Chapter 199 199. Farewell
199. Farewell
Soon, they arrived outside the female soldiers' dormitory.

"I'll come back to see you when I'm free." Chen Yifan stopped.

"Well! I hope the war will end as soon as possible. When you come back safely, we can see each other every day."

In fact, Zhao Xiaoling knew that there were no major conflicts, but the small frictions on the border did not end until three or four years later, and the soldiers of the Southern Military Region paid a bloody price during this period.

"We can't decide the general direction, but as soldiers, we vow to defend the interests of the motherland from infringement."

Chen Yifan reached out and rubbed Zhao Xiaoling's hair, "Little girl, goodbye!"

He turned around and hurried away with his long legs.

Zhao Xiaoling watched him leave.

Lu Lei suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, she stretched out her hand and waved her hand in front of Zhao Xiaoling, "Zhao Xiaoling, I have already gone far away, I can't see you anymore, you are still standing here stupidly, do you want to stand like a husband-wife stone?" ?”

"Lu Lei, when did you come here? Why didn't you make any movement at all? It scared me."

"I've come early. Seeing that you and Chen Yifan are in love here, it's inseparable."

Zhao Xiaoling raised her hand in embarrassment to hit her, but Lu Lei stepped away in time.

"Hi! Zhao Xiaoling, when did you and Chen Yifan get married? You are a recruit, hello to our well-known regimental commander Chen. I'm curious, let's hear it quickly." Lu Lei leaned forward and said.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Xiaoling wanted to leave, and she didn't want to continue this topic, so Lu Lei held her back.

"Tell me how you two met? He was a cold and arrogant existence in the compound of our military region since he was a child. You don't want to hear about him? I'm afraid you don't know him as much as I do. After all, I know him." He has been for many years."

Zhao Xiaoling really didn't know anything about Chen Yifan's situation. In order to ask Lu Lei about his situation, she could only tell Lu Lei about the time she stopped a car with Commander Luo and Chen Yifan for help a year ago. things, and everything that came after.

"Wow! Zhao Xiaoling, so you two met a year ago, and in this unique way."

Lu Lei has always been a very calm girl, but at this time she still can't avoid a girl's gossip.

"Lu Lei, you and Chen Yifan grew up in the same compound, so you must know his basic situation very well. Tell me about Chen Yifan, his family, and his growth experience. I don't know anything about him. "

"You're right to ask me that. His parents used to be soldiers in the southern military region. His mother was in the art troupe, and his father was the head. Five years ago, because his father had an important mission, he went to the northern military region. Chen Yifan, then He was still in the military academy at the time, and after graduating from the military academy, he was directly favored by my father, and he was forced to go to the Southern Military Region, where he became my father's subordinate."

At this time, the comrades-in-arms came back one after another.

Lu Hongying ran all the way and waved at Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei and shouted, "Hi! So you two are here, and I couldn't find you inside."

Zhao Xiaoling joked with a smile, "Lu Hongying, now that you are a star, there are so many people around you, Lu Lei and I couldn't get in the conversation, so we left first."

Lu Hongying scratched her head in embarrassment, "No, there are a few veterans who are also fat. They think that I have changed so much before and after, so they want to ask how I lost so much weight in just half a month. Yes, I chatted with them a few words."

(End of this chapter)

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