Chapter 579
Jiaolong slowly opened his eyes, and saw a majestic figure, that figure was burning with flames, the flames had no color, but seemed to be red.

Jiaolong thought his eyes were broken, closed his eyes and opened them again, only to find that the flame had turned orange, and in the blink of an eye, it turned black.

"Master...Master..." Jiaolong whimpered.

Bai Lengye suddenly appeared to rescue Jiaolong, and the monsters on the opposite side were shocked, especially the scene where the other party burned one of their accomplices to death as soon as he came out, which was deeply imprinted in their hearts.

"Don't get out yet, do you want me to take your food and drink?" Bai Lengye said coldly.

"Hmph, Jiaolong, let's remember what happened this time, next time we meet..."

After saying a few harsh words, these monsters fled away.

"Not dead yet."

Bai Lengye looked back at Jiaolong, who closed his eyes tightly, looking like he was about to die.

Jiaolong couldn't get up anymore, it was seriously injured this time, Bai Lengye had to treat him personally.

The palm was raised, and a gentle flame burned out, slowly covering Jiaolong's wounds, and those shocking wounds were slowly healing.

About a day later, Jiaolong woke up, and the other party was very grateful to see the tired and sweaty Bai Lengye.

"Master, now your strength..."

"That's right, I've probably come out of my body." Bai Lengye chuckled.

Jiaolong showed admiration, he lived for such a long time, and it was the first time he saw a person who ate the immature Burning Immortal Grass but still didn't die.

That is burning fairy grass, which is transformed into after the death of the immortal, and the terrifying power is enough to sweep away thousands of miles around into flat ground in an instant.

After the two left here, they planned to go to the place where humans lived, because they might know where to leave this ghost place.

It's not that Bai Lengye has never thought about breaking the space and leaving here, but Jiaolong told him that he must not do this, because the space here is extremely unstable, and it is very likely that you will be dragged in by the space-time vortex as soon as you break the space. Into the unknown space.

For so long, many monsters have tried to do this, but most of them left without news. Hundreds of years later, they all died one by one, buried in the nameless void.

Bai Lengye sat on Jiaolong's head, and the opponent's speed could reach about [-] miles a day, but they flew at this speed for nearly half a month.

After more than half a month, the flames here have become a little weaker, Bai Hanye can clearly feel that this place seems to have returned to normal, the flames are small, and the ground is no longer dry and cracked.

While Bai Lengye was thinking, suddenly, Jiaolong said, "Master, I saw a human being."

Bai Lengye suddenly came back to his senses, he looked down and saw a group of people walking together, being hunted and killed by a monster.

More than a dozen people were hunted down by a monster. The monster was more than ten times the size of a tiger.

When they flew down, three or five people had already been buried in the mouth of the monster.

Jiaolong roared, and a sound wave spread out, directly shaking the monster to death.

Those people were stunned, they thought they were saved, but they saw a dragon descending from the sky, the dragon was extremely terrifying, even their leaders were extremely afraid.

Just when people were thinking about the certainty of death this time, with a sound of surprise, they all raised their heads and looked up.

The dragon stopped in mid-air, and on the head of the dragon, stood a well-dressed young man, looking at them with a smile.

"Hello." Bai Lengye greeted them with a smile.

Those people were frightened, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time, because it was so shocking that someone could stand on the dragon's head and talk to them.

Flood dragons are the fetishes of this world, the absolute overlords. Humans usually have no time to hide, but now...

Bai Lengye jumped off Jiaolong's head, and when he walked over, those people were terrified of him, and started to retreat one by one.

"Well, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to ask, how can I get out of here."

Bai Lengye asked softly.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and after a while, a black-faced man with a head came out, he stared at Bai Lengye solemnly, and asked, "Where did you come from, why haven't you seen you before, are there still people there?" Are there any survivors?"

Bai Lengye shook his head and said: "I fell from the snow peak, there is no one there anymore, you are the first group of people I have seen in the past few years."

At this time, Jiaolong sneezed, and those people sat down on the ground in fright, their legs trembled, and they didn't even dare to move.

"Don't scare them." Bai Lengye said angrily.

Jiaolong shook his head, the next moment, he turned into a human being, a middle-aged man with a height of two meters, not to mention anything else, just the coercion on his body made people breathless.

"You see, we don't have one. This Jiaolong is my friend. I just want to ask you, do you know how to leave this place?"

The leading man pondered, he walked back and discussed with those people.

A few minutes later, the man came over and said, "We can take you to the place where we live, but that Senior Flood Dragon..."

"You can rest assured about this, I can guarantee that he will not do anything."

Bai Hanye promised.

"Hmph, if you dare to disrespect my master, I'll eat you all in one bite." Jiaolong said with a grin.

Hearing the word master, many people were startled. The leading man's face froze with fright, he nodded hastily, turned around and walked in the direction of going back.

Before leaving, several people left with the dead beast on their shoulders, and Bai Lengye knew that it might be their food.

Bai Lengye chatted with the leader, and learned that they were the survivors after the great war, and they huddled deep in the ground every day. The food was these monsters. For thousands of years, the number of people has become less and less. On the contrary, these monsters are getting stronger and stronger.

The flames here are weak, so they dare to come here, because there are no monsters nearby, and they have killed all of them, and those who are strong, they dare not go to disturb them, usually they can only find some weaker ones. Yes, after paying the price of a few people, you can eat for a few days.

Not long after, Bai Lengye followed them into a cave, and after entering the cave, he walked towards the ground.

About 2000 meters below the ground, there is no heat like the outside world here, and it is still a bit cool. Here, Bai Lengye finally saw water for the first time. Although the puddle is small, it should not be difficult to feed thousands of people. what is the problem.

Just after they entered, many people ran out. The man walked up to a tall man and said something in a low voice.

Bai Lengye noticed that the tall man should be in charge among these people.

"Hi, my name is York, and I'm the person in charge of these people."

"Hello." Bai Lengye said with a slight smile, "I come from the outside world..."

After finishing speaking, the people around were in an uproar, and everyone was very excited, and York was even more excited: "So, you know how to get out of here?"

"I don't know." Bai Lengye shook his head and said, "I accidentally fell down, and I can't go back now, so I want to ask you..."

After speaking, York was a little disappointed, and the people around him also showed disappointment, and they turned and left one by one.

"What's your expression?" Jiaolong snorted.

Na York apologized: "I'm sorry, we have been trapped here for many years, passed down from generation to generation, and the population is now less than [-]..."

Bai Lengye nodded. He glanced around and saw some children, some younger ones, and the rest were all elderly people.

The strength of these people is generally low, the clothes they wear are very old, they are made of animal skins, and most of their weapons are made of wood, and there are very few sharp weapons.

Relying on these things, Bai Lengye already admired them for being able to live till now.

Then, through the conversation with York, Bai Hanye knew the general situation. They have never given up looking for a way out for so many years.

But after searching for so long, they still couldn't find it. However, ten years ago, a group of them accidentally discovered a mysterious place. The place was shining with light, but the people who entered it never came out.

York suspects that is the place to go out of this world, but because that place is too far away, tens of thousands of miles away, and there are many monsters on the road, so far, they dare not let everyone go there together.

Bai Lengye had an idea in mind, no matter what, he would go to that place to have a look, even if there was any danger, he was not afraid, now he is already a master at the level of leaving the body.

After resting for a day, Bai Hanye took York on the road, while the others chose to stay and wait for their good news.

For Jiaolong, the distance of tens of thousands of miles is just a matter of a while, but for people like York and the others who can't fly, it may take several years.

"It's almost there, it should be right ahead..."

York said with some uncertainty, after all, he hasn't been here for more than ten years.

Although they encountered a lot of monsters along the way, they all dodged far away when they saw that it was a dragon. No monster dared to come and find fault with the dragon.

"There, look there is light..." York excitedly pointed to the front.

Bai Lengye took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw some light, and immediately let Jiaolong fly over and land on the ground.

There was a ball of white light in front of it. From here, it looked like a cave. Bai Lengye and York looked at each other, and they walked in carefully.

Jiaolong turned into a human form and followed closely behind.

After entering the cave, the white light formed a protective cover at the entrance of the cave. The cave was very cool, and some water droplets dripped down.

And they also saw some green grass and small trees. York was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He had never seen what grass and trees looked like since he was born.

Bai Lengye stretched out his hand to block York, he narrowed his eyes, there was darkness ahead, and in his feeling, there was something unusual there.

"Master, I will open the way forward."

After finishing speaking, Jiaolong walked over with big strides, but before he walked in a few steps, he was suddenly sent back flying by a powerful force.

"How are you?" Bai Lengye asked hastily.

"Master, I'm fine. There's something wrong ahead. It's such a powerful seal that even knocked me away."

Jiaolong said in amazement.

"Let me take a look." Bai Lengye stepped forward, he was very careful, and slowly stretched out his hand to touch forward, and after a while, he touched something soft and cool, which looked like a seal.

Bai Lengye took a closer look, and found that the seal was still well preserved, but he didn't see what kind of seal it was for a while.

However, the seal was transparent, and he could clearly see what was inside. There were a bunch of boxes, and some cabinets. After so many years, nothing had been preserved, and it hadn't rotted at all.

"What." York and Jiaolong came over, after he saw what was inside, York was a little disappointed, this is obviously not the way out.

"I'm afraid that these are left by those ancestors. They knew what the world would look like after the Great War, so they preserved these things, but it was only discovered by us after so many years."

Bai Lengye said softly.

"So what can it do? Since you can't get out here, giving these things doesn't have much real effect."

York sighed.

"Let me break the seal first, then you two step back."

Bai Lengye touched the seal with his palm, and slowly closed his eyes.

Five minutes later, his hand easily passed through the seal, and at this moment, the seal shattered with a snap.


Bai Lengye opened his mouth and said, he walked in, opened a box casually, inside were some sharp weapons.

And some other things are some pill books or something, which seems to be left by a sect.

"With these things, you can become stronger, but you can't leave here. After a long time, these things will be used up sooner or later." Bai Lengye said lightly.

York nodded in agreement. Although these things can last for a few years, they are useless after a long time.

Bai Lengye put away all these things, and at the same time handed over the ring to the other party. Anyway, he also has a lot of interspatial rings.

Before leaving this Shandong, the grass and trees were removed, and after returning, they were carefully cultivated.

Since there is no way out here, he can only look for it elsewhere. After leaving some things behind, Bai Lengye left here.

As long as he doesn't leave here for a day, he won't give up for a day. There are still many people waiting for him outside, and he can't be trapped here for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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