The last cultivator

Chapter 578 Refining

Chapter 578 Refining
"Only the few of us can pick this burning fairy grass. You, a human being, want to own it, and you want to die!"

The leading monster became fierce, and it opened its mouth to spit out a mouthful of ice flames, and the surrounding flames were immediately extinguished, and the freezing temperature froze some of the flames.

Bai Lengye chuckled and stood there without moving. The dragon at the side raised his head, opened his mouth, and swallowed the ice flame in one gulp.

" tastes good." Jiaolong hiccupped.

The monster sneezed very upset. At this moment, Tian Qi said: "Jiaolong, we don't care if you take refuge in this human or not. You can't move this burning fairy grass, otherwise we..."

Bai Lengye said indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to order the Burning Immortal Grass, if you are not convinced, come and try it!"

"court death!"

With a roar of Tianqi, it rushed over first, and the monsters behind it also rushed over at the same time.

Bai Lengye's face tightened, if Jin had Kai Tian and the others around, the pressure would not be too great, but now Kai Tian Feilong is not there, only him and a flood dragon, the chances of dealing with these ferocious monsters are not high.


Bai Lengye shouted angrily, and the death scythe swept away, the powerful force knocked away several monsters, and at the same time, he flew towards Burning Immortal Grass.

"Jiaolong, resist them for me!"

Flood Dragon is suffering and cannot tell, it can only use its huge body to resist those monsters, after a fight, it was injured.

The Jiaolong howled, the scales it had acquired with great difficulty were smashed, and the scarlet blood kept flowing down, staining its body red.

At this time, Bai Lengye was already close to the Burning Immortal Grass, he stood a foot away from the Burning Immortal Grass, and watched it quietly for a few seconds.

There was a roar from behind, Bai Lengye looked back, and saw a monster with snake body and lion head flying over, opening its mouth to devour him.

Bai Lengye chuckled, dodged and dodged, the monster came to Burning Immortal Grass, stretched out its claws and grabbed it without hesitation.

The monster was a little excited, and the other party grabbed the Burning Immortal Grass, and laughed out loud.

"Idiot." Bai Lengye said with a sneer.

"Tianqi, I caught the Burning Immortal Grass."

The monster laughed loudly, but it didn't see that the burning fairy grass in its hand was already shining brightly.

"Quick, throw it away!" Tian Qi roared, and it wanted to rush over, but it was tightly entangled by the body of the dragon.

Bai Lengye had already dodged sideways, and at this moment, the Immortal Burning Grass suddenly exploded, the terrifying force instantly killed the monster, and a deep pit tens of thousands of feet appeared on the spot.

"Tsk tsk, this dead person is too wronged, there are no bones left." Bai Lengye walked out from the smoke, he took out a lot of medicine pills for Jiaolong to take, and the other party's injuries quickly recovered.

"Master, how do you know that the Immortal Burning Grass is fake?" Jiaolong panted and asked.

"I don't know either, just guessing." Bai Lengye said with a chuckle.

Jiaolong was speechless.

Tian Qi's eyes were bloodshot. After he roared a few times, he finally transformed into a middle-aged man.

"Okay, good, you killed my brother, I will write down this vendetta, Jiaolong, from now on, you and I will not owe each other, the next time we meet, it will be the time of life and death!"

"Let's go!" Tian Qi waved his arms and left the place with the monster behind him.

"Master, the Immortal Burning Grass is gone." Jiaolong said.

Mu Yu shook his head, his eyes scanned the surroundings, and finally stopped at a field of weak flames. The previous battle here had destroyed this area, and basically the flames had all been extinguished, but there was still a flame burning there. .

Bai Lengye walked over, he squatted down, watched the flame carefully, and then reached out to pick it up.

"Burning Immortal Grass!" Jiaolong ran over and said.

"Is it burning fairy grass?" Bai Lengye said looking at the flame in his hand.

"En." Jiaolong said: "This burning fairy grass has not yet fully grown. If it is fully mature, it will look like three flowers. If you take it at this time, your strength will increase dramatically."

"Then what if I take it now?" Bai Lengye said looking at the Burning Immortal Grass in front of him.

"Now?" Jiaolong hesitated for a while, and then said: "The longer this burning fairy grass is, the stronger its power will be. If you take it before it is fully mature, it will basically be because you can't bear the power. , and self-explosion occurred..."

"Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it either." Bai Lengye said with flickering eyes.

"Master, absolutely not, this Immortal Burning Grass is not ripe yet, if you take it now, [-]% of it will die immediately."

Bai Lengye said: "I am not an ordinary person. If I were an ordinary person, I would have died when I fell down."

"Protect me, I'll refine this thing, I don't believe I will die here today."

After finishing speaking, Bai Hanye sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and slowly adjusted his breath, preparing to refine the burning fairy grass.

No matter how Jiaolong tried to persuade him, it was useless. It knew that what it said was useless, so it simply stayed here and protected Bai Lengye.

Before the flaming fairy grass flew to his chest, Bai Lengye wrapped it with sky fire and slowly flew into his mouth.

After the Immortal Burning Grass entered, it did not erupt immediately, Bai Lengye created a gap in the sky fire, and in an instant, the Immortal Burning Grass burst out with terrifying power.

Bai Lengye spurted blood directly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and let out a loud and clear dragon chant.

As soon as the dragon chant sounded, the flood dragon plummeted down from the air, lying on the ground trembling, with its head deeply buried in the deep pit.

"It's so scary... What the hell is this sound, why do I feel so scared."

Jiaolong slowly raised his head, it looked at Bai Lengye, who was lying on the ground covered in blood, but the blood was golden, and there was a desire deep in his heart, if he ate this blood, his strength would be stronger. It has increased countless times.

But as soon as he had this idea in his heart, Jiaolong lowered his head suddenly, because he knew that if he dared to have such an idea again, he would be restricted by the contract, and he would not know how to die when the time came.

The golden blood flowed into the flames, and a strange flame flowed into his body along the blood.

Time passed day by day like this, and after Jiaolong felt that the dragon power disappeared, it boldly left here.

While the Jiaolong was protecting the law, a few monsters flew from the sky. These monsters looked very ferocious.

"What are you guys doing here!"

There was a fierce light in Jiaolong's eyes, because he knew these monsters, and he had a great hatred against them.

"I heard the dragon chant, and thought it was you, the flood dragon, who had evolved, but who would have thought it wasn't you..."

"Nonsense, that's my master, my master is a pure descendant of the dragon clan, following him in the future will make great achievements..."

"That's a good flattery, let me meet your master."

A few monsters turned into human figures, and wanted to find Bai Lengye, Jiaolong's huge claws slapped down angrily, and roared: "If you want to see my master, you have to ask me if I agree!"

"Dead Flood Dragon, dare to be so violent with us, and let you die without a place to bury you in a while!"


Several monsters launched a ferocious attack towards the dragon, and the dragon was not afraid of them, its body became smaller, and it opened its mouth to bite.

Just when they were fighting, Bai Lengye, who was in seclusion, finally had a slight reaction, the continuation pages of his whole body turned into golden light, and finally flowed into his body.

At this moment, Bai Lengye's body floated up by itself, and all those golden lights flew into his body, and the surrounding flames gradually moved away, just like a courtier avoiding a monarch.


Jiaolong was blown away by several monsters, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment. Several monsters took advantage of this to give him a few palms, and Jiaolong began to vomit blood.

"Hmph, let your dragon die without a place to bury you today, your master will have to die too!"

"You are the one who died!"

The dragon roared, and he suddenly turned into a human form, with a dragon thorn on his huge fist, which pierced fiercely into the stomach of a monster.

"Dragon..." The monster spurted blood from its mouth, and its vitality gradually disappeared.

"Even if you die, you have to pull a back!"

Jiaolong laughed loudly, he tightly held the dragon thorn in his hand, and the invisible dragon power radiated out, and the faces of those monsters showed solemn expressions.

"I didn't expect that the bones of the old dragon were actually obtained by you. So, the dragon's heart is also on you?"

The leading monster showed a ferocious expression.

"Hmph, if you had already refined the dragon heart, we would have turned around and left today, but obviously you haven't, you are still that little stinky flood dragon, you will definitely die today!"


A few monsters rushed over and fought with the dragon again, but this time the dragon was much stronger after having the dragon thorn, and those monsters did not dare to go head-to-head with the dragon thorn. , there will be a lot of scruples.

However, the strength of Jiaolong is limited after all. No matter how powerful it is, it is still difficult to defeat monsters of the same level. What's more, these monsters are all born with different talents, and each of them is the overlord of one side. Teaming up, unless it is a real dragon, no one will be able to beat the other party.

Jiaolong was severely injured again, blood spewed out of his mouth, his body lay limp on the ground, and the dragon thorn was thrown aside.

"Good baby, I'll take this dragon thorn." The monster laughed and picked it up.

"Bastard, give me back the dragon thorn." Jiaolong's eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed over desperately again. A monster grinned and sent him flying.

Jiaolong lay dying on the ground, several monsters laughed and laughed, one of them came over with a knife, trying to peel him open, his skin cramped.

"Master, I can no longer serve you..." Jiaolong sobbed.

At this moment, there was a chuckle, and the monster that started it was burned to ashes by a terrible flame.

"You just admit defeat, where is your dragon's ruthlessness?"

(End of this chapter)

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