The last cultivator

Chapter 586 Unknown Creatures

Chapter 586 Unknown Creatures
In the vast snow field, several figures were walking with difficulty, there were seven people in total, six men and one woman.

"Master, should we wait a moment, the blizzard ahead is too severe, probably no less powerful than dozens of Nascent Soul masters together."

"Okay, let's rest for a while, it's not too late."

Bai Lengye nodded in agreement, his eyes swept over Jiaolong and the others, and finally his eyes stayed on the Sky Opening Dragon and the Sky Swallowing Beast.

After Mu Yanran was arrested, the few of them separated, and after gathering together, they waited for his arrival.

Because without Mu Yu's order, Kai Tian and Fei Long would not take the initiative to save people, and Tun Tian Beast would not come out to Mu Yanran, so he could only stay with the two of them and wait quietly. Staying with two dead people who can't speak every day, almost bored the swallowing beast to death.

Now, beside Bai Lengye, there is the Heaven-swallowing Beast Phoenix, as well as the Flood Dragon and Flying Dragon, all of whom are masters of one another.

After Jiaolong learned the identity of the flying dragon, he was amazed. It was his lifelong wish to become a real dragon. Now there is a Tianlong in front of him, so why not let him be excited and excited.

It's just a pity that the other party is dead and has no consciousness, so he can only let Bai Lengye, otherwise, he might be able to learn how to evolve into a Tianlong.

A few people hid in a place, Bai Lengye and the others started to eat, Xiao Feng was a little depressed, who made this a world of ice and snow, he has a fiery phoenix, he is suffering in this place.

This blizzard was very terrifying, those snowflakes were the size of a palm, if coupled with the raging wind, it felt like someone was slapping the face, with a crackling noise.

After the blizzard swept over, it directly turned into hundreds of tornadoes, flattening many mountain peaks and snow veins where it passed. Fortunately, the place where Bai Lengye and the others hid was hard enough, otherwise they would definitely be swept away .

After the storm dissipated, several people walked out. The outside world had already changed, and there were deep pits and blood clots everywhere, blocking their way forward.

"Fly for a while, there shouldn't be any problem here." Bai Lengye said.

"it is good."

Jiaolong naturally had no objection, he became the main body, several people sat on his back, and Jiaolong rushed forward carrying them.

Except for the snow, there is no one in sight here, no one is willing to come to such a poor place, if Bai Lengye hadn't accidentally barged in, he would not have chosen to come to this kind of place.

He took out the jade card and took a look. Until now, he was about the same distance from Bai Ruixing and Xiaoyu, but they were in opposite directions. He didn't know who to look for first.

But no matter who you look for first, you will have to return at that time, and you have to go to the other side to find other people. The rest are Bai Ruichen and Xiruo, and they are all far away from here.

With the matter of Yanran, Bai Lengye couldn't guarantee whether Xiaoyu and the others were in danger, and the reason why Yanran was taken away by the people of the Great Sword Dynasty was because of her eyebrows, but because of another thing in her.

He doesn't know what this kind of thing is, but it must be very powerful, otherwise the Great Sword Dynasty would not choose Yanran.

Calculating the time, he has been here in the world of comprehension for a while, but he has not seen any of the old people who came from the earth before.

And there is also his master, after saving him last time, there is no news, and he doesn't know where he died. Is it the same as the old guy said, really trapped somewhere and can't get out.

"Master, there is something in front, do you want to go down and have a look?"

Jiaolong spoke, interrupting Bai Lengye's thoughts.

Bai Lengye came back to his senses, he looked down, and sure enough, he saw something hidden in the thick snow, which looked huge.

"Go down and have a look." Bai Lengye said.

Jiaolong howled, and rushed down, Bai Lengye and the others immediately jumped off their backs, and slowly landed beside that thing.

Immediately afterwards, Jiaolong blew a breath, blowing away the snowflakes all over the sky, and the true face of that thing appeared in front of their eyes.

It was an unknown monster that died. The body of the monster was more than 50 meters long and seven or eight meters wide. It looked like a monster running on land. It must have been dead for a while.

"This kind of monster must be very difficult, but it died here, there must be something wrong." Bai Lengye said.

Jiaolong turned back into a human form, his eyes swept around, and then stomped his feet, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Master, there must be something wrong here."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye looked at the bottom of his feet, then he slowly raised his arms, and a circle of flame waves began to slowly rippling out.

Circle after circle, the waves of flames quickly melted the surrounding snow. The next moment, ice layers appeared under the feet, and within those ice layers, there were huge black shadows.

After the snow had melted for nearly tens of kilometers, Bai Lengye finally stopped. The few of them looked at their feet, completely stunned.

"This, those are all dead monsters, and they were all frozen to death in the water. What's going on?"

Xiaofeng couldn't help asking in surprise.

There is a lake under their feet, the ice layer on it is at least ten meters thick, and in that lake, there are huge monsters, exactly the same as the one outside.

"Those all died inside, and this one escaped, but for some unknown reason, it also died outside."

Bai Lengye said slowly.

"Master, is something wrong, should we leave here?" Swallowing Beast finally spoke.

Bai Lengye frowned and pondered for a while, then said: "There should be no danger for the time being, those monsters don't know how they were frozen to death, but there is something strange about the one that died outside."

"There is no wound on the whole body, and it has not been attacked by any appearance. It should not be very old, but it is dead... If you say that it died of freezing, I will definitely not believe it."

"That is……"

Jiaolong took a step forward, poked lightly with his finger, and pierced the monster's skin.

"Empty." Jiaolong was a little surprised, and then he tore a hole out of you with his fingers. Only then did they realize that there was nothing inside, only bones and a layer of skin left, and those internal organs didn't know where to go. where is it.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. This monster was killed by something unknown. It must have eaten its internal organs." Xiaofeng couldn't help but said.

"Yeah." Bai Lengye nodded, and became vigilant in his heart, he had never seen something that directly eats internal organs.

"Let's get out of here first."

Bai Lengye grabbed Mu Yanran's hand, and they flew forward together, they were about to fly out of this lake, at this moment, an accident happened.

The ice layer on the ground was broken, and a moving pin like a big toad jumped out. It opened its mouth and sucked, and everyone felt that their internal organs seemed to be broken, and they were sucked out by the suction.

"Sure enough, the problem is with it!"

After Bai Lengye yelled, the sky fire burst out, but the toad swallowed it in one gulp, nothing happened.

"Swallowing Beast, this will not be your kind, it can even eat sky fire." Xiaofeng couldn't help but said.

"No, but it's mutated, very similar to me, and can swallow anything."

After finishing speaking, the Sky Swallowing Beast also became its main body. It swallowed a mountain with its mouth open, and then slammed it hard at the monster.

Who knew that the monster opened its mouth directly and swallowed this mountain directly.

"I wipe it, it can be eaten, how big is its stomach." Xiaofeng said with a look of astonishment.

"To be precise, it is a bottomless pit. Their ability is very special. Even if they can't eat anymore, they can transfer what they swallow to other places like me."

The big toad opened its mouth again, this time the suction was even more terrifying, it almost sucked everyone in. At the critical moment, Bai Lengye took out the death scythe and threw it in.

After the sickle flew in, the big toad closed its mouth, fell to the ground, and struggled with its limbs.

"What's wrong with it."

"I have indigestion, I think I can eat anything, let me see if it digested the sickle."

Bai Lengye said with a sneer.

After finishing speaking, he controlled the sickle in his heart, and attacked in the stomach of the big toad. As expected, the big toad screamed in pain, and opened his mouth to spit it out.

This mouthful did not spit out the sickle, but spit out a mouthful of disgusting acid water, which immediately melted the ice layer, and large areas began to sink down, and the big toad also fell down.

Just when the big toad was struggling to get out, suddenly, a terrible tongue wrapped around the toad, and then it was dragged into the lake.

"What it is."

Bai Lengye was extremely shocked, and immediately flew away with a few people, looking at the lake from a distance.

The big toad was actually swallowed by an unknown creature. Just now, the big toad swallowed a mountain in one bite, but the mysterious creature under the beard even ate the big toad.

"I don't know what it is. In my memory, there are creatures that can eat big toads." Xiaofeng couldn't help swallowing and said.

"Honey, why don't we leave here first, anyway, that monster didn't chase us." Mu Yanran said softly.

"Alright, our purpose is to get out of here, not to duel with unknown creatures."

Bai Lengye glanced at the few people, then turned and left immediately.

But just when they flew not far, the ground trembled, and then, a huge hole opened in the ground, and a huge red tongue swept over, quickly engulfing the white cold leaf.

Bai Lengye directly pushed Mu Yanran away, and at the same time, he was sucked into the ground by his tongue.

"do not want!"

Mu Yanran was terrified, she hurriedly chased after him, but a powerful shock force came from the ground, knocking Kai Tian and the others into the air.

"Master." The dragon was furious, it spewed out a mouthful of dragon flames, but it was useless at all, the ground had already healed, unless it directly dug a hole into it.

After Bai Lengye was dragged into the ground by his tongue, he quickly dragged him into the center of the ground. Here is a world of sea of ​​fire, flowing hot magma, and that huge head.

That head is huge, as high as a 20-storey building, it looks like the head of some monster, its eyes are as big as a football field, and it is extremely frightening.

Bai Lengye was horrified in his heart, what exactly is this thing, why is it locked in this place, could it be that he accidentally woke up this monster when he was fighting with the big toad earlier.

This monster can only see a head, and the unexpected things outside the head are sealed, so it can't be seen clearly, but just by looking at this head, you can know how big the opponent's body is, probably not as simple as tens of kilometers.

The monster stared at him coldly, Bai Lengye didn't dare to move casually, for fear that the other party might misunderstand something and kill him here.

Although this monster was sealed, Bai Lengye could feel the terrifying aura from the opponent, it felt like it was overwhelming the world.

The first feeling in my heart is that this monster is definitely not from the cultivation world, maybe it is at the same level as the fairy world, but I don't know that it is a terrifying creature in that interface.

The pair of huge eyes rolled around for a few times, and after the mouth squirmed a few times, a pile of bones were spit out into the magma, Bai Leng Ye's eyelids jumped wildly, and he saw that those bones belonged to the big toad from before. .

Bai Lengye stood still, not daring to move. Although there was extremely hot magma behind him, he was sweating all over his body, his hands and feet were cold, and his heart was pounding. He didn't know what to do next.

At this moment, Bai Lengye felt a strong killing intent, this killing intent made him breathless, Bai Lengye's pupils shrank, he knew that the monster was going to eat him.

"Move, move for me!"

Bai Lengye raised his arms with difficulty, wanting to leave this ghostly place by himself, but his hands and feet were not obedient, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move.

The monster's huge tongue rolled over, and the veins on Bai Lengye's anxious forehead bulged, but his legs still couldn't move.

Just as he was about to be eaten, suddenly, his Death Scythe flew out of the monster's mouth, glowing red, and cut off the tongue at once.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Lengye grabbed the sickle, regained his strength, turned around and rushed towards the top of his head.

This magma world exploded, and the monster seemed to be angry, roaring continuously, and at the same time, the sound of heavy iron chains rubbing against each other was heard.


Bai Lengye spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were blood red, and he kept attacking the ground above, breaking holes one after another, trying to find a way out.


Two sounds of breaking through the air came, and Bai Lengye turned his head suddenly, and his breathing stopped instantly.

Two black knives slashed at him, and the hairs all over Bai Lengye's body suddenly stood up, and he stood motionless on the spot.

At this dangerous moment, a pagoda flew out of the ring and collided fiercely with the two knives.


The two black knives were knocked flying, and the pagoda also made a buzzing sound, and then a ball of light enveloped Bai Lengye, leading him out of this magma world.

(End of this chapter)

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