Chapter 208.
208. Lost leg
There was also a soldier who lost an arm before. He didn't cry, but just sat there for several days without eating, drinking or sleeping. Later, many people took turns to persuade him, but he was indifferent. In the end, the doctor directly called him. It took one injection to make him fall asleep, and only after he woke up did he start eating.

In the face of sudden disasters and accidents, everyone responds and accepts different situations. Some can accept and adapt quickly, while others cannot get out of it for many years.

But Zhao Xiaoling thought, it's better to cry like Xiao Tangyuan, than the kind of person who just sits silently!After all, if I cry, I won't feel stuck and uncomfortable all the time, and I will gradually face the reality.

There is always a time when there is enough crying, when enough crying is enough, most of the sadness and grievance in my heart have been vented, but the silent sadness in my heart is the most hurtful thing.

Zhao Xiaoling saw Xiao Tangyuan crying so much that she brought a hot towel over.

Lu Hongjun took the towel and wiped the little dumpling's face.

Xiao Tangyuan continued to cry, but her voice was much quieter than before.

Zhao Xiaoling looked at him with a childish face, she was still a child!

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei sat aside, and Lu Hongjun wiped his tears. The three of them tacitly agreed and none of them persuaded him, and let him cry.

Crying and crying, Xiao Tangyuan suddenly said angrily: "Why don't you persuade me, just watch me cry like this."

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei didn't expect him, a person who was crying heartily, to suddenly say such childish words, and they couldn't help laughing out loud, but just after laughing, they felt that it was inappropriate, so they laughed abruptly. Hold back.

"You guys are still laughing, do you think I'm ridiculous?" The childish one was a little angry and a little sad.

Zhao Xiaoling pulled Lu Lei for a moment, and held back her smile, saying, "Little Tangyuan, it's not that we don't have sympathy, and it's not that we want to laugh at you, you are our hero! How could we laugh at you! We are very, very I admire you."

Lu Lei also said: "That's right! Who wouldn't be sad when encountering such a thing! Even a great hero is also a human being, and will be sad, so we understand your feelings very well, and let you cry, it's good to cry. After all, it’s such a big deal.”

Xiao Tangyuan wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

He said dejectedly: "I lost my legs, so I can't be a soldier anymore, Battalion Commander Lu!"

Lu Hongjun took his hand, "It's okay, whoever can be a soldier for a lifetime will have to leave sooner or later. No matter how long we have been soldiers in this life, it is not a waste of time to come to the world."

"But, I have no legs. What can I do when I go back? I can't even farm the land. Wouldn't I be a useless person?"

As the little glutinous rice balls spoke, tears came down again.

Lu Hongying wiped his tears seriously.

"Who dares to say that you are a useless person? How can you become a useless person without a leg? You are not the only one who has lost a leg in this world. Others can live, so can you."

"I don't have a wife yet! Now that I've become like this, which girl is willing to marry me?"

Slowly thinking about these specific problems, Xiao Tangyuan became even more sad. The previous crying was because of grievance and unacceptability of the sudden change. Now, she is worried about her future.

"Little Tangyuan, you are a person who has made great achievements. You have become like this for the country and the people. In this situation, the country will not ignore you. Your basic life is guaranteed. And don't worry, you are my brother. I It won't care about you either."

(End of this chapter)

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