll give it... I'll give it..." The short man gritted his teeth angrily, but his people were still in the hands of Bai Lengye, losing a disciple was not something that could be cultivated by some pills.

After successfully getting the ten pills, Bai Lengye was quite satisfied, so he let him go, and they left quickly.

"Next, everyone can't produce worse than the previous one. If it is worse, I will kill people directly, and you can get out of here."

"The second one." Bai Lengye casually grabbed an old man, and an elder of a sect walked out with a gloomy face. With a flick of his sleeve robe, a medicine bottle flew over.

Bai Lengye caught it empty-handed, opened it for a look, and asked, "What is this?"

"Spirit nourishing fluid is used to heal spiritual consciousness." The elder said coldly.

Bai Lengye nodded, and casually threw the person over. The elder squinted at him and led the person away.

The rest of the people saw that the nourishing liquid came out, and their hearts began to beat. If this continues, when it is their turn, they don't know what kind of heaven-defying treasures they will have to produce.

"Hurry up, don't waste everyone's time."

Bai Lengye became a little impatient, and after showing his killing intent, the people behind him trembled, begging his sect to redeem them quickly.

Soon, these people took out various treasures to redeem people, and the treasures were getting better and better each time, Bai Leng and Ye laughed from ear to ear.

In the evening, all the people left, and there were many treasures in Bai Lengye's ring.

On the second day, Bai Lengye called everyone together, and he discussed with the demon girl to distribute all these treasures.

Most of them are elixirs that can improve strength, and the rest of the medicinal materials are made by Bai Lengye himself, and each person distributes one.

Half a month later, Bai Lengye was about to leave, he felt that Ghost King Zong didn't need him anymore.

The witch also wanted to follow him, Bai Lengye meant to let the other party stay, and he could come back and have a look when he had time.

At first, the witch refused to live or die, but later, she finally agreed, and the condition was that Bai Lengye would kiss her.

In order to prevent the witch from following him, Bai Lengye had no choice but to give in, and then... there was no more.

A few days later, Bai Lengye left the Ghost King Sect, and when he was leaving, the demon girl looked at him with extremely resentful eyes.

"Sanggong, I'm here waiting for you to come back. You must remember your promise. If you don't come, I will die."

"As long as I don't die, I will rush back."

"I'll go, don't send it off."

Bai Lengye waved his hand, turned around and flew away.

"Farewell to the suzerain!" Thousands of resounding voices resounded, and did not stop until Bai Lengye disappeared.

This time, Bai Lengye planned to go to the Skyfire Region to have a look. He could tell from the name that it was a place rich in skyfire. He felt that the reason why he hadn't broken through yet was because his skyfire needed to be upgraded. After he devoured another skyfire , Maybe you can quickly enter the realm of the void.

At that time, he could be regarded as a master in the realm of comprehension, and Yuanying and Dongxu were not at the same level.

Half a month later, Bai Hanye came to a devil forest, where there were many powerful monsters, the powerful Bai Hanye had to choose to avoid this place.

However, during this period, Bai Lengye opened his book Ten Thousand Laws Returning to the Sect, and now with his strength, he can already open the next page.

And when he opened the next page, he really got a new supernatural power, but this kind of supernatural power came too suddenly, which made Bai Lengye excited all night.

Bai Lengye had known for a long time that the realm of comprehension had spiritual consciousness, and it could also attack with spiritual consciousness.

The last page of Wanfa Guizong records a kind of divine consciousness attack. This kind of divine consciousness is called Tiannian Jiuzhuan. Every station is very powerful. If you cultivate to the peak, even immortals can deal with it. !

What a distant name Chengxian is, Bai Lengye has never thought about it now, but this day, he can fight against immortals if he reaches the peak of Nine Revolutions, the imagination makes him excited.

Moreover, Bai Lengye also knew that there were still very few people who really practiced spiritual consciousness skills. If news of his spiritual consciousness skills got out, he would definitely be killed.

But Bai Lengye was not stupid, how could he really tell others that he practiced spiritual consciousness.

On the first day, Bai Lengye tried to practice, but he didn't expect that he would reach the first level.

Bai Lengye was very excited, and then tried to cultivate the second level, but he was disappointed, he couldn't practice the second level.

As for the power of the first layer, he has tried it, and it is probably similar to the early stage of Jindan. Unless it is used for sneak attack, otherwise it is a bit too weak for direct attack.

Seven days later, Bai Hanye came to a city, this was the first time he saw people in a place in more than a month.

Arriving at the restaurant, after Bai Hanye found a place to live, he took a good rest for a day.

Waking up the next day, Bai Hanye went to drink, took a map, and thought about how to go next.

There is a long distance from here to Skyfire Territory. Even if his flying speed is not slow, it will take several months to get there.

While Bai Lengye was meditating, there was a loud noise from the street, which woke up Bai Lengye.

He put away the map and went out to see that many people were rushing towards one direction.

Bai Lengye grabbed a person casually and asked, "What happened?"

"Someone is fighting, life and death duel!"

Bai Lengye was a little surprised, isn't it just a life-and-death duel? As for so many people going to watch it?

But after thinking about it later, he felt that it was right, such things as life-and-death duels were rare, and such places would only appear once in a while, so it would be strange if they were not curious.

After Bai Lengye pondered for a while, he also followed. When he came to the competition stage, he found that there were at least 5 to [-] people.

Bai Lengye managed to squeeze into the crowd and saw that the battle had already started, the two juniors at the early stage of foundation establishment were fighting very fiercely.

"Huh?" At this time, Bai Hanye discovered something unexpected, one of the short-haired men looked like a person from Earth.

Bai Lengye smiled, seeing the earthlings here, the feeling in his heart is beyond words.

It's just that the man is obviously a little uncomfortable. Both of them are at the foundation level, but because of the equipment, the short-haired man has been suppressed and beaten.

Later, the short-haired man vomited blood and flew back upside down, while the other long-haired man became murderous and stabbed him with a long sword.

At the critical moment, Bai Lengye made a move, came to the front with a dodge, and kicked the long-haired man away with a random kick.

There was an uproar in the audience.

"Who dares to interfere with the match scene!"

"Looking for death, how dare you hurt my son!"

There were many voices at the same time, Bai Lengye didn't bother to pay attention to them, and looked back at the short-haired man, who also looked at him in shock.

" are Senior White." The short-haired man said excitedly after he came back to his senses.

"So you know me." Bai Lengye said with a smile.

The man was extremely excited, but his whole body was covered in blood, and he even spat out a mouthful.

"Don't talk about it, healing is the most important thing." Bai Lengye gave the other party a pill.


There was a sound of breaking through the air from behind, Bai Lengye threw the death scythe without looking back, and collided with the opponent's long knife.

Suddenly there were ripples in the air, Bai Lengye was a little surprised, looking back, the rough-looking man swung a long knife and slashed at him.

"Senior news, that person is a Jindan master!"

"It's just a golden core, so I don't have the right to act presumptuously in front of my eyes."

Bai Lengye stood up, snorted coldly, grabbed the sickle with his palm, and the sickle that fell on the ground landed in his palm.

The weapons of the two collided fiercely, Bai Lengye's shoulders trembled, and most of the strength was removed, but the rough man was hit by him, his face turned red, and finally couldn't help it A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew upside down under the stage in a mess.

Tens of thousands of people suddenly erupted, and waves of sound overwhelmed everything, causing eardrums to hurt.

Bai Lengye curled his lips, so don't let this kind of strength show off.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you break the rules of the game!" the old man in black robe asked in a concentrated voice.

"It's nothing, I just see you guys are upset, what's the matter, come and bite me." Bai Lengye said very rascally.

"Okay, well said!"

The black-robed old man laughed back angrily, and said angrily: "In this case, the old man will kill you today!"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, a terrifying momentum swept across the audience. Suddenly, tens of thousands of people became silent, and the expression on Bai Lengye's face immediately froze.

"Dong..." After the word came out of his mouth, in the blink of an eye, the old man in black robe appeared in front of his eyes, and he calmly grabbed his head with his palm.


Bai Lengye reacted in an instant, grabbed the short-haired man and left the stage, but he was hit in the back. If it wasn't for the dragon armor, he might have spurted blood.


The old man was a little surprised, as if he hadn't thought that Bai Lengye didn't spurt blood after being slapped by him.

"Let's go separately."

After the two came outside the city gate, Bai Lengye separated from the other party and flew towards the east by himself.

The old man quickly chased after him, glanced at the direction the two were leaving, and finally chose to chase Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye glanced back, startled him a lot, and the flying speed became faster.

The old man suddenly appeared in front of him, punched him with a fist, Bai Lengye tilted his head instinctively, the opponent's fist brushed his scalp and flew over, and a mountain behind him was blown flat.

He was so frightened that his heart shrank violently, and he continued to run forward without turning his head. Bai Lengye felt a little regretful, he didn't put on a good show this time, but was slapped in the face.

"You can't escape, stay here, and be my subordinate for 20 years, and I'll let you go."

The old man's cold voice came from behind, Bai Lengye gritted his teeth and did not speak, and flew forward with all his strength.

A monster suddenly blocked the old man, Bai Lengye showed joy, he thought that your monster could stop the opponent for a while, but who would have thought that the old man's speed would not slow down, and directly hit the monster, the tens of meters long The monster was killed in an instant, and a skeleton appeared in its stomach.

Bai Lengye felt a chill in his heart, what kind of monster is this old man, he is so terrifying.

The difference between Dongxu master and Yuanying is indeed not a little bit, Bai Lengye only now knows that when encountering Dongxu level in the future, he must take a detour, he is no match at all.

"Leave it."

Huge palms snapped down from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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