The last cultivator

Chapter 552 Dilemma

Chapter 552 Dilemma
At this critical moment, someone was about to cross the catastrophe. Many people were terrified and hurriedly hid away.

When crossing the tribulation, no outsiders are allowed to be present, otherwise the thunder tribulation will target you, and you will have to suffer the same thunder calamity as the tribulation passer.

That Binghe's face was extremely gloomy, he suddenly turned his head to look at Bai Lengye, the opponent's aura had increased to a certain level, the thunder calamity was obviously caused by him.

At this time, he can't kill Bai Lengye, otherwise, Lei Jie will regard him as something bad.

"Even if you cross the robbery, so what, the old man wants to kill you, it's just a matter of raising your hand."

After finishing speaking, Binghe left in a flash, came out of the range of Lei Jie, and kept sneering.

The thunder in the sky became bigger and more oppressive. Lightning bolts continuously shuttled through the clouds, and the thunder and lightning began to gather together slowly.

"Let's leave here first and let him survive the catastrophe..."

The woman in white took Bai Ruixing and left here, until they came to a distance away from Lei Jie.

At this moment, there are at least a thousand people around who are paying attention to this thunder calamity. Most of them have experienced thunder calamity, so they are not surprised by it.

But after a while, the thunder disaster still did not come down, and many people were puzzled as to what was going on. It stands to reason that it would not take such a long time to cross the calamity, and it is not the case of becoming an immortal after crossing the calamity.

"Something's wrong, look at that thundercloud, there seems to be something..."

Hearing this, everyone looked up into the dark cloud, and what appeared in front of people was a huge black vortex. The vortex looked terrifying, and staring at it for a long time seemed to tear their souls into it. .

"What kind of thunder tribulation is this, there must be something weird!"

Needless to say to this person, anyone with a discerning eye has already seen that this thunder calamity is not an ordinary thunder calamity, they have never heard of it before.

Bing He was still sitting on his throne with an indifferent expression. No matter how terrifying the thunder calamity was, for him, when the thunder calamity dissipated, Bai Lengye's death would come.

"What's the matter, Daddy?" Bai Ruixing asked worriedly.

The woman in white shook her head. Although she was well-informed, she didn't know what was going on. The thunder tribulation of ordinary people passed easily, but now...


Suddenly, a loud thunder exploded out of thin air, and many people's eardrums were directly blown off, their mouths and noses were bleeding, and there was a scream from their mouths.


Countless people gasped, the horror of this lightning calamity exceeded their imagination, it was just the first thunder calamity, it actually hurt them outsiders, one can imagine the white What kind of power did Leng Ye bear.

Immediately afterwards, another thunderbolt landed, this time, the thunderbolt did not make any terrible noise, it just hit Bai Lengye's head with a faint thunderous sound.

Bai Ruixing's complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to rush over to help, but the woman in white quickly grabbed him and said, "It's useless for you to go there, then the thunder tribulation will lock you in, and you will be trapped in it instead."

"But something happened to my father." Bai Ruixing said anxiously.

"Not necessarily." The woman in white looked at Bai Lengye's position. After a while, after the dust dispersed, a figure crawled out from the deep pit.

"It's okay." Many people exclaimed.

In the sky, the black vortex became even bigger. It was rapidly engulfing and spreading around, gradually covering an area of ​​dozens of miles, and those people could only be forced to retreat again.

"Impossible, Lei Jie won't have such a large area, what the hell is this, it must not be Lei Jie!"

An old man couldn't stand such a stimulus. He had lived for so long, and this was the first time he heard of such a strange thing. What was the black vortex above his head? It shouldn't exist in the Thunder Tribulation.

"Sovereign, something seems to be wrong." An Ice Fire Sect elder came to him and said.

Binghe was expressionless, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said: "According to the ancient records, this should be the Tribulation of Three Gods Exterminating and Killing. There are three thunderbolts in total, and the last one..."

The elder asked suspiciously: "Is there anything special about the Three Gods Mie Sha Jie?"

Binghe's eyes flickered, and he fixed his eyes on Bai Lengye. He saw the confident smile on the other side's face, and that feeling was very annoying to him.

"The first is to chop the body, the second is to chop the soul, and the third is to chop the sea of ​​consciousness!"

"Someone may have practiced one or two of these three kinds, but it is absolutely impossible to practice all three at the same time. The soul and the sea of ​​consciousness are the most vulnerable, and if you are not careful, you will end up with both body and spirit."

"Perhaps we don't need to do anything at all, that kid will die in his own thunder."

Binghe said with a sneer.

"Then what if we pass?" the elder of the Ice River Sect continued to ask.

"No one can cross it." Binghe said with certainty.

At this moment, the third thunderbolt also landed, this time the thunder light was very weak, it fell very calmly, and it also directly struck the heavy Bai Lengye's forehead.

Sure enough, as Binghe guessed, after the last thunder disaster landed, the huge vortex also slowly disappeared, but the dark clouds still did not dissipate.

Bai Lengye stood there with dull eyes, and stood there for a long time, still maintaining that look.

"Is he dead?"

"Maybe the sea of ​​consciousness broke and became an idiot." Binghe said sarcastically.


Bai Ruixing ran over in a hurry, he reached out to grab Bai Lengye, but was bounced away by an invisible force.

"Don't touch him now, he should be in some kind of state by now."

The woman in white said lightly, and after she finished speaking, she turned to look at the Ice Fire Sect's people, took out a rune in her hand, and crushed it immediately.

Just after the rune was shattered, an icy force centered on them and quickly spread towards the surroundings. Where the frost passed, there was no grass growing, everything was frozen, even the air froze. up.

"Get out of the way."

Binghe's pupils shrank slightly, and his figure flashed, appearing tens of thousands of meters away.

Although he avoided it, those who reacted slowly couldn't do it. When they turned around, they were frozen by the frost and turned into icemen.

The frost kept covering forward, and many people couldn't avoid it, and they all turned into ice sculptures, with a range of tens of thousands of meters.

"It's such a trick to freeze thousands of miles, your master is really willing to spend all his money!"

Binghe said with a cold face, he clenched his fists tightly, and the flames of anger gradually burned in his eyes.

The center of the frost is empty, Bai Ruixing and the others are inside, and the woman in white said softly, "We are safe here, the glacier will not be able to break through this block of ice for a while."

Bai Ruixing nodded, looking at his father, Bai Lengye was still the same, with dull eyes and numb expression, as if he was in a certain state.

An ice dragon slammed into the ice wall, but it was useless at all. The ice dragon was blown to pieces directly, and there was nothing wrong with the ice wall here.

Binghe's face was extremely gloomy. He never thought that things would turn out like this. The Ice King's Frozen Miles is very famous, and it's not like he hasn't heard of it.

Once this ability is displayed, these ice walls will only become loose as time goes by.

Otherwise, in order to break through these ice walls, apart from specific means, they can only break through with extremely strong strength.

But the Ice King had already been a level nine master of Dongxu many years ago, and it was very difficult to break the ice-blocked ten thousand miles cast by the other party, at least Binghe couldn't do it.

Many innocent people around were implicated and turned into ice sculptures.

But they also deserve to die, and no one will sympathize with them anyway.

"Sovereign, what should we do now?" The first elder of the Ice Fire Sect asked cautiously.

Binghe said coldly: "Send me to surround this place, since we can't get in, then they don't even think about getting out!"


Inside the ice wall, the woman in white sat down cross-legged. She was not worried at all. As long as they stayed inside, they would be safe all the time, and they could stay there for at most 100 years.

Of course, they can't really stay for 100 years, all they have to do now is wait for Bai Hanye to wake up.

In this way, time passed day by day, people from the Ice and Fire Sect sent people to surround the place, and not long after, people from the Fire Sect also came to the door that day.

Like the Ice Fire Sect, the Sky Fire Sect is very interested in the Nether Fire. Similarly, both sides are also at the same level of power.

The two sects sent 500 people around, and they couldn't escape.

In addition to these, there are also some scattered people. They all rushed over after hearing the news, and they were all amazed when they knew that there was a disciple who might be the Bing King.

"The Ice Fire Sect is so courageous that it even dares to trap the disciples of the Ice King."

On the side of Tianhuozong, a white-haired elder said with a chuckle.

"Now the Ice King must have known the news. If the other party comes here, the Ice and Fire Sect's people may be overwhelmed and walk around."

Another elder said with a mocking tone.

"Great Elder, what about us? Aren't our people surrounded there too? Do you want to withdraw?"

"No need for now." The Great Elder nodded and said, "The Ice King is not unreasonable. We only came here for the Nether Fire, and we have no malice towards her disciples."

"Report to the elder, according to reliable information, the Ice King has already arrived from the extremely cold place."

"Okay." A gleam flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder, and he said, "The Ice Fire Sect must have also got the news, since they know that the Bing King has rushed over, if they don't let her disciple leave, they will probably vomit blood .”

"However, many people now know what the Ice and Fire Sect has done. If they just compromise like this, they will lose face at all."

"It depends on how that Binghe chooses, whether face is more important or life is more important." Another elder laughed.

Inside the Ice and Fire Sect.

Many elders were frowning, because they had already received the news that the Ice King had rushed over.

But they trapped the other party's disciples there. If the Bing King came over, they would definitely not stop. At that time, they would not let anyone go.

But if people are released, they have already released their words before, if they are released now, where will their old faces be put...

For a while, everyone was silent.

"We can let go of the Ice King's disciple, but that kid must not let go. We have already formed an enmity with him, and keeping him is a disaster."

"What if the Ice King refuses?"

"No?" A murderous intent flashed in Binghe's eyes, and he said: "If she refuses, then she can't help it. Our Ice and Fire Sect is not easy to bully, and the Supreme Elder should have come out of the customs..."

In the ice wall.

It has been several days now, but Bai Lengye hasn't woken up yet, except yesterday that the other party opened his eyes and said a few words, then he returned to the previous state again.

"After he wakes up, we can leave, but we are afraid that my master will come..."

The woman in white sighed.

At this moment, Bai Ruixing raised his head and asked, "Are you supposed to be Aunt Mumu?"

The woman in white trembled and didn't answer at the time, but she had obviously acquiesced.

"Sure enough." Bai Ruixing said with a smile, "I've been thinking about it for a few days. My dad probably doesn't have any friends here. Seeing how Auntie cares about my dad, I probably guessed it..."

Mumu smiled slightly, patted Bai Ruixing's head, and said, "I didn't expect his children to grow up so big, time makes people old."

Bai Ruixing said with a smile: "Auntie is not old at all, she is very beautiful, there must be many people chasing after her."

Mu Mu chuckled and said, "After I entered the realm of comprehension, I was taken away by my master. I haven't met outsiders so far. This time I passed by here and saw you..."

"Auntie, can you tell me what happened after you came here?" Bai Ruixing asked curiously.

Mumu thought for a while, then nodded, and roughly talked about the matter from the beginning to the present.

After finishing speaking, the sky was already dark, and at this time, the people from the Sky Fire Sect outside removed everyone, leaving only the Ice Fire Sect members.

"When my master comes, they won't be able to leave even if they want to." Mu Mu chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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