Chapter 200 200. Celebration
200. Celebrate
"They only see that you are healthy and beautiful now, and they don't know the hardships you have suffered in the past half month. Lu Lei and I have witnessed your persistence and perseverance!"

"Xiaoling, without your weight loss method and your encouragement, I wouldn't be where I am today, and I wouldn't be able to keep going. I can't believe what I am now. I feel like I'm going to lose weight all day today. It's like a dream."

Lu Lei went up and pinched Lu Hongying on the face.

Lu Hongying screamed, "Lu Lei, what are you doing?"

"I'll let you feel, are you dreaming now?"

"Lu Lei, you bad guy, I'm going to perform on stage in the future, relying on this face to make a living, you can't pinch anywhere, but you want to pinch my face."

"Oh! I forgot, our Lu Hongying's face is very valuable now."

"Lu Lei, are you making fun of me?" Lu Hongying raised her hand to hit her, but Lu Lei ran into the dormitory with a smile.

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and pulled Lu Hongying's hand into the dormitory together, "Tomorrow morning, we will go our separate ways. You go to your art troupe, and Lu Lei and I will report to the nursing department. Let's have a final celebration tonight."

"I have a little stock, and we can chat while we eat."

Tao Tao, Wang Li and Xu Dongmei are already in the dormitory.

Zhao Xiaoling took out all the snacks and said: "The people in our dormitory, except for Lu Hongying, are still in the nursing office. I will see Lu Hongying off tonight. I hope she will make a name for herself in the art troupe and become a success in the future." It is also the pride of our nursing department, after all, she walked out from here."

Xu Dongmei was close to Li Qing before, so naturally there was a certain distance from Zhao Xiaoling and the others. Many things happened in the past two days, and Xu Dongmei felt very ashamed. Lu Lei, Lu Hongying and the others are such open-minded people?
She said embarrassedly: "Zhao Xiaoling, for the past half month, we have been eating your snacks almost every day. I will buy some some other day. Please come back."

"It's just something to eat, don't be polite, this time it's all my stock, and there will be no more in the future."

Everyone sits together with snacks in the middle.

Wang Li made tea for everyone.

"Zhao Xiaoling, Lu Lei, you two have excellent military qualities, especially your marksmanship. I thought you would be transferred to other departments." Wang Li said.

"No matter what you do, it's all for the revolution!" Lu Lei said.

Lu Lei spoke sincerely. Zhao Xiaoling admired the soldiers of this era the most. Most of them were sincere to the country. Chen Yifan and Luo Daqing were all like this.

As for Lu Lei, his father was even more like this. Not only did he send his son to the front line, but his daughter was also sent here.

If you are not a selfless person, you will not do this. Who does not know that the front line is in danger at any time, and blood may be shed and sacrificed.

Zhao Xiaoling was also influenced by them unknowingly, so she chose the nursing department which is bitter, dirty and tiring.

Xu Dongmei thought that what Lu Lei said was just a kind of self-consolation for having to adapt to the facts, she said in an envious tone: "Although Li Qing broke up with Commander Luo, Commander Luo values ​​love and righteousness, and is still the same. Arranged her in the communications office where she always wanted to go."

(End of this chapter)

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