The last cultivator

Chapter 574 The Devil Comes Out

Chapter 574 The Devil Comes Out
Bai Lengye still didn't let go of the Castle Master, because he didn't believe what the other party said, and even if it was true, he released the demon, at worst he just left, so Bai Lengye was not worried.

After the burst of black light in the sky rushed into the castle, there were bursts of shrill roars. Many people in the castle were directly shocked to death by this sound wave. Pieces of houses began to collapse. The castle was quickly reduced to ruins.

"Bastard, hurry up and unseal the seal for me before the demon comes out!"

The ancient castle owner roared.

Bai Lengye ignored the other party, he flew forward, and after seeing the beam of light, a black shadow appeared vaguely, that shadow was very huge, until now, only an arm came out.

"What kind of monster is that, is it a human?" Bai Lengye looked down at the ancient castle owner, only then did he realize that the other party had disappeared.


Bai Lengye looked around and saw that the ancient castle owner had escaped and rolled down the mountain in a state of embarrassment.

Bai Lengye shook his head, flew over, grabbed the opponent, and asked coldly: "Why are you running, fortunately you are still the majestic master of the castle."

"If you don't stay, are you waiting to die? You don't understand this demon at all. Its power is beyond your imagination. In his eyes, an out-of-body master is rubbish!"

Bai Lengye frowned, and asked: "Then according to what you mean, that demon is so terrifying, how did you seal it back then?"

"Hmph." The castle owner said with a cold snort: "When I imprisoned him, he was just an adult, and his strength was still very low."

"However, thousands of years have passed, and the opponent has not become weaker. Instead, the opponent has become stronger as time goes by."

"Hundreds of years ago, it already had the power to go beyond the body. Guess what it is now?"

Bai Lengye asked in a condensed voice: "That's why you made a deal with him, isn't it?"

The castle owner laughed and said: "You talk too much, I want to get more powerful power from him, so what about making a deal with the devil?"

Bai Lengye snorted coldly, grabbed the opponent and came back. At this time, the entire arm of the demon had come out, and the rune that sealed him was cracking rapidly.

"We can't escape. As long as it has half of its body out, it can catch you even if we are thousands of miles away. You can't imagine the horror of a demon like him!"

Bai Leng Ye looked at the other party expressionlessly, the castle owner turned out to be a coward who was greedy for life and fear of death, but he thought the other party was a man before.

There was a roar, and the sky was covered with dark clouds. Although it was still snowing heavily, black rain fell on the land with a splash.

In the central region, the demon squeezed out the second arm with difficulty. At this time, the entire sky could no longer see light, and the surrounding darkness was terrifying, and the heavy breath made people breathless. .

Bai Lengye panted nervously for a few breaths, he vaguely felt that this demon might not be simple, maybe he was the most powerful master he had ever seen.

"Yan Ran."

Bai Lengye saw Mu Yanran flying towards him, and just as he was about to step forward, suddenly someone grabbed him from behind.

Looking back, it was actually Mu Yanran, Bai Lengye was stunned.

"Don't go there, she's fake." Mu Yanran said coldly.

"Be careful, husband, the one next to you is fake!"

Another Mu Yanran came up to him, stretched out her hand towards him, and said, "Follow me quickly, the demon is about to come out, let's get out of here quickly."

Bai Lengye stared blankly at the two Mu Yanrans in front of him, they both looked exactly alike, no matter their tone of voice or temperament, he couldn't tell the difference at all.

Originally, Bai Hanye could be distinguished, but now is the critical moment, and he simply doesn't have time to observe slowly.

"Honey, hurry up and follow me, that's a fake!" Afterwards, Mu Yanran also grabbed his hand.

"Follow me, follow her indecently, she is a fake!" Mu Yanran behind him also grabbed him forcefully.

Bai Lengye couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake, so he simply separated the hands of both of them, and said in a cold voice: "You two stay away from me for now, go by yourself first, I'll take a look at this demon. "

"Husband, don't want it." The second Mu Yanran rushed towards him, but Bai Lengye didn't resist, and the other party hugged him with a familiar breath and familiar smell.

The first Mu Yanran was also rushing over, Bai Lengye made a movement to stop, Mu Yanran's expression froze, and her eyes gradually showed sadness and despair.

Looking at the other person's eyes, for some reason, Bai Lengye felt an inexplicable colic in his heart, the feeling was the same as when he suddenly lost a close relative.

"You push me away, I don't blame you, I really don't blame you."

The first Mu Yanran smiled sadly, she turned and left silently.

"Honey, let's get out of here, she's fake."

Mu Yanran in her arms said softly.

Bai Lengye closed his eyes, his body trembled slightly, and then cruelly pushed Mu Yanran away from his arms.

"Husband, what are you doing?" Mu Yanran asked with red eyes.

"Tell me, you are real, you are real Yanran!" Bai Lengye said angrily.

"I'm real, my husband, I'm really Yanran, what's wrong with you, didn't the fake one just leave?"

Mu Yanran rushed over to hug Bai Lengye again, she cried loudly.

Bai Lengye felt a burst of heartache, the Mu Yanran in his arms was no different from the one he knew, they had the same feeling and smell, even the crying sound was the same.

"Why did you come back alone, Feilong?"

"Feilong stopped those enemies, I'll come and find you first."

Bai Lengye took a deep breath, turned around, and saw the owner of the ancient castle sitting there with a blank expression on his face and eyes.

"Hehe, laugh, I am dying of laughter, is this your distinction?" The owner of the ancient castle laughed mockingly.

"What do you mean?" Bai Lengye asked in a condensed voice.

"It's fake, everything is fake, and the woman beside you is also fake, it's ridiculous, you actually pushed the truth away."

Bai Lengye's face was extremely gloomy, and he said angrily: "I know you lied to me on purpose, but Yanran is real, I won't believe what you said."

"Really, then you ask him, who is blocking your subordinates, there are only a few masters in my ancient castle, and see if she can tell one reason?"

Bai Lengye had always believed in Mu Yanran, but when he heard what the other party said, he felt a little suspicious in his heart, and subconsciously looked at Mu Yanran.

Mu Yanran bit her lips lightly, tears came out of her eyes, and she said sadly: "Honey, why do you believe him and not me, let me tell you, Feilong was stopped by a tall, thin, yellow-faced old man. "

"Is there such a person?" Bai Lengye suddenly turned his head to look at the ancient castle owner.

The ancient castle owner didn't speak, he closed his eyes, and after a while, black smoke suddenly came out of his body, and all of it floated towards the demon.

At this moment, the demon had already stretched out his hands, and slowly broke free half of his head. The terrifying and fierce aura filled the whole world. This force made people feel palpitations and fears. Bai Lengye could feel it. The smell of destruction.

"Honey, let's get out of here quickly, that demon is very powerful!" Mu Yanran said urgently.

Bai Lengye thought for a while, then nodded, he untied the seal of the ancient castle owner, and said in a cold voice: "You can figure it out yourself, you can continue to trade with that devil, but the other party most likely wants to deal with it. You were killed!"

The owner of the ancient castle didn't speak, he flew directly into the city, he wanted to see if his people were still there.

At this moment, the demon seemed to break free completely, half of his body was exposed, his whole body was pitch black, and there were two horns on the top of his head, his eyes were full of coldness and bloodlust.

"What kind of monster are you? You haven't retreated quickly!" Bai Lengye shouted loudly.

The devil's eyes swept over her coldly, at this moment, Bai Lengye felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, his whole body was icy cold, and he felt like he was falling continuously.

Bai Leng Ye Yuan turned all his strength on him, and flew towards the sky without stopping. The scene in front of him also changed suddenly. He came to a vast white snow field. There was nothing on this cold snow field, only a handful of The sword sticks there.

Bai Lengye was silent for a while, then he walked up to the sword, grabbed the sword with one hand, exerted strength with his arm, and slowly pulled it out.

Just when the sword was about to be pulled out, suddenly, there was a huge suction force. Looking back, Bai Lengye trembled with fright.

The palm that covered the sky and the sun had already caught up with him and grabbed his position. If this blow was caught, Bai Lengye would definitely die.

Barely thinking about it, Bai Hanye lay down on the ground, and after the next explosion, he left here as fast as possible.

The giant dark hand grabbed at him at a faster speed, Bai Lengye was so frightened that his soul jumped out, and he stepped up his speed.

"Husband, wait for me..." Mu Yanran followed closely behind.

Bai Lengye hid in a mountain peak, before he had a drink of water to catch his breath, that giant dark hand had already grabbed it, directly flattening a mountain peak, it was terrifying.

Bai Lengye's heart was pounding, this demon would leave so coldly, and he didn't know the strength of the other party, and what was his real purpose.

"Take refuge in me, or you will die!"

The cold and hoarse voice spread in all directions, and many people joined in, but Bai Lengye still stood there silently.

Mu Yanran was also anxious, and quickly shook Bai Lengye's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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