The last cultivator

Chapter 575 True and False

Chapter 575 True and False
"Yanran, you go first, I will go to find you right away."

Bai Lengye pushed the opponent away, and he himself flew towards the demon, and the opponent's huge palm slapped him down with terrifying force.

With a loud bang, Bai Lengye was shot into the deep pit, and Mu Yanran flew over in a hurry with an anxious expression on her face.

Bai Lengye jumped out of the deep pit, took a sip, and spat out the blood, his eyelids twitched, he took out the death scythe, and flew away.

"No, you are not his opponent!"

Mu Yanran tightly hugged Bai Lengye, desperately pulling him back.

"Get out of the way." Bai Leng Ye coldly shouted.

"No, I won't just watch you die!"

Bai Lengye gave a cold snort, and without hesitation shook the other party away with force, and said in a cold voice: "You don't have to worry about my affairs, Fei Long, take him out of here."

Feilong flew over and forcibly took Mu Yanran away from here, but it was useless for the other party to cry and shout.

Bai Lengye came to the sky above the castle. Looking from here, half of the demon's body had come out of the seal. His body was very huge, as big as a mountain peak, and his whole body was emitting magical black smoke. The two horns look very hideous and terrifying.

"What kind of monster are you? Are you from this world?!"

Bai Lengye asked in a serious tone.

"Human, you ask too many questions."

A deep voice came out, and the demon stretched out a hand and grabbed towards him, Bai Lengye's face tightened, and the death scythe swept across.

After the power of the sickle passed, the demon sneered disdainfully, reached out his hand and grabbed it, squeezed it hard, and it exploded.

Bai Lengye spat out a mouthful of blood, he kicked back dozens of steps in the void, the sickle emitted a red light, and sucked all the blood he spewed.


The sickle burst out with a powerful red light, and then it flew out by itself, reaching the top of the demon's head in an instant.

"This is……"

A terrifying cold light erupted from the demon's eyes, and it hit the sickle directly. The death sickle flew back and landed on the ground.

Bai Lengye had the intention of retreating in his heart, this demon was really not something he could deal with, at least this guy had the strength to go out of his body.

Thinking of this, Bai Lengye grabbed the sickle in his hand, turned around and ran away.

The demon roared, and he slammed his hands on the ground, the seal was torn in half again, and most of his body was about to come out.

At this moment, on the inconspicuous snow outside, an ordinary sword suddenly burst into dazzling white light, turning the surroundings into daylight.

After the strong light dissipated, the sword flew high into the sky with a swish, and a white illusory shadow stood on the sword indistinctly.


The demon suddenly let out a roar, and he poked a finger at the white figure. Terrible energy exploded continuously in the void, and pieces fell down like glass.

The white shadow raised his hand, as if the heaven and the earth had just opened, the ancient power flowed on him, and the demon power was corrupted by the white light before he got close.

A white light flashed, the demon's huge head was cut off, his lower body exploded, and the entire mountain peak instantly turned into powder.

"I won't let you go!"

The demon's head roared angrily, and then it rushed up into the sky, and the white light immediately chased after it.

After the two left, the place fell into calm.

Not long after, a figure crawled out from the ruins. He glanced around, with a cold light in his eyes, and then left the place.

After Bai Lengye fled, he felt a huge wave of energy coming from behind him. After looking back, he saw that the demon's head was cut off, and then his body exploded. The head fled, and the white light chased after.

"It's amazing, who is that white light, that demon can't even resist a single move."

"Cough..." Bai Lengye coughed up blood, then he found a place where there was no one, and sat cross-legged to heal his wounds.

After swallowing dozens of pills, Bai Lengye closed his eyes and slowly adjusted his breath.


Hearing the shout, Bai Lengye opened his eyes, walked out of the cave, and saw a beautiful figure against the strong wind looking for him in the ice and snow.

That was Mu Yanran. The other party was already surrounded by ice and snow. Her body was covered in blood. As she walked, she fell down.

"Yan Ran."

Bai Lengye stepped forward and slowly hugged him, Mu Yanran cried and hugged him firmly with both arms.

"I'm sorry just now, I shouldn't have pushed you away..."

"It's okay, I don't blame you, really, as long as you're okay, I'm happy."

Bai Lengye suppressed the sadness in his heart, carried the other party back to the cave, and carefully scrubbed the other party's wound.

"By the way, who was I before?" Mu Yanran asked.

Bai Lengye's arms froze, he paused for a while, and then continued to wipe the other party with a towel.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yanran asked.

"It's nothing, I don't know who the previous one is, maybe someone pretending to be you."

Bai Lengye said softly.

Mu Yanran smiled slightly, and said, "Yes, you can tell if someone is pretending to be me, and it's my husband."

"Yan Ran."


"How did we meet?"

Mu Yanran was taken aback, and asked, "What's the matter, do you think I'm fake?"


"I think you mean it." Mu Yanran said angrily: "Back then when our elders got engaged, I ran from the capital to see you. The first time we met was probably at the car wash."

Bai Lengye smiled, touched the other person's face, and said: "Yes, at that time you were cold and Bai Fumei, and I was a poor man with nothing."

Speaking of the past, Bai Lengye also showed a smile, he threw away the towel, hugged Mu Yanran tightly, his thoughts gradually returned to the past.

"Yeah, at that time we were struggling for our livelihood every day. Later, I made some achievements and graduated from college."

"After graduation, Xiaoyu and I were together until we got married and had children, but you are still so cold and living alone."

Mu Yanran nodded with a smile, and said: "You know, I actually liked you at that time, but you didn't tell me, and I didn't want to say it, so it's been stalemate for so many years."

Bai Lengye chuckled, pinched her little nose and said, "You, weren't you thick-skinned back then, but you never took the initiative in this matter."

"I know, if I take the initiative, I will really lose to you."

Both laughed at the same time.

At this time, the wind outside was stronger, and several black shadows came out from the snow, and then they stood silently outside the cave.

"Kaitian and they are back."

Bai Lengye went out and saw that Kai Tian and the others were bloody, but what made him a little sad was that out of the three flying corpses, only one came back.

Losing two masters, it's no wonder that you are not sad, this kind of corpse is very difficult to find.

"Forget it, if you lose, you lose, as long as we are fine."

Bai Lengye walked over and stood in front of Feilong. The other party's expression was always cold, and there was no light in his eyes. There were cracks in the armor on his body, which showed what kind of battle the other party had experienced at that time.

Looking at Kai Tian, ​​the other party is similar, half of the armor on his body is rotten, and there are more scars on his body, his Excalibur is covered with blood, it has been frozen by ice, and it is unknown how many people's blood is on it .

The remaining flying corpse has only one arm left, and half of its leg is broken. It is not easy to walk back.

Bai Lengye turned around and went back to the cave, and had some food and rest with Mu Yanran.

After a long time, maybe it will be the next day, and he is not sure, because the wind is raging outside, the temperature and light are always the same, and it is impossible to tell what time it is.

Bai Lengye walked out of the cave. He thought for a while, but he still went back to look. The entire ancient castle was gone. It was already covered by snow, and disappeared forever in this dead snow mountain.

Bai Lengye exhaled lightly, looked at Mu Yanran, the two nodded, and flew away, Kai Tian and the others followed closely behind.

The two were flying forward at full speed. Gradually, the strong wind around them seemed to become smaller. When they came to an open space, the strong wind finally disappeared, and only a few snowflakes fell from the sky.

The snow here is deep, but it is very hard, as if it has been stepped on by something.

"Be careful, there may be huge monsters here." Bai Lengye reminded.

Just as Mu Yanran nodded, she suddenly saw a figure appearing at the end.

It was a woman, wearing a long white dress, standing quietly in the snow, staring at the two of them with sadness in her eyes.

"It's the fake one." Mu Yanran said.

Bai Lengye looked at him, and for some reason, when he made eye contact with the other party, his heart skipped a beat.

"She's gone." Mu Yanran said.

Bai Lengye raised his head, the other party had already left, and snowflakes fell on the spot just now, as if the other party had never appeared before.

"Leng Ye, who do you think she is? Is she really me? If he is fake, why did he dare to appear in front of us?"

Mu Yanran lowered her head and murmured.

"Don't think too much, she must be a fake, maybe she has amnesia, and she doesn't even know if she is fake or not."

Bai Lengye hugged Mu Yanran and said.

Mu Yanran hummed, and she glanced in that direction again, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

At this time, a few huge monsters appeared, and Bai Lengye chuckled. He was right. It seems that there are often huge monsters here. If this is the case, it proves that there is no There is nothing too dangerous.

Kai Tian walked over with Fei Long, and several monsters were killed in an instant.

Just as Bai Lengye continued to walk forward, he slowly stopped, raised his head, and looked at the towering mountain in front of him.

For some reason, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, the mountains in front of him were moved here by people, not born here.

(End of this chapter)

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