The last cultivator

Chapter 573 Escape

Chapter 573 Escape

In the evening, the snow and ice became heavier, and the wind was raging. Except for the castle, the outside was a harsh environment. The visibility was very low, and the snow was knee-deep.

In the ancient castle, people have already gone to sleep one after another, only a group of people are still patrolling.

Inside the room, Bai Lengye opened his eyes. He looked at Mu Yanran, who was already ready.

If he hadn't found a problem here, he wouldn't have left in such a hurry.

If it was just an ordinary question, he wouldn't be so afraid. After all, with Kai Tian and Fei Long by his side, he wouldn't be afraid of a few out-of-body masters.

But Bai Lengye felt from the bottom of his heart that this place is full of weirdness everywhere, and the faces of those tens of thousands of people are not right, as if they are being sucked into life by something every day, they are like farmed animals, Being sucked to life by something behind the scenes.

The wind was howling outside, Bai Lengye put on a big black windbreaker, led Fei Shi and Kai Tian, ​​he was the first to leave, attracting most people's attention, and then let Mu Yanran and Fei Long leave from another place.

"Be more careful in a while, I'll go first..."

Bai Lengye put on his hat, pushed open the door, a gust of cold air mixed with snow came in, Bai Lengye looked back, closed the door, and disappeared into the night.

Bai Lengye walked to the dark street, and after a few steps, a black shadow suddenly appeared, blocking his way.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, it's so late, where are you going?" the black shadow asked in a sinister voice.

Bai Lengye said calmly: "I just have nothing to do and just walk around, can't I?"

The black shadow smiled fiercely, and slowly floated towards Bai Lengye, at this moment Bai Lengye could see clearly that the other party's face was a little ferocious, with scars all over his face.

"Do you think the scars on my face are disgusting?"

"No, I think it's normal." Bai Lengye said lightly.

"You're lying, I can clearly see the disgust in your eyes, the old man hates people like you the most."

The other party immediately made a move, and the strong wind swept across the sky, trying to tear the white cold leaves.

Bai Lengye snorted coldly, and the three flying corpses behind him flew over, and after blocking each other, Bai Lengye and Kai Tian quickly left here.

"Stop, no one can leave today!"

Hundreds of people rushed out from the hiding place and surrounded Bai Lengye.

"What does this mean, can't I just leave!"

Bai Lengye said angrily.

"You're right, as long as you come into our ancient castle, you can't leave. If you die, you will die in our ancient castle."

"Offenders will be killed without mercy!" said the leading leader in a cold tone.

Bai Lengye smiled, he had already guessed the consequence, so he was not really surprised.

"Chen Huan, let him come out to see me, I want to ask him what's going on."

"It's ok if you meet him. I'll have someone bring him right away."

The leader clapped his hands, and four or five people flew away. About a minute later, the four people came back, but there was one more person covered in blood.

"Chen Huan!" Bai Lengye was shocked.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the castle owner made a deal with the devil, if you don't go away, everyone will die!"

"you know too much."

The leader struck down with a sword, a cold light flashed, Chen Huan's head fell to the ground, and rolled to Bai Lengye's feet.

Bai Lengye glared at the other party angrily, and clenched his fist tightly. Although he had only known Chen Huan for a few days, he was very angry that the other party died like this before his eyes.

Kai Tian walked up, the divine sword struck down, and after the divine light swept across, dozens of people were killed.

Bai Lengye also rushed into the crowd, beheaded several people just as he raised his hand, the place was stained red with blood.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt suddenly landed, and Bai Lengye was almost hit. When he looked back, a man with a glowing body landed behind him.

"Do you think you are Thor?"

Bai Lengye let out a cold snort, and grabbed it with his palm, a dark cloud appeared in the sky, and hundreds of thunderbolts as thick as arms landed.

But the man not only didn't dodge, but rushed over on his own initiative. After the lightning struck him, everything was absorbed.

The man moved his body comfortably, then he opened his mouth, and a huge thunderball sprayed towards Bai Hanye.

Bai Lengye's complexion changed slightly, and he turned sideways to avoid, just when he was about to fight back, it suddenly occurred to his mind that he wanted to escape from here, not fight with these people here.

Thinking of this, Bai Lengye withdrew his attack, ordered Kai Tian to cover behind him, and flew towards the outside of the castle at full speed.

This ancient castle is not small, after Bai Hanye flew to the edge of the city wall, he turned over without stopping.

But after Bai Lengye passed by, he stopped, and in front of him, there was a black figure with his back turned to him.

"Castle Master, can you tell me what this means?" Bai Lengye asked in a condensed voice.

"Ha ha."

The owner of the castle turned around, looked at Bai Lengye indifferently, and said indifferently: "Chen Huan has already told me that I know that some of your subordinates are very powerful, even the Castle of Death can be destroyed .”

"But now, none of them can help you, and your woman has escaped by herself, so you can only stay and wait to die."

"Just you, you still want to keep me, do you think you are qualified?" Bai Lengye said coldly.

"Can you, try it and you'll know. You are nothing more than a mere hole, and the old man has already been a master of out-of-body experience many years ago."

"Killing you is as easy as crushing an ant!"

The castle owner laughed out loud, a pitch black iron sword appeared in his hand, and he flew towards Bai Lengye with his hands.

Bai Lengye's expression froze, his Death Scythe appeared again, a flash of red light flashed, he disappeared in place instantly, and appeared behind the castle master in the blink of an eye.

Bai Lengye hit the opponent's back with a fist, and the next moment, Bai Lengye was bounced away by his own strength.

"It's useless at all, you should stay here, you can't leave here."


Bai Lengye let out a mouthful of foam, and asked in a cold voice: "I just want to know what's under your castle, what kind of demon is Chen Huan talking about, and why are you joking about the lives of tens of thousands of people. "

"Strength is all for stronger strength." The castle owner laughed and said: "I will soon have stronger strength. I can't lock me out of my body anymore. I want to stabilize the higher level and ascend to a higher level." Becoming an immortal is no problem!"

"Don't you just want to become a fairy? Do you know what else to do?"

"You talk a lot of nonsense, don't you cultivate to become a fairy, or to eat, drink and have fun?"

Bai Lengye was silent, what the other party said was right, he cultivated for immortality, not for eating, drinking and having fun.

"You know why I want to become a fairy, do you want to know the secret?"

The castle owner said with a sneer.

"All ears." Bai Lengye said calmly.

The castle master closed his eyes, he seemed to be lost in memory, and after a while, he said: "The most powerful cultivator can only live for three to five thousand years in the end, and the stronger ones will not More than ten thousand years old."

"How many comprehensions are there in the entire comprehension world, ten billion or one trillion?"

"Among so many people, there are only one or two who can become immortals. Why are there so few people who can become immortals? All of this can only be blamed on God."

"God's will, everything is God's will. Those guys came down and told us that everything is God's will. Let us not resist, otherwise no one will become a fairy!"

"Wait, what do you mean by what you just said?" Bai Lengye interrupted the other party and asked, "You just said that someone told you that if you dare to resist, no one can become a fairy. Can you explain?"

The castle owner's eyes became cold, and his voice also became cold: "Don't you know that becoming a fairy is not something we can control, it's all those people, those self-righteous guys, their mother decides the number of becoming a fairy."

"Thousands of years ago, the cultivation world was not like this. At that time, there was no one to manage it. As long as you were strong enough, you could ascend to immortality."

"Until those selfish people appeared later. After they went to the fairy world, they didn't cultivate well, but they paid attention to the lower world."

"There are very few people in the fairy world, each of them dominates one side, and these masters are afraid that the people behind will surpass them, so they use means to control Ascension."

"I still don't understand." Bai Lengye frowned.

"They control the ascension passage, and when you want to ascend, they will set a restriction on the passage, and you will not be able to fly at all unless you agree to their conditions."

Bai Lengye frowned, and asked, "You're not lying to me, can Feisheng still be able to control it?"


"What do you know? This old man has lived for more than 2000 years and has seen a lot of things. If I don't make deals with demons, I will be like those people. I won't be able to become a fairy at all, and I will die here forever!"

"Now, it's too much to tell you, you can die too." The castle owner slowly raised his palm, and a ball of black light condensed on it.

"Forbidden Immortal 36 Forms, Tianyin!"

Bai Lengye yelled suddenly, a ball of light in his hand struck into the castle master's chest, and the opponent fell from the air to the ground, his face pale.

"what did you do to me!"

"It's nothing, it's just temporarily sealing your strength, and it will be unlocked automatically after a while."

"Let go of me, or you and I will die!" The castle owner was anxious, and asked Bai Lengye to untie it for him.

"Why should I untie it for you? After you untie it, you will kill me first." Bai Lengye laughed.

"You idiot, I have the imprint of the soul implanted by the demon in my body. I suppress him with a magic weapon. If I lose my power, the magic weapon will fail and let the demon come out!"

Hearing this, Bai Lengye hesitated, he didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not.

Just when he was hesitating, a vision suddenly appeared in the sky, and a black light broke through the clouds and crashed into the hall.

"Let go of me!" the castle master roared.

(End of this chapter)

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