The last cultivator

Chapter 572 The Ancient Castle

Chapter 572 The Ancient Castle

The Supreme Elder was still there, Bai Lengye couldn't stand it any longer, so he sent Fei Long to see him off.

The Supreme Elder looked tense, he knew that he was not Feilong's opponent, and he didn't dare to fight head-on with him, so he could only waste time and wait for his final hole card to come out.

The Lord of Death Castle united with the remaining disciples to entangle Kai Tian together, while the remaining group of elders rushed towards Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye sat on the sedan chair without moving, his eyes calmly looked at those rushing people, he waved his arm lightly, and the Swallowing Beast strode over.

Opening his mouth, there was a roaring sound, and a terrible tearing force appeared, directly tearing those elders to pieces, and the ground was stained red with blood.

There were a few survivors left, three flying corpses rushed over and finished them off one by one.

In a few minutes, these elders were killed completely, and the eyes of the death castle master were red with anger, but now he is being pestered by Kai Tian, ​​and there is nothing he can do.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, the castle began to tremble, or the ground trembled, and many stone pillars began to collapse.

"This castle is about to collapse, get out of here first."

Three flying corpses came over, carried the sedan chair and rushed out, Kaitian Feilong and the others followed behind.

After everyone ran out, the castle quickly collapsed and turned into ruins.

"Haha, you are dead, let me see where you are going to escape now!"

The Supreme Elder laughed wildly a few times, and then he waved his sleeve robe, and a vast force burst into the ground.


The ground left, and countless tentacles stretched out, entangled towards Bai Hanye.

Chi Chi!

These tentacles were cut off by the Heavenly Sword, and cracks appeared in the ground, and a huge roar came from the ground.

"What a strange thing." Bai Lengye said casually.

A huge black shadow broke through the ground, and finally hit the rock wall so hard that the entire mountain was about to collapse.

"Toad?" Bai Lengye was stunned.

It was a huge toad, more than ten meters high and seven or eight meters wide. Its body was extremely huge, and its eyes were bigger than Bai Lengye's whole body.

"This is an ancient toad, you guys are dead, hahaha!" The Supreme Elder laughed wildly.

The ancient toad jumped over and smashed the ground out of a deep hole, its eyes rolled, staring at Bai Lengye and the others bloodthirstyly.

Kai Tian walked up and struck down with the divine sword in his hand. The toad croaked and spewed out a huge mouthful of venom. After the divine light struck, it was decomposed by the venom.

The next moment, the toad opened its huge mouth, sticking out a scarlet tongue, twirling and rushing towards Bai Lengye and the others.

The flying dragon went up to meet it, and bombarded it with a fist, but who knew that the toad's tongue was very soft. After the flying dragon's fist went up, a lot of strength was removed, and it didn't cause any damage at all.

The toad's tongue wrapped around the flying dragon, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

Bai Lengye wasn't worried about Feilong's health at all. The body of the other party was Tianlong, and it couldn't be easily refined by this toad.

"Did you see, your subordinates are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the ancient toad, you are just waiting for death to come."

"Haha...cough..." The Supreme Elder coughed up blood, raised his hand, and slowly wiped away the blood.

Toad kicked up his legs suddenly, and his huge body smashed towards Bai Hanye, the terrifying force caused the ground to collapse.

The three flying corpses carried the sedan chair and left here in an instant, and then they came to the space above Toad's head.

Kai Tian took a step forward, and the divine sword in his hand condensed tens of thousands of divine lights, and finally all of them swept towards the toad overwhelmingly.

Those divine lights kept hitting Toad's back, but the opponent's back seemed indestructible, and he didn't suffer any damage at all.

The Lord of Death Castle continued to laugh, this is an ancient toad that has lived for thousands of years, how can it be defeated so easily, he firmly believes that Bai Lengye will die today.

The toad roared, its huge body rushed over, its mouth opened, and its tongue rolled out, it seemed that it was going to swallow all the Bethlehem leaves.

At this moment, the ear-splitting dragon chant resounded, the toad's stomach was cut open, and then a gray sky dragon appeared.

This day the dragon's body was tens of feet long, and its sharp claws casually slid across the back of the toad, making a deep gash.

"Tianlong, it's actually a Tianlong, how is this possible?"

The elder Taishang was stunned. He didn't believe that there was such a terrifying creature as Tianlong beside Bai Lengye, and it was an adult Tianlong with terrifying strength.

As soon as the huge tail of the flying dragon flicked, piercing sonic booms sounded continuously, and the body of the toad was directly ejected and hit a cliff.

Tianlong rushed up to the sky, and finally swooped down quickly. It opened its mouth, and spit out all the dragon's breath on the toad.

The toad let out a cry of pain, jumped up thumping, and sprayed out venom to fight against the flying dragon.

However, it was obvious that Tianlong's dragon's breath was stronger, and the toad's venom was broken within a few minutes of resisting it, and the dragon's breath burned again.

Tianlong swung his tail and swung it over. Most of Toad's body was smashed to pieces, and half of the sky was stained red with blood.

Tianlong's eyes were cold, his body began to glow, and finally turned into a human, standing silently aside.

After the toad struggled a few times, it stopped moving. Kai Tianling walked over with the divine sword, disemboweled the toad, and took out a huge demon core from its head.

"Impossible, this is impossible, this is not real, it must be my hallucination!"

The Supreme Elder and the Lord of the Castle of Death still couldn't believe it. Their strongest hole card was actually dead like this, and they were killed so easily.

This is an ancient toad. It has survived for an unknown number of years, but it was killed just like this. That means that their death castle is also finished.

"Do you have any hole cards? Use them all together. If not, you can really go to hell together as companions."

Death hugged and blushed, he knew what Bai Lengye said must be true, but he didn't dare to gamble because the other party would kill him at any time.

"Yan Ran, how do you think we should punish this kind of person?" Bai Lengye laughed.

Mu Yanran smiled and said: "Either kill them, or use up their strength, or drive them out of here, and let them fend for themselves outside."

Bai Lengye thought it was a good idea, and asked Fei Long and the others to temporarily break one of their arms and thighs, and then let them go.

Now that the castle of death is dead in name only, Bai Hanye left here after searching everything.

Now, he plans to go to that ancient castle, and that Chen Huan is also very willing for him to be a guest there.

In this way, Bai Lengye followed Chen Huan to the ancient castle, and after about a day or two, they finally arrived at this place.

This ancient castle looks much better than Death Castle, at least he won't keep people out, there are many ordinary residents, it looks like a town, not a castle.

Chen Huan is almost familiar with the people here. Along the way, many acquaintances greeted each other.

Bai Lengye also got down from the sedan chair, because that looked too arrogant, especially in this place, so he couldn't leave a bad impression.

The ancient castle is a little smaller than the death insurance, but the level of strictness is even stricter than the death castle. Five steps, one guard, three steps and one sentry, it will be difficult for ordinary people to sneak in.

Under the leadership of Chen Huan, Bai Lengye came to the underwriting center, where he finally met the legendary owner of the ancient castle.

It was a middle-aged man with white eyes and temples. He waved his palm and said in a cold tone, "Chen Huan, are you guilty?"

"Disciple, Master doesn't know what crime it is." Chen Huan knelt on the ground and said.

"Hit yourself until the teacher is satisfied." The man in the middle said in a icy tone.

Chen Huan knelt on the ground, he stretched out a slap, and then slapped himself hard on the face, again and again, and after a while, his cheeks became red and swollen.

"What are you doing!" Bai Leng Ye coldly shouted.

"I'm sorry, I have to do this, otherwise Master will punish me with more severe means."

Chen Huan endured silently, and slapped his face hard with his palms.

"Let the two of you make a fool of yourself. People nowadays must take good care of them, otherwise they will encounter unimaginable things, and then bring back the danger, don't you think?" laughed.

Bai Lengye was already a little speechless, he felt in his eyes that this ancient castle must be sick, otherwise he wouldn't be uneasy all the time, he thought the death castle was scary enough before, but he didn't expect the real scary place to be here.

Bai Lengye asked the ancient castle to hug them and take them to rest. During the rest, Bai Lengye secretly scanned the place with his consciousness, and found many things he shouldn't have seen.

"There is a problem with this ancient castle, we will leave here tonight." Bai Lengye said calmly.

"Okay, let's go separately that night, be careful." Mu Yanran said softly.

Bai Lengye nodded: "I'll send the flying dragon to you, pay more attention to safety, there may be something ominous in this ancient castle, everyone's face is very pale, it is obvious that they have been sucked out of life."

Mu Yanran nodded, indicating that she already knew.

In the ancient castle, Huggie was talking to a mysterious black shadow, and An's mysterious black shadow was floating in mid-air, as if there was no entity.

"That person, you must keep them." The illusory black figure said coldly.

"I can help you, but you must give it to me." The master of the ancient castle said in a cold tone.

The black shadow laughed loudly, and a box flew out of his hand, and the ancient castle hugged it happily and received it in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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