Chapter 585
"Yanran, let me tell you, no matter what you are doing, it is useless. Our Great Sword Dynasty is so powerful that no one dares to come here and make trouble."

"The Bai Lengye you mentioned is nothing but a joke to us. No matter what his background or status is, if he dares to come to our Great Sword Dynasty, he will end up dead!"

After a woman with a cold expression finished speaking, Mu Yanran's body in front of her shook slightly.

"I believe my husband, no matter how powerful your Great Sword Dynasty is, he will definitely take me away. Your Great Sword Dynasty has only one end, and that is to be destroyed!"

"Hehe." The woman sneered, turned and left.

Mu Yanran looked gloomy, she sat alone on the balcony, the setting sun shone on her pretty face, she looked so sad.

At that time, when she heard that Bai Lengye fell down accidentally, she naturally didn't believe it. After she saw through the conspiracy of the Snowman tribe, those people actually wanted to catch her.

At this time, people from the Great Sword Dynasty suddenly appeared. They were looking for the murderer who killed the elder of the other party. After seeing Mu Yan, they greedily fell in love with her beauty, wiped out the entire snowman clan, and arrested her come over.

Time flies now, a year has passed, Mu Yanran is waiting for Bai Lengye to come and rescue her every day.

But after such a long time, the other party has not moved at all. If she didn't have the jade token, she really thought that Bai Lengye was dead.

Mu Yanran sighed, and subconsciously took out the jade tablet, but after she stroked it with her hand, her body suddenly trembled.

The light on the jade card was bright, which meant that Bai Lengye was very likely to be very close to her.

"Is it you, you really came back to save me." Mu Yanran called softly.

"it's me……"

A figure quietly hugged her from behind, Mu Yanran closed her eyes, and two lines of tears flowed down her face.


Mu Yanran started to cry, she turned around and looked at Bai Lengye in front of her, tears streaming down her face.

"It's okay, Yanran, I'll take you away right away."

Bai Lengye held his opponent's hand, jumped directly from the balcony, used the concealment technique, and left here secretly.

Unexpectedly, a terrible wave of fire suddenly broke out outside the city wall, and countless flames engulfed many houses.

A roar resounded through the heaven and earth, and a flood dragon several hundred feet long spanned the sky. It spewed out a mouthful of dragon flames, directly enveloping the entire city.

"Bold and evil, you dare to come to my Great Sword Dynasty to make trouble, you want to die!"

An extremely cold voice resounded, and then, a long sword that spanned half of the city appeared. The long sword was so powerful that it pierced a hole in the sky, and slashed at Jiaolong fiercely.

Jiaolong's body tossed a few times, and a huge dragon thorn appeared under its claws. After the divine light radiated, it collided fiercely with the giant sword.


The sound of cracking spread into everyone's ears, and countless people raised their heads, staring fixedly at the giant sword. In their sight, cracks appeared on the giant sword.

"How is this possible..." Some people said in disbelief. You must know that the sword is an accessory of their great elders. than their cognition.

"A broken sword dares to be so arrogant, hum!"

Jiaolong snorted coldly, and the dragon thorns slashed directly towards the houses. In an instant, at least hundreds of houses collapsed, and countless people were killed or injured.


Hundreds of figures appeared in the sky, and they began to seal, trying to seal the dragon.

"let's go."

When Bai Lengye's voice came, Jiaolong laughed a few times, turned around and ran away.

"Where is the beast going!"

An old man with white hair quickly chased after him, and slashed at Jiaolong with a broken sword in his hand.

"Old man, it's my mistress who you bullied, I will burn yours to ashes!"

Fenghuang suddenly stopped, and with a breath of flames, the bearded and haired old man's complexion changed, he stopped his body hastily, stretched out his hand and swung his sword to block it.

"Who the hell is it that possesses two fetishes at the same time!" the bearded old man shouted angrily.

"It's your old man Bai Lengye, aren't you convinced, are you jealous, your grandma is such a leg!"

Bai Lengye appeared on the opponent's back and kicked it up, the old man with bearded hair spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell straight to the ground.

"Old bastard, dare to arrest my wife, I want you to die!"

Bai Lengye rushed down, and the sickle slashed at the opponent's head.

"Haha!" The Great Elder laughed loudly.

Bai Lengye felt that something was wrong, he looked up, and saw a terrifying palm protruding from the void, grabbing it with terrifying power.

Bai Lengye's eyes froze, and just as he was thinking about whether to evade or forcibly attack, there was a dragon's roar, and the dragon's thorns rushed away, almost without stopping, just piercing the palm.

"Haha!" Jiaolong laughed triumphantly, grabbed his dragon thorn, carried Phoenix and they left.

"Elder Supreme, don't let them go!" The bearded old man shouted.

"I know……"

The voice of nothingness floated in all directions in the space, and the palm also slowly dissipated in the sky and the earth.

Tens of thousands of miles away, Jiaolong and the others burst out laughing, and Xiaofeng said triumphantly, "Master, we successfully rescued the mistress, didn't we cooperate well? I think the three of us should Invincible all over the world!"

Bai Lengye chuckled, held Mu Yanran's hand tightly, and said, "Yeah, it looks like you two are full of confidence, but I dare say that the last guy who made the move would have been better if Jiaolong didn't have dragon thorns." , I’m afraid you two will have to join forces to deal with him.”

Xiaofeng scratched his head in embarrassment, and just about to speak, his expression changed, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of flames.

The flame was extinguished in an instant, Xiaofeng let out a loud shout, and Jiaolong raised his head, hitting an invisible wall directly.


Several people fell from Jiaolong's body, but Jiaolong was strangled in the air by the invisible space, blood began to bleed all over his body, and the dragon thorns fell to the ground.

"Flood Dragon!" Phoenix's eyes turned red, he performed Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens, dozens of fire phoenixes attacked the blocked space, but they couldn't break through at all.

"What a terrifying ability to use space, this is definitely not something a master who is out of the body can do!"

Bai Lengye said in a condensed voice.

"Hehe, weren't you guys quite arrogant just now, why don't you run away now?" The voice of nothingness floated from all directions.

Bai Lengye glanced around, blocked Mu Yanran behind, and asked in a cold voice: "Who is your Excellency, why do you want to stop us?"

"I haven't been born for more than 1000 years, but just after waking up from seclusion, I encountered the Great Sword Dynasty in your brain..."

"As the law enforcer of the Great Sword Dynasty, the old man can't sit idly by."

"Little friend, I don't make it difficult for you. As long as you keep the phoenix and the dragon, your woman can be taken away safely. I guarantee that the Great Sword Dynasty will never seek you again."

"Find your grandma!"

Bai Leng Ye became angry, he slashed over with his sickle, broke the opponent's space blockade very easily, and rescued Jiaolong.

"Hey, it actually ignores the restriction of space, my friend, you are very interesting."

"Old monster, you have been pretending to be a ghost, if you have the guts, get out!"

Bai Lengye shouted angrily.

"Hehe, kid, when you meet this old man, you have to ask yourself if you have the qualifications. Can I meet whoever I meet?"

"Damn it." Jiaolong cursed angrily: "This old bastard is just pretending, master, we destroyed this place together, he must be hiding here."

"The mouth is not clean."

The voice suddenly became icy cold, and then an invisible force hit Jiaolong's mouth, knocking out a tooth, and blood flowed.


Bai Lengye clenched his fists tightly. He didn't even see how that person made a move just now. He just felt that Jiaolong had a tooth knocked out just now. dealt with.

"Master, hurry up and use the Tongtian Tower, this is the only way." Xiaofeng reminded.

Bai Lengye nodded, and just as he was about to use the Tower of Tongtian God, he suddenly felt a rush of evil spirits.

Looking up suddenly, a red figure stood above their heads, and Bai Lengye didn't even know when the other party appeared.

"Huh?" The man made a surprised voice.

The red figure looked down at Bai Lengye and the others with an extremely indifferent expression.

"Let's go." Bai Lengye turned around and took Xiaofeng and the others away, but the red remnant soul did not stop him.

"Where to go..."

The people behind continued to attack, but at this moment, the remnant soul roared like a beast, and the terrifying force formed a shock wave, directly destroying hundreds of miles around. A figure appeared from the void.

"You, who are you, you are not from this world at all!" The old man shouted in horror.

The red remnant soul sneered, his eyes were red, and he walked towards the old man step by step, raised his arm, and pierced the opponent's chest silently.

The old man spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes enlarged, and he didn't know what was going on until he died. Why did such a powerful person appear for no reason? After he died, the Great Sword Dynasty behind him must have There are also finished.

After driving tens of thousands of miles, Jiaolong and the others let out a long sigh of relief after they found a safe place to hide.

"It's a good thing that the remnant soul didn't catch up, otherwise we would be finished." Bai Lengye said with lingering fear.

"By the way, Jiaolong, do you have anything to do?" Bai Lengye looked at him.

Jiaolong turned into a human form, with blood all over his body, the other party gritted his teeth and said, "That man is too ruthless, he has the ability to strangle in space, he almost tore me into pieces, fortunately my skin and bones are hard , otherwise it will become a dead dragon."

Bai Lengye shook his head with a smile, looked at Mu Yanran, their eyes met, and they subconsciously held each other tightly.

"Ahem... Jiaolong, let's go, let's go for a drive, and look around to see if there are any good treasures around here."

Jiaolong is not stupid, he heard the meaning of Xiaofeng's words, he glanced at Bai Lengye and the two, and followed Xiaofeng out.

After the two of them went out, Mu Yanran hugged Bai Lengye tightly and choked up in a low voice.

"It's okay, look, I'm fine, and you're fine."

"Husband, I miss the children and the others, and I don't know how Ruixing and the others are doing." Mu Yanran said with red eyes.

Bai Lengye sighed, he took out all the jade cards, and found that he seemed to be the closest to his son Bai Ruixing.

"Tomorrow, we will go to Rui Xing, and after we find him, we will go to Xi Ruo and the others, what do you think?"

"Okay." Mu Yanran nodded, then wiped away her tears, and snuggled into Bai Lengye's arms.



"I often dream of another me recently. She is in a wonderful world, where there are many people, but it is also very dangerous."

"She told me in a dream that I have to find her there, otherwise we will both be in danger."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye subconsciously thought of the Mu Yanran she had met before. The two were exactly the same. At first he thought that the other party was a fake, but now hearing what the other party said, it seemed that he had missed something.

(End of this chapter)

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