Chapter 549
This time, Bai Lengye was hunted very hard, he was chased by an old man with nowhere to escape.

This old guy has identified him, no matter how he abuses the other party or uses tricks, he can't get rid of the other party.

His speed is very fast, and the old man's speed is not slow. This is him. If it were someone else, he would have been caught up long ago, and he didn't even know how to die.

But it's not enough to keep chasing him like this, his physical strength is already a little weak, and the old man looks very durable, with a look of ease, a posture of not giving up until he kills him.

"You old man, do I have any grudges against you? Why do you keep chasing me so hard!"

"The old man is very interested in you. I know you have a secret. You knew the man before, and you also injured my grandson. Who will I kill if I don't kill you?"

"Bah, you shameless old guy, you know how to bully me, a junior. If I were at your age, I would have surpassed you by many times." Bai Lengye cursed angrily.

"It's useless to say anything, I won't leave until I kill you." The old man said indifferently, and at the same time his flying speed increased.

Bai Lengye yelled at the other party again, swearing all kinds of bad words, but the old man might as well have been chasing him, instead he looked like a volcano was about to erupt.

It was getting dark now, and he had been flying non-stop for nearly a day. If it weren't for the support of many pills, he would have been exhausted long ago.

But even so, his body couldn't take it anymore, Bai Lengye's face became extremely pale, and his flying speed gradually slowed down.

Just when Bai Lengye was about to fall into despair, suddenly, his head moved, and a black figure rushed into the forest with a whoosh.

"Xiaolong, what are you going to do!"

Bai Lengye was taken aback. He didn't expect that Xiaolong woke up at this time. Since he came to the world of self-cultivation, Xiaolong has never woken up. Sometimes he feels that the other party does not exist.

Who knew that the other party suddenly left his head and rushed into the forest at this time, Bai Lengye had no choice but to follow in.

"Why, aren't you running away?" The old man laughed loudly, and blocked Bai Lengye in three or two steps.

Bai Lengye sat on the ground tired, and he didn't catch his breath, almost letting him die.

" old bastard, I'll let it go, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"Hmph, then go to hell, the old man has lived for so long, and he has never been afraid of anything!"

After finishing speaking, the old man slapped him with a frightening palm.

Bai Lengye's canthus was about to burst, and he was about to use his last strength to fight the opponent desperately.

At this moment, the ground shook for a while, like a landslide, and the next moment, a long hissing sound came from afar.

Hearing this voice, Bai Lengye thought it was a powerful monster, but the old man didn't think so. The other party's expression changed first, and then he quickly scanned the surroundings. After seeing where this place was, his expression changed. He actually didn't care about Bai Lengye, turned around and ran away.

Before Bai Lengye realized what was going on, suddenly, a huge black shadow flew out from the depths of the forest, and then a red flame spewed out from the opponent's mouth, and the old man who flew away let out a scream, Then it was burnt to black.


Bai Lengye was completely terrified, the master of Dongxu who had chased and killed him earlier, died like this.

With a single flame, it was burned to slag.

Bai Lengye couldn't help shivering, and at this moment, he also saw that the huge black shadow was actually a magic dragon.

The dragon has wings, its body is at least several hundred feet long, its eyes are bigger than his head, and its black scales look very evil.

Being stared at by the other party, Bai Lengye felt a chill all over his body, as if he had fallen into hell, his soul was being cut by knives.

The black dragon hit the ground, kicking up dust dozens of meters high, and the other party let out a dragon chant again, and the strong wind knocked the white cold leaves to the ground.

"It's over, it's over, I didn't die in the hands of the old man, but in the mouth of this monster, God will kill me!"

Bai Lengye thought in his heart that he must be doomed, he would not even have a chance to escape when he encountered such an existence that would kill the master of the hole.

Just when Bai Lengye was distracted, the dragon's body slowly lay down on the ground, then lowered its head, and a small shadow appeared from above his head.

After two squeaks, the little guy slid down the dragon's neck, flapped its little wings, and came to Bai Lengye.

"Xiaolong, are you still alive?"

Seeing that Xiaolong was fine, Bai Lengye grabbed him and started to knead him fiercely. For some reason, this little guy has been sleeping for so long, but after waking up he became fatter, really like a little chicken.


After Xiaolong yelled twice in dissatisfaction, the black dragon lying on the ground also roared, which made Bai Lengye tremble in fright, and Xiaolong fell headlong under his feet.


After a long time, Bai Lengye finally knew how powerful Xiaolong was. Despite his small size, he was extremely powerful.

That abyssal dragon is the younger brother accepted by the other party. This abyssal dragon is the overlord of tens of thousands of miles in this area. No one dares to provoke it, and its strength is also terrifying. It is definitely not as simple as the peak of Dongxu.

This abyssal dragon has the blood of some celestial dragons, and the little dragon is a combination of a celestial dragon and a phoenix. Facing this demonic dragon, it will have the majesty of its bloodline, and the other party dare not resist at all.

So even if Xiaolong is small, the other party can only be obedient.

As a result, Bai Lengye became excited, that is to say, he has such a powerful younger brother, he is very attractive wherever he goes, and he is afraid of a beggar. See who is upset, let the black dragon spray it down with a mouthful of flames , Come and die as many as you come.

Of course, his idea is very good, but the reality is very cruel.

This black dragon will help him once, and after the first time, the other party will continue to come back to be his master of the abyss.

It was only with Xiaolong's help that the other party agreed to this. Bai Lengye really had no choice but to compromise.

One shot is better than nothing, that one shot is enough to kill any enemy.

In this way, after the daytime of the second day, Bai Lengye went on the road. He was still alone, and the magic dragon just followed him from afar. If he needed the other party, he would crush the things the other party gave him. You can break through the space and rush over in just one breath.

Bai Lengye continued on the road, his target was the Sky Fire Region, he had been hunted down by the old man Dongxu for so long, he already had no idea how far he had deviated from his original position, so he could only rush back.

Ten days later, Bai Lengye was finally approaching the range of the Skyfire Territory, he heaved a sigh of relief, and stopped to rest.

Just when Bai Lengye felt a little tired and wanted to sleep soundly for a while, there was an explosion sound from a distance, apparently someone was fighting.

Bai Lengye walked over and saw that there were four or five people robbing something. After looking at it for a while, Bai Lengye felt that he was not interested, so he walked past them very calmly.

After a while, two of the bloody guys caught up with him.

"You just saw our two brothers killing people and seizing treasures, where do you want to go!"

"Uh..." Bai Lengye looked at them innocently and said: "There is no need to do this, I was just passing by before, and I didn't even think about going to the treasure you robbed, okay, don't slander a good person casually, be careful and I will sue you defamation!"

The two looked at each other, it was definitely that Bai Lengye was talking too much nonsense, there was murderous intent in his eyes, and he immediately made a move.

Bai Lengye sighed, it seemed that he couldn't do it anymore if he wanted to be quiet.


After two loud bangs, both of them were killed by Bai Lengye's light palm.

Bai Lengye took away the rings of the two of them. There was nothing good in them. He took the useful ones and threw away the useless ones.

In the evening, when Bai Lengye was resting under a tree, the little dragon above his head appeared and squeaked at him twice.

"What's the matter, do you miss your black dragon brother too?" Bai Lengye asked with a smile.

If others heard his words, they would probably be scared to death.

That is the Abyss Demon Dragon, which existed ten thousand years ago and became famous very early, and there are very few things in the cultivation world who dare to provoke each other.

I'm afraid only Bai Leng Yegan said that about Heilong, if it were someone else, he wouldn't dare even in his sleep.

Xiaolong looked at Bai Lengye suspiciously, and after it squeaked twice, it flapped its little wings and landed on the ground, biting Bai Lengye's fingers with its small mouth.

"Hey, what are you doing, you can't eat mine if you want to eat meat." Bai Lengye said angrily.

No matter how much Xiaolong did, he still wanted to bite his finger. It was only then that Bai Lengye realized that the other party's target seemed to be the ring on his finger.

"What do you want to eat?"

Bai Lengye took out the elixir, Xiaolong shook his head, jumping around anxiously.

"This?" Bai Lengye took out another bottle of elixir.

Xiaolong shook his head again.

Afterwards, Bai Hanye brought out many good things in succession, but none of them were what Xiaolong wanted.

"This..." Finally, Bai Lengye took out the fountain of life.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took it out, Xiaolong snatched it away. After biting the bottle, he drank all the spring of life water in one gulp.

"!" Bai Lengye's eyes turned red, this spring of life was the last he had, it was used to save his life, who would have thought that he would give him a sip of it for nothing.

After Xiaolong finished drinking, he hiccupped and comfortably climbed onto Bai Lengye's head, then fell into a deep sleep and gradually disappeared.

Bai Lengye went mad with anger, he really wanted to throw this thing away, but he didn't dare.

This little dragon is a combination of Tianlong and Phoenix. The future is formidable and terrifying. Moreover, at such a young age, he can make the abyss overlord obey, and he can imagine the future potential of the other party.

"Forget it, the prodigal is the prodigal, anyway, you drank up all the spring water, and you won't be able to drink any more in the future."

Bai Lengye leaned against the bottom of the tree, slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

But when I slept in the middle of the night, it suddenly rained heavily and drenched the beryllium leaves. In desperation, I could only temporarily open a cave to shelter from the rain.

I thought that the rain would dissipate soon, but who would have thought that it would last for a whole day, and the next day, the heavy rain would not stop.

But this can't interfere with Bai Lengye's hustle, even if it's raining, Bai Lengye still rushes in the direction of Tianhuoyu.

Along the way, Bai Lengye was attacked by many monsters. These monsters seemed to have gone mad, and they attacked everything they saw, regardless of whether it was human or not.

At first, Bai Hanye thought it was because of the rain that they became irritable.

However, the deeper he went, the more Bai Lengye felt that something was wrong. These monsters seemed to have been greatly stimulated by something, and it was not because of the rainy weather at all.

Bai Lengye stopped and looked to the left. There seemed to be the sound of beasts roaring there, obviously something happened there.

Bai Lengye hesitated for a while, and then flew over cautiously, who would have thought that just after he flew over, the blood in his body flew out uncontrollably.

Bai Lengye was shocked, he quickly controlled himself, and then his body fell to the ground.

As soon as his feet landed, a huge plant attacked him, and the sky fire burned by itself, instantly burning the plant to slag.

Bai Lengye's face was solemn, he saw many bones of dead monsters on the ground, they seemed to have died not long ago, but they turned into a pile of bones, obviously the blood from the whole body was sucked away.

"Could it be that there's a big devil practicing kung fu inside?"

Bai Lengye whispered to himself, then took out his death scythe, and walked forward step by step.

As he gradually approached the center of the forest, Bai Hanye felt that his heart was about to stop beating, the blood in his whole body was not circulating, and he was about to explode at any time.

A monster with blood-red eyes rushed out, Bai Lengye subconsciously slashed at it with a sickle, and the monster was chopped off by Lanyao.

At this time, Bai Lengye discovered that after about three seconds after your monster died, the blood from your whole body was sucked away by a force, and within a few breaths, it turned into a pile of white bones.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. There must be something wrong, or it may be a very evil treasure."

Bai Lengye's eyes were shining, if it was a devil, it would be fine, but if it was a treasure, then he would definitely get it.

Continuing to advance cautiously, Bai Hanye slowly approached the most central position, and finally, 1 minute later, he came to the most central position.

Here, he saw a mountain of corpses, all of which belonged to monsters and some humans.

In the middle of the corpse is a huge blood pool, which is constantly boiling. In the middle of the blood pool, there is a red gem-like thing turning over.

"What kind of gemstone is this..." Bai Lengye observed it carefully, and when he was guessing what it was, suddenly, the sickle in his hand rushed over uncontrollably, and finally came to the edge of the blood pool. Wound.

The blood pool exploded, the blood gem flew up, the death sickle spun at high speed, and finally merged with the blood gem.

Before Bai Lengye realized what was going on, suddenly, a hole opened in his chest, and a gust of blood spurted out, which was directly sucked in by the sickle.

"I... rely!"

Bai Lengye cursed angrily, a sharp pain in his chest, another gust of blood gushed out, and he himself fainted on the spot due to excessive blood loss.

The red light on the sickle became more permeable, the bloody light soared into the sky, broke through the clouds, and could be seen for thousands of miles around.

(End of this chapter)

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