The last cultivator

Chapter 551 Mysterious Woman

Chapter 551 Mysterious Woman
In the room, everyone was stunned. Although Bai Ruixing was still young, the terrifying murderous aura on his body was so overwhelming that many people were too scared to speak.

The Wang family was silent for a while.

Bai Lengye said again: "I'll give you a few minutes to think about it. You should think about it before answering me. Although Nether Fire is important, it's better than being wiped out, right?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye closed his eyes, and behind him, Bai Ruixing put away his murderous aura, and sat by the side silently.

The members of the Wang family started to discuss everything, and they were about to quarrel in the end.

"How are you thinking?" After a few minutes, Bai Lengye opened his eyes and asked.

"Okay, we promise you that the Nether Fire can be given to you. When you leave with the Nether Fire, we will tell the Ice and Fire Sect the news."

"No problem." Bai Lengye stood up and smiled.

The two elders looked at each other, and then they left the hall with Bai Lengye, and finally came to a secret room.

The temperature in this secret room is very high. In the middle of the table, there is a group of gray flames. The flame looks ordinary in appearance, but the flame is exuding an icy temperature.

Originally, the flame should be hot, but this flame is cold, very strange.

The two elders released the seal, and the gray flame flew up by itself, trying to escape.

Bai Lengye used the sky fire to condense an arm, grabbed the gray flame in his hand, and then directly put it into the small tower.

"let's go."

Bai Lengye left here with Bai Ruixing, and the members of the Wang family also spread the news immediately.

At this moment, in the Ice Fire Sect, in a dark hall, there are two old men in black robes sitting on the left and right sides.

"My lord, that kid left with Netherfire..." Outside the main hall, the kneeling man said tremblingly.

"Useless waste, even two juniors can't solve it."

An old man in black robe with gray hair said softly.

The man kneeling at the door trembled all over, and said in horror: "My lord, I am willing to commit crimes and meritorious deeds. This time I will definitely kill them and snatch the Nether Fire!"

"Hmph, the old man should go there himself, the ghost fire, the old man is bound to win..."

Another black-robed old man opened his eyes, and there were forest green flames dancing in his eyes, which was extremely strange.

After Bai Lengye got the Netherfire, he left the Skyfire City. He flew forward at full speed, because he knew that it would not be long before the people from the Ice Fire Sect would catch up.

But what Bai Lengye didn't expect was that not long after he left, someone was already waiting for him in front of him.

"You are not from the Ice Fire Sect." Bai Lengye said coldly.

"Naturally, although I am not a member of the Ice and Fire Sect, I am also very interested in Nether Fire."

The masked man stepped forward and said coldly: "Call out the flames, and I can let you go!"

"Pass me first and then talk!"

Bai Ruixing rushed over and fought with the masked man.

Bai Lengye looked back and saw a large number of black shadows chasing him in the distant horizon.

"Rui Xing, let's get out of here first, don't love to fight."

Bai Lengye came to the left side of the masked man, punched him with his fist, and forced the masked man back.


Bai Lengye turned around and left, and Bai Ruixing hurriedly followed behind.

The masked man followed closely, and a large number of people in the distance also chased him.

Not only the Ice and Fire Sect got the news, but also many other sects around. They knew that the Nether Fire was on the two juniors, how could such a good thing happen without them.

It's just two juniors, no one will take it to heart.

Just as Bai Lengye flew away, the space in front of him suddenly burst open, and an old man in a black robe with a cold body stood in front of him.

"Leave the ghost fire, or die!" the old man said coldly.

"What are you pretending to do?" Bai Ruixing was furious, and he slashed down with his sword. Who would have thought that the old man would stand still and not dodge, but raised his arm, and directly grabbed Bai Ruixing's sword.

The old man slapped Bai Ruixing's chest with his palm, Bai Lengye's eyes turned red, and the death scythe appeared in his hand, sweeping towards the old man's head.

A golden shield appeared in the old man's hand, blocking Bai Lengye's attack, and Bai Lengye flew to the ground and helped Bai Ruixing up.

"How about it?"

"It's nothing, it's just a minor injury." Bai Ruixing wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth, looked up, and saw all white figures, surrounded by at least 200 people.

"Hand over the Nether Fire, and spare you." The black-robed old man stepped down again.

Bai Lengye's face was gloomy, and he said: "The Netherfire is mine, none of you can take it away."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye took out the pagoda, and after Nether Fire flew out, he directly opened his mouth and sucked it in.

"You actually swallowed the Netherfire directly, you are dying!" Hei was afraid of the old man and said in shock.

"Before our company, you have to pull a few backs!"

Bai Lengye's face was cold, he sat down cross-legged, and said softly, "Protect me for a few minutes, and I'll be fine soon."

"No problem." Bai Ruixing clenched his teeth, and took out another sword in his hand, which also emitted blue light.

As soon as the two swords appeared, the sun above his head was directly blocked, and a vision appeared in the sky, a crescent moon hung above Bai Ruixing's head.

"This is that divine sword, I didn't expect it to be in your hands!"

The old man in black robe was startled, but immediately after, his eyes became extremely fiery.

I thought it would be great to get Nether Fire today, but who would have thought that he would encounter another treasure, this kind of magical weapon that he had dreamed of for a long time.

"It's all mine."

The black-robed old man laughed excitedly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Bai Ruixing.

"If you want my Excalibur, first use your dog's life to exchange it."

Bai Ruixing yelled, a circle of light above his head enveloped his whole body, his hair gradually turned blue, a powerful force appeared in his dantian, and his aura rose up at this moment.

On the ground, Bai Lengye's face became pale and bloodless. After he swallowed the Netherfire, the flames ran wildly in his body, and the freezing temperature froze his meridians and blood vessels. Already frozen to death.

However, as he gradually refined it, the ghost fire had lost its original ferocity, and gradually became docile, being refined by him.

In the sky, Bai Ruixing was already caught in a bloody battle. He was besieged by many people at the same time, and the black-robed old man couldn't hold on anymore.

Bai Ruixing sprayed blood from his mouth, but he clenched his teeth and charged into the crowd again, the top of his head was shrouded in the light of stars again, his strength made another breakthrough, but his body was spraying blood arrows.

"Persevere... it's coming soon..." Bai Ruixing's eyes turned red, but anyone who dared to get close to Bai Lengye's ten feet away was mercilessly killed by him.

Suddenly, the black-robed old man quietly appeared beside him, and a misty palm was hard on his back.

Bai Ruixing's face turned pale, blood spurted out of his mouth, and he fell hard into the deep pit.

A cold murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the old man in black robe, he glanced at Bai Lengye on the ground, then raised his palm, and gently pressed down on Bai Lengye.


The ground began to sink, and a palm of hundreds of feet was slowly slapped down. Bai Ruixing was anxious, but he had no strength to rush over.

At this critical moment, a white light flashed suddenly, and the cold long sword touched the neck of the old man in black.

"If you dare to touch him, I will kill you!"

The black-robed old man shook affectionately, and he slowly attacked with his mobile phone. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a masked woman behind him, with a slender sword resting on his neck.

"Who are you?"

The woman didn't answer his words, but patted his heart with a palm, and a powerful force poured into his chest, directly shattering his internal organs.


The old man's eyes widened, and finally all the organs in his body were blown into mud, and his body fell limply to the ground.

Bai Ruixing was dumbfounded, he couldn't figure out who this woman was and why he wanted to save them.

The woman in white had a cold face. She knew that the battle was not over yet, so she turned her gaze to a certain place.

"Hehe, it's a bit interesting. Such a young master of the hole is rare."

The light joke fell, and a cold throne appeared. On the throne sat a man wearing a crown. The man had a layer of ice armor on his body, his face was cold, and he exuded a cold aura all the time.

As he appeared, the sky actually started to snow, which showed how cold it was beside him.

"Sect Master of the Ice and Fire Sect!"

Some people hiding in the woods couldn't help exclaiming.

"The woman is from that sect, so don't have any misunderstanding with our Ice and Fire Sect."

"I have nothing to do with you, but if you dare to hurt him, you deserve to die!"

The woman pointed to the white cold leaves on the ground and said.

Now, Bai Lengye is at a critical moment, he doesn't know what happened outside, and he doesn't know who this woman in white will be.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. No one has dared to talk to me like that for a long time."

"Old man Binghe, can you tell me your name, Miss?"

The eyes of the woman in white were cold, she turned around slightly, her black hair turned white, and at the same time a mark appeared between her eyebrows.

The expression on Binghe's face instantly froze, and he said in disbelief: " are her disciple!"

"Exactly." The woman in white said indifferently.

There was surprise in Binghe's eyes, he didn't believe that there would be that person's disciple here.

Thinking that Netherfire is still in the hands of that person, and there are many people around him looking at him, if he just gives up like this, where will Ice Fire Sect face in the future.

"I'll give your master a face. If the girl leaves quickly, I won't pursue the previous matter. If not..."

"What kind of thing is your Ice Fire Sect? Does my master need to give you face?" The woman said indifferently.

Binghe sneered, and with a wave of his arm, two men in black appeared from the void behind him again.

"I know that your master is very powerful, but if you died here today, and we did everything cleanly, surely your master wouldn't fight my Ice and Fire Sect for a dead person."

"Then try it!"

There was a hint of coldness in the eyes of the woman in white. She clenched her palms tightly, and then slowly spread them out. An ice spike appeared in her hands.

The overwhelming ice thorns shot away, and just when they were about to hit the glacier, the opponent's eyelids lifted, and an invisible force directly disintegrated those ice thorns.

"Kill her." Binghe said indifferently.

The two men in black rushed over behind them, and the woman in white walked over step by step.

When Bai Ruixingka saw the glacier rushing towards Bai Lengye, he hurriedly dodged in front of him.

"Don't even think about hurting my father!"

"Get out." Binghe waved his palm, and Bai Ruixing was sent flying.

Binghe looked indifferent, cold murderous intent emerged from him, and slowly pressed his hand towards Bai Lengye's forehead.

The white-clothed woman's expression became even colder. She waved her arms, and dense ice thorns appeared, and finally gathered together. After spinning at a high speed, they roared towards the glacier.

Binghe didn't turn his head back, a gust of cold air emerged from his body, and finally condensed into an ice wall.

Those ice thorns hit the ice wall with a bang. Although there were a lot of them, they couldn't break through the ice wall at all.

The woman in white was a little anxious, but she was entangled by these two people, and she couldn't draw her hand at all.

"I'll see who can save you this time, damn it."

Binghe clapped his palm down.

"No!" Bai Ruixing's eyes turned blood red, he endured the severe pain and ran away, but his speed could no longer keep up with the opponent's attack.

The woman in white became dull, tears flashed in her eyes, and she was hit on the back.

At this dangerous moment...

A thunderous dragon roar appeared, and the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds. A thunderbolt as thick as an arm broke through the ice wall and hit Binghe on the head.

Binghe's whole body was scorched black by the electricity, and his palm was less than half a finger away from Bai Lengye's forehead.


Binghe slowly raised his head, above the void, an illusory sky dragon was looking down at him condescendingly.

That day the dragon was noble and indifferent, with only one dragon's head exposed. When the Tianlong appeared, everyone was stunned.

"There is such a fetish around you, and it happens to be captured with one hand."

Binghe sneered, he raised his arm, and gave the sky a firm grip. The illusory Tianlong screamed and was crushed immediately.

A stream of light landed on the top of Bai Lengye's head, Xiaolong flashed out, with blood in his mouth, he was dying.

Binghe snorted coldly, stretched out his hand again and grabbed Bai Lengye.

At this moment, the woman in white came to the front, and after a few blows with the glacier, she was blown away again.

The woman in white vomited blood, her eyes showed determination, and her palms began to seal, ready to use desperate means.


There was a loud bang in the sky, and a terrifying coercion appeared, and the people hiding in the dark fell from the trees with a plop.

"Thunder Tribulation, it's Thunder Tribulation, someone is going to cross the Tribulation."!The exclamation sounded at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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